Między ludzkim i nie-ludzkim. (O książce Inne przestrzenie, inne miejsca. Mapy i terytoria pod redakcją Dariusza Czai)


Between the human and the non-humanThis article refers to the collection of essays entitled Other Spaces, Other Places. Maps and Territories (Inne przestrzenie, inne miejsca. Mapy i terytoria, Wołowiec 2013), edited by Dariusz Czaja. Inspired by the well-known anthropological concept of „non-places” (coined by Marc Augé) and M. Foucault’s idea of „heterotopy”, Polish academicians and cultural critics present their own perspectives on space in its relation to human being, nature and history. Regarding themes like: literary tourism, reproduction of landscapes, city cameras, traumatic or empty memory of a place, ambivalent status of city perypheries, ruins and ghost-villages, authors discuss many different cultural, political, social and philosophical implications of the category of non-lieux in our contemporary experience of the world that surrounds us. In the review also a question on anthropocentrism of the humanities in general, has been put

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