27 research outputs found

    Optimization of the oil extraction process from wild growing pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) using microwave and analysis of biological activity of the obtained oil

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje potencijalne primene mikrotalasnog zračenja na povećanje prinosa ulja semena divljeg nara (Punica granatum L.) nakon ekstrakcije i ispitivanje bioloÅ”ke aktivnosti dobijenog ulja. Ispitan je uticaj operativnih parametara (snage i vremena) mikrotalasnog zračenja na prinos i sastav ulja dobijenog natkritičnom ekstrakcijom (NKE) sa ugljenik(IV)ā€“oksidom (CO2) i ekstrakcijom heksanom u aparaturi po Soxhletā€“u (SE). Seme divljeg nara je odabrano kao sirovina za ispitivanje zbog svoje vredne bioloÅ”ke aktivnosti (jakog antioksidativnog i potencijalnog citotoksičnog dejstva)...The aim of this PhD thesis was investigation of the potential application of microwave radiation, in order to increase the yield of wild growing pomegranate seed oil (Punica granatum L.) after exctraction and analysis of biological activity of the obtained oil. The influence of operating parameters (power and time) of microwave irradiation on yield and composition of the oil obtained by supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide (SFE) and extraction with hexane in the Soxhlet apparatus (SE) was examined. Wild growing pomegranate seed was used as raw material for experiments, due to its valuable biological activity (strong antioxidant and potential cytotoxic effect)..


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    It is well known that physical activity and proper diet can have beneficial effects on health improvement, as a prevention and as a therapy of chronic non-communicable diseases. Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. Therefore, you often ask yourself whether it is advisable to exercise during pregnancy, when and how much? This review article, by analyzing the available literature data, has tried to explain what form of physical activity is recommended during pregnancy, depending on the period of pregnancy, under what conditions pregnant women should exercise, what forms of physical activity they should avoid and when they should not to practice it. In addition, we analyzed the role of physical activity in the prevention of gestational diabetes, the most common metabolic disorder that occurs during pregnancy. Following the recommendations of the FITT principle outlined in this paper, controlled exercise conditions with a specialized trainer and nutritionist, regular moderate physical activity adapted to different periods of pregnancy, undoubtedly contributes to the maintenance and improvement of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system of the pregnant woman, better control of her body weight and improvement of her psychological state

    Attitudes of employees toward offenders sentenced to community service

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    Da li će alternativne sankcije koje osuđeni izvrÅ”avaju u druÅ”tvenoj zajednici biti uspeÅ”ne u značajnoj meri može zavisiti i od stavova populacije u radnoj sredini u kojoj osuđeni izvrÅ”ava kaznu. Ova studija rađena u Beogradu (Srbija) imala je za cilj da utvrdi smer i faktorsku strukturu stavova prema osuđenim i bivÅ”im osuđenim osobama i njihovu povezanost sa uzrastom i obrazovanjem ispitanika. Uzorak su činili muÅ”karci iz opÅ”te populacije (N=78) zaposleni u firmama u kojima osuđeni obavljaju kaznu rada u javnom interesu. U istraživanju je za ispitivanje stavova koriŔćena Skala stavova prema osuđenima (Scale for Attitudes Toward Prisoners and Ex-prisoners). Analiza rezultata istraživanja je pokazala da ispitanici imaju pozitivan stav prema osuđenim osobama. Na skali stavova najveću frekventnost imala je tvrdnja: ā€žDružio bih se sa osobom koja je na uslovnom otpustu iz zatvoraā€œ sa kojom se 44,90% ispitanika ā€žuglavnom slažeā€œ (MOD=4). Kod većine negativno formulisanih tvrdnji frekvencije odgovora ā€žpotpuno se slažemā€œ su niske, kreću se od 7,70% do 15,60%. Faktorskom analizom skale stavova izdvojena su tri respektabilna faktora koja su nazvana: Odbacivanje, Poverenje i Percepcija kazne. Korelacija između demografskih varijabli uzrast i obrazovanje i stavova nije bila statistički značajna (p=0,93; p=0,86). Nalazi studije imaju značajne implikacije za praktična psiholoÅ”ka i socioloÅ”ka pitanja, kao Å”to su priprema druÅ”tvene zajednice za prihvat osuđenih na alternativne sankcije, i teorijska pitanja u vezi sa poznavanjem strukture, uzroka, geneze, funkcija i formi stavova prema osuđenima.Whether alternative penalties served by offenders in the community will be successful can also largely depend on the general attitudes in the workplace where the offender will be serving his penalty. This study, conducted in Belgrade, Serbia, was aimed to determine the inclination and factor structure of attitudes towards offenders and ex-offenders, and their correlation with the respondentsā€™ age and education. The sample consisted of men from the general population (N=78), employed in companies where offenders serve community sentence. The study also considers the association between attitudes and the age and education of the respondents. The Scale for Attitudes toward Prisoners and Ex- Prisoners was used in the study. Research results showed that the respondents in general had positive attitude toward offenders. On the Scale of Attitudes, a statement ā€œI would socialize with a person who is on parole from prisonā€ had the highest frequency, with which 44.90% of respondents ā€œmostly agreeā€ (MOD=4). With most negatively formulated statements, the frequency of statements ā€œI strongly agreeā€ is low, ranging from 7,70% to 15.60%. Factor analysis of the attitude scale indicated three respectable factors which were named: Rejection, Trust, and Perception of Penalty. The correlation between the demographic variables of age and education, and the expressed attitudes shows there was no significant correlation (p=0.93; p=0.86). The findings of the study have an important impact on practical psychosocial issues, such as that of preparing the community to accept offenders serving alternative punishments, as well as theoretical questions regarding the understanding of the structure, cause, origin, function, and form of attitudes toward offenders. Key words: attitudes, offenders, community

