170 research outputs found

    Muzej zaboravljenih emocija – Digitalna prostorna instalacija

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    Doktorski umetnički projekat Muzej zaboravljenih emocija je digitalna prostorna instalacija. Ova platforma je skup foto, video i audio projekcija u planski prostorno orijentisanim postamentima koji sveukupno čine postavku muzeja. Video sadrži animacije sa zvučnom podlogom, a sve prikazano sadrži materijale iz lične arhive autora. Postavka digitalne prostorne instalacije u vidu muzeja sadrži projekciju interaktivnog digitalnog albuma slika i video snimaka iz privatne kolekcije, kao polaznu tačku linije kretanja kroz prostor muzeja. Digitalna instalacija obuhvata nekoliko postamenata u kojima se projektuju animacije, koje su okosnica rada, a to su lične reminiscencije emocija. U radu se fokusiram na načine na koje tretiram sinesteziju odabranih elemenata predstavljenih kroz rad. Posebno se tretiraju elementi kroz animaciju, audio zapise, muziku i postavke kamere.The doctoral art project Museum of Forgotten Emotions is a digital spatial installation. This platform is a set of photo, audio and video projections in the plane of spatially-oriented bases that make the overall musem display case. The video contains animations accompanied by sound, and the complete project contains materials from the author’s private collection. The setting digital spatial installation in the form of a musemu contains the projection of the interactive album of private photos and video recordings from private collection, which serves as a starting point for the trajectories of moving throught the museum space. The digital installation comprises several display cases in which animations are shown, these animations being the outline of the project, which is comprised of personal emotion reminiscence. In this doctoral art project, I focus on the ways of treating synesthesia of selected elements represented through the project. Special attention is paid to elements through animation, video recordings, music and camera settings

    Hotel "Hilton" - inovativna prostorna i tehnološka intervencija u urbanom tkivu Beograda

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    During its decade-long realization, the design of the "HILTON" Hotel in Belgrade has undergone all professional and investment procedures of the turbulent Serbian architectural field. Each of the events in the process of its creation has brought an additional layer and interpretation, but more importantly, it has become a public act. This is exactly what essentially makes a quality of this realization: visibility of the building's changeability, both as a process and as its spatiality. The building defines the strength of the city block and at the same time brings a new interpretation of the street through a new/traditional loading into the urban matrix. Moving away from the constants of the existing context, in order to delicately redefine it, this building, like a movement in an interspace, both is and is not: a corner building, a massive repetition of the uniform openings and space. The street is integrated by the envelop into the inner space in order to connect the public contents, thus achieving a new layerness and depth of the public space, but also creating a clean space for the repetitive programme of the hotel accentuating the structural elements which move away from the typological patterns. The vertical degradation characterized by the tree-like support of the usual, becomes a memory of the building. The innovative technological concepts are in a dialogue with it by sophisticatedly sublimating all characteristics of the building in its architectural variability: between the (re)definition of the context and the technological intervention.Projekat hotela "HILTON" u Beogradu, tokom decenijske realizacije, prošao je sve profesionalne i investicione procedure burnog srpskog arhitektonskog polja. Svaki od događaja u postupku njegovog stvaranja, doneo je dodatni sloj i interpretaciju, ali postao je i javni čin. Upravo to čini suštinski kvalitet ove realizacije: vidljivost promenljivosti objekta, i kao procesa, i kao njegove prostornosti. Objekat definiše čvrstinu gradskog bloka i istovremeno donosi novu interpretaciju ulice kroz novo/ tradicionalno učitavanje u urbanu matricu. Izmičući konstantama postojećeg konteksta, da bi ga delikatno redefinisao, ovaj objekat, poput kretanja u međuprostoru, i jeste i nije ugaoni objekat i masivna repeticija ujednačenih otvora i prostora. Anvelopom se integriše ulica u unutrašnji prostor da bi se povezali javni sadržaji, ostvarujući novu slojevitost i dubinu javnog prostora, ali i projektuje čist prostor za repetitivni program hotela sa akcentovanjem strukturalnih elemenata koji izmiču tipološkim obrascima. Vertikalna razgradnja koju karakteriše stablolika potpora od uobičajenog, postaje memorija objekta. Sa njom su u dijalogu inovativne tehnološke koncepcije sofisticirano sublimirajući sve karakteristike objekta u njegovoj arhitektoničnoj varijabilnosti: između (re)definicije konteksta i tehnološke intervencije

