93 research outputs found

    Temel eğitim okulları için tavsiye edilen 100 Temel Eserde engellilik

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    Bu çalışmada, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın temel eğitim okulları için tavsiye ettiği "100 Temel Eser” listesinde yer alan yerli ve yabancı yazarlı kitaplar engellilik kavramı açısından incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın amacını ise engelliliğin 100 Temel eserde nasıl, kaç kez ve hangi bağlamlarda sunulduğunu saptamaktır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan doküman incelemesi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın ilköğretim okulları için tavsiye ettiği “ 100 Temel Eser” okuma kitapları serisi; çalışma grubunu ise, 100 temel eser serisindeki kitaplar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma öncesi engellilik kavramlarını içeren bir kelime listesi oluşturulmuştur ve kitaplarda bu kelimelerin geçtiği kısımlar, araştırmacı tarafından tespit edilerek raporlaştırılmıştır. Daha sonra elde edilen bulgular, araştırma yazarı tarafından tablolaştırılmış ve söylem analizi yapılmış, sonuçta önerilen kitaplarda engellilik konusundaki yer alan örüntüler tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın 2005 Yılında temel eğitim okulları için tavsiye ettiği 100 Temel Eser listesinde yer alan 56 adet kitapta engelliliğe dair kavramlar tespit edilmiştir. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın 2005 Yılında temel eğitim okulları için tavsiye ettiği 100 Temel Eser listesinde yer alan bütün kitaplardaki engellilik kavramlarına ait 554 kavram tespit edilmiştir. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın 2005 Yılında temel eğitim okulları için tavsiye ettiği 100 Temel Eser deki yerli ve yabancı yazarlara ait bütün kitaplardaki engelli, sakat ve özürlü kavramları ile ilgili toplam 70 raporlama yapılmıştır. Görme kusuru olarak kör kavramı ile ilgili olarak 229 raporlama yapılmıştır. Duyma ve konuşma kusuru olarak tanımlanan sağır ve dilsiz kavramları ile ilgili 44 raporlama yapılmıştır. Diğer alt başlığı altında yer alan kavramlarla ilgili 171 raporlama yapılmıştır. Topal, tek bacaklı, tek elli, kötürüm, yatalak, konuşamayan, kekeme, embesil gibi listede yer alan grubu oluşturulan alt başlıkta sunulmuştur. En yaygın kullanımın görme kusuru olarak sayılan kör ifadesinin kullanıldığı onu takiben diğer alt başlığı içerisinde yer alan engelli ifadelerinin yer aldığı görülmektedir. MEB’in 2005 yılında temel eğitim okulları için önerdiği 100 Temel Eserdeki yazarlara ait bütün kitaplarda otizm, disleksi, disgarfi, afazi gibi güncel tanımlamalara rastlanılmadığı görülmektedir. İncelenen kitaplarda engelli ve sakat bireyler ‘normal birey’ olarak görülmemektedir. Sağlık-hastalık tezatlığı üzerinden, engellilik bir hastalık olarak görülmekte, çoğu yerde ‘hastalık’ kavramıyla ilişkilendirilerek kullanılmaktadır. Kitaplarda “kusurlarına/eksikliklerine, hastalıklarına rağmen” engellilerin farklılıklarını kabul etmek gerektiği gibi acınılası ifadelere yer verilmektedir. Bu tür ifadeler engelliliğe dair olumsuz kalıp yargıları pekiştirici niteliktedir. İncelenen kitapların genelinde, özel gereksinimli bireyler yardıma muhtaç toplumsal bir grup olarak görülmekte, “hasta, yaşlı, güçsüz, yoksul, düşkün, yetim, dilenci” gibi kavramlarla eş değer kullanılmaktadır. Kitaplarda en sık yer alan engellilik kavramı görme kusuru olarak kabul edilen kör kavramıdır. Sakatlık terimi, daha çok “kaza sonucu sakat kalma veya hastalık sonucu sakat kalma ” gibi tıbbi ifadelerle yer almaktadır. Sakat bireyler bakıma muhtaç kimseler olarak görülmekte ve onlara destek olmak gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. İncelenen kitaplarda sağlıklı olmak ‘normal’ olmakla eş değer sunulmaktadır.In this study, Turkish and foreign books which are listed in the "100 Basic Works" list recommended by the Ministry of National Education for basic education schools are examined in terms of the concept of disability. The aim of the research is to determine how, how many times and in which context the disability is presented in 100 basic Works. In this research, one of the qualitative research method is used. The sample of the study is a series of 100 basic Works in reading books which the Ministry of National Education recommends for primary schools ; and consists of 100 books. Before research a list of words including disability was made up and the parts where these words in the books were identified and reported by the research team. Afterwards the findings were tabulated and discourse analysis was made by the research author and as a result disability patterns in recommended boks tried to be identified. In 56 books, of the 100 Basic Works list recommended by the Ministry of National Education in 2005 for basic education schools, the concepts of disability were identified . 554 conceptions of disability concepts were determined in all books listed in the 100 Basic Works list recommended by the Ministry of National Education in 2005 for basic education schools. A total of 70 reports were made on the concepts of disabled, crippled and handicapped in all books belongs to Turkish and foreign authors in the 100 Basic Works recommended by the Ministry of National Education for basic education schools in 2005. 229 reports were made regarding the concept of blind as a vision defect. 44 reporting was made on the concepts of deaf and mute, which are defined as speech and speech defects. 171 reporting was made about the concepts under the other sub-heading. The group of words which made up the list such as lame, one-legged, one-handed, crippled, bedridden, non-speaking, stuttering, imbecile mentioned in the subtitle. It is observed that the most commonly used statement is the blind expression, which is considered to be a visual defect, is followed by the other statements of the disabled expressions taking part in the other subtitle. In none of books belonging to the authors in the 100 Basic Works proposed by the Ministry of National Education in 2005 for basic education schools, current definitions such as autism, dyslexia, disgarfi and aphasia have not been found. In the books reviewed, disabled and crippled individuals are not seen as ‘normal individuals’. Disability is seen as a disease, and in most parts it is associated with the concept of a disease. In the books there are pitiful statements such as despite its defects / shortcomings/ diseases are used to show the necessity in accepting the differences of the disabled. Such statements reinforce negative stereotypes of disability. In the books reviewed, individuals with special needs are seen as a social group in need of help, and are used with the concepts such as “sick, old, powerless, poor, fond, orphan, beggar’’. The concept of disability, which is the most common concept in books, is the blind concept which is considered as a visual defect. Crippled term is commonly used in medical terms, such as ‘’accidental injury or disability as a result of illness’’. People with disabilities are considered to be in need of care and they need to be supported is emphasized in the books. In reviewed books being healthy is equivalent to being “normal”