    PatomorfoloÅ”ke promene kod avijarne influence domaćih i divljih ptica ā€“ tehnike obdukcije ptica; pravilno uzorkovanje i slanje materijala za dijagnostiku

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    Usled jesenje migracije ptica ka teritoriji Evrope, postoji kontinui- rani rizik od pojave novih slučajeva visoko patogene avijarne influence (HPAI), kako kod divljih, tako i kod domaćih ptica. Tokom jeseni 2020. godine dijagnostikovano je preko 300 slučajeva HPAI-A(H5) kod divljih ptica i živine u zemljama EU. Broj žariÅ”ta HPAI se drastično povećava i dok je proteklih godina glavni uzročnik epidemije bio A(H5N8) podtip virusa, sada je zastupljeno nekoliko podtipova: A(H5N8), A(H5N5) i A(H5N1). Kod infekcije HPAI virusima, tip promena koje se sreću na obdukciji, kao i njihova lokalizacija mogu se donekle razlikovati u zavi- snosti od podtipa virusa i vrste ptica. Promene se javljaju u vidu nekro- za, edema i hemoragija, a najčeŔće su locirane na plućima, srcu, jetri, slezini, bubrezima, mozgu i koži. Obdukcija ptica sumnjivih na HPAI se obavlja u prostorijama sa biosigurnosnim nivoom 2, noseći, pored standardne zaÅ”titne opreme joÅ” i maske N95. Obdukcija se vrÅ”i prema standardnim protokolima za obdukciju ptica koji uključuju spoljaÅ”nji i unutraÅ”nji pregled leÅ”a. Prilikom obdukcije, potrebno je uzeti uzorke tkiva promenjenih organa i ona, koja su namenjena za patohistoloÅ”- ku analizu, fiksirati u 10% puferizovanom formalinu najmanje 48 ča- sova. Uzorci ne smeju biti deblji od 0,5 cm, kako bi fiksativ magao da prodre kroz tkivo. Obdukovane leÅ”eve ptica treba neÅ”kodljivo ukloniti, kao materijal kategorije 1


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the physical activity and dietary habits of second year medical students of the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. The level of physical activity and dietary habits were also investigated according to other factors: gender, sports activity before and after attending college and studentsā€™ self-assessment related to their physical activity level. All second year medical students (490 students: 155 male and 355 female) were asked to participate in the study by filling out questionnaires during one week in the 2016/17 school year. They filled out a demographic questionnaire, a shorter version of International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) as well as a food frequency questionnaire comprising 13 indicator variables. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to test the overall differences between male and female students, while a Correlation Analysis was investigated using the Spearman correlation coefficient. There is a statistically significant difference in sport habits between both male and female students, before and after enrolling in college. The Spearman correlation coefficient analysis showed that there is a moderate positive correlation between the levels of physical activity calculated from the IPAQ questionnaire with sports activity habits of the students after enrolling in college (0.344) as well as with self-assessment of the level of physical activity by the students (0.440). Second year medical students have good dietary habits that could be responsible for their adequate body composition

