180 research outputs found


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    In this study, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication between the ADS 8568 EVM-PDK (Evolution Performance Development Kit) Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) developed by Texas Instrument and Xilinx XC5VLX110T FPGA board is implemented in order to verify Induction Motor (IM) model in real-time. Analog datas obtained from the voltage, current and torque transducers are converted to digital datas by ADC and read with FPGA simultaneously in real-time. Thus, the αβ- stator stationary axis components of the stator voltage ( and ) and αβ- axis components of the stator current ( and ) are calculated by Clarke transformation. The load torque  is obtained by passing the measured signals from the torque transducer through the low-pass filter which is implemented on the FPGA using 64-bit double floating number format. In addition, the signals obtained from the incremental encoder are read by the FPGA after the voltage level shifting with 74LS245P Integrated Circuit (IC), so that mechanical speed  (or ) of the rotor can be measured. All measurement algorithms except for the lowpass filter constructed for load torque measurement are implemented with VHDL by using 32-bit single floating numbers. The real-time verification of the rotor flux-based IM model is performed offline before it is implemented on FPGA by using the stator voltages, currents and load torque measured from the IM by using the simultaneous measurement unit in real-time. Thus, an FPGA-based real-time open-loop experimental setup of IM is established for the future works about the estimator/observer based speed-sensorless control of IMs

    The Generational and Social Class Bases of Pro-Democratic Culture in Turkey: A Quantitative Analysis with WVS Data

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    Political culture research focuses on the relationship between individual-level orientations and system-level institutions. Three approaches within this line of research suggest different sets of orientations that are understood to support democracy. Yet, very little is known about what underlines these pro-democratic orientations. Focusing on two potential bases, generation and social class, the present research asks: ‘What are the generational and class bases of pro-democratic culture in Turkey?’ The research tests the theoretical predictions of both Karl Mannheim’s theory of generations and Seymour Martin Lipset’s working class authoritarianism thesis to examine whether there are differences in pro democratic culture across generational and class categories. The findings do not lend complete support to either theory. The analysis reveals that Turkish respondent`s pro democratic attitudes do not follow generational lines. However, an indirect effect of generation is revealed when social class is included in the analysis. The findings show that for those generations which have come of age under authoritarian politico-juridical orders, social classes are homogenized with respect to their pro-democratic attitudes. On the other hand, for those generations socialized under non-authoritarian governments, the findings lend support to the modernization theory’s classification of the social classes challenging that of Lipset’s theory. Three types of regression techniques are applied to cross-sectional data from the 1990, 1996, 2001, 2007 and 2011 waves of the World Values Survey (WVS) for Turkey. The overall thesis is composed of eight chapters. The first chapter introduces the main arguments and hypotheses. The second chapter gives a brief overview of the recent history of Turkey to provide the necessary background for making sense of the analysis. The third chapter outlines the theoretical framework of the research. The fourth chapter introduces the data and the methodology used for the analysis. The following three chapters present the empirical findings of the research. Finally, the eighth chapter provides a brief summary of the findings and discusses their wider implications

    Parking at and around downtown shopping malls

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    This thesis focuses on the parking behaviors of individuals at and around downtown shopping malls. I express a real life parking problem where a sequential game is played between the mall and individuals, and I model the problem. In the model, the mall decides the price of the good, the parking fee, and the capacity of the mall, then individuals decide to park either at the mall or the curbside. Individuals are determined endogenously according to their valuations of the good that the monopolist shopping mall has produced. I determined the equilibrium and also solved for the social optimum where a social planner controls the parking fee. I find that both the equilibrium and social optimum parking fees are positive. Moreover, the socially optimum parking fee is higher than the equilibrium parking fee

