24 research outputs found

    Common variable immunodeficiency at adult age

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    Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) is a heterogeneous group of diseases progressing with recurrent infections. This disease should be considered in cases experiencing recurrent lung infection, otitis media, rhinosinusitis, and urinary tract infection. Since it is generally seen in the childhood age group, the diagnosis in adults may be delayed. A Common Variable Immunodeficiency case, which was followed up in our clinic and characterized by recurrent upper respiratory tract infection and pneumonia, was presented to raise awareness on this issue. CVID should be kept in mind in patients who are admitted to outpatient clinics with recurrent infections, who do not respond despite appropriate treatments, and who develop complications


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    Hemorajik şok ensefalopati sendromu süt çocukluğu döneminde ani olarak başlayan şok, ensefalopati, dissemine intravasküler koagülasyon, metabolik asidoz ve çoklu organ yetmezliği ile giden, nadir görülen bir tablodur. Nedeni bilinmeyen bu sendromun mortalite ve nörolojik morbidite oranı oldukça yüksektir. Hemorajik şok ensefalopati sendromu tanısı konulduktan sonra nörolojik sekelsiz iyileşen 9 aylık bir olgu literatürler eşliğinde tartışıldı. Anahtar sözcükler: İshal, ateş, çoklu organ yetmezliği, hemorajik şok ensefalopati sendromu SUMMARY Hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome is a severe disease that affect infants of less than 1 year of age and characterized by sudden onset of shock, encephalopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation, metabolic acidosis and multiple organ dysfunction. The etiology of this syndrome is unknown and is associated with significant mortality and neurologic morbidity. We discussed a case of hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome aged 9 months who recovered without neurologic morbidity and also the literature related with this syndrome was reviewed

    Crizotinib efficacy and safety in patients with advanced NSCLC harboring MET alterations: A real-life data of Turkish Oncology Group

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    Crizotinib is a multikinase inhibitor, effective in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring mesenchymal-epidermal transition (MET) alterations. Although small prospective studies showed efficacy and safety of crizotinib in NSCLC with MET alterations, there is limited real-life data. Aim of this study is to investigate real-life efficacy and safety of crizotinib in patients with advanced NSCLC harboring MET alterations. This was a retrospective, multicenter (17 centers) study of Turkish Oncology Group. Patients' demographic, histological data, treatment, response rates, survival outcomes, and toxicity data were collected. Outcomes were presented for the study population and compared between MET alteration types. Total of 62 patients were included with a median age of 58.5 (range, 26-78). Major histological type was adenocarcinoma, and 3 patients (4.8%) had sarcomatoid component. The most common MET analyzing method was next generation sequencing (90.3%). MET amplification and mutation frequencies were 53.2% (n = 33) and 46.8% (n = 29), respectively. Overall response rate and disease control rate were 56.5% and 74.2% in whole study population, respectively. Median progression free survival (PFS) was 7.2 months (95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.8-10.5), and median overall survival (OS) was 18.7 months (95% CI: 13.7-23.7), regardless of treatment line. Median PFS was 6.1 months (95% CI: 5.6-6.4) for patients with MET amplification, whereas 14.3 months (95% CI: 6.7-21.7) for patients with MET mutation (P = .217). Median PFS was significantly longer in patients who have never smoked (P = .040), have good performance score (P < .001), and responded to the treatment (P < .001). OS was significantly longer in patients with MET mutation (25.6 months, 95% CI: 15.9-35.3) compared to the patients with MET amplification (11.0 months; 95% CI: 5.2-16.8) (P = .049). In never-smokers, median OS was longer than smoker patients (25.6 months [95% CI: 11.8-39.3] vs 16.5 months [95% CI: 9.3-23.6]; P = .049). The most common adverse effects were fatigue (50%), peripheral edema (21%), nausea (29%) and diarrhea (19.4%). Grade 3 or 4 adverse effects were observed in 6.5% of the patients. This real-life data confirms efficacy and safety of crizotinib in the treatment of advanced NSCLC harboring MET alteration

    Adana-Balcalı/Çatalan bölgesi geç tersiyer-kuaterner istifinin lito-pedolojik ve sedimantolojik incelenmesi

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    TEZ687Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1989.Kaynakça (s. 113-126) var.vi, 128 s. : hrt. ; 30 cm.

