59 research outputs found

    The Impacts Of Interest Expenditure On Income Distribution and An Application On The Factors Distorting Income Distribution: An Empirical Analysis For Turkey

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    Income inequality and poverty have emerged as the most important socio-economic problems for these times. Turkey, since the 1980s, meets public sector deficits by internal borrowing. To meet interest costs incurred for borrowing with tax revenues, which is an important source of the government, and gradually increase the share of the indirect taxes in tax revenues is an accurate indicator of an income transfer from public to the owners of capital. This study will focus on internal borrowing interest payments. The distribution of the recipients of internal borrowing, the share of interest payments in domestic debt stock of the state are evaluated, and by examining the course of interest payments over the years, will be focused on the effect on income distribution. In addition, the effect of the distribution of tax burden on income distribution will also be analyzed. And finally, in this study, the factors distorting the income distribution will be analyzed and the Topsis Model which is conducted over the period 2002-2015. Findings are in accordance with the Gini Coefficient results. Accordingly, income distribution indicated a more equitable distribution during the period when the domestic debt interest payments, unemployment rates, the share of indirect taxes, inflation and interest rates were decreasing

    Tarih Bilinci ve Kelam İlmindeki Muhtasar Teliflerin İslam Eğitim Geleneğindeki Yeri

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    Tarih bilinci sonrakilere aktarılan bir tecrübe birikimi ve gelecek nesillerin hazır bulduğu önemli bir tarihi miras olma özelliği taşır. Gelenek, örf, adet ismi de verilen bu tecrübe birikimi tarihin süzgecinden geçerek klasik olma niteliğini elde etmiştir. On dört asırlık bilgi birikimine sahip Müslümanların bu kültürü günümüze aktarmada izleyeceği yöntem de ayrıca büyük öneme haizdir. Bu çalışmada genel olarak klasikler özelde de akâid ve kelam klasiklerinin telif nedenleri ve bunların sonraki nesile neler kazandırdığı incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Kelam ilmine yön verme özelliğine sahip bu klasiklerin okunmasında izlenecek metodoloji de bu vesileyle analiz edilecektir. Çünkü geleneği günümüze aktarmada sadece yazılan metinlerin satır aralarına sıkışmak, İslam’ın evrensel değerleri ile de problem oluşturabilmektedir

    Energy use efficiency and economic analysis of nectarine (Prunuspersica var. nucipersica) production: A case study from Nigde province

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    This study was aimed to determine the energy use efficiency and economic analysis of nectarine production for the 2015–2016 production seasons in Nigde province in Turkey. A survey data were collected in 2017 and the farms were ˘ selected according to the full counting method and the survey was applied to these farms. In order to determine the energy use efficiency and economic analysis in the production of nectarine, a survey was made with 8 farms that can be reached over 20 decares of nectarine production in Nigde province. According to results of study, human labour energy, ˘ machinery energy, chemical fertilizers energy, chemicals energy, organic fertilizers energy, diesel fuel energy, irrigation water energy and electricity energy were calculated as energy inputs. Nectarine fruit was calculated as output. In nectarine production, total input energy was calculated as 29,893.35MJ ha–1 and total energy output was calculated as 55,731.09MJ ha–1. The energy inputs in nectarine production were calculated respectively as chemical fertilizers energy 12,900.69MJ ha–1 (43.15%), electricity energy 6698.27MJ ha–1 (22.41%), irrigation water energy 4142.05MJ ha–1 (13.86%), human labour energy 1826.29MJ ha–1 (6.11%), chemicals energy 1660.69MJ ha–1 (5.56%), diesel fuel energy 1479.26MJ ha–1 (4.95%), machinery energy 1134.65MJ ha–1 (3.80%) and organic fertilizers energy 51.45MJ ha–1 (0.17%). The energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy calculations were calculated in nectarine production respectively as 1.86, 1.02MJ kg–1, 0.98 kg MJ–1 and 25,837.74MJ ha–1. Benefit-cost ratio was calculated as 2.02 for nectarine production

    Determination of the energy input-output analysis and economic efficiency of pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo L.) production in Turkey: A case study of Nevsehir province.

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    n this study, the energy use of inputs and outputs employed by the enterprises producing pumpkin seed in Nevsehir's Central, Acigol, Urgup districts and towns in Turkey were determined. The inputs were classified into direct, indirect, renewable and non-renewable energy groups. For energy use efficiency calculation purposes; energy output-input ratio, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy calculations were performed. In the study, survey, questionnaire, observation, measurement and calculation methods were employed. Based on the "Proportional Sampling Method", the study was take place in Nevsehir's Central, Acigol and Urgup districts, where 23 villages were randomly selected from each district, combining to make up a total number of 23 villages and 198 enterprises. Regarding pumpkin seed production, energy input was calculated as 35905.24 MJ ha-1, while energy output was calculated as 9005.45 MJ ha-1 and energy output-input ratio was defined as 0.25. The composition of energy inputs is 45.08% (16184.42 MJ ha-1) chemical fertilizers energy, 32.42% electricity energy (11639.52 MJ ha-1), 9.14% (3282.87 MJ ha-1) diesel fuel energy, 8.98% (3222.79 MJ ha-1) irrigation water energy, 3.29% (1182.60 MJ ha-1) machinery energy, 0.43% (156.11 MJ ha-1) seed energy, 0.33% (119.21 MJ ha-1) human labour energy, 0.17% chemicals energy (60.72 MJ ha-1) and 0.16% (57 MJ ha-1) farmyard manure energy. Energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy in pumpkin seed production were calculated as 0.25, 46.45 MJ kg- 1, 0.02 kg MJ- 1 and -26899.79 MJ ha-1, respectively. The consumed total energy input in pumpkin seed production could be classified as 50.87% direct, 49.13% indirect, 9.90% renewable and 90.10% non-renewable. Economic efficiency of pumpkin seed was calculated as 1.25. © 2020 Parlar Scientific Publications. All rights reserved

