701 research outputs found

    Spiders (Araneae) of the family Oonopidae in the Czech Republic

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    The oonopid spiders (Oonopidae) Tapinesthis inermis (Simon, 1882) and Triaeris stenapis Simon, 1891 are recorded for the Czech Republic for the first time. T. inermis was redetermined from misidentified material and T. stenaspis was discovered in a greenhouse

    On the technology of tube scarfing

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na technologii odjehlování podélných svarů ve svařovaných trubkách. V teoretické části jsou popsány metody výroby trubek. Dále je zde rozebrána metoda, která se používá ve firmě Mubea. V experimentální části je návrh dvou inovovaných technologií odjehlování svarů trubek, jejich experimentální ověření a následné vyhodnocení. Dále je v experimentální části návrh stroje, který je pro tuto operaci nutno vyrobit.The thesis is focused on the technology of scarfing longitudinal welds in welded tubes. The theoretical part describes methods of production tubes. It also analyzes the method used in Mubea company. The experimental part presents the design of two innovative technologies of scarfing welds tubes, their experimental validation and subsequent evaluation. The experimental part also presents a design of the machine that must be produced for this operation.

    Capacity of roads in terms of allowable load environment

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    Congestion - the limiting factor for developing existing city

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    Tools for Migration of KDE's Settings

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    SIP threats detection system

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    The paper deals with detection of threats in IP telephony, the authors developed a penetration testing system that is able to check up the level of protection from security threats in IP telephony. The SIP server is a key komponent of VoIP infrastructure and often becomes the aim of attacks and providers have to ensure the appropriate level of security. We have developed web-based penetration system which is able to check the SIP server if can face to the most common attacks.The developed application is distributed as an open-source and is equipped with four modules. The result is reported to the particular e-mail and information supplemeted to the report should help to improve the overall protection of the SIP server. The developed application represents effective tool which is able to point out the weaknesses of the tested system.Scopu

    Security risks in IP telephony

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    This paper deals with VoIP communication security and various techniques of VoIP attacks. We divided these threats in several categories according to their specific behaviour and their impact on the affected system. We also tried to find effective methods to prevent or mitigate these attacks. We focused our work on Spam over Internet Telephony (SPIT) as a real threat for the future. We have developed both a tool generating SPIT attacks and AntiSPIT tool defending communication systems against SPIT attacks. AntiSPIT represents an effective protection based on statistical blacklist and works without participation of the called party which is a significant advantage

    Faunistic Study on Spiders (Araneae) in the Špraněk National Nature Reserve with Suggestion to Conservation Management of the Locality

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    Spiders (Araneae) are a classic indicator taxon for evaluating the health of natural environments. Here, spiders from the forest ecosystems in Špraněk National Nature Reserve (Olomoucký Region) were investigated. A total of 1195 specimens were collected by pitfall traps, individual collection, sweeping herb vegetation, beating shrubs and trees, and shifting leaf litters. Currently, 126 species from 23 families from April to October 2013 were recorded. The species diversity in the Špraněk area is rather high, representing approximately 14 % of Czech araneofauna. The most abundant species were Pardosa alacris and Xerolycosa nemoralis from the family Lycosidae. Of the identified species, 15 species were found listed in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic (EN - 1 species, VU - 5 species, LC - 9 species). Several findings represent the northernmost occurrences of rare thermophilic spiders in Moravia and even the Czech Republic. In addition, the author proposed management methods of the locality and suggests management efforts which can improve conditions for biodiversity within the studied area.O