128 research outputs found

    Çeviri belleklerindeki farklı derecelerdeki bulanık eşleşmelerin çevirmenin çabasına etkisi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.eknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte bilgisayar destekli çeviri araçları hızla yaygınlaşmaktadır. BDÇ araçlarından olan çeviri bellekleri, çeviri yaparken çevirmenin harcadığı çabayı azaltmasına yardımcı olan, daha önce çevrilmiş metinlerin kaynak metinlerle bir arada tutulduğu çeviriye yardımcı bir araçtır. Çevrilmesi gereken metinle daha önceden çevrilmiş metinleri karşılaştıran çeviri bellekleri, çevirmenlere farklı eşleşme oranlarına sahip önerilerde bulunarak çevirmenlerin daha tutarlı ve daha hızlı çeviri yapmasını sağlamaktadır. Ancak çeviri belleklerinin çevirmenin harcadığı çabayı azalttığı varsayımı, çeviri piyasasında bulanık eşleşme oranına göre belli indirimler yapılmasını yaygınlaştıran ve çevirmenlerin adil bulmadığı bir uygulamaya yol açmıştır. Bu araştırma, çevirmenlerin çeviri belleklerinde yer alan farklı türdeki eşleşmeleri çevirirken harcadıkları çabaya odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı çevirmenlerin harcadıkları çabanın bulanık eşleşme oranıyla değişip değişmediğini ortaya koymaktır. Toplam 14 katılımcı, İngilizceden Türkçeye ve tersi yönde 190 kelimelik iki teknik metni çevirmiştir. Çevirmenlerin çeviri deneylerindeki çabaları ölçülmüştür. Bunun için Krings'in zamansal, fiziksel ve bilişsel çaba kavramları (1986; 2001) ve O'Brien'ın (2008) öznel çaba kavramları ile çevirmenin çabası işlemleştirilmiştir. Zamansal çaba çevirmenin çeviri süresi, fiziksel çaba Levenshtein mesafesi, bilişsel çaba odaklanma sayısı ve ortalama odaklanma süresi ve öznel çaba da düzeltme çabası üzerinden hesaplanmıştır. Veri üçlemesi yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada ayrıca, katılımcılarla mülakat yapılmıştır. Nitel veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle, nicel veriler ise IBM SPSS Statistics programı üzerinden korelasyon analiziyle incelenmiştir. Katılımcı düzeyinde çevirmenlerin harcadıkları çabanın eşleşme oranına göre değişmediği bulunmuştur. Ancak grup düzeyinde, eşleşme oranı arttıkça, her iki çeviri yönünde de, tüm çaba türlerinde harcanan çaba azalmaktadır. Buna ek olarak, mülakatlar sonuçlarına göre, katılımcıların çeviri bellekleri ve indirim talepleri konusunda hemfikir olmadığı görülmüştür.Technological developments have rapidly made computer-assisted translation tools widespread. Translation memories, one of the computer-assisted translation tools, store previous translations aligned to the source texts. By comparing the current source text with the previous source texts and translations, translation memories suggest translations at different rates of similarity. Thus, they make translation faster and more consistent. In addition, translation memories also decrease the effort of translators. However, the assumption that translation memories decrease the effort of translators has led to a discount scheme in the translation market. According to this discount scheme, the higher the fuzzy match ratio is, the less payment is given to the translators. This discount scheme has been frequently criticized by the translators as unfair. This study focuses on the effort that translators spend while translating different types of matches in translation memories. The aim of the study is to determine whether the effort of the translators is changing with the fuzzy matching rate. A total of 14 participants translated two technical texts of approximately 190 words from English to Turkish and vice versa. The efforts of translators in translation experiments were measured. In order to operationalize the effort concept, Krings' notions of temporal, physical and cognitive effort (1986; 2001) and O'Brien's (2008) concept of subjective effort have been employed. The temporal effort was calculated based on the translation time; Levenshtein distance was employed to calculate the physical effort. In order to calculate the cognitive effort, the number of fixations and the duration of average fixation were measured. Subjective effort was measured via the editing effort of the subjects. Employing the data triangulation method, the study also employed the qualitative method of interviews with the participants. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis method and quantitative data were analyzed by correlation analysis via IBM SPSS Statistics program. It was found that the effort of translators at the participant level did not change according to the fuzzy match ratio. At the group level, however, as the match ratio increases, the effort decreases in both translation directions. In addition, according to the results of the interviews, it was seen that the participants did not agree on the translation memory and the demand for discounts

