33 research outputs found

    Vector based semantic analysis reveals absence of competition among related senses

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    Ranija istraživanja pokazala su da je porast u broju povezanih značenja (polisemija) praćen kraćim vremenom obrade reči, dok je porast u broju nepovezanih značenja (homonimija) praćen dužim vremenom obrade reči. U ovom istraživanju evaluirali smo metod za kvantitativno opisivanje višeznačnih reči na osnovu višedimenzionalne distribucije kontekstualnih vektora kojeg su predložili Moscoso del Prado Martín i saradnici. Na osnovu distribucije kontekstualnih vektora pojedinačnih pojavljivanja polisemičnih reči srpskog jezika izračunata je entropija ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije i negentropija funkcije gustine verovatnoće. Entropija ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije, koja je izvedena iz matrice kovarijanse, predstavlja meru varijabilnosti u višedimenzionalnom prostoru i odslikava postojanje povezanih značenja reči (polisemija). Negentropija predstavlja razliku između entropije ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije i diferencijalne entropije funkcije gustine verovatnoće kontekstualnih vektora i odslikava postojanje nepovezanih značenja (homonimija). U skladu sa predviđanjima, na skupu polisemičnih imenica srpskog jezika, zabeležen je samo efekat entropije ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije. Negentropija nije imala uticaj na vreme reakcije. Ovaj nalaz je u skladu sa pretpostavkom da entropija ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije, kao mera širine aktivacije u semantičkom prostoru, odslikava polisemiju, odnosno prisustvo povezanih značenja reči. Stoga se prednost u obradi polisemičnih reči može objasniti širokom aktivacijom u semantičkom prostoru i smanjenom kompeticijom među Gausovim distribucijama koje se preklapaju u velikoj meri.Previous research demonstrated that processing time was facilitated by number of related word senses (polysemy) and inhibited by number of unrelated word meanings (homonymy). The starting point of this research were the findings described by Moscoso del Prado Martín and colleagues, who offered a unique account of processing of two forms of lexical ambiguity. By applying the techniques they proposed, for the set of strictly polysemous Serbian nouns we calculated ambiguity measures they introduced. Based on the covariance matrix of the context vectors, we derived entropy of equivalent Gaussian distribution, and based on the context vectors probability density function, we derived differential entropy. Negentropy was calculated as the difference between the two. Based on interpretation that entropy of equivalent Gaussian mirrors sense cooperation, or polysemy, while negentropy mirrors meaning competition, or homonymy, we predicted that in the set of strictly polysemous nouns, negentropy effect would disappear. In accordance with our predictions, entropy of equivalent Gaussian distribution accounted for significant proportion of processing latencies variance. Negentropy did not affect reaction time. This finding is in accordance with the hypothesis that entropy of equivalent Gaussian distribution, as a measure of general width of activation in semantic space, reflects polysemy, that is, the existence of related senses. Therefore, polysemy advantage could be the result of the wide-spread activation in semantic space and reduced competition among overlapping Gaussians

    Categor 1.1 – slobodan softver za pomoć u razvrstavanju odgovora u kategorije i analizi kategorija

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    Premda se istraživanja u eksperimentalnoj psihologiji dominantno oslanjaju na kvantitativne podatke, postoje brojne situacije u kojima se od ispitanika zahteva davanje opisnih odgovora. To je naročito prisutno u početnim fazama ispitivanja neke pojave i u situacijama kada istraživač ne želi da nameće strukturu, već ima cilj da ispita intuicije svojih ispitanika. Ipak, prikupljene odgovore ponekad je, u cilju sticanja uvida u obrasce u prikupljenim podacima, potrebno podeliti u grupe srodnih odgovora.XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа "Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа

