517 research outputs found
Criteria for Planning and Designing Urban Libraries and for Creating a New Open Public Spaces Network; Doctoral dissertation [Summary]
The library has always been a constitutive element of the urbanscape, defined by its space, architecture, function, and the attribute of “being public.” The library and the open public space it is a part of, create a unit in the urbanscape, adding a whole new layer to the open public spaces network. As a node and a connector in the urban fabric, this unit become a part of the urban infrastructure and a powerful tool in urbanscape transformation
Saobraćajno-geografski položaj Balkanskog poluostrva kao značajnog migracionog koridora
The territory of Serbia in the traffic-geographical terms is a natural and shortest link between Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean. This fact significantly affected the migration flows that represent a historical constant in this area.Teritorija Srbije u saobraćajno-geografskom pogledu predstavlja prirodnu i najkraću vezu između Evrope, Azije, Bliskog istoka i Sredozemlja. Ova činjenica značajno je uticala i na migracione tokove koji predstavljaju istorijsku konstantu na ovom prostoru.
The goal of the research is to determine how the community service sentence has been shaped nomotechnically; what has been the scope of its application, as well as what is the relationship between its normative and implementation levels. Comparative, normative and legal-dogmatic method will be used in order to draw conclusions about the main possibilities and limitation of criminal law repression in the contemporary discourse. This is followed by statistical data, which serve as a basis for an analysis and comparison between the expected and achieved effects of the analysed norms. In the concluding considerations, the authors state that the punishment of community service has been and remains a pillar of attitudes regarding the need to promote more active participation of the broader social community in the criminal justice system. Although its ratio legis is embodied in avoiding harmful aspects of the sanction of deprivation of liberty by increasing the potential for processes of reintegrating the convicted person into the society, and reducing both stigmatization on the one hand, and the costs of the penal system on the other, the authors conclude that there is a profound gap between the expected positive implications of the punishment and its actual effects in practice.Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi kako je kazna rada u javnom interesu nomotehnički uobličena, koji je opseg njene primene, kao i kakav je odnos njenog normativnog i aplikabilnog nivoa. Uporednopravni, normativni i pravnodogmatski metodi su korišćeni radi izvođenja zaključaka o načelnim mogućnostima i ograničenjima krivičnopravne represije u savremenom diskursu, čemu slede statistički podaci, kao osnova analize između očekivanog i ostvarenog dejstva analiziranih normi. U zaključku autori konstatuju da je kazna rada u javnom interesu bila i ostala stub stavova o potrebi promocije aktivnijeg učešća šire društvene zajednice u krivičnopravnom sistemu. Iako je njen ratio legis oličen u izbegavanju štetnih aspekata kazne lišenja slobode, povećanju potencijala reintegracionih procesa osuđenog lica u društvo i smanjivanja sa jedne strane stigmatizacije, a sa druge strane troškova penalnog sistema, autori konstatuju da postoji duboki jaz između očekivanih pozitivnih implikacija kazne rada u javnom interesu i njenog ostvarenog dejstva u praksi.javnom interesu i njenog ostvarenog dejstva u praksi
Analysis of fieldwork methodology in anthropogeographic works of Jovan Cvijić
Interpreting the extensive and varied bibliography of Jovan Cvijić, largely in foreign languages, which apart from the text includes geographic and ethnographic map of the Balkan Peninsula, atlases, notes and drawings, it is concluded that his scientific work was versatile and complex. Cvijić's perception of space, the use of didactic principles, methods and forms of work can be categorized as actual and modern even in the present time. He was the first among the Balkan geographers who simultaneously interpreted natural, historical, sociological, ethnographic and ethno-psychological phenomena and processes. Cvijić pointed to the relationship between the geographic environment and human communities, civilizations and historical events, constantly examining their mutual conditionality. Numerous research trips in almost all regions of the Balkan Peninsula led to his interest in the culture and customs of the people. He noted that in the Balkans, there are different people by origin, religion and mentality. The result of the field research is certainly one of Cvijić's most important work - 'Anthropogeographical problems of the Balkan Peninsula'. His scientific approach has given an outstanding contribution to methodological development of geography
Representation ethnological content in geography textbooks for 2nd grade gymnasium
The interdisciplinary teaching-scientific disciplines and all participants in the educational process, the school becomes an environment in which, in addition to teaching and learning, fosters the harmonious development of personality of students with various aspects. Geography and ethnology ratio is determined by their position in the system of scientific disciplines and tasks that have in education. From ethnology as a science is the selection of content, according to educational and functional tasks of teaching geography in specific socio-historical context. In geography textbooks represented ethnological themes through the study of the origin, beliefs and customs of a nation or community. As such, characteristics of the different analyzed ethnology people, by studying the relations between them, and thus enrich the geography textbooks. Ethnological facilities are very suitable for the teaching process because they enable wide application forms and methods, as well as a wide selection of new information and communication educational technologies. The aim of this paper is based on defining similarities and differences between geography and ethnology, as well as related and in many ways related to science and unbreakable. The aim of the paper points to the scale of the ethnological contents in geography textbooks for Secondary school. The results show that in terms of geography and ethnology, there are some similarities, but also differences when it comes to the interpretation of certain phenomena, processes and principles. Based on the results, proposals are defined which are contributing to a more efficient study of ethnological content with the aim of more obvious, more permanent and more practical adoption of students' knowledge
