125 research outputs found

    Nuclear Level Density Parameters of P

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    The nuclear level density parameters of some deformed isotopes of target nuclei (Pb, Bi) used on the accelerator-driven subcritical systems (ADSs) have been calculated taking into consideration different collective excitation modes of observed nuclear spectra near the neutron binding energy. The method used in the present work assumes equidistant spacing of the collective coupled state bands of the considered isotopes. The present calculated results for different collective excitation bands have been compared with the compiled values from the literature for s-wave neutron resonance data, and good agreement was found

    Clinical Study The Role of H. pylori in the Development of Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Aim. This study aims to investigate the possible role of H. pylori as a cause of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Method. This controlled study was performed with 31 consecutive laryngeal cancer and 28 cancer-free patients who underwent direct laryngoscopy and biopsy of laryngeal lesions. To document the previous H. pylori infection, serological analysis of the antibody titers was done. Immunohistochemical analyses were applied to the tissue samples. Results. Serology was found positive at the 90.3% of the laryngeal cancer patients and 96.4% of the benign group. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups ( > 0.05). Immunohistochemical analysis results were determined as negative at all of the specimens of laryngeal cancer patients and patients with benign lesions. Conclusion. There were no signs of colonization of H. pylori in laryngeal tissues of both groups' patients. It is thought that no relationship exists between the H. pylori infection and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

    Comparative gene expression profiling of ADAMs, MMPs, TIMPs, EMMPRIN, EGF-R and VEGFA in low grade meningioma

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    MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases), ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase) and TIMPs (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases) are implicated in invasion and angiogenesis: both are tissue remodeling processes involving regulated proteolysis of the extracellular matrix, growth factors and their receptors. The expression of these three groups and their correlations with clinical behaviour has been reported in gliomas but a similar comprehensive study in meningiomas is lacking. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the patterns of expression of 23 MMPs, 4 TIMPs, 8 ADAMs, selective growth factors and their receptors in 17 benign meningiomas using a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Results indicated very high gene expression of 13 proteases, inhibitors and growth factors studied: MMP2 and MMP14, TIMP-1, -2 and -3, ADAM9, 10, 12, 15 and 17, EGF-R, EMMPRIN and VEGF-A, in almost every meningioma. Expression pattern analysis showed several positive correlations between MMPs, ADAMs, TIMPs and growth factors. Furthermore, our findings suggest that expression of MMP14, ADAM9, 10, 12, 15 and 17, TIMP-2, EGF-R and EMMPRIN reflects histological subtype of meningioma such that fibroblastic subtype had the highest mRNA expression, transitional subtype was intermediate and meningothelial type had the lowest expression. In conclusion, this is the first comprehensive study characterizing gene expression of ADAMs in meningiomas. These neoplasms, although by histological definition benign, have invasive potential. Taken together, the selected elevated gene expression pattern may serve to identify targets for therapeutic intervention or indicators of biological progression and recurrence

    Factors affecting the yield of microRNAs from laser microdissectates of formalin-fixed tissue sections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantification of microRNAs in specific cell populations microdissected from tissues can be used to define their biological roles, and to develop and deploy biomarker assays. In this study, a number of variables were examined for their effect on the yield of microRNAs in samples obtained from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues by laser microdissection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MicroRNA yield was improved by using cresyl violet instead of hematoxylin-eosin to stain tissue sections in preparation for microdissection, silicon carbide instead of glass fiber as matrix in RNA-binding columns, and overnight digestion of dissected samples with proteinase K. Storage of slides carrying stained tissue sections at room temperature for up to a week before microdissection, and storage of the microdissectates at room temperature for up to a day before RNA extraction did not adversely affect microRNA yield.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These observations should be of value for the efficient isolation of microRNAs from microdissected formalin-fixed tissues with a flexible workflow.</p

    Gene Expression Analysis of In Vivo Fluorescent Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The analysis of gene expression for tissue homogenates is of limited value because of the considerable cell heterogeneity in tissues. However, several methods are available to isolate a cell type of interest from a complex tissue, the most reliable one being Laser Microdissection (LMD). Cells may be distinguished by their morphology or by specific antigens, but the obligatory staining often results in RNA degradation. Alternatively, particular cell types can be detected in vivo by expression of fluorescent proteins from cell type-specific promoters. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We developed a technique for fixing in vivo fluorescence in brain cells and isolating them by LMD followed by an optimized RNA isolation procedure. RNA isolated from these cells was of equal quality as from unfixed frozen tissue, with clear 28S and 18S rRNA bands of a mass ratio of approximately 2ratio1. We confirmed the specificity of the amplified RNA from the microdissected fluorescent cells as well as its usefulness and reproducibility for microarray hybridization and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our technique guarantees the isolation of sufficient high quality RNA obtained from specific cell populations of the brain expressing soluble fluorescent marker, which is a critical prerequisite for subsequent gene expression studies by microarray analysis or qRT-PCR