    Novo groblje u Baroševcu

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    The paper gives a critical overview of the authors' work - New Cemetery in the village of Baroševac, in the Municipality of Lazarevac - the authors: Božidar Manić, Phd, Ana Niković, Phd, Igor Marić, PhD, Tijana Crnčević, PhD, Slavko Gavrilović and Svetozar Teofilović. The project was realized from 2012 to 2013, while the greening is carried out in phases. The Mining Basin 'Kolubara' Company for Production, Processing and Transport of Coal is the investor. The New Cemetery in Baroševac represents a significant move within the approach to designing the village cemeteries. The authors have been successful in creating a representative public space that is characterized by the harmony between the natural and created surroundings, respecting the preferences of the local population. The importance of this authors' work was confirmed through the participation in international salons in the field of landscape architecture and urbanism: the 6th Salon of Landscape Architecture (2015, Association of Landscape Architects of Serbia, Belgrade), Green infrastructure: new challenges of urban planning (2016, Association of Landscape Architects of Slovenia, Ljubljana), and the 24th International Salon of Urbanism (2015, Association of Urban Planners of Serbia, Niš).U radu se daje kritički osvrt na izvedeno autorsko delo - Novo groblje u selu Baroševac, u opštini Lazarevac - autora dr Božidara Manića, dr Ane Niković, dr Igora Marića, dr Tijane Crnčević, Slavka Gavrilovića i Svetozara Teofilovića. Projekat je realizovan od 2012. do 2013. godine, a ozelenjavanje se izvodi u fazama. Naručilac projekta je bilo Privredno društvo za proizvodnju, preradu i transport uglja, Rudarski basen 'Kolubara'. Novo groblje u Baroševcu predstavlja značajan pomak u pristupu projektovanju seoskih grobalja. Autori su uspeli da kreiraju reprezentativan javni prostor koji karakteriše sklad između prirodnog i stvorenog okruženja, poštujući i preferencije lokalnog stanovništva. Značaj ovog autorskog dela potvrđen je i učešćem na međunarodnim salonima iz oblasti pejzažne arhitekture i urbanizma i to: VI Salon pejzažne arhitekture (2015, Udruženje pejzažnih arhitekata Srbije, Beograd), Zelena infrastruktura: novi izzivi načrtovanja mestne krajine (2016, Društvo krajinskih arhitektov Slovenije, Ljubljana) i 24. međunarodni salon urbanizma (2015, Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Niš)

    Vibration control of resonant vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation

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    Vibracioni dodavači sa elektromagnetnom pobudom, odnosno elektromagnetni vibracioni dodavači (EMVD) su najčešće korišćeni u procesnoj industriji za obezbeđenje gravimetrijskog protoka sitnozrnih i rasutih materijala. Ovi pogoni obezbeđuju laku i jednostavnu kontrolu masenog protoka transportujućih materijala. U poređenju sa ostalim pogonima (pneumatskim, inercionim, centrifugalnim, itd.), oni su jednostavnije i kompaktnije konstrukcije, robusni i pouzdani u radu. Odsustvo habajući mehaničkih delova kao što su reduktori, kišnici, ekscentri i sl., čine EMVD veoma ekonomičnom opremom. Standardni pretvarački izlazni stepeni namenjeni za kontrolu EMVD su bazirani na SCR elementima (tiristorima i trijacima). Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva korišćenje kontrole faznog ugla (KFU) i stoga konstantnu učestanost vibracija. Na ovaj način kontrolno kolo mora biti sinhronizovano sa mrežnom učestanošću 50(60)Hz. Uz pomoć KFU je jedino moguće ostvariti podešavanje amplitude vibracija, ali ne i njihove učestanosti. Primena prekidačkih tranzistorskih (IGBT ili MOSFET) energetskih pretvarača, omogućava amplitudsku i (ili) frekventnu kontrolu EMVD. Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva pobudu EMVD nezavisno od mrežne učestanosti. Dodatno, frekventna kontrola dozvoljava rad u oblasti mehaničke rezonance. Rad u ovoj oblasti je veoma efikasan, pošto je moguće obezbediti značajne izlazne pomeraje, veoma malom ulaznom snagom. Optimalan i efikasan rad zahteva praćenje rezonantne učestanosti. U ovom radu su predstavljeni jedno moguće rešenje vibracione kontrole EMVD, kao i odgovarajući simulacioni i eksperimentalni rezultati.The vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation called electromagnetic vibratory feeders (EMVF) are commonly used for performing gravimetric flow of granular and particulate materials in processing industry. This drives offer easy and simple control the mass flow of conveying materials. In comparison with other drives (pneumatics, inertial, centrifugal, etc...), these have a more simple construction and they are compact, robust and reliable in operation. The absence of wearing mechanical part, such as gears, cams belts, bearings, eccentrics, etc., makes EMVF, most economical equipment. Standard power electronic output stages intended for control of the EMVF using SCR devices (thyristors and triacs). This implies phase angle control (PAC) and constant frequency of vibration. In this way control circuit must be synchronized to the mains supply frequency 50(60) Hz. PAC can only accomplish tuning amplitude of vibration, but not vibratory frequency. Application of transistor (IGBT or MOSFET) switch mode power converters enables accomplishing the amplitude and (or) frequency control of EMVF. Their use implies the excitation of an EMVF independent of the mains supply frequency. In addition, the frequency control ensures operation in the region of mechanical resonance. This operation is highly efficient, because large output displacement is provided by small input power. An optimal and efficient operation requires tracking of resonant frequency. This paper presents possible solution of the amplitude frequency control of EMVF and corresponding simulation and experimental results