Procena ravnoteže kod dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću mlađeg školskog uzrasta
In children, balance develops in everyday activities through play and exercise. It is essential for learning, and participation in educational work and physical activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the balance abilities of younger children with typical development and children with moderate intellectual disability. The survey was conducted on a sample of 38 male children (23 with typical development and 15 with moderate intellectual disability). To assess the balance we used Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd edition-BOT 2 (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), subtest 5. The results show that the total average achievement of children with typical development for all the tasks was 31.07, and 11.34 for children with intellectual disability. A statistically significant difference was achieved on 6 of the 9 tasks (p lt 0.05). Compared to the norms, children with typical development are within the average range, while participants with moderate intellectual disabilities are below average on a balance test. The obtained results of this study can be used as a basis for further research in the field of (special) education and rehabilitation. They can be used to create programs of preventive and corrective work in order to support and assist students in school activities as well.Kod dece, balans se razvija u svakodnevnim aktivnostima kroz igru i vežbanje. Od suštinskog je značaja za učenje, i učešće u obrazovnom radu i fizičkim aktivnostima. Cilј ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni balans kod dece mlađeg uzrasta tipičnog razvoja i kod dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u novembru 2014. godine, na uzorku od 38 dečaka (23 tipičnog razvoja i 15 sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću). Za procenu balansa korišćen je Bruininks - Oseretski Test motoričkih sposobnosti, drugo izdanje - BOT 2 (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), i to subtest 5. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je ukupno prosečno postignuće dece tipičnog razvoja na svim zadacima 31.07 poena, dok kod dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću iznosi 11.34. Statistički značajna razlika ostvarena je na 6 od 9 zadataka (p lt 0.05). U poređenju sa normama, deca tipičnog razvoja se nalaze bliže proseku, dok su ispitanici sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću ispod proseka na balans testu. Dobijeni rezultati ove studije, mogu se koristiti kao osnova za dalјa istraživanja u oblasti (specijalne) edukacije i rehabilitacije. Takođe, mogu se koristiti za kreiranje programa preventivnog i korektivnog rada u cilјu podrške i pomoći učenicima u školskim aktivnostima
Saobraćajno-geografski položaj Balkanskog poluostrva kao značajnog migracionog koridora
The territory of Serbia in the traffic-geographical terms is a natural and shortest link between Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean. This fact significantly affected the migration flows that represent a historical constant in this area.Teritorija Srbije u saobraćajno-geografskom pogledu predstavlja prirodnu i najkraću vezu između Evrope, Azije, Bliskog istoka i Sredozemlja. Ova činjenica značajno je uticala i na migracione tokove koji predstavljaju istorijsku konstantu na ovom prostoru.
Computational modeling of the octahedral complexes of chromium(III) and cobalt(III): structural, electronic and spectroscopic aspects.
Упркос четвородеценијским студијама, биохемија хром(III) јона и даље остаје права енигма. Тек на основу недавних студија и сазнања, створена је јаснија представа о значају хром(III) јона и његовој улози у метаболизму угљених хидрата и липида. Такође, захваљујући спектроскопским студијама, данас се значајно више зна о структури и улози олигопептида хромодулина, као и о његовим амино-киселинским остацима који координуjу хром(III) јон...Despite four-decade studies, the biochemistry of chromium (III) ion has remained a true enigma. Recent studies and findings have been provided a clearer notion of the importance of chromium (III) ion and its role in the carbohidrate and lipid metabolism. Thanks to spectroscopic studies as well, much more is known today about the structure and role of oligopeptide chromodulin, and its amino-acid residue which cooordinates Chromium (III) ion..
Suvremena istraživanja prostornih odnosa javne knjižnice i grada
Public library has been taking active roles in the urban transformation strategies over the last twenty years. This paper researches origins and defines the public library and the city relation, systematizing those roles and strategies through literature review. The library and the city relation is confirmed as mutual and the public library is defined as the „place” in the city fabric in the accordance with its architectural attributes and location.Javna knjižnica aktivno sudjeluje u strategijama urbane transformacije tijekom posljednjih dvadeset godina. Ovaj rad istražuje podrijetlo i definira odnose javne knjižnice i grada, te sistematizira uloge i strategije kroz pregled literature. Odnos knjižnice i grada sagledava se kao uzajaman, a javna knjižnica definira ‘mjestom’ u gradskom tkivu u skladu sa svojim arhitektonskim atributima i položajem
Computational modeling of the octahedral complexes of chromium(III) and cobalt(III): structural, electronic and spectroscopic aspects.
Упркос четвородеценијским студијама, биохемија хром(III) јона и даље остаје права енигма. Тек на основу недавних студија и сазнања, створена је јаснија представа о значају хром(III) јона и његовој улози у метаболизму угљених хидрата и липида. Такође, захваљујући спектроскопским студијама, данас се значајно више зна о структури и улози олигопептида хромодулина, као и о његовим амино-киселинским остацима који координуjу хром(III) јон...Despite four-decade studies, the biochemistry of chromium (III) ion has remained a true enigma. Recent studies and findings have been provided a clearer notion of the importance of chromium (III) ion and its role in the carbohidrate and lipid metabolism. Thanks to spectroscopic studies as well, much more is known today about the structure and role of oligopeptide chromodulin, and its amino-acid residue which cooordinates Chromium (III) ion..
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