290 research outputs found

    Skeletal Manifestations of Hydatid Disease in Serbia: Demographic Distribution, Site Involvement, Radiological Findings, and Complications

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    Although Serbia is recognized as an endemic country for echinococcosis, no information about precise incidence in humans has been available. The aim of this study was to investigate the skeletal manifestations of hydatid disease in Serbia. This retrospective study was conducted by reviewing the medical database of Institute for Pathology (Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade), a reference institution for bone pathology in Serbia. We reported a total of 41 patients with bone cystic echinococcosis (CE) during the study period. The mean age of 41 patients was 40.9 +/- 18.8 years. In 39% of patients, the fracture line was the only visible radiological sign, followed by cyst and tumefaction. The spine was the most commonly involved skeletal site (55.8%), followed by the femur (18.6%), pelvis (13.9%), humerus (7.0%), rib (2.3%), and tibia (2.3%). Pain was the symptom in 41.5% of patients, while some patients demonstrated complications such as paraplegia (22.0%), pathologic fracture (48.8%), and scoliosis (9.8%). The pathological fracture most frequently affected the spine (75.0%) followed by the femur (20.0%) and tibia (5.0%). However, 19.5% of patients didn't develop any complication or symptom. In this study, we showed that bone CE is not uncommon in Serbian population. As reported in the literature, therapy of bone CE is controversial and its results are poor. In order to improve the therapy outcome, early diagnosis, before symptoms and complications occur, can be contributive

    Primena Structure From Motion tehnike za inženjerskogeoloŔko kartiranje podzemnih prostorija

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    Početkom 2020. godine za potrebe rekonstrukcije i adaptacije tunela izvrÅ”ena su inženjerskogeoloÅ”ka istraživanja koja su obuhvatila detaljno inženjerskogeoloÅ”ko rekognosciranje i kartiranje glavnog tunelskog hodnika i svih podzemnih prostorija kao i geofizičko profiliranje. Rad prikazuje mogućnost primene tehnike generisanja modela objekta na osnovu snimaka dobijenih kamerom pri kretanju oko objekta (engl. Structure from motion - SfM) za 3D rekonstrukciju jedne podzemne prostorije tunela ā€žÄŒajkino brdoā€œ u Vrnjačkoj Banji za potrebe inženjerskogeoloÅ”kog kartiranja i parametrizacije. SfM predstavlja fotogrametrijsku tehniku određivanja 3D strukture objekta, pozicija i orijentacija kamere iz sekvenci dve ili viÅ”e dvodimenzionalnih slika istog objekta, ali iz različitih položaja kamere (pasivnog senzora). Za razliku od klasične fotogrametrije gde je neophodno poznavanje spoljaÅ”njih i unutraÅ”nih parametara snimaka, SfM proces 3D rekonstrukcije okruženja je prilično automatizovan i lakÅ”i jer je najčeŔće samo potrebno napraviti dovoljan broj fotografija sačinjenih istim senzorom sa različitih položaja. Snimanje se odvija u vidljivom delu spektra i princip 3D rekonstrukcije okruženja je analogan ljudskom vidu, koji na sličan način formira 3D sliku. Primena SfM tehnike u podzemnim prostorijama je kompleksna usled izostanka prirodnog osvetljenja, nemogućnosti GPS pozicioniranja senzora i ograničenog prostora, koji su ključni za njihovu uspeÅ”nu primenu i kvalitetne rezultate 3D rekonstrukcije. Dodatni problem predstavljaju senke, koje mogu otežati kvalitetno automatsko povezivanje snimaka, a koje se formiraju primenom veÅ”tačkih izvora osvetljavanja da bi se formirao snimak u vidljivom delu spektra. Kod fotogrametrijske rekonstrukcije modela objekta bitno je i da povrÅ”ina objekta bude matirana, tj. bez sjajnih reflektujućih povrÅ”ina kakve su najčeŔće povrÅ”ine stena u tunelima. Tokom istraživanja izvrÅ”eno je ogledno fotogrametrijsko snimanje odabrane prostorije i obrada dobijenih snimaka primenom SfM tehnike. Snimanje je izvrÅ”eno koriŔćenjem mobilnog telefona Huawei P10 Pro i Xiaomi Mija 360Ā° sferne kamere. Snimanje mobilnim telefonom je vrÅ”eno ā€žiz rukeā€œ i sa ā€žvisine očiju posmatračaā€œ tako da se ostvari najveći mogući preklop između snimaka. Snimanje sfernom kamerom je izvrÅ”eno uz pomoć stativa, postavljanjem sferne kamere u pravilnom mrežnom rasporedu na tri različite visine. Na osnovu snimaka dobijenih na ovaj način, primenom SfM tehnike generisana su dva različita 3D oblaka tačaka koja su upoređena i na osnovu kojih je izvrÅ”eno inženjerskogeoloÅ”ko kartiranje podzemne prostorije. 3D oblak tačaka je procesiran, uključujući urazmeravanje, orijentaciju, odnosno rotiranje prostorije u realan položaj i uklanjanje suviÅ”nih tačaka. Na ovaj način, a nakon procesiranja, izvrÅ”eno je inženjerskogeoloÅ”ko kartiranje zidova i svoda podzemne prostorije, odnosno određivanje indeksa hrapavosti stenske mase, definisanje strukturnog sklopa tj. utvrđivanje karakterističnih familija pukotina (manuelno i automatski), izradu karakterističnih profila svetlog otvora i analizu njihove stabilnosti uz kritički osvrt