    Vibration control of resonant vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation

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    Vibracioni dodavači sa elektromagnetnom pobudom, odnosno elektromagnetni vibracioni dodavači (EMVD) su najčešće korišćeni u procesnoj industriji za obezbeđenje gravimetrijskog protoka sitnozrnih i rasutih materijala. Ovi pogoni obezbeđuju laku i jednostavnu kontrolu masenog protoka transportujućih materijala. U poređenju sa ostalim pogonima (pneumatskim, inercionim, centrifugalnim, itd.), oni su jednostavnije i kompaktnije konstrukcije, robusni i pouzdani u radu. Odsustvo habajući mehaničkih delova kao što su reduktori, kišnici, ekscentri i sl., čine EMVD veoma ekonomičnom opremom. Standardni pretvarački izlazni stepeni namenjeni za kontrolu EMVD su bazirani na SCR elementima (tiristorima i trijacima). Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva korišćenje kontrole faznog ugla (KFU) i stoga konstantnu učestanost vibracija. Na ovaj način kontrolno kolo mora biti sinhronizovano sa mrežnom učestanošću 50(60)Hz. Uz pomoć KFU je jedino moguće ostvariti podešavanje amplitude vibracija, ali ne i njihove učestanosti. Primena prekidačkih tranzistorskih (IGBT ili MOSFET) energetskih pretvarača, omogućava amplitudsku i (ili) frekventnu kontrolu EMVD. Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva pobudu EMVD nezavisno od mrežne učestanosti. Dodatno, frekventna kontrola dozvoljava rad u oblasti mehaničke rezonance. Rad u ovoj oblasti je veoma efikasan, pošto je moguće obezbediti značajne izlazne pomeraje, veoma malom ulaznom snagom. Optimalan i efikasan rad zahteva praćenje rezonantne učestanosti. U ovom radu su predstavljeni jedno moguće rešenje vibracione kontrole EMVD, kao i odgovarajući simulacioni i eksperimentalni rezultati.The vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation called electromagnetic vibratory feeders (EMVF) are commonly used for performing gravimetric flow of granular and particulate materials in processing industry. This drives offer easy and simple control the mass flow of conveying materials. In comparison with other drives (pneumatics, inertial, centrifugal, etc...), these have a more simple construction and they are compact, robust and reliable in operation. The absence of wearing mechanical part, such as gears, cams belts, bearings, eccentrics, etc., makes EMVF, most economical equipment. Standard power electronic output stages intended for control of the EMVF using SCR devices (thyristors and triacs). This implies phase angle control (PAC) and constant frequency of vibration. In this way control circuit must be synchronized to the mains supply frequency 50(60) Hz. PAC can only accomplish tuning amplitude of vibration, but not vibratory frequency. Application of transistor (IGBT or MOSFET) switch mode power converters enables accomplishing the amplitude and (or) frequency control of EMVF. Their use implies the excitation of an EMVF independent of the mains supply frequency. In addition, the frequency control ensures operation in the region of mechanical resonance. This operation is highly efficient, because large output displacement is provided by small input power. An optimal and efficient operation requires tracking of resonant frequency. This paper presents possible solution of the amplitude frequency control of EMVF and corresponding simulation and experimental results