    A comparison of the effects of different types of laryngoscope on the cervical motions: randomized clinical trial

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    Background: The rate of cervical injury among all trauma patients is 3.1%. The most important point dur- ing intubation of those patients is not to increase the cervical injury. Aims: In this study, we hypothesize that there will be a minimal cervical extension during a laryngoscopy with the use of optical view laryngoscopes. Study Design: Prospective, randomized clinical trial. Methods: One hundred and fifty adult patients with ASA physical status I to III were enrolled in our study. After routine anesthesia induction, we randomly as- signed the patients into three groups according to the type of laryngoscope. Macintosh type, Truview EVO2® type and Airtraq® type laryngoscopes were used in Group DL (n=50), Group TW (n=50) and Group ATQ (n=50), respectively. After applying gen- eral anesthesia induction and mask ventilation, all of the patients were positioned in the neutral position. An inclinometer was placed on the forehead of the patients. Then, the extension angle during intubation and the Cormack-Lehane Score were measured and the time to intubation was recorded. Results: One of the 50 patients in the DL Group, 2 of the 50 patients in the TW Group, and 4 of the 50 patients in the ATQ Group were excluded from the study because of the failure of intubation at defined times. The angle of cervical extension during laryngoscopy was found to be 27.24±6.71, 18.08±7.53, and 14.54±4.09 degrees in the Groups DL, TV and ATQ, respectively; these differences also had statistical significance (p=0.000). The duration of intubation was found to be 13.59±5.49, 23.60±15.23, and 29.80±13.82 seconds in Groups DL, TV and ATQ, respectively (p=0.000). Conclusion: A minimal cervical motion was obtained during tracheal intubation with the use of Truview EVO2® and Airtraq® types of laryngoscope compared with the Macintosh laryngoscope. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02191904). Keywords: Airtraq®, airway management, intratracheal equipment, intubation, Macintosh, Truview EVO2&reg

    Surgical and Prosthetic Management of a Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma In a 5-Year-Old Child: A Clinical Report