    A Case of Mumps and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

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    Idiopatik trombositopenik purpura, çocuklarda görülen edinsel trombositopeninin en sık nedenidir. Çogunlukla akuttur ve spontan düzelir. Kabakulak enfeksiyonu sıklıkla çocukluk çagında görülen viral bir enfeksiyondur.Bu yazıda akut kabakulak enfeksiyonu sırasında saptanan semptomatik idiopatik trombositopenik purpura olgusu sunulmustur.Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is the most common cause of acquired thrombocytopenia in children. It usually develops acutely and recovers spontaneously. Mumps is a viral infection which often appears in childhood. It rarely has severe complications. In this article, a symptomatic case of ITP occurred during acute mumps infection is presented

    An application of the whale optimization algorithm with Levy flight strategy for clustering of medical datasets

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    Clustering, which is handled by many researchers, is separating data into clusters without supervision. In clustering, the data are grouped using similarities or differences between them. Many traditional and heuristic algorithms are used in clustering problems and new techniques continue to be developed today. In this study, a new and effective clustering algorithm was developed by using the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Levy flight (LF) strategy that imitates the hunting behavior of whales. With the developed WOA-LF algorithm, clustering was performed using ten medical datasets taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository database. The clustering performance of the WOA-LF was compared with the performance of k-means, k-medoids, fuzzy c-means and the original WOA clustering algorithms. Application results showed that WOA-LF has more successful clustering performance in general and can be used as an alternative algorithm in clustering problems

    Ultrasonographically detected hepatosteatosis independently predicts the presence and severity of coronary artery disease

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    Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate the association between the presence and severity of CAD and NAFLD. Methods: The study group consisted of 153 patients who underwent coronary angiographies. Patients were categorized into CAD and non-CAD groups. CAD severity was determined by the number of CAD-involved arteries and the vessel score multiplied by Gensini score, the latter judging CAD severity. Fatty liver was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography (USG), with the patients being categorized by the degree of hepatosteatosis, as Grade 0, Grade 1, and Grade 2-3. Results: Among the whole study population, 47.1% of patients (n=72) were female and 52.9% of patients (n=81) were male. Forty-three patients had normal coronary arteries; 27 patients had non-critical CAD and side branch disease; and 83 patients had clinically significant CAD (stenosis>50%). The rate of CAD and Gensini score were significantly different between Grade 0, 1 and 2-3 hepatosteatosis groups (p<0.05). Patients with CAD had a significantly higher AST level than those without (p< 0.05). Conclusion: Ultrasonographically detected hepatosteatosis independently predicts the presence and severity of CAD. Keywords: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; gensini score; obesity

    Perspektifler 2017 Denizli dosyası

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    Okumaya koyulduğunuz derleme, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi öğretim elemanlarının bir kısmının yazılarını bir araya getiriyor. Yazı davetine fakültemizin Denizli vizyonunu ortaya koyan geleceğine ilişkin notlar düşen bir broşür-rapor kitaptan söz ederek çıkmıştık. Amaçladığımız, hem bizlerin akademik-proje bilgi ve fikirlerini ortaya koymak hem de yaşadığımız şehrin hızlı akan zaman içinde verilerini ve envanterini içeren raporunu tutmaktı. Bu bakımdan kitabın ismi şimdiki zamandan geleceğe bakış açısını anlatan ‘Perspektifler’ genel başlığını aldı. Her yıl çıkabilir mi bilemem ama belirli yıllarda çıkma hedefini gerçekleştirebilir. Kitabın alt başlığında bu yılın tarihinin (2017) yer alması bu yüzden. Denizli üzerinde benzer alandaki yazıları bir bütün halinde derlediğinden ilaveten ‘Denizli Dosyası’ dedik. Bölüm yazıları, ilgilisi ve meraklısına nazaran akademik-popülerlik arasındaki zor bir üslupta istendi. Yazı uzunluğunun 3500 kelime ile sınırlanması bile birikimli ve deneyimli yazarlarımız için kolay olmadı. Nihayet, ilgi çekecek bir dosya-kitap çıktı ortaya. Katkı veren yazar arkadaşlara minnettarım. Son teşekkür notu MAC ART Ajansına. Çünkü aklımda şöyle bir tasarım var düşüncemi aşan bir kitap çıkarttılar. Faydalı olması ümidiyle

