91 research outputs found

    Evaluation of chromosomal instability in somatic cells of farmed foxes

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    The micronucleus (MN) test is a common tool used to evaluate cellular genetic instability at the chromosomal level. It determines the effect of physical, chemical and environmental factors on DNA, and thus the body's individual resistance to harmful substances. The karyotypes of blue and silver foxes and their interspecific hybrids are characterized by morphological and structural variation. This variation is partly attributable to the presence of chromosomal polymorphism, which may significantly influence the stability of genetic material in the cells of these species. The objective of the study was to evaluate genetic material stability in selected Canidae species. To this end, analyses using the MN test were performed. Binucleated cells (BNCs) were analysed in microscopic preparations, and the number of micronuclei was determined within these cells. For the proportions of both MN and BNCs, highly significant differences were observed between the fox species. The interspecific hybrids differed from the other fox species in MN percentage. The lowest average was noted in blue foxes (3.33) and the highest in interspecific hybrids (15.21).</p

    Risk factors for poor health and performance in European broiler production systems

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    Background Conventional broilers are currently one of the most efficient protein converters. Although decades of progress in genetic selection and feed formulation have lead to high standards of efficient broiler production, still a lot of variability is found between farms and between successive flocks. The aim of this study was to investigate risk- and/or protective factors for poor health and performance in conventional broiler-farms in Europe by developing eight multivariable linear mixed models. Three different models were used to investigate mortality (overall, first week, after first week), three models for performance variables (growth, feed conversion, European production index) and two models were related to slaughterhouse data (i.e. dead on arrival and condemnation rate). Results Several factors related to management and housing were significantly associated with health and performance of broilers. The following factors were associated with increased mortality: floor quality, neonatal septicemia, ventilation type and other professional activities of the farmer. The factors associated with performance were chick sex, coccidiosis infections, necrotic enteritis, dysbacteriosis, light intensity adaptations, ventilation type, comparing daily flock results with previous flock results by farmer, daily check of feed and water system and type of feed. For dead on arrival three risk factors were identified i.e. daily growth, type of light adaptation and type of drinkers system. For condemnation rate seven risk factors were found, i.e. type of drinking system, daily growth, feed withdrawal time, type of ventilation, house size, septicemia after seven days and type of feed. Conclusions These results imply that a multifactorial approach is required with adaptations involving both improvements in management, housing, health programs and an increasing level of professionalism of the farmer in order to improve broiler performance and health

    Monitoring biosecurity in poultry production: an overview of databases reporting biosecurity compliance from seven European countries

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    Compliance with required on-farm biosecurity practices reduces the risk of contamination and spread of zoonotic and economically important diseases. With repeating avian influenza epidemics in the poultry industry, the need to monitor and improve the overall level of biosecurity is increasing. In practice, biosecurity compliance is assessed by various actors (e.g., academic, private and public institutions), and the results of such assessments may be recorded and gathered in databases which are seldom shared or thoroughly analyzed. This study aimed to provide an inventory of databases related to the assessment of biosecurity in poultry farms in seven major poultry-producing European countries to highlight challenges and opportunities associated with biosecurity data collection, sharing, and use. The institutions in charge of these databases were contacted and interviewed using a structured questionnaire to gather information on the main characteristics of the databases and the context of their implementation. A total of 20 databases were identified, covering the gamut of poultry species and production types. Most databases were linked to veterinary health authorities or academia, and to a lesser extent interbranch organizations. Depending on the institutions in charge, the databases serve various purposes, from providing advice to enforcing regulations. The quality of the biosecurity data collected is believed to be quite reliable, as biosecurity is mostly assessed by trained farm advisors or official veterinarians and during a farm visit. Some of the databases are difficult to analyze and/or do not offer information concerning which biosecurity measures are most or least respected. Moreover, some key biosecurity practices are sometimes absent from certain databases. Although the databases serve a variety of purposes and cover different production types, each with specific biosecurity features, their analysis should help to improve the surveillance of biosecurity in the poultry sector and provide evidence on the benefits of biosecurity

    Comments to the verdict of 19 February 2020 of the Supreme Court (I KA 10/19)

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    Przedmiotem glosy jest degradacja, funkcjonująca jako istotny element systemu sankcji w polskim wojskowym prawie karnym. Autor przyjął stanowisko Sądu Najwyższego wyrażone w orzeczeniu z 19.02.2020 r., odnośnie tego środka karnego. Opierając się na powyższym wyroku oraz na innych orzeczeniach Sądu Najwyższego, dokonał gruntownej analizy przesłanek orzekania oraz funkcji degradacji. Opracowanie ma na celu wskazanie praktycznych i teoretycznych problemów, jakie pociąga za sobą stosowanie tej kary.This comment on the judgment is about degradation. Degradation is an important element of the sanctions system in Polish military criminal law. The author accepts the position of the Supreme Court on this punishment. In the presented study, based on the verdict of 19 February 2020, as well as previous verdicts of the Supreme Court, the premises for its adjudication and the function of degradation were analyzed. The article is also intended to indicate the practical and theoretical problems that the application of this punishment entails

