20 research outputs found

    The negative prognostic impact of bone metastasis with a tumor mass

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    OBJECTIVE: Typically, bone metastasis causes osteolytic and osteoblastic lesions resulting from the interactions of tumor cells with osteoclasts and osteoblasts. In addition to these interactions, tumor tissues may grow inside bones and cause mass lesions. In the present study, we aimed to demonstrate the negative impact of a tumor mass in a large cohort of patients with bone metastatic cancer. METHODS: Data from 335 patients with bone metastases were retrospectively reviewed. For the analysis, all patients were divided into three subgroups with respect to the type of bone metastasis: osteolytic, osteoblastic, or mixed. The patients were subsequently categorized as having bone metastasis with or without a tumor mass, and statistically significant differences in median survival and 2-year overall survival were observed between these patients (the median survival and 2-year overall survival were respectively 3 months and 16% in patients with a tumor mass and 11 months and 26% in patients without a tumor mass;


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    Türk büyükleri arasında seçkin bir yere sahip olan Timur; şüphesiz Türk, İslâm ve dünya tarihinde çok derin izler bırakan önemli bir şahsiyettir. Bir cihan devleti imar etme arzusunda olan Timur, Mâverâünnehr’de hâkimiyet tesis ederek bu ülküsünü gerçekleştirme noktasında büyük bir adım atmıştır. Çağatay ulusunun topraklarında muazzam bir devlet kurmasının ardından Timur, arzuladığı cihan devleti ülküsü için Harezm, Horasan, Deşt-i Kıpçak, Hindistan,İran, Irak, Suriyeve Anadoluüzerine büyük seferler tertip etmiştir. Bu bağlamda Timur’un düzenlemiş olduğu bu büyük seferlerden birisi de ömrünün sonunda Çin’e düzenlemiş olduğu seferidir. Bu seferin seyrini değiştiren bazı olaylar meydana gelmiştir. Bunlardan en önemlisi, seferin tamamlanmasına engel olan Timur’un ölümüdür. Timur, ülküsünü gerçekleştirme uğruna Mâverâünnehr’de başlattığı bu yolculuğuna, Çin seferinde ölümüne kadar devam etmiştir. Timur’un ölümü dolayısıyla sefer yarıda bırakılarak durdurulmuş bu da tarihe Timur’un son seferi olarak kaydolmuştur. Timur gibi çok büyük bir hükümdarın hayatı, yaptıkları ve ölümü gerek çağdaşı kaynaklarda gerekse daha sonraki kaynaklarda sıklıkla zikredilmektedir. Bu kaynaklardan Arapça olarak kaleme alınan eserlerde de Timur hakkında çok çarpıcı malumatlar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda Arapça kaynaklarda Timur’un Çin’e düzenlediği son seferi esnasında seferi tamamlayamadan ölümü anlatılacaktır.Ölümüyle ilgili anlatılanlardan, müelliflerin üsluplarından hareketle onun zihinlerde bıraktığı derin izler açığa çıkarılmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu vesileyle Arapça kaynaklardaki Timur imajı bir nebze de olsa yansıtılacaktır

    Bilgisayarlı tomografi ile tanısı konulan rastlantısal pankreas lipomları

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    Objective: Fatty tumours of the pancreas are rarely reported. With the advent of the imaging techniques, diagnosis of such tumours based on radiologic imaging is increasing. Materials and Methods: Between June 2006 and June 2012, four patients with pancreatic lipomas that were diagnosed by computed tomography were reviewed retrospectively with regard to their imaging findings. There were 3 male and one female patient with a mean age of 60.8 years (from 53 to 67 years). Results: A single well-bordered nodular fatty lesion with well-delin- eated thin homogeneous capsule was seen in all patients. The mean densitometric measurement of the lesions was -76 Hounsfield units (HU) (from -83 HU to -63 HU). The size of the lesions was from 7 mm to 12 mm with a mean of 8.75mm. They were located in the tail, body and neck of the pancreas in two, one and one patient, respectively. There was no associated pancreatobiliary pathology. Histopathologic evaluation was not planned because of their incidental diagnosis in these asymptomatic patients. Conclusion: Pancreatic lipomas are silent lesions, incidentally found during imaging procedures. They have specific computed tomography findings and do not require any additional diagnostic imaging.Amaç: Pankreasın yağlı tümörleri nadiren bildirilmektedir. Görüntüleme yöntemlerinin yaygınlaşması ile bu tür tümörlerin radyolojik görüntüleme temelli tanısı giderek artmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Haziran 2006-2012 dönemi arasında bilgisayarlı tomografi ile tanı konulan pankreas lipomlu dört hasta, görüntüleme bulguları açısından retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Ortalama yaşı 60.8 yıl (değer aralığı 53-67 yıl) olan 3 erkek ve bir kadın hasta vardı. Bulgular: Hastaların tamamında, ince homojen kapsüllü ve düzenli sınırlı nodüler yağlı tek bir lezyon görüldü. Ortalama densitometrik ölçüm değeri -76 Hounsfield ünitesi (HU) (değer aralığı -83 ile-63 arası) idi. Lezyonların büyüklüğü 7 ile 12 mm arası (ortalama 8,75 mm) değişiyordu. İki hastada kuyrukta olmak üzere, diğerleri gövde ve boyun bölgesi yerleşimli idi. Eşlik eden pankreatobiliyer patoloji yoktu. Asemptomatik hastalarda rastlantısal tanı nedeniyle, histopatolojik inceleme planlanmadı. Sonuç: Pankreas lipomları görüntüleme yöntemleri esnasında rastlantısal olarak görülen sessiz lezyonlardır. Spesifik tanısal bulguları olması nedeniyle ilave girişimlere ihtiyaç yoktur