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    Juvenile ossifying fibroma (JOF) is a rare and benign fibro-osseous lesion of the craniofacial skeleton commonly seen in children under 15 years of age. Despite being classified as benign, JOF lesions are aggressive in nature and reach large dimensions in a short period of time. Thus, their resections may cause large orofacial defects which have serious detrimental effects on the functional and nutritional requirements of pediatric patients being in the period of growth. Therefore, its early diagnosis and proper surgical and prosthetic management are of vital importance for the survival of patients. However, no detailed reports in the literature describe the prosthetic management of large intraoral defects in pediatric patients under 10 years old

    Novel 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives as Antibiofilm, Antimicrobial, Efflux Pump Inhibiting Agents and Their ADMET Characterizations

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    In this study, 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives were obtained from the reaction of benzophenone-4,4'-dicarboxylic acid and N-substitute-thiosemicarbazide compounds with each other. After the synthesis of the final products, some biological properties of these compounds such as antibiofilm, antimicrobial and efflux pump inhibiting efficiencies were evaluated. According to the MBC/MFC test, all the activities were found to be bacteriostatic, also, especially the biofilm inhibition activity of C1 against K. pneumoniae is noteworthy. In addition, C4 was observed to exhibit efflux pump inhibition activity in E. coli, whereas C2 and C3 in K. pneumoniae. The absorption and emission values of the molecules were obtained and electrochemical studies were performed. In addition; absorption, metabolism, distribution, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) scores were predicted using the pharmacokinetic properties of all 1,3,4-thiadiazole compounds. Finally, the electrochemical stabilities of the synthesized molecules have been analyzed by using cyclic voltammetry in 0.1 M TBAPF6 in DMSO as a supporting electrolyte

    Assessment the effect of diabetes education on self-care behaviors and glycemic control in the Turkey Nursing Diabetes Education Evaluating Project (TURNUDEP): a multi-center study

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    Background: Diabetes education in Turkey is provided by diabetes nurse educators in almost all healthcare organizations. However, the education is not standardized in terms of learning content, duration, and methods. This multi-center study was performed to assess the self-care behaviors and glycemic control following education provided to the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by diabetes nurse educators. Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study and included 1535 patients admitted to 28 public hospitals for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The education was assessed by using a Patient Identification Form and Self-care Scale. Results: The proportion of individuals who received diabetes education within the last year was 78.5%, with 46.7% of them having received it once. Of the patients, 84.8% reported that they received diabetes education individually. It was found that the proportion of individuals who received education about oral antidiabetics (78.5%) and glucose testing at home (78.5%) was higher than the proportion of individuals who received education about exercise (58.8%) and foot care (61.6%). The status of diabetes education, education intervals, and the correlation of the education method with self-care and glycemic control was evaluated. Self-care and glycemic control levels were better among the patients who received diabetes education thrice or more and in patients who received education both individually and in a group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Approximately three-quarters of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus received education by diabetes nurse educators in Turkey. Diabetes education is positively correlated with self-care and glycemic control levels among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Efforts for generalization and standardized education for all diabetes patients are necessary. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Osmanlı Dönemi (19 ve 20. yüzyıllar) Irak vilâyetlerinde sulama projeleri: Sir William Willcocks ve Sir John Jackson Şirketi’nin faaliyetleri

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    Çalışmamızda, Osmanlı Devleti’nin önemli bölgelerinden biri olan Irak’ta 19. ve 20. yüzyıllarda yürütülen sulama projeleri ve projelerde aktif rol oynayan Sir William Willcocks ve Sir John Jackson şirketinin faaliyetlerine yer verilmiştir. I. Dünya Savaşı’na giden süreçte önemli kilometre taşlarından olan Irak’taki imtiyaz yarışının, önemli bir bölümünü de sulama projeleri oluşturdu. 1903 yılından itibaren Osmanlı Irak’ı ile ilgilenmeye başlayan ünlü su mühendisi Sir William Willcocks, yaptığı çalışmalar ve bölgeyi ziyaretleriyle epeyce gündemi meşgul etti. 1908 yılından itibaren Osmanlı Devleti’nde “Danışman Mühendis” sıfatıyla görev alan Willcocks, yaptığı projeler, çizdiği haritalar ve gizliden gerçekleştirdiği faaliyetlerle İngiltere adına bölgede etkinlik sağladı. Willcocks’un yaptığı projelerden biri olan Hindiye Barajı ise yine bir İngiliz firması olan Sir John Jackson tarafından inşa edilerek hayata geçirildi. Proje, Osmanlı Devleti’ne oldukça pahalıya, 20 milyon pound’a mal oldu. Ancak I. Dünya Savaşı’yla birlikte harcanan emekler boşa gitti. Willcocks’un faaliyetleri sırasında Irak ve nehirlerle ile ilgili hazırladığı harita, belge ve raporlar ise, İngilizlerin Irak’ı işgali sırasında çok önemli kolaylıklar sağlamıştır.--------------------Our study handles the irrigation projects which were conducted in Iraq, an important region of the Ottoman Empire, during the 19th and 20th centuries and the activities of the Sir William Willcocks and Sir John Jackson company that played an active role in the projects. An important part of the privilege competition in Iraq which was one of the important milestones in the process leading to the First World War was irrigation projects. Sir William Willcocks, a famous water engineer who began to have an interest in the Ottoman’s Iraq as from 1903 had remained on the agenda for a long time with his works and also his visits to the region. Assigned in the Ottoman Empire as a “Consultant Engineer” since 1908; Willcocks brought an activeness into the region in the name of England with his projects, maps and activities that he carried out in secret. One of Willcocks’ projects, the Hindiya Barrage was also constructed and carried into effect by Sir John Jackson, English company. The project costed the Ottoman Empire 20 million pounds. However, all the efforts that had been made so far were wasted because of the First World War. On the other hand, the maps, documents and reports regarding Iraq and rivers during Willcocks’ activities provided great conveniences during the English occupation in Iraq