    Censorship on visual arts and its political implications in contemporary Turkey: four case studies from 2002-2009

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    Debates on art censorship often have proved to offer a fertile ground for research on the issues of art, autonomy and freedom. Through an analysis of four case studies, this study aims to offer an analytical survey on censorship on visual arts in Istanbul from the recent historical context of 2002 – 2009, during the rule of recent Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (AKP – Justice and Development Party) government. The selected cases are situated within the framework of modernization, political Islam and Kemalism and are analysed as cultural expressions of the contemporary Turkish political scene. The cases are selected according to the variety and the possibilities offered by the censorship mechanisms as well as the positioning of the artists within the processes. Interviews with the artists discuss (a) the norms of censorship; (b) the engagements of the artists within the processes; (c) self-censorship; (d) the censors’ justifications for each case. The research suggests that although recent censorship on visual arts in Turkey always reflects a specific socio-cultural context, the general formulation of censorship has its roots in moral justifications, in both political Islam and the state nationalism, as a response directed against the representators of any kind of perceived oppositon in its political and social sense

    Basic competencies of instructional technologists

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    AbstractThe definition and competencies of an instructional technologist as the practitioner of instructional technologies have changed based on the changes in the definition of instructional technologies. The scope of instructional technologies changes and expands in line with the innovations and new thoughts, and so do the competencies of an instructional technologist. This study reviews the related literature and has a descriptive research design. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance of determining the competencies of an instructional technologist and to try to frame basic competencies of an instructional technologist

