1,748 research outputs found

    Modélisations de la Topique chez Francis Ponge

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    Les grands modèles rhétoriques, topiques et gnomiques sont au coeur de la réflexion et de la pratique de Francis Ponge. L'exemple de La Seine (1947-48), rapproché en amont comme en aval d'un chapelet de textes, en particulier « Bords de mer » (1933-34) et «Texte sur TÉlectricité » (1954), où dominent des questions tantôt de liminalité et de métapoéticité, tantôt de sources et de plagiat, permet de dégager un lieu commun fondamental entre rhétorique et géométrie, ainsi qu'une dialectique constante du propre et de l'universel. Plus largement, il apparaît que c'est en confrontant et/ou en produisant différents paradigmes esthétiques que Ponge parvient à inventer sa propre topique.Francis Ponge's theorical and practical approach to poetry has always been infused with rhetorical, topical and gnomic concerns. La Seine (1947-48J is a case in point, particularly when it is read against other earlier or later texts such as "Bords de mer" (1933-34) and "Texte sur l'Électricité" (1954) where the emphasis is either on liminality and metapoeticity or on sources of plagiarism. An essential common place bringing together geometry and rhetoric is thus delineated, along with an ongoing dialectic of the peculiar and the general. More largely, the invention of Ponge's own Topic appears to stem from a comparison with and/or a production of various aesthetic paradigms

    Un grup de teatre amateur de l’Esquirol

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    Rings Around Us

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    Pages 58-5

    An ecological evaluation approach for dam project development in Malaysia

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    Dams are built to provide water for irrigated agriculture, domestic or industrial use, to generate hydropower or help control floods. Decisions to build dams are made, as human knowledge and experiences expand and new technologies develop, parallel with the fact that the decision-making process is also increasingly becoming more open, inclusive and transparent. Despite the benefits provided by the dams to humankind, much environmental damage has occurred as a consequence of these projects. In particular, dam projects often lead to considerable changes in the natural ecosystem. As the changes are related to the fundamental ecological issues, ecological input should be mandatory and play a major role in all dam project decisions. This paper looks into various studies on the application of ecological evaluation methods in regards to the EIA for the land-use development projects, particularly the dam projects. It details the limitation and challenges faced by the ecological evaluation. Alternative approaches are considered and elucidated as the way forward to enhance the ecological evaluation framework. Towards this end, an ecological evaluation method for the EIA of dams based on ecosystem rarity is proposed. This method allows the loss and fragmentation of the ecosystem of the alternative dam site to be determined in an objective and replicable way

    Oxybelus Brandesii Blkr. Eene Nieuwe Soort Van Ophidini Van Banda Neira

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    v. ; 27 cm.Publication suspended Mar. 1942-May 1946

    Performance of improved bean varieties in Kasulu and Kibondo districts of Kigoma Region, Tanzania

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    A project aimed at improving bean production in Kigoma Region was carried out from 2008/09 to 2010/11 in Kasulu and Kibondo districts. Soils at trial sites varied from sandy clay loams to clay, mostly acidic with pH water varying from 4.5 to 6.3 (mean 5.5 „b 0.5) with low to medium (1.86% „b 0.57%) organic carbon (OC), low (0.15 „b 0.05) total nitrogen (N), and low to medium (5.27 „b 5.4 mg/kg) available phosphorus (P). Five improved cultivars, Jesca, Lyamungo 90, Selian 97, Uyole Njano and Uyole 98 were evaluated for yield in farmers¡¦ fields, and assessed for farmer acceptability through a questionnaire. The varieties were compared to Kigoma Yellow, a local variety known also as Mburamutwe. The experimental design was Randomized Complete Block with farmers as replicates. Plot size was 10 m by 10 m and spacing was 50 cm by 20 cm. Yield data were analyzed using MS X-Cel and GenStat Discovery edition. Farmers¡¦ assessment data were analyzed by SPSS (V 11.5). There were positive significant (p<0.05) correlations between bean yields of the varieties Jesca, Lyamungo 90, and Selian 97 and soil exchangeable potassium (K), and positive significant (p<0.05) correlations between Kigoma yellow and soil available P and between Selian 97 and soil total nitrogen in the first season. In Kasulu, average yields were less than those obtained in Kibondo and ranged from 495 „b 169 kgha-1 for Jesca to 874 „b 583 kgha-1 for Uyole 98, compared to the range of 673 „b 283 kgha-1 for Jesca to 1602 „b 333 kgha-1 for Uyole Njano in Kibondo district. The results showed that Uyole Njano and Uyole 98 gave significantly (p<0.05) higher yields than all the other varieties. Farmers¡¦ assessed uncooked beans for seed size, shape, color, marketability and over all preference. Assessment of cooked beans considered taste, smell, soup appearance, soup color and consistence. This assessment ranked Kigoma yellow and Uyole Njano as number one and two, respectively for both uncooked and cooked beans. Lyamungo 90 and Uyole 98 ranked third and fourth, respectively for uncooked beans. There were no differences in costs of production between the different bean varieties. Economic analysis (Table 3) showed that Uyole Njano produced the highest yield value per unit cost of production followed by Uyole 98. Introduction of Uyole Njano and Uyole 98 bean varieties for production in the two districts is recommended.Key words: Bean varieties, yields, farmers¡¦ assessmen