    Investigating an organ-targeting platform based on hydroxyapatite nanoparticles using a novel in situ method of radioactive 125Iodine labeling

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    In this study, we have investigated the synthesis of nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and hydroxyapatite coated with chitosan (HAp/Ch) and the chitosan-poly-d,l-lactide-co-glycolide polymer blend (HAp/Ch-PLGA) as an organ-targeting system. We have examined and defined the final destination, as well as the dynamics and the pathways of the synthesized particles following intravenous administration in vivo.\ud \ud The XRD, ZP, FT-IR and SEM analyses have confirmed that the hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with d50 = 72 nm are coated with polymers. Radioactive 125-Iodine (125I), a low energy gamma emitter, was used to develop a novel in situ method for the radiolabeling of particles and investigation of their biodistribution. 125I-labeled particles exhibited high stability in saline and serum over the second day, which justified their use in the following in vivo studies.\ud \ud The biodistribution of 125I-labeled particles after intravenous injection in rats differed significantly: HAp particles mostly targeted the liver, HAp/Ch the spleen and the liver, while HAp/Ch-PLGA targeted the lungs. Twenty-four hours post injection, HAp particles were excreted completely, while both 125I-HAp/Ch and 125I-HAp/Ch-PLGA were retained in the body for a prolonged period of time with more than 20% of radioactivity still found in different organs

    Characteristics of balance and posture of people with the autism spectrum disorder ā€“ research review

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    Postura predstavlja uspravni stav pri stajanju i hodu, dok integracija informacija iz viÅ”e različitih čula o položaju i kretanju tela u prostoru predstavlja osnovu skladno razvijenog balansa. Cilj ovog rada je da se, pregledom dostupne literature, prikažu karakteristike balansa i posture osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Pretragom elektronske baze podataka Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku ā€“ KOBSON, kao i pretragama preko pretraživača Google Scholar, prikupljeni su i analizirani radovi koji se odnose na specifičnost balansa i posture kod dece i osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Rezultati pretrage pokazuju da osobe sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma imaju smanjenu posturalnu stabilnost, odnosno da pri različitim modifikacijama senzornih informacija, kao i pri modifikovanim vizuelnim informacijama, ispitanici povećavaju posturalna njihanja, Å”to rezultira smanjenom posturalnom kontrolom. Istraživači takođe ističu drugačiji posturalni profil kod dece sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma, odnosno povećanu učestalost određenih deformiteta kičmenog stuba u odnosu na decu tipične populacije. Oblast posturalne kontrole kod dece i osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma u poslednjoj deceniji dobija na značaju, pa tako i sami autori prikazanih istraživanja sugeriÅ”u da je neophodno nastaviti ispitivanja kako bi se ova oblast dodatno istražila. Detaljnija saznanja u ovoj oblasti bi obogatila pristup u tretmanu osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma, čime bi se podigao nivo funkcionisanja ovih osoba.Posture represents the upright position when standing or walking, while the integration of information from several different senses about the position and body movement in the space, represents the foundation of a harmoniously developed balance. The aim of this paper is to review the available literature and present the characteristics of posture and balance of persons with autism spectrum disorder. By researching the electronic database of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition ā€“ KoBSON, as well as, searching through the Google Scholar search engine, papers were gathered and analyzed, which are related to the specificity of posture and balance with children and persons with autism spectrum disorder. The search results show that persons with autism spectrum disorder have reduced postural stability, i.e. that with different modifications of the sensory information, as well as, with the modified visual information, the participants are increasing their postural swaying, which results in a decreased postural control. The researchers also point out a different postural profile with children with autism spectrum disorder, respectively an increased frequency of certain spinal deformities relative to typical population children. The area of postural control of children and adults with autism spectrum disorder is becoming more important in the last decade, and so the authors of the presented researches themselves suggest that it is necessary to continue the research, in order to additionally explore this area. More detailed findings in this area would enrich the approach in the treatment of persons with autism spectrum disorder, which would elevate the level of functionality of these person