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    During project field activities conducted in May 2021 in the territory of the Landscape of Outstanding Features “Dolina Pčinje” at the locality Vogance, one dead and trampled specimen of the web-spinning sawfly Caenolyda reticulata (Linnaeus, 1758) was found. The new finding is the first report of the species from Serbia, as well as from the Balkans, and significantly expands its known distribution into southeast Europe. The host plants of this species are pines (Pinus spp.), of which black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. nigra) occurs in the Pčinja River valley


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    ABSTRACTThe landslide is located in the hinterland of water source "Studenac" in the local community GornjaCadjavica near Bijeljina. The field where the triggered landslide occurred is conditionally stable slope.It is overgrown with forest trees and therefore it was not a subject of interest in terms of its stabilityuntil the water source and accompanying local road have been constructed in the lower part of theslope. Additionally the slope was undercut resulting in jeopardizing its conditional natural stability. Atfirst, it was about some slight ground movements requiring no significant interventions.As the time was passing by site conditions have been changing. During winter and spring timemovement of rock blocks is more intense due to large amount of surface and underground waterwhereby such a process was significantly slower and almost calm in the summer time. Such a cycle wasrepeated for several years until late 2010 when massive collapse of the unstable zone, which might becalled ‘landslide’, endangered not only the local road but also the water source.For the purposes of overviewing the site and landslide characteristics as a whole, exhaustive researcheswere carried out within the part of the site affected by sliding at the surface of about 0,4 ha. A fieldsurveying of wider area was also conducted. The landslide is located at relatively steep slope where theheight distance between the crown and the toe of the landslide is 14,0 m. General slope angle is up to100 and in those parts where landslides occur they are up to 250. Sliding plane has been formed at depthof 2,5 to 4 m depending on terrain morphology, in clay of high plasticity (CH groups). The main causeof landslides is surface and underground water.Within the scope of remediation project two restorative measures were applied. The main recoverymeasure was placement of AB retaining concrete wall which was intended to accept the pressures ofsoil mass and to prevent it from slipping, namely to maintain the slope in stable condition. The otherremedial measure was construction of an open perimeter canal at the slope above the retaining wall forthe purposes of collecting surface water flowing towards the main body of the landslide and itsdiversion outside the sliding area. Key words: landslide, slope, water source, research, rehabilitatio


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    Mučanj is a mountain located in western Serbia, surrounded by three rivers: the Grabovica, Presečka reka and Veliki Rzav. The nearest mountains are Javor and Golija and the closest town is Ivanjica. In entomological terms it is virtually unexplored. The authors visited it on several occasions from 2008 to 2011 and provide here a first overview of its butterfly fauna. During this period a total number of 111 species was recorded – Hesperiidae 14, Papilionidae 3, Pieridae 12, Riodinidae 1, Lycaenidae 30, Nymphalidae 51. This number will certainly increase with future studies, but even now proves this mountain has exceptional butterfly diversity. Among the species discovered, Colias caucasica Staudinger, 1871 requires special attention, for it was previously known in Serbia only from Mt. Kopaonik. Important populations of some rare butterflies were found, like Coenonympha orientalis Rebel 1910 and Polyommatus eros (Ochsenheimer 1808)

    Reproduktivni monitoring i praktična primena hormonskih protokola na farmi mlečnih krava

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    Plodnost mlečnih krava globalno opada. Ukupna efikasnost ot- krivanja estrusa kod mlečnih goveda u laktaciji je smanjena, jer je is- poljavanje znakova estrusa vrlo suptilno i često teško uočljivo od stra- ne farmera ili štalskog personala. Shodno tome, neotkrivanje estrusa, visok indeks osmenjavanja i dug servis period su glavni razlozi koji do- prinose slaboj reproduktivnoj efikasnosti. Iako je jalovost najčešći ra- zlog za isključivanje mlečnih krava iz dalje proizvodnje, procenat steo- nosti se može popraviti efikasnijim otkrivanjem estrusa, primenom hormonskih protokola koji imaju za cilj fiksno vreme osemenjavanja (engl. Timed-AI-TAI) ili fiksnim embriotransferom (engl. Timed-ET). Ovim protokolima se kontrolišu razvoj folikula i luteoliza, što kulminira sinhronom ovulacijom kod većine krava. Postoji nekoliko modifikacija za poboljšanje stope uspešne koncepcije u protokolima TAI, kao što je presinhronizacija sa 2 doze PGF2α u razmaku od 14 dana, uz za- počinjanje OvSynch protokola 12. dana posle druge aplikacije PGF2α i drugi. Programi hormonske sinhronizacije i fiksnog osemenjavanja, osiguravaju pravovremenu aplikaciju semena, uz obavezan rani ultra- zvučni pregled na steonost (30-32 dana post inseminationem) kako bi se identifikovale neplodne krave i brzo nakon toga ponovo resinhroni- zovale i/ili osemenile. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da prikaže značaj pravilnog vođenja reproduktivne evidencije, da definiše najznačajnije reproduk- tivne parametre i objasni njihovu praktičnu primenu u izračunavanju realnih troškova farme. Takođe, u njemu se objašnjava kako se ultra- zvučnim pregledom plotkinja i utvrđivanjem njihovog trenutnog repro- duktivnog statusa definišu adekvatni hormonski protokoli u cilju sin- hronizacije estrusa i ovulacije

