152 research outputs found

    Finding God(s) in Fantasylands: Religious Ideas in Fantasy Literature

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    The following paper analyzes how fantasy literature addresses the topic of religion. The discussion of the genre’s dependence on myths, supported by Mircea Eliade’s claims about the sacred and profane spheres of human life, offers an answer to the questions why religion is one of the most prominent themes in fantasy fiction. The analysis of a selected group of fantasy novels (the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, C. S. Lewis, Guy Gavriel Kay, Celia S. Friedman, Jack Vance, Poul Anderson, Philip Pullman, Dave Duncan, George R. R. Martin, and Brandon Sanderson) presents various ways in which a fantasy narrative may approach religious themes: by inventing secondary religions that enrich the imaginary realm, by reworking particular religious themes and turning them into an axis of the narrative, and by supporting, promoting, or criticizing a certain faith through the means of fantasy [email protected] Łaszkiewicz is a lecturer at the Faculty of Philology, University of Bialystok, Poland. She is currently working on her PhD. Her dissertation is devoted to the presence of Christianity in American fantasy literature.The University of Bialystok1243

    Klient jako współtwórca wartości w społecznościach sieciowych

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    Pojęcie media społecznościowe jest obecnie, ze względu na swoją wielowymiarowość, jak i charakter podlegający ciągłym zmianom, różnorodnie interpretowane. Bez względu jednak na to, czy mówimy o mediach społecznościowych czy wirtualnych społecznościach klientów, coraz więcej firm staje przed obliczem decyzji o adaptacji tych rozwiązań w ramach realizowanych przez siebie strategii, upatrując coraz więcej korzyści płynących z partycypacji w wirtualnym środowisku. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują tu zagadnienia związane z potencjałem kreowania wartości nie tylko przez same media społecznościowe, ale w szczególności przez konsumentów będących ich uczestnikami. Ich rola w procesie współtworzenia wartości w organizacji staje się obecnie szczególnie istotnym i wartym przybliżenia zagadnieniem. W artykule zawarta jest próba wskazania potencjału mediów społecznościowych w generowaniu wartości dla organizacji oraz charakterystyka roli, jaką w tym procesie odgrywają obecni i potencjalni klienci, uczestnicy wirtualnych społeczności

    The Effect Of Omitted Spatial Effects And Social Dependence In The Modelling Of Household Expenditure For Fruits And Vegetables

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    We find the omitted elements of the external environment affect negatively the estimates for other spatial (social) effect parameters. Especially, we notice the overestimation of the random effect variance when the social dependence is omitted and the overestimation of the social interaction effect when the spatial heterogeneity is ignored

    Jack London: a writing sailor, a sailing writer

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    The following paper analyzes how the experience of sailing shaped Jack London’s life and works. On the one hand, the paper recounts those events from the writer’s biography which contributed to his emotional attachment to the sea and created a realistic background for his texts. On the other hand, it focuses on a selection of London’s works—“Typhoon Off the Coast of Japan”, “Chris Farrington: Able Seaman”, The Sea-Wolf, and Martin Eden—in order to investigate how the experience of sea and sailing affects a character’s morality/personality, and to examine how the chosen narratives reflect and preserve London’s own memories of life on [email protected] Łaszkiewicz is a lecturer at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Bialystok, Poland. She is currently working on her PhD. Her dissertation is devoted to the presence of Christianity in American fantasy literature.University of Bialystok6 (3/2014)162

    What Affects The Ability To Accumulate The Best Applicants By Russian Universities? The Application Of Quantile Regression Model

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    Our findings might be useful for the governmental authorities during the universities’ assessment as well as for the higher education institutions themselves - in order to define their strategic development and attract better students

    The Unicorn as the Embodiment of the Numinous in the Works of Peter S. Beagle

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    This article examines Peter S. Beagle’s depiction of unicorns in his two recent works, In Calabria (2017) and “My Son Heydari and the Karkadann” (2017), in order to demonstrate how these mythic creatures embody Rudolf Otto’s concept of the numinous (defined as mysterium tremendum et fascinans) and thus expand the unicorn imagery developed by the writer since his 1968 The Last Unicorn

    Peter S. Beagle\u27s Transformations of the Mythic Unicorn

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    Traces the development of Beagle’s unicorns through the novel The Last Unicorn and three other stories, paying particular attention to how and why Beagle adapted and rejected certain distinguishing features of traditional unicorn lore and legend


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    The paper discuss the regulatory principles which might be included into discussion on the controversy over the uses and misuses of contemporary history in Poland. The main proposals are as follow. We need greater methodological awareness that sources we are using whilst describing and interpreting the history are not refl ecting the whole past (which is simply impossible). While observing divergent versions of reconstructed past one should notice that the most divergent matt ers are connected with ethics. Three levels of ethics and moral judgments are listed: professional ethic of historian (is he a judge or observer), ethics/moral judgments of the past we investigate, moral judgment about the past. However tempting, metaphorical use of language should be limited at least at this stage of controversy, for there are not a commonly agreed set of metaphors, thus their use might only complicate the exchange of opinions.The paper discuss the regulatory principles which might be included into discussion on the controversy over the uses and misuses of contemporary history in Poland. The main proposals are as follow. We need greater methodological awareness that sources we are using whilst describing and interpreting the history are not refl ecting the whole past (which is simply impossible). While observing divergent versions of reconstructed past one should notice that the most divergent matt ers are connected with ethics. Three levels of ethics and moral judgments are listed: professional ethic of historian (is he a judge or observer), ethics/moral judgments of the past we investigate, moral judgment about the past. However tempting, metaphorical use of language should be limited at least at this stage of controversy, for there are not a commonly agreed set of metaphors, thus their use might only complicate the exchange of opinions