    Pouzdanost složenih vodovodnih sistema na primeru RVS Dubovac-Zrenjanin-Kikinda

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    Water supply networks have a specific feature that makes them more complicated then many other water management systems. Namely, to make sure that the system performs well, apart from the mechanical characteristics of the system, the hydraulic reliability of its components must also be verified. In this particular case the reliability of the regional water supply system Dubovac-Zrenjanin-Kikinda has been assessed, the system being based on the concept of centralized water supply, in which water is conducted from the different regional sources to the municipal centers, and then distributed to the users.Vodovodni (distributivni) sistemi imaju jednu specifičnost koja ih, sa glediÅ”ta pouzdanosti, čini složenijim od drugih sistema. Da bi sistem uspeÅ”no obavljao svoju funkciju pored pouzdanosti mehaničkih karakteristika sistema uzima se u obzir i pouzdanost hidrauličkih parametara sistema. U ovom radu se na primeru regionalnog vodovodnog sistema Dubovac-Zrenjanin-Kikinda koji se bazira na konceptu centralizovanog vodosnabdevanja dovođenjem vode sa regionalnog izvoriÅ”ta, preko PPV i dalje regionalnim cevovodima distribuira do opÅ”tinskih centara razmatra problem određivanja pouzdanosti vodovodnog sistema

    Characteristics of balance and posture of people with the autism spectrum disorder ā€“ research review

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    Postura predstavlja uspravni stav pri stajanju i hodu, dok integracija informacija iz viÅ”e različitih čula o položaju i kretanju tela u prostoru predstavlja osnovu skladno razvijenog balansa. Cilj ovog rada je da se, pregledom dostupne literature, prikažu karakteristike balansa i posture osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Pretragom elektronske baze podataka Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku ā€“ KOBSON, kao i pretragama preko pretraživača Google Scholar, prikupljeni su i analizirani radovi koji se odnose na specifičnost balansa i posture kod dece i osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Rezultati pretrage pokazuju da osobe sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma imaju smanjenu posturalnu stabilnost, odnosno da pri različitim modifikacijama senzornih informacija, kao i pri modifikovanim vizuelnim informacijama, ispitanici povećavaju posturalna njihanja, Å”to rezultira smanjenom posturalnom kontrolom. Istraživači takođe ističu drugačiji posturalni profil kod dece sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma, odnosno povećanu učestalost određenih deformiteta kičmenog stuba u odnosu na decu tipične populacije. Oblast posturalne kontrole kod dece i osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma u poslednjoj deceniji dobija na značaju, pa tako i sami autori prikazanih istraživanja sugeriÅ”u da je neophodno nastaviti ispitivanja kako bi se ova oblast dodatno istražila. Detaljnija saznanja u ovoj oblasti bi obogatila pristup u tretmanu osoba sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma, čime bi se podigao nivo funkcionisanja ovih osoba.Posture represents the upright position when standing or walking, while the integration of information from several different senses about the position and body movement in the space, represents the foundation of a harmoniously developed balance. The aim of this paper is to review the available literature and present the characteristics of posture and balance of persons with autism spectrum disorder. By researching the electronic database of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition ā€“ KoBSON, as well as, searching through the Google Scholar search engine, papers were gathered and analyzed, which are related to the specificity of posture and balance with children and persons with autism spectrum disorder. The search results show that persons with autism spectrum disorder have reduced postural stability, i.e. that with different modifications of the sensory information, as well as, with the modified visual information, the participants are increasing their postural swaying, which results in a decreased postural control. The researchers also point out a different postural profile with children with autism spectrum disorder, respectively an increased frequency of certain spinal deformities relative to typical population children. The area of postural control of children and adults with autism spectrum disorder is becoming more important in the last decade, and so the authors of the presented researches themselves suggest that it is necessary to continue the research, in order to additionally explore this area. More detailed findings in this area would enrich the approach in the treatment of persons with autism spectrum disorder, which would elevate the level of functionality of these person