    Energy use efficiency and economic analysis of nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) production: a case study from Niğde province

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    This study was aimed to determine the energy use efficiency and economic analysis of nectarine production for the 2015–2016 production seasons in Niğde province in Turkey. A survey data were collected in 2017 and the farms were selected according to the full counting method and the survey was applied to these farms. In order to determine the energy use efficiency and economic analysis in the production of nectarine, a survey was made with 8 farms that can be reached over 20 decares of nectarine production in Niğde province. According to results of study, human labour energy, machinery energy, chemical fertilizers energy, chemicals energy, organic fertilizers energy, diesel fuel energy, irrigation water energy and electricity energy were calculated as energy inputs. Nectarine fruit was calculated as output. In nectarine production, total input energy was calculated as 29,893.35 MJ ha−1 and total energy output was calculated as 55,731.09 MJ ha−1. The energy inputs in nectarine production were calculated respectively as chemical fertilizers energy 12,900.69 MJ ha−1 (43.15%), electricity energy 6698.27 MJ ha−1 (22.41%), irrigation water energy 4142.05 MJ ha−1 (13.86%), human labour energy 1826.29 MJ ha−1 (6.11%), chemicals energy 1660.69 MJ ha−1 (5.56%), diesel fuel energy 1479.26 MJ ha−1 (4.95%), machinery energy 1134.65 MJ ha−1 (3.80%) and organic fertilizers energy 51.45 MJ ha−1 (0.17%). The energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy calculations were calculated in nectarine production respectively as 1.86, 1.02 MJ kg−1, 0.98 kg MJ−1 and 25,837.74 MJ ha−1. Benefit-cost ratio was calculated as 2.02 for nectarine production. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature

    Effect of different applıcatıons on rootıng of cuttıngs some almond rootstocks

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    Bu çalışmada; Rootpac-40 ve GF 677 badem klon anaçlarının çelikleri üzerine bazı bitki büyüme hormonları ve bitki aktivatörünün köklenme üzerine etkileri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada, sertifikalı bir yıllık durgun Rootpac-40 ve GF677 klonal badem (Prunus dulcis L.) anaçlarının çelikleri, bitki gelişim düzenleyicileri olarak 3000 ppm /1 L dozunda IBA (Idole 3-butyric acid), IAA (Idole-3-acetic acid), SA (Salicylic acid) , 12 g/100 L Messenger Gold (MG) kullanılarak, iklim odasında (22ᵒC ±1) tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde 4 tekerrürlü bir deneme yürütülmüştür. Çalışma sonucunda; canlı çelik sayısı bakımından uygulama x anaç interaksiyonu, çelik çapı bakımından sadece uygulama önemli bulunurken (p<0.05), kallüslenme, köklenme oranı, kök uzunluğu, kök çapı ve kök sayısı gibi diğer özellikler önemsiz bulunmuştur. Rootpac-40 anacında en yüksek canlı çelik sayısı kontrol konusunda (% 95.00) belirlenirken, MG uygulaması (% 85.50) kontrol ile istatistiki olarak aynı grupta yer almıştır. En düşük canlı çelik sayısı ise IAA konusunda (% 57.50) saptanmıştır. GF 677 anacında ise en yüksek canlı çelik sayısı IBA uygulamasında (% 85.00) tespit edilirken, bunu IAA (% 75) uygulaması takip etmiştir. En düşük canlı çelik sayısı ise kontrol (% 50.00) ve Messenger Gold (% 57.00) uygulamalarında belirlenmiştir. Her iki anaçta çelik çapı değerleri 4.04 mm - 6.29 mm arasında değişiklik gösterirken, en yüksek çelik çapı MG ( 6.29 mm), IAA (6.25 mm) ve IBA (5.71 mm) uygulamalarından elde edilmiş ve istatistiki olarak aynı grupta yer almıştır. En düşük çelik çapı ise SA (4.04 mm) uygulamasında tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Rootpac-40 anacında canlı çelik sayısını MG uygulaması, GF 677 anacında ise IBA uygulaması artırmıştır. Her iki anacın çelik çapı üzerine MG, IAA ve IBA uygulamaları olumlu yönde etki göstermiştir

    Effect of different applications on rooting ofcuttings some almond rootstocks(Prunus dulcis l.).

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    n the study, the effects of some plant growth hormones and plant activators on the rooting of Rootpac-40 and GF 677 almond clonal rootstock cuttings were defined. The annual Rootpac-40 and GF677 clonal almond (P. dulcis L.) rootstocks were studied in a growth room (22°C±1) in randomized blocks design with 4 replicates, and the plant growth regulators used were IBA (Indole-3-butyric acid), IAA (Indole-3-acetic acid), SA (Salicylic acid) and Messenger Gold (MG). In Rootpac-40, the highest live cutting quantity was observed in control (95.00%), and MG (85.50%) was placed statistically in the same group with control. The lowest amount of live cutting was observed in IAA (57.50%). In GF 677, the highest number of live cutting was observed in IBA (85.00%), which was followed by IAA (75.00%). The lowest number of live cutting was observed in control (50.00%) and MG (57.00%) practises. While the cutting diameter values ranged between 4.04 mm-6.29 mm in both rootstocks, the highest cutting diameter was observed in MG (6.29 mm), IAA (6.25 mm) and IBA (5.71 mm). The lowest cutting diameter on the other hand, was observed in the SA (4.04 mm). In conclusion, the number of live cuttings in Rootpac-40 was increased by MG, while in GF 677, IBA was the factor that increased the number. MG, IAA and IBA were created positive effects on the cutting diameter of both rootstocks