    Failed Attempt to Penalise for Removal of Filters in Diesel Engines – Fight Against Smog in Criminal Law

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    The article focuses on the analysis of the legislative initiative aimed mainly to improve the air quality. Although it has not become a binding regulation, it should be recognised – mostly because it was the first, based on sensu largo penal law, actual attempt to reduce exhaust fumes emission. Moreover, this initiative is a good example to illustrate the trend in the penal policies that is bound to set standards in fighting adverse effects in the area of environmental protection. A critical analysis of the solutions proposed should give rise to developing new regulations, which make an indispensable instrument of the state’s policy related to fight for clean atmosphere

    Penal Measures in the Light of the Amendment to the Penal Code Of July 7, 2022 – Selected Problems

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    The subject of the article are the changes regarding penal measures resulting from the amendment to the Penal Code and some other acts of July 7, 2022. They constitute a far-reaching interference in the system of penal measures. Basically, they aim at increasing the repressive nature of criminal law by extending the grounds for adjudicating these criminal policy instruments and by introducing solutions limiting the judgeʼs discretionary power (mandatory mode of adjudicating many criminal measures). The aim of the article is an attempt to evaluate the adopted solutions through the prism of political and criminal assumptions justifying the introduced changes and the criteria of rational law-making.Przedmiotem artykułu są zmiany dotyczące środków karnych wynikające z nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego oraz niektórych innych ustaw z 7.07.2022 r. Dokonuje ona daleko idących przeobrażeń w systemie środków karnych. Zasadniczo zmierzają one do zwiększenia represyjności prawa karnego przez poszerzenie podstaw orzekania tych instrumentów polityki karnej i przez wprowadzenie rozwiązań ograniczających dyskrecjonalną władzę sędziego (obligatoryjny tryb orzekania wielu środków karnych). Celem artykułu jest próba oceny przyjętych rozwiązań przez pryzmat polityczno-kryminalnych założeń, uzasadniających wprowadzone zmiany, oraz kryteriów racjonalnego tworzenia prawa.

    Changes in Terms of Penal Measures in the Light of the Amendment to the Criminal Code of 13 June 2019

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są zmiany środków karnych wynikające z nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego z 13 czerwca 2019 r. Autor analizuje konsekwencje tych zmian. W ocenie projektodawców głównym celem ma być podniesienie poziomu ochrony dzieci poprzez prawo karne. Artykuł ujawnia różne błędy i wady przyjętych rozwiązań prawnych, które nie pozwalają na pozytywną ocenę wyżej wspomnianej nowelizacji. Artykuł porusza także kwestie związane ze zmianami w zakresie środka karnego w postaci zakazu prowadzenia pojazdu. Artykuł odnosi się do zmian wprowadzonych do Kodeksu karnego, które spowodowały znaczne zwiększenie odpowiedzialności karnej sprawców przestępstw komunikacyjnych. Autor dokonuje krytycznej analizy i pokazuje wadliwość niektórych przepisów oraz ich niespójność z innymi rozwiązaniami kodeksowymi. Co więcej, podejmowanie tak radykalnych środków - wbrew temu, co zauważyli autorzy noweli, nie jest uzasadnione poziomem i dynamiką przestępstw komunikacyjnych. Autor krytycznie odnosi się do proponowanych poprawek, podkreślając ich nadmierną represyjność, która nie jest uzasadniona potrzebą ochrony bezpieczeństwa w komunikacji.  Changes in penal measures resulting from the amendment to the Penal Code of 13 June 2019 constitute the subject matter of the article. The author analyses the consequences of those changes. The authors of the amendments to the act declared that the level would increase the protection of children through criminal law, which was their main motive. The article reveals various errors and disadvantages of the legal framework adopted, which do not allow for a positive assessment of the above mentioned amendment. The article also raises the issues related to changes accounting for a criminal measure in the form of a driving ban. The article refers to the amendments to the Criminal Code, which resulted in significant strengthening of criminal liability for transport crime. The author gives a critical review and demonstrates the fallacy of certain provisions and their inconsistency with other Code stipulations. Furthermore, taking such radical measures – contrary to what the amendment authors pointed out – is not justified by the increasing crime rate. The author is critical about the proposed amendments, emphasising their excessive repressiveness, which is not reasoned by the need to protect traffic safety


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