440 research outputs found

    Arts and Humanities Literature: Bibliometric Characteristics of Contributions by Turkish Authors

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    Scholarly communication in arts and humanities differs from that in the sciences. Arts and humanities scholars rely primarily on monographs as amedium of publication whereas scientists consider articles that appear in scholarly journals as the single most important publication outlet. The number of journal citation studies in arts and humanities is therefore limited. In this article, we investigate the bibliometric characteristics of 507 arts and humanities journal articles written by authors affiliated with Turkish institutions and indexed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) between the years 1975–2003. Journal articles constituted more than 60% of all publications. One third of all contributions were published during the last 4 years (1999–2003) and appeared in 16 different journals. An overwhelming majority of contributions (91%) were written in English, and 83% of them had single authorship. Researchers based at Turkish universities produced 90% of all publications. Two thirds of references in publications were to monographs. The median age of all references was 12 years. Eighty percent of publications authored by Turkish arts and humanities scholars were not cited at all while the remaining 20% (or 99 publications) were cited 304 times (anaverage of three citations per publication). Self-citation ratio was 31%. Two thirds of the cited publications were cited for the first time within 2 years of their publications

    John Berger "Picasso'nun Başarısı ve Başarısızlığı"nda, yüzyılımızı etkilemiş bir dahiyi anlatıyor:Bir sürgünün büyülü yüzü:Picasso

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 76-PicassoUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Indications for Endotracheal Intubation

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    Endotracheal intubation may be required when respiratory distress or airway integrity cannot be achieved or maintained for any reason. It should be considered that intubation may be required when evaluating the patient, and that in the long term, airway protection will be needed or that the problem cannot be solved by noninvasive ventilation via airway aids and devices. Identifying the problem causing the patient’s respiratory failure helps in making the decision to intubate. In fact, the clinician must be fast and self-confident when deciding on intubation. It is difficult to decide in some complex situations. It is very important to evaluate the patient, according to clinical status, age, and comorbidity, and to determine urgent intubation need. In non-diagnostic cases, further research is needed to investigate the causes of the condition such as hypoxia/hypercapnia resulting in patient respiratory distress. Different voice tone, swallowing difficulties, coughing attacks, stridor, dyspnea can be a sign of upper airway obstruction. Arterial blood gas analysis will facilitate our decision to make intubation. Non-invasive pulse oximetry and continuous capnography values may also be a guide, but the most important thing is that delayed intubation decision may bring life-threatening situations

    The other; multidimensionality as a cultural phenomenon in an artistic context

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    The effects of globalization continue to manifest themselves under present conditions. By this nature, especially the formation of the Other** within the artistic context of the globalized world calls for the careful consideration of questions and judgments directed towards globalization. In this regard, the aim of this study is defined as exhibiting the ongoing political approaches towards the global systems of art and thereby discussing the geographical and identity-oriented tendencies of this predominant political attitude that is seen as internationalization. The extent of the matter on the Other in this study has been restricted to displaying the relationship between globalization and the systems of art and how the increasingly prevalent practices are shaped. As a result of all these studies, it is found that the notion of the Other is a reflection of a hierarchical relationship and this reflection, along with the geographical and cultural implications of this matter, justifies the argument.Publisher's Versio


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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the core training program applied for 8 weeks to basketball players aged 16-18 on free throw and vertical jump performance. 22 male basketball players (11 experimental group, 11 control group) aged 16-18 participated in the study voluntarily. While core training was applied to the basketball players in the experimental group, 2 days a week for 8 weeks, together with the basketball training, the basketball players in the control group only continued their routine basketball training. Free throw and vertical jump performance tests were applied to the subjects before applying the 8-week core training program (pre-test) and after the 8-week core training (post-test). Statistically significant difference was found between pretest and posttest in terms of experimental group free throw test values (

    An investigation of preservice mathematics teachers' teaching processes about "procedural and conceptual knowledge" related to division with fractions