    1889-1895 arası Kumkapı ve çevresi Ermeni hadiseleri

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    ÖZETKumkapı ve çevresi Ermeni Hadiseleri, Ermeni Meselesinin ilk yıllarını ihtiva eder. 1890'lı yıllar Ermeni'lerin gittikçe kuvvetlenen bağımsızlık arzularının diplomatik yollardan elde edilemeyeceğine karar verdikleri yıllardır. Diplomatik yollardan elde edilemeyeceğine karar verdikleri yıllardır. Diplomatik çalışmaları azaltan Ermeniler daha kestirme bir yol olduğu inancıyla artık örgütlenmeye başlamışlardır. Zira bireysel çabalar, devletlerarası ilişkilerde bir anlam ifade etmeyecektir.Başta Hınçak ve Taşnaksutyun komiteleri olmak üzere onlarca örgüt kurmuşlardır. Bu örgütler temel itibariyle isyan, nümayiş ve terör ile ortalığı karıştırıp huzuru bozmayı hedeflemişlerdir. Çünkü bu durumda Ermeniler ve Türkler artık bir arada yaşayamaz hâle geleceklerdir. Hatta bu faaliyetler öyle bir dereceye ulaşacaktır ki Türkler nefs-i müdâfaa için mukabele etmek zorunda kalacaklardır. İşte tam bu noktada Ermeniler, Türkler Ermenileri katlediyor manşetleriyle önce örgütlerin yurt içinde ve dışında çıkardıkları gazete ve dergilerde daha sonra da Avrupa basınında yayınlar yaparak Avrupa'da kamuoyu oluşturmaya çalışacaklardır. Oluşan bu kamuoyu da diplomatik çabalarla yeterince elde edilemeyen Avrupalı devletlerin Osmanlı Devleti üzerindeki baskısını artıracak ve neticede önce ıslahatlarla bir takım haklar, sonra muhtariyet ve nihayet bağımsızlık elde edilecektir. Ermeni komiteleri bu amaçla Anadolu'da isyan ve nümayişler organize ettiler (Erzurum Vakası, Musa bey Olayı). Ancak Anadolu'daki bu olaylar Avrupa kamuoyunda beklendiği ölçüde tepkiye yani Osmanlı üzerinde baskıya sebep olmadı. Bu durumda Avrupa'nın daha fazla tepki vermesi amacıyla, daha göz önünde yani Osmanlı Devleti'nin başkentinde, ecnebi sefirlerin yanı başında bir olay çıkarmak gerektiğine karar verdiler. Hazırlıklar yapıldı ve 15 Temmuz 1890 günü Kumkapı Ermeni kilisesinde Artin Canguliyan önderliğinde isyan başladı. Patrik zorla Yıldız sarayına götürülmek istendi. Durum haber verilince askerler yolu kestiler ve çatışmalar çıktı. İki taraftan da ölenler ve yaralananlar oldu. Olaya karışanlar yakalanarak, muhtelif cezalara çarptırıldılar.Bu olay Ermenilerin, Osmanlı başkentinde isyan çıkarabilecek cesarete ulaştıklarını göstermesi açısından son derece önemlidir. Böylece Ermenilerin içinde bağımsızlık adına yapılan bu çalışmalara inanmayanların desteği alınmak ve Avrupa'nın baskısı celbolunmak istenmiştir. Bu isyan hareketleri Ermenilerin beklediği ölçüde bir netice vermese de Avrupalı devletlerin özellikle İngiltere'nin baskısı iyice artmış, ıslahat komisyonlarının çalışmaları hız kazanmış, Sefirler bu konudan dolayı, Bâbıâli'nin iyice başını ağrıtmışlardır. Ermenilerin Osmanlı başkentinde isyanlar çıkarmaları, bağımsızlık hedefine ne kadar bağlandıklarını ve bu yolda her şeyi göze aldıklarını göstermesi açısından da ayrıca önem taşımaktadır. O kadar ki nihai hedefe hâlâ ulaşamadıkları için bu çabalar yoğun bir şekilde (şuan diplomatik olarak) sürmekte ve Osmanlı Devleti'nin bir devamı olarak ülkemizin başını ağrıtmaya devam etmektedir.Kumkapı ve çevresindeki Ermeni olayları Ermeni meselesinin ilk yıllarını kapsaması ve Ermenilerin diplomatik yollardan vazgeçerek isyan ve teröre başvurmaya başladığı dönemlerin en önemli adımlarını ifade etmesi açısından Ermeni meselesinin önemli parçasıdır. Daha önce üzerinde çalışılmamış olması ise tezimizin önemini bir parça daha artırmaktandır.SUMMARYArmenian Events happened in Kumkapı and its neighborhood, contains the first years of Armenian Matter. Years around 1890 are the years,Armenians realized that their desire to independence can not become true with diplomatic efforts.Armenians who lessened the diplomatic works, started to become organized with the belief that organizing is easier because personal efforts have no meaning in international area.They made dozens of organizations