    Minimal invasive fixation of distal tibial fractures does not result in rotational malalignment: A report of 24 cases with CT imaging

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    WOS: 000397812400011PubMed ID: 28467582BACKGROUND: Tibial torsion is rotation of the proximal versus the distal articular axis in the transverse plane. This study used computed tomography (CT) to examine rotational malalignment in the crus following use of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) technique in distal tibial fractures and evaluated effect of rotational difference on clinical outcomes and VAS scores. METHODS: Analysis of 24 patients who were operated on for closed distal tibial fracture with MIPO technique between 2010 and 2012 was conducted. Malrotation was defined as rotational difference > 10 degrees. Operated knees were evaluated with 0.5-mm, fine-cut, 3-dimensional CT scan performed in cooperation with radiology department. Side-to-side difference in tibial torsion angle > 10 degrees was considered significant degree of malrotation. All patients were assessed clinically (visual analogue scale [VAS] and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society [AOFAS] scores) and radiologically at final visit. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 20.00 +/- 9.46 months (range: 18-51 months). Mean VAS score was 2.58 +/- 0.83 (range: 1-4) and mean AOFAS score was 87.50 +/- 4.05 (range: 78-93). Mean tibial rotation angle was 31.54 +/- 6.00 degrees (range: 18-45 degrees) on healthy side and 32.00 +/- 6.24 degrees (range: 10-43 degrees) on the operated side. No statistically significant difference was determined (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Use of intraoperative fluoroscopy, cable technique, and uninjured extremity as reference, can reduce incidence of rotational malalignment of distal tibial fractures treated with MIPO


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    INTRODUCTION AND AIMS:Cisplatin is widely used in solid organ cancer chemotherapy. One of the most important side effects of cisplatin is nephrotoxicity. The antioxidant properties of Proxeed Plus (PP) molecules and minerals provide a significant increase in sperm count and function. In our study, the effect of Proxeed Plus was evaluated histopathologically and biochemically in the prevention and treatment of cisplatin nephrotoxicity.METHODS:In our study, 40 rats were included. The rats were divided into five groups of (CIS), (PP+CIS), (PP+CIS+PP), (PP), (Control). At the end of the treatment, the rats were sacrified and intracardiac blood samples and kidney tissues were taken. Renal damage markers (BUN, creatinine), oxidative stress parameters (TAS, TOS, OSI), DNA damage, proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1 Beta, IL-6) and antiinflammatory cytokine (IL-10) were measured by biochemical evaluation. Histopathological evaluation of renal structure was studied with haematoxylin eosin. In addition, the apoptosis was examined by TUNEL method and caspase 3.RESULTS:Only in the cisplatin group were present higher BUN, creatinine, TOS, OSI, DNA damage, proinflammatory cytokines, and lower TAS and IL-10 values than the other groups. Although, BUN, creatinine, TOS, OSI, DNA damage, proinflammatory cytokines values were significantly lower in the group treated with PP than cisplatin group, values were significantly higher than control group. The BUN, creatinine, TOS, OSI, DNA damage, proinflammatory cytokines values of the group, which used PP before and after cisplatin, were significantly lower than those of both group used only cisplatin and used PP before cisplatin; There was no significant difference with the control group. Histopathological evaluation showed significant improvement in haematoxylin eosin staining compared to only cisplatin treated group than in both groups treated with PP. In the TUNEL and caspase 3 staining, in which apoptosis was assessed, the apoptosis rate was significantly lower in the group treated with Proxeed plus before and after cisplatin than in the group treated with both PP before cisplatin and cisplatin alone.CONCLUSIONS:The effect of Proxeed plus, which contains several molecules of nephrotoxic activity in previous studies, on cisplatin nephrotoxicity was investigated for the first time. The use of Proxeed plus before and after cisplatin has been demonstrated by both biochemical and histopathological mechanisms that prevent nephrotoxic effect

    Effects of proxeed plus in the prevention and treatment of cisplatin nephrotoxicity: An experimental rat study

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    55th Congress of the European-Renal-Association (ERA) and European-Dialysis-and-Transplantation-Association (EDTA) -- MAY 24-27, 2018 -- Copenhagen, DENMARKWOS: 000433059801179…European Renal Association; European Dialysis and Transplant Associatio