5 research outputs found

    Pharyngocutaneous fistulae after total laryngectomy: a systematic review Fístula faringocutánea posterior a la laringectomía total: revisión sistemática Fístula faringocutânea após laringectomia total: revisão sistemática

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    Nursing care to patients after total laryngectomy should be based on scientific knowledge. Evidence-based practice is a type of approach that stimulates the use of research results in clinical practice. This study presents a systematic review that aimed to identify the main treatments for pharyngocutaneous fistulae after total laryngectomy. Articles were selected from five databases: Pubmed, Cinahl, Biomednet Research Tools, Cochrane Library and Lilacs. The review sample consisted of 37 articles. After analyzing the articles included in the review, results showed that conservative treatment is commonly used for pharyngocutaneous fistulae, recommending intensive hygiene and wound treatment. The use of research results in clinical practice will grant greater consistency to nurses' actions in care for patients with pharyngocutaneous fistulae.<br>La atención de enfermería brindada al paciente con laringotomía total debe estar basada en el conocimiento científico. La práctica basada en evidencias es un enfoque que incentiva la utilización de resultados de investigaciones en la práctica clínica. Esta investigación es una revisión sistémica, con el objetivo de identificar los principales tratamientos de la fístula faríngeo-cutánea posterior a la laringotomía total. Para la selección de los artículos, se utilizaron cinco bases de datos: Pubmed, Cinahl, Biomednet Research Tools, Cochrane Library y Lilacs. La muestra fue conformada por 37 artículos. Posterior al análisis de los artículos incluidos en esta revisión, los resultados evidenciaron que el tratamiento para la fístula faringo-cutánea es de tipo conservador, el cual es basado en cuidados intensos de higiene y tratamiento de la herida. La utilización de estos resultados en la práctica clínica brindará mayor consistencia al trabajo de la enfermera para el cuidado del paciente con fístula faringo-cutánea.<br>A assistência de enfermagem prestada ao paciente laringectomizado total deve ser baseada em conhecimento científico. A prática baseada em evidências é abordagem que incentiva a utilização de resultados de pesquisas na prática clínica. A presente pesquisa é uma revisão sistemática que teve por objetivo identificar os principais tratamentos da fístula faringocutânea, após laringectomia total. Para a seleção dos artigos utilizou-se cinco bases de dados Pubmed, Cinahl, Biomednet Research Tools, Cochrane Library e Lilacs. A amostra desta revisão foi constituída de 37 artigos. Após análise dos artigos incluídos na revisão, os resultados evidenciaram que o tratamento para a fístula faringocutânea é o conservador, o qual preconiza cuidados higiênicos intensivos e o tratamento da ferida. A utilização de resultados de pesquisas na prática clínica trará maior consistência à atuação da enfermeira no cuidado ao portador de fístula faringocutânea

    New Geosite Candidates at the Western Termination of the Büyük Menderes Graben and their Importance on Science Education

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    The Buyuk Menderes Graben (BMG) is one of the best-known and the largest geological structure of the West Anatolian Extensional Province. It includes two nature conservation parks and twelve cultural heritage sites within and in its vicinity. Four geologically distinct features/locations within and in the vicinity of the BMG have been previously enlisted as geosite candidates in the provisional Geological Heritage Inventory of Turkey compiled in 2002 by the Turkish Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage (JEMRKO): (1) the horst-graben structure of the Buyuk Menderes region itself, (2) the tafoni from the augen-gneiss from the east of Bafa Lake, (3) the zultanite crystals from the northeast of lbir Mountain, and (4) the tourmaline (dravite) crystals from the Camzal, Cine. In the current study, we are introducing additional three new geosite candidates at the western termination of the BMG with three different main geological subjects. The first one is the Yavansu Fault. Located 2 km south of the Kuadas village, it has a clearly exposed unique fault surface which is one of the best examples of structural indicators for the WAEP with respect to the normal faulting events. The second one is located in the Hisartepe Volcanics exposed between Kuadas and Soke, and consists of basaltic lava flows with remarkable prismatic cooling joints and a gorgeous feeder dome reaching up to 150 m height. Final suggestion is the Karina marine fan-delta complex located at the south-eastern border of the Dilek Peninsula National Park. This fan-delta complex is the largest one in the Western Anatolian scale and has remarkable paragon outcrops up to 20 m high between Doanbey and Karina Lagoon

    Metagenome, metatranscriptome, and metaproteome approaches unraveled compositions and functional relationships of microbial communities residing in biogas plants

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    The production of biogas by anaerobic digestion (AD) of agricultural residues, organic wastes, animal excrements, municipal sludge, and energy crops has a firm place in sustainable energy production and bio-economy strategies. Focusing on the microbial community involved in biomass conversion offers the opportunity to control and engineer the biogas process with the objective to optimize its efficiency. Taxonomic profiling of biogas producing communities by means of high-throughput 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing provided high-resolution insights into bacterial and archaeal structures of AD assemblages and their linkages to fed substrates and process parameters. Commonly, the bacterial phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes appeared to dominate biogas communities in varying abundances depending on the apparent process conditions. Regarding the community of methanogenic Archaea, their diversity was mainly affected by the nature and composition of the substrates, availability of nutrients and ammonium/ammonia contents, but not by the temperature. It also appeared that a high proportion of 16S rRNA sequences can only be classified on higher taxonomic ranks indicating that many community members and their participation in AD within functional networks are still unknown. Although cultivation-based approaches to isolate microorganisms from biogas fermentation samples yielded hundreds of novel species and strains, this approach intrinsically is limited to the cultivable fraction of the community. To obtain genome sequence information of non-cultivable biogas community members, metagenome sequencing including assembly and binning strategies was highly valuable. Corresponding research has led to the compilation of hundreds of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) frequently representing novel taxa whose metabolism and lifestyle could be reconstructed based on nucleotide sequence information. In contrast to metagenome analyses revealing the genetic potential of microbial communities, metatranscriptome sequencing provided insights into the metabolically active community. Taking advantage of genome sequence information, transcriptional activities were evaluated considering the microorganism’s genetic background. Metaproteome studies uncovered enzyme profiles expressed by biogas community members. Enzymes involved in cellulose and hemicellulose decomposition and utilization of other complex biopolymers were identified. Future studies on biogas functional microbial networks will increasingly involve integrated multi-omics analyses evaluating metagenome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome datasets. © 2018, The Author(s)