391 research outputs found

    Equilibrium sorption of direct dye on polyamide

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    In this paper, the equilibrium sorption of dyeing polyamide 6.6 fabric with direct dye is presented. Polyamide is a chemical fiber obtained from synthetically produced polymers, while direct dyes are most often sulfonated azo compounds: which are derived from bendisidine and its derivatives. Samples of 100% raw polyamide 6.6 fabric were used in the experiment. The direct used dye is called Solophenyl blue 4GL. The samples were dyed at different dye concentrations: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 mg/l. The temperature at which the samples were dyed was 40, 60 and 98 °C. Citric acid was added to the dye solution to achieve a certain pH of the solution. A spectrophotometer (Cary 100 Conc UV-VIS, Varian) was used to measure the absorbance of aqueous stained solutions and to calculate the unknown dye concentration in the solution and to construct a calibration curve. The degree of dye exhaustion and the amount of absorbed dye were calculated. Two models of adsorption isotherms were used: Langmuir and Harkin-Jura. The high functionality of the variable was observed in the Langmuir model

    Analysis of requirements and the necessary investments in the railway station adjustment program for persons with special needs

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    People with special needs from the standpoint of social communities have specific requirements for access, mobility, entry and exit of railway vehicles designated to transport passengers. The EU has defined standards and requirements related to persons with special needs. The aim of this paper is to analyze the technical requirements of equipment and identify the necessary investment funds related to the increasing mobility of persons with special needs in the rail transportation system. This analysis would be one of the initial steps approaching the conditions and requirements that apply in the EU in adapting the system of transport for people with special needs

    Genetic polymorphisms of cytokine high mobility group box-1 in critically ill patients with sepsis and trauma

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    Uvod/cilj: High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) prptein ima različite ćelijske funkcije, sa značajnpm ulogom u arhitekturi hromatina i regulaciji transkripcije. Takođe, HMGB1 ima različite efekte na imunski sistem i deluje kap prp-inflamatprni citpkin, pojačavajući urođeni i stečeni imunski odgovor, te učestvuje u patpgenezi različitih bolesti, od sepse do autoimunskih bolesti i kancera. Ova studija je pročavala pojedinačne nukleptidne polimprfizme (single nucleotide polymorphisms- SNP) na pozicijama rs2249825 [C/T], rs4540927 [G/A], rs19299606 [C/T], rs17074615 [A/C], rs1412125 [T/C], rs1060348 [C/T], rs1045411 [G/A], rs3742305 [G/C] u genu za high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein u grupi kritično obolelih pacijenata sa sepspm i traumom. Metode: klinička opservacipna analitička studija preseka. Studija je sprovedena na 119 kritično obolelih pacijenata sa sepspm i traumpm. Genotipizacija za citpkin sa HMGB1 za 8 polimprfizma (SNPs) je vršena kpristeći Taq-Man SNP Genotyping Assays, Applied Biosystems. Statistička obrada podataka je vršena preko SPSS 20.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Udruženost između kategorija je vršena preko hi-kvadrat testa ( chi-square test). Količnik šanse -Odds ratios (OR) sa intervalom poverenja od 95% (95% confidence intervals- CI) je izračunat preko multiple logističke regresije (multiple logistic regression analysis) u cilju procene relativnog rizika u zavisnosti od mortaliteta, godina, pola i bakterijskog uzročnika infecije korišćene kao kovarijante u multiploj logističkpj regresiji. P vrednost < .05 je smatrana značajnom. Rezultati: U analizi polimorfizma (SNP), 5 njih su pokazali klinički značajnost u genu za highmobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein na pozicijama rs2249825 [C/T], rs1412125 [T/C], rs1060348 [C/T], rs1045411 [G/A] i rs3742305 [G/C] kod kritično obolelih pacijenata sa sepspm i traumom. Tri polimorfizma u genu za high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein na pozicijama rs2249825[C/T], rs1045411 [G/A] and rs3742305 [G/C] su udruženi sa uzročnikpm bakterijskih infekcija, prema nalazu iz hempkulture. Jedan polimorfizam na poziciji rs1060348 [C/T] je udružen sa osnovnom bolešću (peritpnitis, pankreatitis) koja je dovela do sepse. Zaključci Ova studija je proučavala pojedinačne nukleptidne polimprfizme (single nucleotide polymorphisms- SNP) u genu za high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) citpkin u grupi kritično obolelih pacijenata sa sepspm i traumpm. Nije upočena povezanost između pojedinačhih polimorfima i ishoda bolesti. Neki pd proučavanih polimprfizma su pokazali udruženost sa bakterijskim uzročnikpm infekcije (prema nalazu hempkultura) i osnovne bolesti (peritonitis, pankreatitis) koja dovodi do sepse.Background/Aim: High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein has diverse cellular functions, with important role in chromatin architecture and transcriptional regulation. HMGB1 has diverse effects on immunity acting as a pro-inflammatory cytokine, enhancing both innate and adaptive immune response that contribute to the pathogenesis of various disorders, from sepsis and autoimmunity to cancer. This study examined the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) at position rs2249825 [C/T], rs4540927 [G/A], rs19299606 [C/T], rs17074615 [A/C], rs1412125 [T/C], rs1060348 [C/T], rs1045411 [G/A], rs3742305 [G/C] in high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) gene in critically ill patients with sepsis and trauma. Methods: Clinical prospective observational analytical cross-sectional study. The study was conducted on 119 critically ill patients with sepsis and trauma. HMGB1 genotypes for 8 SNPs were assessed using Taq-Man SNP Genotyping Assays, Applied Biosystems. Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS 20.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The association between categorical variables was estimated by the chi-square test. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated by multiple logistic regression analysis to estimate relative risk of mortality, age, sex ratio and type of bacteria were used as covariances of multiple logistic regression. P values < .05 were considered significant. Results: In analyzing the polymorphisms, five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) gene have clinical significance at position rs2249825 [C/T], rs1412125 [T/C], rs1060348 [C/T], rs1045411 [G/A] and rs3742305 [G/C] in critically ill patients with sepsis and trauma. No association between SNP and outcome in our study. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) gene at position rs2249825[C/T], rs1045411 [G/A] and rs3742305 [G/C] associated with type of bacteria according to the findings of blood culture. One single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) at position rs1060348 [C/T] is associated with the basic disease (peritonitis, pancreatitis) which led to sepsis. Conclusion: This study examined the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) gene in critically ill patients with sepsis and trauma. No association between SNP and outcome. Some of the studied SNP showed association with type of bacteria (according to the findings of blood culture) and the basic disease (peritonitis, pancreatitis) which led to sepsis