    Efficient parallel compression of height fields

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    Дисертација предлаже нову методу за брзу компресију и декомпресију правилних поља висина, са или без губитака. Правилна поља висина су најчешће усвојен начин представљања површи узоркованих на правилним растојањима дуж две осе картезијанског координатног система у хоризонталној равни. Захваљујући напретку у техници детекције на даљину (енг. remote sensing) у протеклој деценији, која је достигла хоризонталне и вертикалне резолуције узорковања реда метра и дециметра, респективно, потребан је значајан простор за смештање описа површи реалних терена. При наведеним резолуцијама, површ неке планете величине Земље захтева неколико десетина терабајта. Компресија поља висина је потребна не само за компактно смештање, већ и за ефикасан пренос и манипулацију тако великим количинама података. Развијена метода погодна је за SIMD паралелну имплементацију, па самим тим и за архитектуре модерних графичких процесора, који значајно надмашују централни процесор у брзини рачунања, а већ су доступни у кућним рачунарима. Компресија са губицима постиже се апроксимацијом поља висина скупом квадратних Безјеових површи. Безјеове површи су изабране зато што су релативно једноставне за рачунање и поседују неколико пожељних особина, које су од суштинског значаја за примену предложене методе у инжењерству. Компресија без губитака постиже се додавањем два слоја резидуала на апроксимацију. Додатно, предлаже се опциони паралелни алгоритам, специјализован за компресију резидуала. Могућност додатне примене овог алгоритма дозвољава балансирање између степена компресије и брзине декомпресије методе. Предложену методу одликују јединствене особине, које нису присутне ни у једној другој методи компресије поља висина. Метода омогућава независну декомпресију појединачних тачака, као и прогресивну декомпресију. Чак и у случају декомпресије са губицима, декомпримована површ је инхерентно без пукотина. У поређењу са савременим компетитивним методама, које се извршавају на GPU (графичком процесору), предложена метода, у комбинацији са II широко распрострањеном општенаменском методом компресије без губитака (попут DEFLATE, која се користи у популарном алату за компресију података ZIP), или комбинована са специјализованом методом за компресију резидуала без губитака, постиже поредиве степене компресије. Ефикасност методе потврђена је кроз CUDA имплементацију алгоритама компресије и декомпресије. Имплементација основне методе (без додатне компресије резидуала), по цену разумно мањег степена компресије, благо надмашује брзину савремене компетитивне методе за велика оптерећења и значајно за мала, остварујући све горе наведене јединствене карактеристике...This thesis presents a novel method for fast lossy or lossless compression and decompression of regular height fields. Regular height fields are a commonly adopted solution for representing surfaces sampled at uniform rates along the two Cartesian axes in the horizontal plane. Due to the improvements in the remote sensing technology during the last decade, which has reached horizontal and vertical sampling resolutions of the order of a meter and a decimeter, respectively, significant storage space is needed for the surface of real terrains. At these resolutions, the surface of a planet of the size similar to Earth requires a few dozens of terabytes of storage space. Compression of height fields is needed not only for efficient storage, but also for efficient transfer and manipulation of such large amounts of data. The developed method is suitable for SIMD parallel implementation and thus inherently suitable for modern GPU architectures, which significantly outperform modern CPUs in computation speed, and are already present in home computers. Lossy compression is achieved by approximating the height field with a set of quadratic Bezier surfaces. Bezier surfaces have been chosen because they are relatively simple to compute and have several desirable features, essential for the application of the method in engineering. Lossless compression is achieved by superimposing two layers of residuals over the lossy approximation. In addition, an optional parallel algorithm, specialized for compression of residuals is proposed. The possibility of additional application of this algorithm allows for a tradeoff between the compression ratio and the decompression speed of the method. The proposed method is characterized with unique properties, which are not present in any of the height field compression methods. The method allows independent decompression of individual data points, as well as progressive decompression. Even in the case of lossy decompression, the decompressed surface is inherently seamless. In comparison with the GPU-oriented competitive state-of-the-art method, the proposed method, combined with a widely available general purpose lossless compression method (such as DEFLATE, used in the popular ZIP data compression utility), or combined with a specialized method for lossless compression of the residuals, achieves IV comparable compression ratios. The method's efficiency was confirmed through a CUDA implementation of compression and decompression algorithms. The implementation of the basic method (without additional compression of residuals), at the expense of reasonably worse compression ratio, slightly outperforms the competitive state-of-the-art method for very high workloads and considerably for lower workloads, achieving all of the above mentioned unique features..