    Yenilik- Karar Sürecinde Öğretmenlerin Kullandıkları İletişim Kanalları

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    Nowadays, many innovations and technological advancement find a place in every area of individuals’ daily lives, especially in the field of education. The fact that such innovations and technologies are available in physical educational environments is not enough for an effective technology integration process alone. In addition to bringing innovation and technologies to the teaching environment, teachers should also be developed with regards to the relevant competencies regarding how to use these innovations. In this context, pre-service and in-service trainings are organized in order to provide teachers with information regarding new technologies. However, it is seen that the information flow through these channels alone is not enough for teachers to adopt the newly emerging technologies. At this point, it is important to find out alternative communication channels that teachers can use in the innovation-decision process. The relevant literature needs new research to find out the communication channels that teachers use in obtaining knowledge, developing an attitude and making decisions about the innovation. Within the scope of this study, it is accepted that the Education Information Network (EBA), which was recently developed by the Ministry of Education and continued to update itself continuously in the process, has been recognized as an innovation for teachers. The aim of this study was to find out the stages of teachers' innovation-decision process regarding innovations and the communication channels that they used in this process. The participants of the study consisted of 489 teachers working at primary, secondary and high school levels in the city centre of Çanakkale province in the 2017-2018 academic year. Survey and correlational research models were used. The data were collected with the use of the data collection tool developed by the researchers. The data were analysed by using SPSS 21 package program and descriptive statistics (percentage and frequency) and chi-square test for two variables were performed. As a result of the research, it was concluded that most of the teachers were at the implementation and confirmation stage in the innovation-decision process for EBA. However, at each stage of the innovation-decision process for EBA, it was found out that teachers used the interpersonal channels and interactive internet tools functionally. While obtaining knowledge, developing attitudes and making decisions towards EBA, participant teachers were found to use face-to-face meetings, EBA website and educational websites channels functionally at all stages of the innovation-decision process. In addition, it was concluded that the relationship between the teachers’ usage rate of functional communication channels and the type of school in which teachers worked was different at some stages of the innovation-decision process. It is recommended that "interactive internet channels” (such as educational sites) be used more priority in reaching teachers in the process of diffusion of innovation.Günümüzde birçok yenilik ve teknoloji başta eğitim alanı olmak üzere bireylerin günlük yaşamlarının her alanında kendine yer bulmaktadır. Bu yenilik ve teknolojilerin fiziksel olarak eğitim ortamlarında bulunması etkili bir teknoloji entegrasyonu süreci için tek başına yeterli değildir. Yenilik ve teknolojilerin öğretim ortamına kazandırılmasının yanında öğretmenlerin bu yeniliklere yönelik yeterlikler çerçevesinde geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda, öğretmenlere yeni teknolojilere yönelik bilgiler kazandırmak amacıyla hizmet öncesi ve hizmetiçi eğitimler düzenlenmektedir. Ancak bu kanallardan enformasyon akışında, öğretmenlerin yeni teknolojileri benimsemelerinin tek başına yeterli olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu noktada öğretmenlerin yeniliklere dair yenilik-karar sürecinde kullanabileceği diğer iletişim kanallarının belirlenmesi onlara daha kolay ulaşılabilmesi için önemlidir. Alanyazında öğretmenlerin yenilikler hakkında bilgi, tutum ve karar edinirken kullandıkları iletişim kanallarını belirlemeye yönelik araştırmalar yapılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından yakın geçmişte geliştirilen ve süreç içerisinde kendisini sürekli olarak güncellemeye devam eden Eğitim Bilişim Ağı’nın (EBA) öğretmenler için bir yenilik olduğu kabul edilmiştir. Çalışmada, EBA’nın yayılımında öğretmenlerin yenilik-karar sürecinde bulundukları aşamaların ve bu süreçte kullandıkları iletişim kanallarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını 2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılında Çanakkale ili merkez ilçesinde bulunan ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise kademesindeki devlet okullarında görev yapan 489 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma tarama modeli ile desenlenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında veriler araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen veri toplama aracı ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada toplanan veriler SPSS 21 paket programı kullanılarak betimsel istatistik (yüzde ve frekans) ve iki değişken için ki kare testi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, EBA’ya yönelik yenilik-karar sürecinde öğretmenlerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun uygulama ve onay aşamasında bulundukları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, EBA’ya yönelik yenilik-karar sürecinin her aşamasında öğretmenlerin bireylerarası iletişim kanallarını ve etkileşimli internet araçlarını işlevsel olarak kullandığı belirlenmiştir. Öğretmenlerin EBA’ya yönelik bilgi, tutum ve karar geliştirirken diğer öğretmenlerle yüz yüze görüşme, EBA web sitesi ve eğitimsel web siteleri kanallarını yenilik-karar süreci aşamalarının hepsinde işlevsel olarak kullandığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, öğretmenlerin kullandığı işlevsel iletişim kanallarının kullanım oranları ile öğretmenlerin görev yaptıkları okul türü arasındaki ilişkinin yenilik-karar sürecinin bazı aşamalarında farklılıklar gösterdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yeniliğin yayılması sürecinde “etkileşimli internet kanallarının” (eğitim siteleri gibi) öğretmenlere ulaşmada daha öncelikli kullanılması önerilir

    Cultural Backgrounds Effects on Travel Mode Choice of International Communities in Vienna