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    The paper analyzes the expressionist portrait of Peter II Petrović Njegoš, which Stanislav Vinaver presented in the essay “Njegoš and the Evil Wizards” (Gromobran svemira, 1921). In order to understand this particular vision of the romantic poet, the immediate historical proximity of Crnjanski's Njegoš from 1919 (the poem “Njegoš”, Lyrics of Ithaka), then his Njegoš from 1925 (the essay “Reflections on Njegoš”), and finally Andrić's Njegoš in the essay “Njegoš as a tragic hero of Kosovo thought” (1935). As the neglected texts of previous Njegosology, today, at a time when Njegoš's character and work have become a singular Balkan apple of discord, they show another way of understanding, and that is the way of utopian thinking.У раду се анализира експресионистички портрет Петра&nbsp;II&nbsp;Петровића Његоша, који је Станислав Винавер изложио у есеју „Његош и зли волшебници“ (Громобран свемира, 1921). За разумевање овог особеног доживљаја романтичког песника важна је и непосредна историјска близина Црњансковог Његоша из 1919. године (песма „Његош“,&nbsp;Лирика Итаке), затим његовог Његоша из 1925. године (есеј „Размишљања о Његошу“), и коначно Андрићевог Његоша у &nbsp;есеју „Његош као трагични јунак косовске мисли“ (1935). Као занемарени текстови досадашње његошологије, они данас, у време када су Његошеви лик и дело постали својеврснa балканскa јабукa раздора, показују један други пут разумевања, а то је пут утопијског мишљења

    The state of security of today’s world after 70 years of the United Nations

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    At a time when the United Nations mark 70 years of its existence, when the leaders of the 193 member states of this world organization adopted, with a lot of faith, a transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world is faced with many difficult challenges to security. Effective indicators of contemporary international security, as well as the challenges, risks and threats that reflect it, show that the security of the modern world has been jeopardized, directly or indirectly, in the highest possible degree, since the end of the Second World War. That is why there is increasing importance of the United Nations, which, with all its drawbacks over the past seventy years, have represented the best model of multilateral cooperation in the field of security and without whose existence the world would have much larger international problems. The efforts this organization makes with the aim to protect and establish peace in the world must be respected, and the contents of the UN General Assembly resolution 59/565 A of 2004, devoted to threats to the international security, should be seen in that light as well

