545 research outputs found

    The Law of International Trade of Some European Socialist Countries and East-West Trade Relations

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    The constant growth of the forces of production has led to a linking of the entire world and an unprecedented interdependence of the economies of various countries. Therefore the stabilization and further development of the world\u27s economy cannot be envisaged without an ever-widening economic cooperation between all states belonging to different economic and social structures. International trade is the most important means of this cooperation because it constitutes an intermediary in the international circulation of goods. Hence the legal rules governing international trade transactions assume great importance. These rules are established by the laws of every country and also by international treaties and agreements

    \u3cem\u3eIn re Hydrogen Peroxide\u3c/em\u3e: Reinforcing Rigorous Analysis for Class Action Certification

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    This Comment explores the reasons why the Third Circuit’s high rigorous analysis standard, which increases a district court’s role in the class certification process, should be reviewed and adopted by the Supreme Court. Part II contains an overview of the history of class actions, the class certification process, and the procedural requirements under FRCP 23. Part III analyzes the Third Circuit’s rigorous analysis standard for certification of a class action and discusses the three standards that district courts must apply when considering class certification motions. Part IV explores other relevant federal court class certification decisions, examines the principal case at odds with the Third Circuit (the Ninth Circuit case Dukes v. Wal-Mart), and explains the need for further Supreme Court clarification. Part IV also explains why Supreme Court involvement is needed to resolve this class certification issue and why the Court should adopt the In re Hydrogen rigorous analysis standard. Part V summarizes this Comment and argues in support of a high rigorous analysis standard for class certification. Part VI concludes

    Mechanism of action studies on the FR-9000482 class of antitumor antibiotics

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    1997 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The interactions of members of the FR-900482 class of antitumor antibiotic agents with DNA has been examined. Importantly, the first in vitro demonstration of nucleic acid interstrand cross-linking has been reported and the DNA base pair sequence specificity of the cross-linking event has been elucidated. These agents demonstrate a high degree of selectivity for 5'-CG-3' sequences of DNA. As such, bio-mechanistic analogy between these compounds and the clinically employed compound Mitomycin Chas been shown. Efforts have also examined extensively the ability of these agents to give rise to orientation isomers of each respective cross-link and their different properties. DNA-protein cross-linking by these agents has also been examined. A sequence-specific DNA-peptide binding motif has been identified which undergoes drug-mediated DNA-protein cross-linking. This is the first reported instance of a mitosene based-minor groove DNA-protein cross-link event. Significantly, the motif examined is characteristic of tissues which bear striking similarity to those of cancerous cell lines

    Characteristic Length Scale of Electric Transport Properties of Genomes

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    A tight-binding model together with a novel statistical method are used to investigate the relation between the sequence-dependent electric transport properties and the sequences of protein-coding regions of complete genomes. A correlation parameter Ω\Omega is defined to analyze the relation. For some particular propagation length wmaxw_{max}, the transport behaviors of the coding and non-coding sequences are very different and the correlation reaches its maximal value Ωmax\Omega_{max}. wmaxw_{max} and \omax are characteristic values for each species. The possible reason of the difference between the features of transport properties in the coding and non-coding regions is the mechanism of DNA damage repair processes together with the natural selection.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Conversion of DNA methyltransferases into azidonucleosidyl transferases via synthetic cofactors

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    Aziridine-based cofactor mimics have been synthesized and are shown to undergo methyltransferase-dependent DNA alkylation. Notably, each cofactor mimic possesses an azide functionality, to which can be attached an assortment of unnatural groups following methyltransferase-dependent DNA delivery. DNA duplexes modified with these cofactor mimics are capable of undergoing the Staudinger ligation with phosphines tethered to biological functionalities following enzymatic modification. This methodology provides a new tool by which to selectively modify DNA in a methyltransferase-dependent way. The conversion of biological methyltransferases into azidonucleosidyl transferases demonstrated here also holds tremendous promise as a means of identifying, as yet, unknown substrates of methylation

    Health as reflection of internal peace: the causes and treatments of psychosomatic diseases

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    Psihosomatskim bolestima se smatraju sva organska oboljenja u čijem nastanku glavnu ulogu imaju psihološki faktori. Objašnjavanje uzroka psihosomatskih oboljenja ovisi o pristupu znanstvenika. Ovim radom će se objasniti psihoanalitičko poimanje uzroka psihosomatskih bolesti (S. Freud i F. Alexander) prema kojem je nesvjesni sukob u pojedincu i njegovo simboličko ispoljavanje kroz organe uzrok bolesti. Nadalje, prikazat će se i pristup kojim se pojavnost ovih bolesti tumačiti kroz strukturu ličnosti (H.F.Dunbar). Ovim radom obuhvaćeno je i stajalište kako je stres uzrok ovih bolesti (H. Wolff i H. Selye). Pobliže će se objasniti i neuroznanstveni pristup kojim se pokušavaju razjasniti procesi u mozgu za vrijeme stresnih okolnosti (J. LeDoux). Tretmani liječenja psihosomatskih oboljenja su kompleksni jer je i samo oboljenje kompleksno. Nužno je djelovati na fizičkoj razini odnosno djelovati kako bi došlo do oporavka organa i tkiva. Liječenje uključuje i djelovanje na psihičkoj razini, tj. omogućiti pojedincu da se pravilno nauči nositi sa stresom. Takvo liječenje je moguće pomoću raznolikih tretmana: kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija, terapija yogom, terapija plesom i pokretom, tehnika biofeebacka, autogeni trening, koji će ovim radom biti pobliže opisani

    Health as reflection of internal peace: the causes and treatments of psychosomatic diseases