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    In this study, the changes in the behaviors of elementary mathematics teacher candidates towards teaching “Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge” related to division with fractions were investigated during a three-tier teaching experiment. Six preservice teachers participated in the study. In addition, in the first cycle, 26 students participated in the study, and 26 students participated in the second cycle. The data of the study consists of camera recordings, interviews, lesson plans prepared by preservice teachers and pictures of student notebooks. Themes, categories, and some criteria were generated from the data. The presentation of the findings was supported by the data collected from these various sources, and the triangulation method was used to validate findings. As a result of the study, we observed a decrement in the amount of time that preservice teachers used for rule based teaching and an increment in the amount of time for teaching meaningful mathematics.In this study, the changes in the behaviors of elementary mathematics teacher candidates towards teaching “Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge” related to division with fractions were investigated during a three-tier teaching experiment. Six preservice teachers participated in the study. In addition, in the first cycle, 26 students participated in the study, and 26 students participated in the second cycle. The data of the study consists of camera recordings, interviews, lesson plans prepared by preservice teachers and pictures of student notebooks. Themes, categories, and some criteria were generated from the data. The presentation of the findings was supported by the data collected from these various sources, and the triangulation method was used to validate findings. As a result of the study, we observed a decrement in the amount of time that preservice teachers used for rule based teaching and an increment in the amount of time for teaching meaningful mathematics

    Multiple sequences in cone metric spaces

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    In this study, we introduce the ordinary and statistical convergence of double and multiple sequences in cone metric spaces. Moreover, the relationships between these convergence types are also invastigated.Publisher's Versio

    Fixed point theorems in p−summable symmetric n−cone normed sequence spaces

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    In this study fixed point theorems and related concepts in summable symmetric cone normed sequence spaces are investigated.Publisher's Versio

    Arts and Humanities Literature: Bibliometric Characteristics of Contributions by Turkish Authors

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    Scholarly communication in arts and humanities differs from that in the sciences. Arts and humanities scholars rely primarily on monographs as amedium of publication whereas scientists consider articles that appear in scholarly journals as the single most important publication outlet. The number of journal citation studies in arts and humanities is therefore limited. In this article, we investigate the bibliometric characteristics of 507 arts and humanities journal articles written by authors affiliated with Turkish institutions and indexed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) between the years 1975–2003. Journal articles constituted more than 60% of all publications. One third of all contributions were published during the last 4 years (1999–2003) and appeared in 16 different journals. An overwhelming majority of contributions (91%) were written in English, and 83% of them had single authorship. Researchers based at Turkish universities produced 90% of all publications. Two thirds of references in publications were to monographs. The median age of all references was 12 years. Eighty percent of publications authored by Turkish arts and humanities scholars were not cited at all while the remaining 20% (or 99 publications) were cited 304 times (anaverage of three citations per publication). Self-citation ratio was 31%. Two thirds of the cited publications were cited for the first time within 2 years of their publications

    Sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone treatment is not affected by OPRM1 A118G and BDNF Va66Met polymorphisms, but alters the plasma beta-endorphin and BDNF levels in individuals with opioid use disorder

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    The study aimed to examine the genetic contribution to buprenorphine (BUP) treatment in individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD), with a specific focus on BDNF and OPRM1 genes. A total of 113 controls and 111 OUD patients receiving sublingual BUP/naloxone were enrolled. OPRM1 A118G and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms were investigated by PCR-FRLP. Plasma BDNF and beta-endorphin levels were assessed by ELISA kits in both groups. Blood BUP levels were measured by LC-MS/MS and normalized with daily BUP dose (BUP/D). OPRM1 A118G and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms didn't have an effect on plasma beta-endorphin and BDNF levels in OUD patients, respectively. Interestingly, OUD patients had significantly higher plasma BDNF and lower beta-endorphin levels compared to the controls (p < 0.001). A negative and significant correlation between plasma BUP/D and BDNF levels was found. Age onset of first use was associated with OPRM1 A118G polymorphism. The findings indicated that sublingual BUP/naloxone may increase plasma BDNF levels, but may decrease beta-endorphin levels in individuals with OUD. Plasma BDNF level seemed to be decreased in a BUP/D concentration-dependent manner. © 2022 Elsevier B.V