    Mukometra kao posledica ozbiljne stručne greške

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    An apathetic 14-year-old Hungarian Puli bitch was presented with a seven day history of vaginal discharge and reported ovariohysterectomy (OHE) conducted six years ago. Clinical examination showed elevated body temperature (39.5°C), enlarged abdomen, and vulvar swelling. Despite a reported OHE in the anamnesis, ultrasound examination of the abdomen demonstrated the presence of both ovaries and a large anechogenic zone resembling the uterus. Vaginal cytologic examination and hormonal analysis indicated that the bitch was in the oestrus phase of the cycle. After laparotomy, both intact ovaries and an enlarged uterus with marked adhesions and filled with liquid content were visualised. The cervix was situated in the caudal part of the abdominal cavity and connected to the uterus by only an adhesion stump. After extirpation, uterus and ovarian tissue samples were sent for histological examination. Histological findings of uterus and ovarian tissue samples indicated a diagnosis of mucometra. Obviously, OHE was not conducted professionally, and the procedure performed only prevented conception, but ovaries and uterus continued to be active and caused a serious health disorder after six years. When only a part of the ovaries or uterus is left after OHE, health complications can appear up to ten years later. Our case testifies that even if both ovaries and the entire uterus are left after OHE without communication with cervix and vagina, a bitch can live without noticeable health disorders up to six years. This underlines the importance of lymphatic drainage and resorption processes in the uterus as well as evacuation of uterus content through the vagina.Četrnaest godina stara kuja rase mađarski puli je dovedena u apatičnom stanju i sa anamnezom iscedka iz vagine koji je prisutan 7 dana. Prema rečima vlasnika ovariohisterektomija je urađena pre 6 godina. Kliničkim nalazom je utvrđena povišena telesna temperatura (39,5˚C) uvećan abdomen i otok vulve. Uprkos podacima iz anamneze ultrazvučni pregled je ukazivao na prisustvo oba jajnika i velike anehogene zone koja je ukazivala na prisustvo materice. Citološki nalaz brisa vagine i hormonska analiza su ukazivali na to da je kuja bila u estralnoj fazi ciklusa. Nakon laparotomije potvrđeno je prisustvo oba jajnika i uvećane materice koja je bila ispunjena tečnim sadržajem i sa velikim brojem adhezija. Cerviks je bio lociran u kaudalnom delu abdomena i pričvršćen za uterus samo adhezionim patrljkom. Nakon ekstirpacije uterus i ovarijumi su poslati na histološku analizu, kojom je utvrđena dijagnoza mukometre. Očigledno da prethodno urađena ovariohisterektomija nije bila obavljena stručno i da je urađeni postupak sprečio koncepciju ali su ovarijumi i materica nastavili da budu aktivni što je prouzrokovalo ozbiljan zdravstveni problem 6 godina kasnije. Kada nakon ovariohisterektomije ostanu samo delovi tkiva ovarijuma i uterusa zdravstvene komplikacije se mogu javiti i do 10 godina nakon operacije. Prikazani slučaj svedoči o tome da je, čak i u slučaju kada su nakon operacije ostavljeni oba ovarijuma i uterus bez komunikacije sa cerviksom i vaginom, kuja 6 godina živela bez ozbiljnijih zdravstvenih problema. Ovo naglašava značaj limfne drenaže i procesa resorpcije sadržaja iz materice, pored pražnjenja kroz cerviks i vaginu