    Evaluation of occult uterine leiomyosarcomas

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    Objectives: To determine the frequency of occult uterine leiomyosarcomas following hysterectomies and myomectomies performed for benign reasons at our clinic and to draw comparisons with similar studies in the literature.  Material and methods: All hysterectomies and myomectomies that have been performed for benign reasons at our clinic between 2010 and 2017 were retrospectively examined via the hospital’s information system and the patients that were found to have leiomyosarcomas were analysed. The incidence of occult uterine leiomyosarcoma per 1000 surgeries at our clinic was calculated using the Wilson score interval.  Results: A total of 6,173 hysterectomies were performed, and occult uterine leiomyosarcoma was identified in 5 patients. The incidence of occult uterine leiomyosarcoma was calculated to be 0.08% (95% CI 0.03–0.018%). Only 1 of the 771 patients who underwent myomectomy was identified with occult uterine leiomyosarcoma, making its incidence in myomectomy 0.12% (95% CI 0.02–0.073%). When all the patients are considered, occult uterine leiomyosarcoma was identified in 6 of the 6,944 patients, and the general incidence of occult uterine leiomyosarcoma was calculated as 0.08% (95% CI 0.03–0.018%).  Conclusions: In our study, the incidence of occult uterine sarcoma following myomectomy and hysterectomy was found to be lower than that reported in the literature. The reason for this lower incidence includes not only genetic causes and racial differences but also preoperative imaging, endometrial and cervical sampling that is performed on every patient

    A life-threatening problem occurring in the canalis inguinalis in children: Incarcerated hernia

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    Amaç: Çocuklarda görülen en sık cerrahi hastalık kasık fıtıklarıdır ve %5-18 oranında boğulma riski taşır. Bu çalışmada bebek ve çocuklarda görülen boğulmuş kasık fıtığının klinik özellikleri incelendi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Ocak 1994-Haziran 2006 döneminde boğulmuş kasık fıtığı nedeniyle takip ve tedavi edilen 33 çocuk olgunun (30 erkek, 3 kız; ort. yaş 2; dağılım 20 gün-6 yaş) kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Kasıkta şişlik (n=33), kusma (n=19) ve skrotumda krepitasyon (n=10) en sık görülen semptomlardı. Olgulardan 26'sında elle geri itme girişimi başarılı oldu ancak yedi olguda acil cerrahi girişim yapılması gerekti. Fıtık kesesinde en çok sıkışan organ ince bağırsaklardı (n=22). Olgulardan üçünde testis iskemisi, ikisinde ince bağırsak, birinde ise kalın bağırsak iskemisi gelişmişti. Boğulmuş kasık fıtığı nedeniyle iki hasta (%6.0) kaybedildi. Sonuç: Bölgemizde boğulmuş kasık fıtığı olgularının hastaneye getirilmesinin geciktirildiği düşüncesindeyiz. Çocuklarda kasık fıtığı görüldüğünde mümkün olan en kısa zamanda ameliyat edilmelidir. Böylece boğulmuş kasık fıtığının yol açtığı yaşamsal sorunlar ortadan kaldırılmış olacaktır.Objectives: Inguinal hernia is the most common surgical disorder in childhood and is associated with 5-18 % incarceration risk. The clinical features of incarcerated inguinal hernia in infants and children were assessed. Patients and Methods: The medical records of 33 pediatric cases (30 males, 3 females; mean age 2 years; range 20 days-6 years) treated and followed up in our hospital for incarcerated inguinal hernia in the period of January 1994 and June 2006 were retrospectivelye evaluated. Results: The most frequent symptoms were inguinal lump (n=33), vomiting (n=19) and crepitation of the scrotum (n=10). Manual reduction of hernia was successful in 26 cases and 7 of them underwent emergency hernia repair. Small bowel was the most frequent incarcerated organ (n=22). Testicular ischemia developed in 3 patients, partial small bowel ischemia in 2, and colon ischemia in one patient. Two patients (6%) died due to incarcerated inguinal hernia. Conclusion: We think that in our region, cases of incarcerated inguinal hernia are admitted to the hospital with delay. The children with inguinal hernia should be operated as soon as possible. Life-threatening complications of incarcerated inguinal hernia may thus be prevented