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    There are many factors influencing daily travel behaviour. For example, information and communication, living space, policies, and urban planning, are among the parameters that are known to affect travel behaviours. Lifestyle and socioeconomic and demographic structures can also be attributed. Although the cultural background of a person may be a determining factor in all parts of our living space and directing our behaviour, it may not have always been taken into consideration in the context of travel behaviour research. In this study, a multilingual online questionnaire was designed to understand and measure the impact of cultural differences of international communities on transportation mode choices and travel behaviour, and an online survey was carried out in Vienna. 213 participants took part in the questionnaire. After the elimination of invalid ones from the data set, for instance, responses from those living outside of Vienna, 150 responses are used for analysis. The data collected from the participants are split into the ones from international communities with non-Viennese origins, native Viennese people, and a mixed/intermediate group. The transportation mode choices and travel behaviours among these communities are compared by statistical analysis. The preliminary analysis among the international communities. evaluating commuting, grocery shopping, and leisure travel shows signs of cultural influences on using transportation modes, frequency and duration. It also implies that more comprehensive and detailed studies are needed on this subject. The result implies that existing policies should be more dynamic and adaptive, especially taking account of the widespread migration wave nowadays

    Attachment-based psychosocial programme for under-privileged school children with adverse life experiences in Istanbul, Turkey

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-10-23, accepted 2022-09-27, registration 2022-09-30, pub-electronic 2022-10-08, online 2022-10-08, collection 2022-12Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements: The attachment-based psychosocial programme we implemented would not have been possible without the support we received from the Maltepe University and the local municipality where the school is located. We would like to thank professors and students from different faculties of the university, the primary school headmaster, teachers, school management, school support staff and local community and voluntary organisations for the pivotal roles they played during the formation and delivery of the psychosocial programme.Publication status: PublishedAbstract: Children experiencing educational neglect are likely to experience the harm associated with adverse life experiences and a range of emotional and psychological challenges. Using attachment theory and psychosocial frameworks, we devised and implemented an intervention designed to ameliorate the deleterious effects of challenging behaviours in an elementary school situated in a deprived neighbourhood of Istanbul, Turkey. For a period of eight months, 160 pupils received a psychosocial intervention once a week. Children’s patterns of behaviour, emotions, movements, interactivity, socialisation and interpersonal communications were observed during this period. Core activities of the intervention included library visits, reading, writing and listening games, maths games, drawing, animal animation, leaf making, ball games, parachuting games, colouring, hula-hoop and driver-car role plays. At the end of the intervention, one group of children made significant improvements in behavioural changes while no improvements were observed for another group. Although further research is required to generalize beyond the reference group, the findings suggest that a robust collaboration between inter-agency community partnership and universities can play a crucial role in responding to the needs of marginalized children with psychological and emotional problems

    Healing effects of single-dose triptolide in rats with severe acute pancreatitis

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    Aim: Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) carries high morbidity and mortality risk. If theproinflammatory response phase of SAP cannot be controlled, it may result in multiorganfailure (MOF). Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-?B) activation plays an important role in thedevelopment of MOF. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the healing effects of triptolide,an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agent in rats with SAP.Material and Methods: A total of 20 Wistar-Albino rats were divided into two groups as theSAP and triptolide treatment (TT) groups. SAP was induced by intraperitoneal injection ofcerulean (50 mg/kg) in both groups. TT group was administered a single dose (0.2 mg/kg)triptolide 24 hour after the induction of SAP. Serum ALT, AST, GGT, Lipase, Glucose, ALPand amylase levels and pancreatic tissue samples were examined.Results: Serum glucose and amylase levels were found to be significantly lower in the TTgroup (p=0.011 and p=0.035, respectively). There was no significant difference between thegroups in terms of other biochemical parameters. Pancreatic edema, acinar cell degeneration,fat necrosis, intrapancreatic&perivascular inflammation, inflammation in the peripancreatic fattissue were common histopathological findings in both groups. There was no significantdifference between the groups in terms of histopathologic changes.Conclusion: Cerulein-induced pancreatitis is a successful method for experimental SAP. Thehealing effects of single-dose triptolide treatment are not evident in the early phase of SAP.The therapeutic effects of triptolide on inflammatory and oxidative stress were not significantlyapproved by histopathological and biochemical parameters by the pancreatic tissue