    The effect of foot reflexology applied to neonates before oro/nasopharyngeal suctioning on procedural pain and comfort in the neonatal intensive care unit

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    Introduction and aim. This study was performed to examine the effect of foot reflexology applied to the neonates on the level of pain and discomfort developed due to suctioning procedure. Material and methods. The study was conducted experimentally by taking pretest and repeated measurements on reflexology and control groups determined by simple randomization. The study was carried out with 66 neonates (reflexology applied: 33 and control group: 33). Neonatal Information Form, Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) and Newborn Comfort Behavior Scale (NCBS) were used as the data collection tools. Results. The during (p<0.001) and after suctioning (p<0.001), the NIPS scores of the neonates in the intervention group was statistically lower than the control group. The NCBS scores of the neonates in the intervention group during (p<0.001), and after suctioning (p<0.001), were statistically significantly lower than the control group. Conclusion. It was concluded that foot reflexology applied to neonates was effective both in reducing pain during and after the suctioning and in increasing comfort during and after the suctioning

    A Safe Haven After Failed Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Dentures: Hybrid Prostheses - A Clinical Report

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    Despite the over 90%10-year survival rate of the dental implants, clinicians frequently encounter challenging cases with failed implant therapy. The vast majority of these cases are associated with poor treatment planning, and poor administration of the chosen treatment. In this case report, treatment procedures of a patient with the complaints of severe pain and nasal discharge which diagnosed to relate with the unsuccessful implant treatment was presented. The endoscopic examination revealed a fistula formation at the base of the nasal cavity generated from the implants placed in the premaxilla. The restorations were removed, the implants were explanted, and the surgical site was grafted. 6 months after the procedure, 6 implants were placed, and the patient was tre-ated with a metal-porcelain hybrid prosthesis following the osseointegration phase

    An in-depth look to the process of student teaching through the eyes of candidate teachers

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    Problem Statement: Student teaching experience provides pre-service teachers with rich opportunities for integrating their theoretical knowledge base, teaching abilities and attitudes into teaching practice. While faculty supervisors and mentor teachers' view of student teaching process can maximize the professional development of candidates, it may also lead candidates' pre existing sources of stress to become problems.Purpose: This study aims to provide an in-depth description of the student teachers' experiences in K-5 schools during their practicum. By examining student teaching process through the eyes of student teachers, the study attempts to demonstrate the student teachers' experiences in depth and contribute to the teacher education literature.Methods: A qualitative case study research design was utilized. Participants were a total of 11 student teachers majoring in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education and eight practicum teachers. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and field notes and treated using the technique of content analysis.Findings: Emerging themes in this study were: (1) action, (2) professional sociability, and (3) supervision. The first emergent theme indicated that student teachers struggle to prove their existence in the classroom. Second emergent theme revealed that student teachers mainly felt disengaged and challenged to establish professional relationships with mentor teachers and others in schools. The last emergent theme was consisted of constructive, destructive, and inadequate supervisions.Recommendations: In order to overcome the aforementioned challenges; (a) adequate faculty and school collaboration; (b) establishing communication network among the stakeholders; and (c) regular seminars and reflective journal keeping were suggested