Novo groblje u Baroševcu


The paper gives a critical overview of the authors' work - New Cemetery in the village of Baroševac, in the Municipality of Lazarevac - the authors: Božidar Manić, Phd, Ana Niković, Phd, Igor Marić, PhD, Tijana Crnčević, PhD, Slavko Gavrilović and Svetozar Teofilović. The project was realized from 2012 to 2013, while the greening is carried out in phases. The Mining Basin 'Kolubara' Company for Production, Processing and Transport of Coal is the investor. The New Cemetery in Baroševac represents a significant move within the approach to designing the village cemeteries. The authors have been successful in creating a representative public space that is characterized by the harmony between the natural and created surroundings, respecting the preferences of the local population. The importance of this authors' work was confirmed through the participation in international salons in the field of landscape architecture and urbanism: the 6th Salon of Landscape Architecture (2015, Association of Landscape Architects of Serbia, Belgrade), Green infrastructure: new challenges of urban planning (2016, Association of Landscape Architects of Slovenia, Ljubljana), and the 24th International Salon of Urbanism (2015, Association of Urban Planners of Serbia, Niš).U radu se daje kritički osvrt na izvedeno autorsko delo - Novo groblje u selu Baroševac, u opštini Lazarevac - autora dr Božidara Manića, dr Ane Niković, dr Igora Marića, dr Tijane Crnčević, Slavka Gavrilovića i Svetozara Teofilovića. Projekat je realizovan od 2012. do 2013. godine, a ozelenjavanje se izvodi u fazama. Naručilac projekta je bilo Privredno društvo za proizvodnju, preradu i transport uglja, Rudarski basen 'Kolubara'. Novo groblje u Baroševcu predstavlja značajan pomak u pristupu projektovanju seoskih grobalja. Autori su uspeli da kreiraju reprezentativan javni prostor koji karakteriše sklad između prirodnog i stvorenog okruženja, poštujući i preferencije lokalnog stanovništva. Značaj ovog autorskog dela potvrđen je i učešćem na međunarodnim salonima iz oblasti pejzažne arhitekture i urbanizma i to: VI Salon pejzažne arhitekture (2015, Udruženje pejzažnih arhitekata Srbije, Beograd), Zelena infrastruktura: novi izzivi načrtovanja mestne krajine (2016, Društvo krajinskih arhitektov Slovenije, Ljubljana) i 24. međunarodni salon urbanizma (2015, Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Niš)

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