    Microstructure Formations Resulting from Nanosecond and Picosecond Laser Irradiation of a Ti-Based Alloy under Controlled Atmospheric Conditions and Optimization of the Irradiation Process

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    This paper presents a study and comparison of surface effects induced by picosecond and nanosecond laser modification of a Ti6Al4V alloy surface under different ambient conditions: air and argon- and nitrogen-rich atmospheres. Detailed surface characterization was performed for all experimental conditions. Damage threshold fluences for picosecond and nanosecond laser irradiation in all three ambient conditions were determined. The observed surface features were a resolidified pool of molten material, craters, hydrodynamic effects and parallel periodic surface structures. Laser-induced periodic surface structures are formed by multi-mode-beam nanosecond laser action and picosecond laser action. Crown-like structures at crater rims are specific features for picosecond Nd:YAG laser action in argon-rich ambient conditions. Elemental analysis of the surfaces indicated nitride compound formation only in the nitrogen-rich ambient conditions. The constituents of the formed plasma were also investigated. Exploring the impact of process control parameters on output responses has been undertaken within the context of laser modification under different environmental conditions. Parametric optimization of the nanosecond laser modification was carried out by implementing an advanced method based on Taguchiā€™s parametric design and multivariate statistical techniques, and optimal settings are proposed for each atmosphere

    Tomato Pomace Powder as a Functional Ingredient in Minced Meat Productsā€”Influence on Technological and Sensory Properties of Traditional Serbian Minced Meat Product Cevapi

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    The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of tomato pomace (TP) on the technological and sensory properties of ćevapi. Four treatments were prepared as follows: control (CON) and samples with the addition of TP in amounts of TP5 (0.5%ā€”5 g/kg), TP10 (1%ā€”10 g/kg), and TP20 (2%ā€”20 g/kg). Technological properties (pH values, water activity (aw) cooking loss, length reduction), instrumental colour and texture, and sensory properties were examined. The addition of TP powder did not result in significant differences in pH and aw values between CON and modified treatments (in both raw and grilled). The addition of TP in the amounts higher than 10 g/kg significantly reduced cooking loss, while length reduction was observed when 20 g/kg was added. Also, significantly higher values of yellowness were observed in both the raw and grilled ćevapi, when 10 g/kg and more of TP was added. Significantly higher hardness and chewiness were observed in all experimental treatments. However, differences in instrumental colour and texture were not negatively perceived by the assessors, and there were no significant differences in any observed sensory properties between the CON and experimental treatments. Moreover, all the experimental treatments received a relatively high mark of around seven and higher on a nine-point hedonic scale. Further research could focus on the examination of salt/meat reduction as well as oxidative stability during freeze storage

    Detekcija virusa klasične kuge svinja u fetalnim tkivima prasadi primenom imunohistohemijske metode

