249 research outputs found

    Women and the gender of the modern city

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    This article is a review of the book Women on the Road. The experience of the public sphere in literature at the turn of 19th and 20th century by Agnieszka Dauksza. The book itself is an attempt at reconstructing and interpreting literary images of women’s experience of space in modern times. The most important context of the author’s analysis are transformations within the public and private spheres caused by the processes of modernization of the cities on the one hand, and emancipation of women on the other hand. The article refers to and discusses the crucial figures of female experience of the city frequently used in cultural and gender studies, namely: the figure of flâneuse, prostitute, house-wife and consumer. The review also touches upon the question of the modernist literary tradition and canon in order to point at the hidden "gender of modernity" and history of literature

    Między ludzkim i nie-ludzkim. (O książce Inne przestrzenie, inne miejsca. Mapy i terytoria pod redakcją Dariusza Czai)

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    Between the human and the non-humanThis article refers to the collection of essays entitled Other Spaces, Other Places. Maps and Territories (Inne przestrzenie, inne miejsca. Mapy i terytoria, Wołowiec 2013), edited by Dariusz Czaja. Inspired by the well-known anthropological concept of „non-places” (coined by Marc Augé) and M. Foucault’s idea of „heterotopy”, Polish academicians and cultural critics present their own perspectives on space in its relation to human being, nature and history. Regarding themes like: literary tourism, reproduction of landscapes, city cameras, traumatic or empty memory of a place, ambivalent status of city perypheries, ruins and ghost-villages, authors discuss many different cultural, political, social and philosophical implications of the category of non-lieux in our contemporary experience of the world that surrounds us. In the review also a question on anthropocentrism of the humanities in general, has been put

    Kobieta i sport w dyskursach publicznych na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Zarys problematyki

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    Monika Świerkosz – dr hab., pracuje w Katedrze Teorii Literatury Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; interesuje się współczesnymi kulturowymi dyskursami krytycznymi inspirowanymi feminizmem i studiami kulturowymi oraz badaniami przestrzeni.Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie59760

    Still, time to sow ideas

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    The article is a review of Wielkopolski alfabet pisarek (The Alphabet of Women Writers in Greater Poland) - a collective work which is an effect of historical research in the fi eld of Polish women’s writing carried out by academicians collaborating with the Center of Feminist Criticism (Pracownia Krytyki Feministycznej, UAM, Poznań). The review points out the most important assumptions taken up by the editors and the authors of the compilation, which determined the methodological consequences in the book - namely: the signifi cance of the sex/gender category and local context in both the production of literature and academic knowledge about it. Also the generic form of an "alphabet" - with its arbitrariness and variety - was analyzed here as the manifestation of a general principle chosen by the editors to provide a comprehensive view of the literary tradition created by women-authors who were (or are) related to the region of Greater Poland

    Historia literatury kobiet – niedokończony projekt

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    HISTORY OF WOMEN’S LITERATURE – AN UNFINISHED PROJECT The text poses some questions concerning the future of the feminist history of literature in the context of contemporary transformations in the fi eld of “academic knowledge production”, as well as the rhetoric and politics of the women’s movement. Moreover, it draws attention to the emancipatory character of the early feminist literary projects relating to the recovery of women’s past and also problematizes the present-day notion of women’s “sister community”. The analysis of family metaphors often used in discussions concerning “mother heritage” in the 70s, points to differences between second- and third-wave understanding of the category of “belonging somewhere”. Looking at those arguable places in feminist criticism (e.g. Showalter, Gubar, Gilbert and Moi) allows one to notice changes in the way feminist scholars perceive the literary past. Finding a new critical language to describe the pluralistic and multidimensional nature of women’s literary tradition seems to constitute the biggest challenge to contemporary feminist studies

    A jednak czas intelektualnego zasiewu (O Wielkopolskim alfabecie pisarek pod redakcją Ewy Kraskowskiej i Lucyny Marzec)

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    Still, time to sow ideas: Wielkopolski Alfabet Pisarek (The Alphabet of Women Writers in Greater Poland) edited by Ewa Kraskowska and Lucyna Marzec The article is a review of Wielkopolski Alfabet Pisarek (The Alphabet of Women Writers in Greater Poland) – a collective work which is an effect of historical research in the field of Polish women’s writing carried out by academicians collaborating with the Center of Feminist Criticism (Pracownia Krytyki Feministycznej, UAM, Poznań). The review points out the most important assumptions taken up by the editors and the authors of the compilation , which determined the methodological consequences in the book – namely: the signifi cance of the sex/gender category and local context in both the production of literature and academic knowledge about it. Also the generic form of an „alphabet” – with its arbitrariness and variety – was analyzed here as the manifestation of a general principle chosen by the editors to provide a comprehensive view of the literary tradition created by women-authors who were (or are) related to the region of Greater Poland

    Between the human and the non-human

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    This article refers to the collection of essays entitled Other Spaces, Other Places. Maps and Territories (Inne przestrzenie, inne miejsca. Mapy i terytoria, Wołowiec 2013), edited by Dariusz Czaja. Inspired by the well-known anthropological concept of „non-places” (coined by Marc Augé) and M. Foucault’s idea of „heterotopy”, Polish academicians and cultural critics present their own perspectives on space in its relation to human being, nature and history. Regarding themes like: literary tourism, reproduction of landscapes, city cameras, traumatic or empty memory of a place, ambivalent status of city perypheries, ruins and ghost-villages, authors discuss many different cultural, political, social and philosophical implications of the category of non-lieux in our contemporary experience of the world that surrounds us. In the review also a question on anthropocentrism of the humanities in general, has been put

    Arachne and Athena : towards a different poetics of women’s writing

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    Kobiety i płeć modernistycznego miasta (O książce Agnieszki Daukszy Kobiety na drodze)

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    Women and the gender of the modern cityThis article is a review of the book Women on the Road. The experience of the public sphere in literature at the turn of 19th and 20th century by Agnieszka Dauksza. The book itself is an attempt at reconstructing and interpreting literary images of women’s experience of space in modern times. The most important context of the author’s analysis are transformations within the public and private spheres caused by the processes of modernization of the cities on the one hand, and emancipation of women on the other hand. The article refers to and discusses the crucial figures of female experience of the city frequently used in cultural and gender studies, namely: the figure of flâneuse, prostitute, house-wife and consumer. The review also touches upon the question of the modernist literary tradition and canon in order to point at the hidden „gender of modernity” and history of literature


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    Considering that different techniques of hiding images are known for a  long time, but have not found wider application, perhaps because of  their shortcomings. In this publication are described some types of techniques secret sharing images that are already in use. The author aims to review these techniques and  summarizes their features.Zważywszy, że różne techniki utajniania obrazów są znane od dawna, lecz nie znalazły szerszego zastosowania, być może ze względu na ich mankamenty, w tej publikacji zostaną opisane niektóre rodzaje technik sekretnego podziału obrazów, które już są. Autor ma na celu przeglądnięcie tych technik i ich podsumowanie