    Micropaleontological investigation (planktic foraminifera,ostracoda and nannoplankton) of Upper Tertiary-Quaternary sequences, Tarsus region(Adana Basin)

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; Adana Havzasında Geç Miyosen -Pliyosen geçişindeki jeolojik olayları çeşitli fosil gruplarının incelenmesiyle ve sedimantolojik verilerle ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma Geç Tersiyer-Kuvaterner yaşlı çökellerde yapılan Tarsus sondajının 10 düzeyine ait birimlerden derlenen örnekler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekler, 846 metrelik sondajın ancak karot alınabilen seviyelerinden derlenmiştir. Sondajın 598-185 m'ler arası kiltaşı, marn; 182-0.5 m'ler arası yer yer kil, silt arakatkılı kum ve yakıllı birimler, 0.5-0 m'ler arası ise bitkisel topraktan oluşmuştur. Yapılan paleontolojik incelemelerle 15 planktik foraminifer, 27 nannoplankton ve 10 ostrakod türü saptanmıştır. Bu fosil topluluğuna ve birimlerin litolojik özelliğine göre istifte kronostratigrafik olarak 3 seviye ayırtlanmıştır. Bunlar; Akdeniz bölgesinde lago-mare fasiyesi olarak bilinen kaspi-brahik ostrakodlardan Cyprideis' in bulunduğu, nannoplanktonlardan Discoaster icarus Stradnerin karakterize ettiği üst Messiniyen; brahik ve sığ deniz ostrakodlu, Pulleniatina primalis Banner and Blow, Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina (Schwager), Globigerinoides obliquus extremus Bolli ile belirlenen ve Discoaster brouweri Tan' in son görünümü ile üst sınırı çizilen Pliyosen ile üstte östatik hareketlerin etkin olduğu ve taşınmış fosillerin de yer aldığı Pleyistosen'dir. Belirlenen bu düzeyler diğer Akdeniz ülkelerinden Vera Havzası (İspanya), Sicilya ve Tirreniyen Havzası (İtalya), Yunan Adaları, Gabes Körfezi (Tunus) ve Kıbrıs ile benzerlik göstermektedir.The main aim of this study is to investigate geological events aroundthe late Miocene-Pliocene boundary using sedimentological and fossil data. For this purpose, JO samples were collected from a drilling site in the Tarsus region (Adana Basin) which has been drilled through the Late Tertiary-Quaternary sedimentary succession. Samples have been taken from only cores comprising a total depth of 846 m. Between 598-185 m the sediments consist of marls and clay stone intercalations; while between 182-0.5 m there are clay-silt intercalated sand and gravel units; the uppermost 0.5 m of this log is a rich soil. 15 planktic foraminifers, 27 nannoplankton and 10 ostracods species have been determined in our paleontological study. Based on these identified fossil assemblages and on some lithological features,3 chronostratigraphical levels have been described. These are: an Upper Messinian unit, corresponding to lago-mare fades in the Mediterranean area, which is characterized by Discoaster icarus Stradner from nannofossils and Cyprideis from caspi-brackish ostracodes; next, the Pliocene is characterized by brackish and shallow marine ostracodes, and such planktic foraminifers as Pulleniatina primalis Banner and Blow, Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina(Schwager), Globigerinoides obliquus extremus Bolli, plus the nannoplankter Discoaster brouweri Tan; the Pleistocene contains some reworked fossils from older deposits and provides evidence of eustatic sea-level fluctuations. All these chronostratigraphical levels accord with other Mediterranean sequences such as the Vera Basin(Spain), Sicily and Tyrrhenian Basin (Italy), the Greek Islands, Gabes Strait (Tunisia) and Cyprus

    Design of an electronically equipped sailing garment for improved safety

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    In the last decades, various smart garments with electronic functions were developed to be used in medicine, army and; entertainment areas. Some of these garments contained classical electronic devices and they were called as wearable computers. Besides, some studies were done by introducing the functional properties directly to the textiles. But these researches are limited and still in progress because of the durability problems of the functional effect and other technical problems


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    Fetal yaşamdan postnetal yaşama geçiş döneminde, infantın kardiovasküler sisteminde önemli değişiklikler meydana gelir