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    Psihosomatskim bolestima se smatraju sva organska oboljenja u čijem nastanku glavnu ulogu imaju psihološki faktori. Objašnjavanje uzroka psihosomatskih oboljenja ovisi o pristupu znanstvenika. Ovim radom će se objasniti psihoanalitičko poimanje uzroka psihosomatskih bolesti (S. Freud i F. Alexander) prema kojem je nesvjesni sukob u pojedincu i njegovo simboličko ispoljavanje kroz organe uzrok bolesti. Nadalje, prikazat će se i pristup kojim se pojavnost ovih bolesti tumačiti kroz strukturu ličnosti (H.F.Dunbar). Ovim radom obuhvaćeno je i stajalište kako je stres uzrok ovih bolesti (H. Wolff i H. Selye). Pobliže će se objasniti i neuroznanstveni pristup kojim se pokušavaju razjasniti procesi u mozgu za vrijeme stresnih okolnosti (J. LeDoux). Tretmani liječenja psihosomatskih oboljenja su kompleksni jer je i samo oboljenje kompleksno. Nužno je djelovati na fizičkoj razini odnosno djelovati kako bi došlo do oporavka organa i tkiva. Liječenje uključuje i djelovanje na psihičkoj razini, tj. omogućiti pojedincu da se pravilno nauči nositi sa stresom. Takvo liječenje je moguće pomoću raznolikih tretmana: kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija, terapija yogom, terapija plesom i pokretom, tehnika biofeebacka, autogeni trening, koji će ovim radom biti pobliže opisani

    FR900482, a close cousin of mitomycin C that exploits mitosene-based DNA cross-linking

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    AbstractBackground: The class of antitumor antibiotics that includes FR900482 has a very close structural analogy to the mitomycins, one of which, mitomycin C, has been in widespread clinical use for more than 20 years. Like mitomycin C, these antitumor antibiotics are reductively activated in vivo and covalently cross-link DNA as a result of activity of the mitosene moiety generated on reduction. Owing to differences in structure and the attendant mechanistic differences in bioreductive activation between the mitomycins and FR900482, FR900482 does not produce an adventitious superoxide radical anion during reductive activation and thus does not exhibit oxidative strand scission of DNA. It is postulated that the low clinical toxicity of FR900482 relative to mitomycin C is a direct manifestation of the mechanistic differences of bioreductive activation leading to the highly reactive DNA cross-linking mitosenes.Results: Using Fe(II)-EDTA footprinting, we showed that the two natural products FR900482 (1) and dihydro, FR66979 (3), and the semi-synthetically derived triacetate FK973 (2), display remarkable selectivity for 5′ deoxy-CG sequences of DNA, and that this selectivity is abolished upon deletion of the exocyclic N2 amine of either participating guanosine residue. In addition, we investigated the mono alkylation abilities of FR66979 with respect to a number of inosine-substituted oligonuclectides and observed that the FR900482 class of compounds were able to give rise to easily separable orientation isomers of their respective cross-links.Conclusions: The FR900482 class of antitumor antibiotics cross-link DNA in a fashion analogous to the mitomycins. The cross-linking reaction yields two orientation, isomers which are of vastly different electrophoretic mobility and which also exhibit radically different DNA-protein recognition properties upon reaction with Alul restriction endonuclease. In addition, mono-alkylation of DNA by FR66979 shows little, if any, dependence upon pre-covalent interactions deemed necessary for the mitomycins. These insights support the proposal that the FR900482 class of compounds represents a compelling clinical replacement for mitomycin C, given its greatly reduced host toxicity and superior DNA interstrand cross-linking efficacy

    The Antibacterial and Antifungal Textile Properties Functionalized by Bimetallic Nanoparticles of Ag/Cu with Different Structures

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    We reported a preparation and characterization of five kinds of impregnation solutions, containing Ag/Cu in the form of bimetallic nanoparticles (alloy and core-shell) as well as ionic species. The cotton-polyester textiles were successfully impregnated during the washing and ironing process by as-prepared solutions to have antibacterial and antifungal properties against to Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. Moreover, we have reported the effect of type of the fabric used and number of washing/impregnation cycles (in a laboratory scale) on the bactericidal and fungicidal activity of obtained textiles. The results indicated that all tested samples after 5, 10, 15, and 20 washing/impregnated cycles exhibited an antimicrobial activity. The antifungal tests showed that only textile impregnated with solutions containing Ag+/Cu2+ and Ag NPs/Cu2+ exhibited a strong inhibition of fungi growth of the after 5 (99.99%) and 15 (100%) washing/impregnation cycles, respectively

    The general framework for few-shot learning by kernel HyperNetworks

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    Few-shot models aim at making predictions using a minimal number of labeled examples from a given task. The main challenge in this area is the one-shot setting, where only one element represents each class. We propose the general framework for few-shot learning via kernel HyperNetworks—the fusion of kernels and hypernetwork paradigm. Firstly, we introduce the classical realization of this framework, dubbed HyperShot. Compared to reference approaches that apply a gradient-based adjustment of the parameters, our models aim to switch the classification module parameters depending on the task’s embedding. In practice, we utilize a hypernetwork, which takes the aggregated information from support data and returns the classifier’s parameters handcrafted for the considered problem. Moreover, we introduce the kernel-based representation of the support examples delivered to hypernetwork to create the parameters of the classification module. Consequently, we rely on relations between the support examples’ embeddings instead of the backbone models’ direct feature values. Thanks to this approach, our model can adapt to highly different tasks. While such a method obtains very good results, it is limited by typical problems such as poorly quantified uncertainty due to limited data size. We further show that incorporating Bayesian neural networks into our general framework, an approach we call BayesHyperShot, solves this issue