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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence foliar application of the microbiological preparation (EM Aktiv) with a mixture of different groups of microorganisms (on different genotypes of wheat in sustainable agricultural production on the weight of 1000 grains and grain yield.) The research was conducted in the period 2016/2017-2018/2019 (factor A) in the region of Vojvodina, Serbia,  which  includes four varieties  of wheat (factor B). Factor C three variants of nitrogen are provided for wheat nutrition: 129, 106 and 83 kgĖ‘ha-1. During the vegetation, applications were performed with the microbiological preparation "EM Aktiv": F0 129 kgĖ‘ha-1 without EM, F1 129 kgĖ‘ha-1 + 1 x EM; F2 106 kgĖ‘ha-1 + 2 x EM; F3 83 kgĖ‘ha-1 + 3 x EM. At the end of the growing season, the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield were measured. Factors A and  B had an effect on the increase of the tested traits p<0.01. The highest values were recorded in 2018/2019.  Factor C affected an increase in the weight of 1000 grains from 0.14% (F3) to 1.91% (F1). The differences in grain yield were significantly influenced by treatments (C) (p<0.05). The increase was from 1.91 % (F3) to 4.76 % (F1)

    Pokretna grafika i Kinect kao asistivni produkti u podrŔci

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    Inostrana istraživanja pokazuju da samo 10% osoba s intelektualnom ometenoŔću ima pristup asistivnim produktima. Zbog toga je Svetska zdravstvena organizacija 2014. godine pokrenula promotivni program ā€œGlobalna saradnja na upotrebi asistivnih tehnologijaā€ (Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology -GATE). Tim programom implementiraju se delovi Konvencije Ujedinjenih nacija o pravima osoba s invaliditetom koji se odnose na asistivnu tehnologiju. Cilj ovog programa je da se osobama različite starosne dobi i kategorije intelektualne ometenosti poboljÅ”a pristup visokokvalitetnim, dostupnim asistivnim produktima. Kao prvi korak u ostvarivanju tog cilja napravljena je lista prioritetnih asistivnih proizvoda čija se upotreba predlaže zemljama članicama Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Neki od predloženih proizvoda asistivne tehnologije odnosili su se na pokretnu grafiku i Kinect. Istraživanja dokazuju da je primena pokretne grafike i Kinect-a kod učenika osnovnoÅ”kolskog uzrasta sa lakom i umerenom intelektualnom ometenoŔću značajno uticala na kvalitet izvođenja grubomotoričkih-lokomotornih sposobnosti, prevashodno skoka, galopa, skakanja po horizontali, preskakanja i bočnog kretanja. Imajući u vidu specifičnost razumevanja kinestetičkih naloga kod učenika s intelektualnom ometenoŔću, u navedena sredstva asistivne tehnologije moguće je, na početku igre, uvesti dinamičku funkciju prilagođavanja težine zahteva u skladu sa sposobnostima učenika. To je slučaj kada se igra prilagođava maksimalnoj visini do koje učenik može da skoči, u odnosu na prethodno procenjen kvalitet lokomotornih sposobnosti. Kako ne bi doÅ”lo do automatizacije pri izvođenju zadataka, moguće je menjati složenost kinestetičke tražnje, nasumično, ili strukturisano. Kvalitet sposobnosti lokomotornih veÅ”tina procenjen uz pomoć pokretne grafike i Kinect-a moguće je inkorporirati najpre u pedagoÅ”ki profil učenika s intelektualnom ometenoŔću, a potom odrediti potrebe za podrÅ”kom i mere individualizacije u zoni proksimalnog razvoja.Dani defektologa Srbij

    Possibility of application pulsating electromagnetic field in a safer soybean production

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    The application of methods in the field of biophysics, such as the pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMP) to biological organisms, many studies are performed that indicate specific changes and efficient action on various biochemical processes of cells in plants. The obtained results do not depend only on the plant species, but also on the climatic conditions, agrotechnical measures and exposure time, intensity and nature of the fields used in the research. The aim of the study was the effect of stimulation of soybean seeds with PEMP. Soybean seeds are rich in quality proteins, oils and fats. The three-year research period 2013-2015 implied different agrometeorological conditions. Soybean seeds of the Valjevka variety were used. Soybeans were grown with different amounts of organic granular poultry manure (control - no fertilization, 750 kg.ha-1 i 1300 kg.ha-1). Seed stimulation was performed before sowing with PEMP low frequency 15 Hz and exposure of 30 minutes. Seed stimulation efficiency was very pronounced because it statistically significantly (p <0.01) increased grain yield by 4.85% and protein content in grain by 3.52%

    Da li polifenoli mogu da se koriste kao prirodni konzervansi u fermentisanim kobasicama?