    Correlation between 24-hour profile of blood pressure and ventricular arrhythmias and their prognostic significance in patients with arterial hypertension

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    Background/Aim. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), apart from arterial hypertension, is a risk factor for electrophysiologic heart condition disorder and sudden cardiac death. The aim of this study was to examine a relationship between complex ventricular arrhythmias and parameters of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the patients with arterial hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), as well as their prognostic significance during a five-year follow-up. Methods. Ninety patients with arterial hypertension and LVH were included in this study (mean age 55.2±8.3 years). There were 35 healthy people in the control group (mean age 54.5±7.1 years). Left ventricular mass index was 171.9±32.4 g/m2 in the LVH group and 102.4±13.3 g/m2 in the control group. Clinical examination, echocardiogram, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and 24-hour holter monitoring were done in all of the examined persons. Ventricular arrhythmias were classified by the Lown classification. Results. In the LVH group there were 54 (60.0%) of the patients with ≥ III Lown class. The best predictor of a Lown class were left ventricular mass index by using multivariate stepwise regression analyses (β = 0.212; p &lt; 0.05) and small decrease of diastolic blood pressure during the night (β = -0.293; p &lt; 0.01). The main predictor of bad prognosis was left ventricular mass index during a five year follow-up (β = 0.302; p &lt; 0.01, for stepwise regression model: F = 8.828; p &lt; 0.01, adjusted R2 = 0.091). Conclusion. Left ventricular arrhythmias are frequent in patients with lower decrease of blood pressure during the night. There was no correlation between the degree of ventricular arrhythmias and parameters from 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and a five-year prognosis in the patients with arterial hypertension and LVH. A bad five-year follow-up outcome of hypertensive disease depends on left ventricular mass index

    The ideas of conceptual art in contemporary Serbia literature 1960-2010.