including Hıncak and Tasnaksutyun Committees.Fundamentally those groups aimed to ruin the harmony in society with rebellion, demonstration and terror because in this situation Armenians and Turks would no longer live together. Furthermore those activities reached such a degree that Turks had to reciprocate.At this point Armenians tried to create a public opinion in the country and abroad especially in Europe by using organizations' publications in newspapers and magazines with slogans Turks have been massacring Armenians. This public opinion increased the European pressure on Ottoman Empire which couln't be managed with diplomatic efforts and as a result;first with reforms some rights then autonmy and finally independence was taken.For that reason armenian Committees organized rebellion and demostration in Anatolia.(Erzurum and Musa Bey Events) But those events in anatolia had no reaction in European public opinion as expected,in other words they didn't cause pressure on Ottoman Empire. So in order to attract Europe's attention,they decided to cause trouble in Empire's capital where there were many foreign ambassadors stayed.Preperations were done and in July 15th, 1890 with the leadership of Artin Canguliyan,they caused a rebellion at Armenian Church in Kumkapı. The Patriarch wanted to be taken to Yıldız Palace by force. When the sitution was informed,army took the control of the roads and fights began. There were deads and injuries in both sides. Ones who had relations with this event were caught and punished.This event is very important because it showed how courageous Armenians were to cause rebellions. With this event they wanted to get the support from the ones who didn't have enough courege to rebel also they wanted to cause more presure on Ottoman Empire by European countries.However those rebel moves didn't cause much reaction as Armenians expected, European countries especially England put more pressure on the Empire,reform committees' Works increased, ambassadors cause trouble to Babıali about this matter. Armenians'rebellions in the Empire'capital shows hov devoted they vere to their goal. As they couldn't reach their decisive goal,Armenians stil keep on trying with diplomatic efforts and cause problems to our country which is the legacy of the Ottoman Empire.Armenian Events happened in Kumkapı and its neighborhood is the very important part of Armenian Matter because it contains the first years of this matter and shows the first steps of their giving up diplomatic Works and beginning to cause rebellion and terror. Not to have been studieton it before makes our thesis more important

    Çift bant mikro şerit yama antent tasarımı.

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    Wideband and dual band stacked microstrip patch antennas are investigated for the new wideband and dual band applications in the area of telecommunications. In this thesis, aperture-coupled stacked patch antennas are used to increase the bandwidth of the microstrip patch antenna. By this technique, antennas with 51% bandwidth at 6.1 GHz and 43% bandwidth at 8 GHz satisfying S11<-15 dB are designed, manufactured and measured. A dual-band aperture coupled stacked microstrip patch antenna operating at 1.8 GHz with 3.8% bandwidth and at 2.4 GHz with 1.6% bandwidth is designed, produced and measured for mobile phone and WLAN applications. In addition, an aperture coupled stacked microstrip patch antenna which operates at PCS frequencies in 1.7-1.95 GHz band is designed. Dual and circularly polarized stacked aperture coupled microstrip patch antennas are also investigated. A triple band dual polarized aperture coupled stacked microstrip patch antenna is designed to operate at 900 MHz, at 1.21 GHZ and at 2.15 GHz. Mutual coupling between aperture coupled stacked microstrip patch antennas are examined and compared with the coupling of aperture coupled microstrip patch antennasM.S. - Master of Scienc