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    This study was aimed at the investigation into the influence of polyphenols on fermented sausages produced with and without nitrite addition, during storage which lasted for 280 days. Three types of sausages were produced and formed the three experimental groups: C-the control-sausages of usual composition containing nitrites; N+P-sausages with nitrites and polyphenols; and P-nitrite-free sausages with added polyphenols. The proximate chemical composition of all groups was in the range with that of dry fermented sausages. P sausages contained 0.3 mg nitrites per kg, while C and N+P contained 54.8 mg/kg and 52.2 mg/kg, respectively. Polyphenol-enriched sausages had significantly lower peroxide and TBARS values than C sausages. In all sausages lactic acid bacteria counts reached 8.9-9.9 log cfu/g, but decreased during storage to 4.3-4.8 log cfu/g at the end of the storage period. Micrococcaceae counts remained stable: 3.5-3.9 log cfu/g. In P and N+P sausages a significantly lower number of Pseudomonadaceae was observed than in the control. The lightness of C and P sausages was similar (L=50.2 and L=49.5, respectively), while N+P sausages were darker (L=42.5). C and N+P sausages had similar redness (aāˆ—=14.5 and aāˆ—=13.2, respectively) and yellowness (bāˆ—=5.9 and bāˆ—=6.4, respectively), but the values which correspond to redness and yellowness were lower in P sausages (aāˆ—=8.0 and bāˆ—=4.6). Sensory characteristics of all products were found to be very similar. The flavour of polyphenol-enriched sausages was considered to be better. The most dominant polyphenol in sausages was kaempferol-3-O-glucoside followed by quercetin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, catechin and syringic acid. Nitrite-free polyphenol-enriched sausages reached the same shelf life as conventional sausages containing nitrites did, which is a promising result implying that polyphenols might be used as natural preservatives and nitrite substitutes. Simultaneous use of nitrite and polyphenols is questionable due to their interactions which should be further studied.Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja polifenola na fermentisane kobasice proizvedene sa ili bez dodatka nitrita za vreme skladiÅ”tenja od 280 dana. Proizvedena su tri tipa kobasica, od kojih su formirane tri eksperimentalne grupe: C - kontrolna grupa ā€“ kobasice uobičajenog sastava koje sadrže nitrite, N+P - kobasice sa nitritima i polifenolima i P - kobasice bez nitrita koje sadrže polifenole. Hemijski sastav svih grupa kobasica bio je u opsegu uobičajenom za fermentisane suve kobasice. P kobasice sadržale su 0,3 mg/kg nitrita, dok su C i N+P sadržale 54,8 mg/kg, odnosno 52,2 mg/kg. Kobasice obogaćene polifenolima imale su značajno manji peroksidni i TBARS broj nego C kobasice. Broj mlečno-kiselinskih bakterija dostigao je 8,9-9,9 log cfu/g, ali je u toku skladiÅ”tenja opao na 4,3-4,8 log cfu/g posle 280dana u svim grupama kobasica. Broj Micrococcaceae bio je konstantan (3,5-3,9 log cfu/g). Kod P i N+P kobasica utvrđen je značajno niži broj Pseudomonadaceae. C i P kobasice bile su približno jednako svetle (L=50,2,odnosnoL=49,5) dok su N+P kobasice bile tamnije (L=42,5). C i N+P kobasice imale su sličan intenzitet crvne (a*=14,5 odnosno a*=13,2) i žute boje (b*=5,9 odnosno b*=6,4) ali su ove vrednosti bile niže kod P kobasica (a*=8,0 i b*=4,6). Senzorske karakteristike svih proizvoda bile su približno jednako ocenjene. NeÅ”to bolja aroma utvrđena je od kobasica kojima su dodati polifenoli. Najdominantniji polifenol u kobasicama bio je kempferol-3-O-glukozid, a pored njega, bili su utvrđeni kvercetin, luteolin-7-O-glukozid, katehin i siringinska kiselina. Kobasice bez nitrita obogaćene polifenolima postigle su istu održivost kao i uobičajene kobasice koje sadrže nitrite, Å”to predstavlja ohrabrujuće rezultate za mogućnost upotrebe polifenola kao prirodnog konzervansa i zamene za nitrite. Simultana upotreba nitrita i polifenola nije pouzdana zbog interakcija između polifenola i nitrita, Å”to bi trebalo da bude detaljnije istraženo u budućnosti
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