    Sıçanlarda gentamisin ile indüklenmiş oksidatif stres aracılı nefrotoksisiteye karşı krill yağının koruyucu etkisi

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    This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of krill oil against nephrotoxicity caused by gentamicin. Distilled water was given orally to the control and second groups (GI) for seven days while 500 mg/kg krill oil was given to the third (GII), fourth (GIII) groups. In addition, isotonic saline was administered subcutaneously to the control and GIII groups throughout the study, while 80 mg/kg gentamicin was administered to the GI, and GII groups. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) peptidase, total cholesterol, urea, and creatinine levels in plasma and, malondialdehyde (MDA) and total antioxidant status (TAS) levels in both plasma and kidney tissue supernatant were evaluated. Histopathological changes in tubules and glomeruli and vascular changes were evaluated by scoring. Urea level and ALT activity were found to be significantly lower in the GII and GIII groups compared to the GI group (p<0.001; p≤0.001). As a result, it was observed that degenerative damage and glomerular changes in the tubule at the histological level mediated by oxidative stress were consistent with the increase in ALT, urea, and MDA levels. In this respect, it is suggested that krill oil can be used as a nephroprotective food supplement to contribute to treatment in cases of toxicity.Bu çalışmada, gentamisin'in neden olduğu nefrotoksisiteye karşı kril yağının koruyucu etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmada yedi gün boyunca oral yolla kontrol ve ikinci grubuna (GI) distile su verilirken, üçüncü (GII) ve dördüncü (GIII) gruplarına 500mg/kg krill yağı verildi. Ayrıca çalışma boyunca subkutan yolla kontrol ve GIII gruplarına izotonik tuzlu su uygulanırken, GI ve GII gruplarına 80 mg/kg gentamisin uygulandı. Plazma alanin aminotransferaz (ALT) ve gama glutamiltransferaz (GGT), total kolesterol, üre ve kreatinin düzeylerine, hem plazma hem de böbrek doku süpernatından ise malondialdehit (MDA) ve total antioksidan kapasitesi (TAS) düzeylerine değerlendirildi. Histopatolojik olarak tubul ve glomeruluslardaki değişimler ile damarsal değişiklikler skorlanarak değerlendirildi. Üre düzeyi ve ALT aktivitesi GI gruba göre GII ve GIII verilen grupta anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu (p<0.001; p≤0.001). Sonuç olarak, oksidatif stres aracılı olarak histolojik düzeyde tubulde dejeneratif hasar ve glomerular değişikliklerin özellikle ALT, üre ve MDA düzeyleri artışıyla uyumlu olduğu görüldü. Bu bakımdan, krill yağı nefroprotektif bir gıda takviyesi olarak toksisite durumlarında tedaviye katkı sağlamak için kullanılabileceği önerilmektedir

    An Instructional Model for Social Design Education: A Design Project for Stray Animals Including Production-Based Learning Approach

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    Social design education has become a significant part of industrial design education, thus new methodologies are required and being developed. One of these societal problems is animal welfare and human interaction with stray animals that is not a common topic amongst previous studies. This study presents a toolkit for social design teaching, combining social design thinking and product development processes to generate and realise design solutions for stray animals with a production-based learning approach. The toolkit consisting of nine phases under two processes was implemented into the second-year ‘Product Design II’ 7-week studio project at Gazi University. A total of 35 sophomores taking the course offered during the second semester of the 2017/2018 academic year, participated in housing and feeding stations for a stray animals’ design project. To analyse the appropriateness of the toolkit, the submissions and process of the project were observed and evaluated by instructors and post-project questionnaires were employed to both instructors and students. The results revealed that this toolkit for social design education combining design thinking and product development processes improved industrial design students’ competencies and learning outcomes