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    The classical swine fever virus has the ability to cross the placental barrier, resulting in the infection of fetuses, which may consequently lead to persistent infection in piglets. The aim of this study was to report the lesions in fetuses naturally infected with CSFV during late gestation and clarify the nature of infected cells and the distribution of viral antigen in different tissues. A total of twenty-nine fetuses aged 82, 83 and 95 gestational days originating from three naturally CSFV infected sows were examined in this study. In all tested sows and their fetuses CSFV was detected using RT-PCR method. Immunohistochemistry method was used to detect viral antigen and monoclonal antibody WH303 was used on formalin fixed tissue samples of brain, spleen, heart, tonsils, kidney, ileocecal valve and umbilical cord. The most common lesions in the majority of fetuses were hyperemia, petechial haemorrhages in the skin, lymph nodes and kidneys. With the exception of myocardium, CSF viral antigen was detected in all the examined tissues. WH303 positive cells included endothelial cells, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. The largest number of positive cells was found in kidneys in all of the examined fetuses. Reticular cells, macrophages, lymphocytes and endothelial cells in the spleen were also intensely and widely stained in most of the fetuses. These results showed that CSFV antigen can be detected in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded fetal tissue specimens originating from naturally CSFV infected sows by using monoclonal antibody WH303. Fetal kidneys proved to be a very useful organ for diagnosis of the CSF virus. Having that in mind, it is assumed that persistently infected piglets may shed a high amount of viral particles through urine. However, further research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.Virus klasične kuge svinja poseduje mogućnost prelaska placentarne barijere, Å”to može dovesti do infekcije fetusa i posledično do nastanka perzistentne infekcije kod prasadi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje lezija koje nastaju kod fetusa prirodno inficiranih virusom klasične kuge svinja tokom kasne faze gestacije, kao i prirodu inficiranih ćelija i distribuciju virusnog antigena u različitim tkivima fetusa. Ukupno je ispitano dvadesetdevet fetusa starosti 82, 83 i 95 dana gestacije, poreklom od tri prirodno inficirane krmače virusom klasične kuge svinja. Prisustvo virusa potvrđeno je kod svih ispitanih krmača i njihovih fetusa upotrebom RT-PCR metode. Za imunohistohemijsku detekciju virusnog antigena u tkivnim isečcima mozga, slezine, srca, tonzila, bubrega, ileoceklane valvule i pupčane vrpce primenjeno je monoklonko antitelo WH303. Kod većine ispitanih fetusa ustanovljena je hiperemija i petehijlna krvavljenja na koži, limfnim čvorovima i bubrezima. Virusni antigen je detektovan u svim ispitanim tkivima fetusa, izuzev tkiva srca. Detektovane WH303 pozitivne ćelije obuhvatale su endotelne ćelije, monocite, makrofage i limfocite. Najveći procenat pozitivnih ćelija na virusni antigen utvrđen je u bubrezima kod svih ispitanih fetusa. Pored toga, veliki broj pozitivnih ćelija dokazan je u retikularnim, limfoidnim i endotelnim ćelijama slezine kod većine fetusa. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju pokazuju da se upotrebom monoklonskog antitela WH303 može detektovati antigen virusa klasične kuge svinja u parafinskim isečcima tkiva fetusa prasadi poreklom od prirodno inficiranih krmača. Pored toga, utvrđeno je da su fetalni bubrezi veoma pogodan materijal za dijagnostiku virusa klasične kuge svinja. Na osnovu ovih nalaza postavljena je hipoteza da perzistentno inficirana prasad mogu izlučivati velike količine virusnih čestica putem urina, međutim, potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se potvrdila ova hipoteza

    The usefulness of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio for diagnosis and assessment of COPD severity

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    Background: Inflammation, oxidative stress and an imbalance between proteases and protease inhibitors are recognized pathophysiological features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this study was to evaluate serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in patients with COPD and to assess their relationship with lung function, symptom severity scores and recent acute exacerbations. Methods: In this observational cohort study, serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in the peripheral blood of COPD patients with stable disease and healthy controls were determined, and their association with lung function (postbronchodilator spirometry, body plethysmography, single breath diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide), symptom severity scores (mMRC and CAT) and exacerbation history were assessed. Results: COPD patients (n = 98) had significantly higher levels of serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 and a higher MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio than healthy controls (n = 47) (p ā‰¤ 0.001). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for MMP-9, TIMP-1 and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio for COPD diagnosis were 0.974, 0.961 and 0.910, respectively (all p < 0.05). MMP-9 and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio were both negatively correlated with FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, VC, and IC (all p < 0.05). For MMP-9, a positive correlation was found with RV/TLC% (p = 0.005), and a positive correlation was found for the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio with RV% and RV/TLC% (p = 0.013 and 0.002, respectively). Patients with COPD GOLD 3 and 4 presented greater MMP-9 levels and a greater MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio compared to GOLD 1 and 2 patients (p ā‰¤ 0.001). No correlation between diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide and number of acute exacerbations in the previous year was found. Conclusions: COPD patients have elevated serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio. COPD patients have an imbalance between MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in favor of a pro-proteolytic environment, which overall indicates the importance of the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio as a potential biomarker for COPD diagnosis and severity