    Numerical-Experimental Determination of Stress and Deformation State in Connecting Lugs with the Effect of Contact Area Size

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    The present paper describes numerical and experimental methodology for the analysis of stress and deformation state in structural elements with geometrical discontinuities. The research is based on structural elements of the connecting lug type. The stress and deformation state was determined as the contact area size between the axle and the connecting lug was changing. Numerical analysis was conducted by applying the finite element method in a \u27\u27KOMIPS\u27\u27 software package. Experiments were performed at the Laboratory for stress and deformation measurements, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, using \u27\u27GOM\u27\u27 equipment and \u27\u27ARAMIS\u27\u27 software application (DIC). This paper demonstrates how it is possible to anticipate the results by applying FEM. A short review of current research in the field of structural elements with geometrical discontinuities is given within the framework of the paper

    Numerical-experimental determination of stress and deformation state in connection lugs

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    The present paper describes the numerical and experimental methodology for the analysis of stress and deformation state in structural elements with geometrical discontinuities. Research is based on structural elements of the connection lug type and stress and deformation state. Numerical analysis is conducted by applying the finite ware package. Experiments are performed at the Laboratory for Stress and Deformation Measurements, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, using GOM equipment the framework of the paper

    Numerical analysis of stress and strain state of structural elements of container terminal

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    The results of the research regarding the stress and strain state in structural elements of the container terminal are presented in this paper. The container terminal is used for the electrical energy supply and control system of conveyor belts in the exploitation of mining basin 'Kolubara'. Stress analysis of the structural elements has been done with loading containers where one container with electrical equipment weighs 28 tons. The container terminal is in the process of production

    Numerical-experimental determination of stress and deformation state in connection lugs

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    The present paper describes the numerical and experimental methodology for the analysis of stress and deformation state in structural elements with geometrical discontinuities. Research is based on structural elements of the connection lug type and stress and deformation state. Numerical analysis is conducted by applying the finite ware package. Experiments are performed at the Laboratory for Stress and Deformation Measurements, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, using GOM equipment the framework of the paper

    Development and calculation of supporting structure for mining power equipment

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    Development and calculation of the base supporting struc-ture used for mining equipment is the aim of the paper. The base structure is intended for the installation of electronic communication and power equipment and devices that supply and manage mining equipment. The first part of the paper covers the existing solutions, and the second part shows the development of a new solution. Design solution of a new base structure is presented, a calculation of the base according to valid standards and regulations, and the numerical determination of equivalent stress and strain by Abaqus (R) software. Finally, the performed solution is given

    Development and calculation of supporting structure for mining power equipment

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    Development and calculation of the base supporting struc-ture used for mining equipment is the aim of the paper. The base structure is intended for the installation of electronic communication and power equipment and devices that supply and manage mining equipment. The first part of the paper covers the existing solutions, and the second part shows the development of a new solution. Design solution of a new base structure is presented, a calculation of the base according to valid standards and regulations, and the numerical determination of equivalent stress and strain by Abaqus (R) software. Finally, the performed solution is given


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    The aim of this paper is to present the application of thin-walled beams on cargo raft load-bearing structure from the aspect of strength and reliability. The beams have an open cross section. Analytical and numerical determination of equivalent stresses and deformations of open section thin-walled ‘U’ and ‘Z’ cantilever beams, loaded with torsion, is presented. Work is divided into three parts. In the first part, equivalent stress and deformation are obtained analytically for cantilever beam model in the whole cross section. In the second part, the finite element method is applied in beam models, and the results are compared with the analytical calculation. The third part presents the profiles installed in load-bearing structures of vessels (rafts) and solutions are shown to apply results of the presented analyses in order to increase reliability. Finally, the design calculation of the raft load-bearing structure is shown