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    U ovom radu nastojali smo da savremenu književnu istoriju dovedemo u nešto značajniju vezu sa tokovima vizuelnih umetnosti i interdisciplinarnim praksama. Poseban izazov istraživanja predstavljao je susret sa diskursom tzv. „savremene umetnosti“, koji je unutar konstelacije umetničkih praksi književnoj umetnosti dao status „stare“, „klasične“, „prevaziđene“ umetnosti. Međutim, kao danas nesumnjivo vodeća humanistička disciplina, teorijski diskurs vizuelnih umetnosti kao da iznova i iznova „otkriva“ književnu umetnost i njenu nezaobilaznost. Poslednje „otkriće“ književnosti u odnosu na konceptualizam trebalo bi prepoznati u njenom značaju kao forme dokumentovanja „nevidljivih“ umetničkih projekata i performansa. Tako, recimo, kao literarnu umetničku dokumentaciju možemo da označimo „književnost“ Miroslava Mandića, Judite Šalgo, Slobodana Tišme, Žarka Radakovića, ali i auto(bio)grafsku i dokumentarno-fikcionalnu književnost Bore Ćosića. I mada je objava konceptualizma šezdesetih godina bila neodvojiva od postupka literarizacije (kao oblik dematerijalizacije umetničkog dela), književnost koja je stasavala u okvirima „nove umetničke prakse“ ostala je savim skrajnuta u odnosu na druge miksmedijalne prakse razvijanih tih godina. Na drugoj strani, konceptualizam je tek poslednjih petnaestak godina u nešto većoj meri podstakao rad proučavalaca književnosti. Cilj istraživanja sadrži se otuda u nameri da se predstavi istorijski razvoj književne umetnosti razvijane u konceptualističkim krugovima i da se u preklapanju diskursa teorije vizuelnih umetnosti i nauke o književnosti nađu „zajednički imenitelji“ razumevanja jedne nemale umetničke i književne zaostavštine naše kulture. Pomenutoj temi već je posvećen zavidan broj publikacija, monografija, pregleda, kritika, naučnih radova, itd. Međutim, najveći broj tih tekstova ili je još uvek u resantimanskom znaku isticanja onovremenih ideoloških problema koji su se učitali u metabolizam „nove umetničke prakse“, ili ne daje nikakav kritički komentar, već „nežnim rukopisom“ samo nadoknađuje višegodišnje i višedecenijsko odsustvo avangardista „književnog jugoslovenstva“ iz javne sfere. Otuda je nada da će ovaj rad, nakon dvadesetak godina kritičkoteorijskog zatišja, izroditi novi kritički stav nauke o književnosti o ovoj temi, kao i da će nam kritički pogled u književnost razvijanoj pri „novoj umetničkoj praksi“ olakšati takođe zasnivanje nešto drugačijeg mišljenja povodom romantizovane „novotalasne“ književne produkcije, koja je u dobroj meri izrasla na iskustvu „nove umetničke prakse“.The effort made in this study was to establish a more significant connection between the modern literary history, on the one side, and the flows of visual art theory and interdisciplinary practices, on the other. A particular challenge for the research was the encounter with the so-called discourse of “Contemporary Art”, which gave to the literary art the status of “old”, “classic”, “outdated art” within the constellation of the art practices. However, the theoretical discourse of visual arts – as the undoubtedly leading humanistic discipline of our time – discovers the literary art and its inevitability over and over again. Perhaps the last “discovery” of literature in relation to conceptualism should be recognized for its importance as a form of documentation of “invisible-art” projects and performances. Such are, for instance, the “literature” of Miroslav Mandić, Judita Šalgo, Slobodan Tišma, Žarko Radaković and auto(bio)graphical work of Bora Ćosić. Though the emergence of conceptualism in the sixties was inseparable from the process of literarisation (as a particular form of art dematerialization), the literature that was maturing within the framework of “the new art practice” was completely sidelined compared to other mixedmedial practices developed in these years. On the other hand, the conceptualism encouraged the work of literature studies during the last fifteen years. Therefore, the aim of the research is to present the historical development of the literary arts developed within the conceptualist circles, and also to find “common denominators” of understanding the artistic and literary legacy of our culture in the overlapping of the discourse theory of visual arts and the literary criticism. There are a considerable number of different publications, monographs, reviews, scientific papers on this topic. However, most of these papers either resent fully emphasize past ideological issues read into the metabolism of “the new art practice”, or they make no critical comment, but with a “gentle hand” make up for the years-and-decades-long absence of the Yugoslav avant-garde from the public sphere. For this reason, we hope that this paper will bring forth a new critical attitude of literary studies on this subject after twenty years of critical silence. Also, we hope that this new critical view will establish a different point of view on the romanticized “new wave” literary production of the 80' which has been largely built upon the experience of “the new art practice” of 60' and 70'

    Algebraic distance between submodules

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    We investigate the algebraic distance between closed and orthogonaly complemented submodules of a Hilbert C-module, which is defined as the norm of a difference of corresponding orthogonal projections. Some results are proved using 2×2 decompositions of adjointable operators.Bulletin de l'Académie serbe des sciences. Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques. 44, 152 (2019)

    determining the reliability function of the thermal power system in power plant "nikola tesla, block b1"

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    Representation of probabilistic technique for evaluation of thermal power system reliability is the main subject of this paper. The system of thermal power plant under study consists of three subsystems and the reliability assessment is based on a sixteen-year failure database. By applying the mathematical theory of reliability to exploitation research data and using complex two-parameter Weibull distribution, the theoretical reliability functions of specified system have been determined. Obtained probabilistic laws of failure occurrence have confirmed a hypothesis that the distribution of the observed random variable fully describes behaviour of such a system in terms of reliability. Shown results make possible to acquire a better knowledge of current state of the system, as well as a more accurate estimation of its behavior during future exploitation. Final benefit is opportunity for potential improvement of complex system maintenance policies aimed at the reduction of unexpected failure occurrences

    determining the reliability function of the thermal power system in power plant "nikola tesla, block b1"

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    Representation of probabilistic technique for evaluation of thermal power system reliability is the main subject of this paper. The system of thermal power plant under study consists of three subsystems and the reliability assessment is based on a sixteen-year failure database. By applying the mathematical theory of reliability to exploitation research data and using complex two-parameter Weibull distribution, the theoretical reliability functions of specified system have been determined. Obtained probabilistic laws of failure occurrence have confirmed a hypothesis that the distribution of the observed random variable fully describes behaviour of such a system in terms of reliability. Shown results make possible to acquire a better knowledge of current state of the system, as well as a more accurate estimation of its behavior during future exploitation. Final benefit is opportunity for potential improvement of complex system maintenance policies aimed at the reduction of unexpected failure occurrences