    Çocuklarda semptomatik ve asemptomatik COVID-19’un demografik ve klinik bulguları

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    Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a newly described pathogen that is usually transmitted by droplets between person to person. Although the clinical spectrum of COVID-19 ranges from asymptomatic disease to the development of severe acute respiratory distress, children are generally milder than adults. It was aimed to compare the clinical and laboratory values of symptomatic and asymptomatic children followed up with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in this study. Materials and Methods: The records of children with nasopharyngeal swab SARS-CoV-2 Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction test positive were analyzed retrospectively. Children with symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea and/or vomiting were accepted as symptomatic, and children with positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR in a nasopharyngeal swab taken only due to contact history and have no symptoms were considered asymptomatic. Results: A total of 197 patients, 47 (23.8%) symptomatic and 150 (76.2%) asymptomatic, were included in the study. The mean age of the children was 9.1±5.2 years (range, 1 month-17 years). Cough (8.6%) was the most common symptom at admission. When the symptomatic and asymptomatic children were compared in terms of white blood cell (WBC), WBC subgroups, C-reactive protein there was no statistically significant difference. No significant increase was found in the CRP values of symptomatic patients. Ground-glass opacities compatible with COVID-19 was detected in only 10 (30%) of 33 symptomatic patients who underwent thoracic tomography. Conclusion: COVID-19 is usually mild in children. At the same time, a significant change in laboratory parameters and imaging findings may not be observed in symptomatic and/or asymptomatic children with positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR.Giriş: Şiddetli akut solunum sendromu koronavirüs-2 (SARS-CoV-2), genellikle kişiden kişiye damlacık yoluyla bulaşan yeni tanımlanan bir patojendir. COVID- 19’un klinik spektrumu asemptomatik hastalıktan şiddetli akut solunum sıkıntısı gelişimine kadar değişse de, çocuklar genellikle yetişkinlerden daha hafif klinik gidiş gösterir. Bu çalışmada COVID-19 tanısı ile izlenen semptomatik ve asemptomatik çocukların klinik ve laboratuvar değerlerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Nazofaringeal sürüntü materyalinde SARS-CoV-2 Ters Transkriptaz-Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyon testi pozitif olan çocukların hastane kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Ateş, öksürük, nefes darlığı, ishal ve/veya kusma gibi semptomları olanlar semptomatik, herhangi bir semptomu olmayıp yalnızca temas öyküsü nedeniyle alınan sürüntüde SARS-CoV-2 PCR pozitif saptanan çocuklar asemptomatik kabul edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 150 (%76.2) asemptomatik, 47 (%23.8) semptomatik olmak üzere toplam 197 çocuk dahil edildi. Çocukların ortalama yaşı 9.1±5.2 yaş (1 ay-17 yaş) idi. Başvuruda en sık görülen şikayet öksürüktü (%8.6). Semptomatik ve asemptomatik çocuklar arasında beyaz küre ve alt grupları sayısı açısından anlamlı fark bulunamadı. Semptomatik hastaların C-reaktif protein değerinde de anlamlı yükseklik belirlenmedi. Toraks tomografisi çekilen 33 semptomatik hastanın yalnızca 10’unda (%30) COVID-19 ile uyumlu buzlu cam manzarası saptandı. Sonuç: COVID-19, çocuklarda genellikle hafif seyirlidir. Aynı zamanda SARS-CoV-2 PCR pozitif saptanan semptomatik ve/veya asemptomatik çocuklarda laboratuvar parametreleri ve görüntüleme bulgularında önemli bir değişiklik görülmeyebilir