217 research outputs found

    Selection of Materials for the Protection of the Hoe Blades of the Inter-Row Cultivator

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    The paper presents the results of comparative wearing of cultivator hoes protected with two different materials with regard to the lifespan of the blades. During the operation of the hoes outside the track of the tractor wheels with protected blades of materials M1 and M2, equal wear of mass and surface was recorded. The hoes lost an average of 0,563 g/ha cultivated area or an average of 119,46 g with a standard deviation of 2,876 when working with both blades in compacted soil (in the tracks of tractor wheels) protected by M1 material. For hoes protected by M2 material, the average loss was 0,566 g/ha of cultivated area or an average of 120,10 g for the research period with a standard deviation of 4,609. Both materials in the most difficult working conditions showed equal resistance to wear and retention of the initial shape of the hoe

    Influence of Rotational Speed of Seed Plates on the Quality Seeding in Laboratory Operating Conditions

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    The simulation results of sunflower seeding in the laboratory with seed plates from 12 to 36 holes at working speeds from 4 to 10 km/h are presented. At a working speed of 6 km/h, the seed plate n = 12 with a rotational speed of 0.652 m/s achieved an average seeding spacing of 23.26 cm. At this rotational speed, the plate achieved a QFI of 89.15. The seed plate n = 36 with a rotational speed of 0.217 m/s achieved an average spacing of 21.76 cm with a QFI index of 98.45. At a working speed of 10 km/h, the seeding machine achieved an average spacing of 23.87 cm with a seed plate n = 12. The same seed plate achieved a rotational speed of 1.812 m/s. The seed plate n = 36 with a rotational speed of 0.602 m/s recorded an average spacing in the seeding simulation of 22.52 cm

    The Impact of Conventional and Sensor Spraying on Drift and Deposit in Cherry Orchard

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    The research results of the spraying technical factors\u27 impact on ground and air drift, and the deposit on the treetop in cherry orchards, are presented in the paper. Two different spraying systems (classical and sensory system) are investigated, Agromehanika AGP 200 ENU sprayer being used. The research is conducted according to ISO standard 22866 (Plant Protection Equipment - Drift Measurement Methods in Field Conditions). The impact of spraying norm as factor A (A1 – 250 l/ha; A2 – 200 l/ha); the nozzle type as factor B (B1 – Lechler TR 8002 C; B2 – Lechler ITR 8002 C) and the fan air velocity as factor C (C1 – 18 m/s; C2 – 12 m/s) are examined by the variance analysis. To spray and evaluate the drift, Tartazine organic dye solution with 4% concentration is used. The filter papers, used as collectors, according to the specified ISO standard, are placed directly in the spraying zone. The sampled filter papers are washed out with 10 ml of deionised water under laboratory conditions. After washing, the colour intensity, i.e., the solution wave-length, is read by a spectrophotometer (Varian Cary 50 UV-Visible). Different drift intensity (ground and air drift) and treetop deposits are realized by the usage of various treatments of technical spraying factors and various spraying systems. Unlike the ground and air drifts, the deposit within the treetop does not show statistically significant change by using a sensory spraying system, i.e. by using a selective application

    Finding the potential privacy gap in the Big Data Supply Chain

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    We live in a digitalized society. All the abundant data we produce, today called “Big Data” it changing our lives, and will soon disrupt it. Different studies and analysis argue about the advantages that Big Data comes in, not only as a competitive advantages for the data holders, but also in health, government, for the citizens and society as a whole. Nevertheless, Big Data comes with significant questions and poses challenges toward the privacy concern. So the path to Big Data gains is risky and also rocky. The decision we take over that data have a real human consequences such as ethical issues. Any data on social subjects raise privacy issues, and when the risk of misuse, intentionally or not, is huge it becomes an issue for the entire information society. In this research, we explore potential gaps among the participants and deduct various reasons of these breaches reaching thus to reasons for improving the interplay among them. The study reflects on the interplay between government, business and consumer in a Big Data Supply Chain. It shows an existing inconsistency partly because of the lack of enforcement government legacy that is also attributed to lack of educated public. Data holders lack transparency and consumers retain their trust toward them. The communication, barriers and legal rights between their interplay are vague, leading so to an important question toward ownership. When data sets are available to be gathered and used in analysis, there is a mist about its usage rights and requirements


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    Sveučilišni udžbenik Unapređenje tehnike aplikacije pesticida plod je višegodišnjega teorijskoga modeliranja, praktičnoga ispitivanja i sakupljanja podataka koji se odnose na tehničke sustave u zaštiti bilja i njeno okruženje u užem smislu. U ovome prvome izdanju uglavnom su obuhvaćena područja kojima se autori bave više godina. Cilj autora je potpun i jasan prikaz metodologije rješavanja konkretnih problema u upravljanju poljoprivrednom tehnikom u zaštiti bilja, izravno primjenjivih u praksi - “Know-How”, sa što je god moguće više upotrebljivih podataka. Izvori su, uz domaće, uglavnom američki i zapadnoeuropski. Knjiga je namijenjena svima onima koji se već služe poljoprivrednom tehnikom u zaštiti bilja i onima koji tek svladavaju osnove pravilne primjene tehničkih sustava u svakodnevnoj praksi, bez obzira na veličinu poljoprivrednoga gospodarstva. Neke osnove fizičke logike, analize i sinteze pojedinih zakonitosti pri uporabi i pesticida i tehničkih sustava detaljno smo obradili i pojasnili, zbog velike važnosti razumijevanja problematike.The academic textbook Pesticide application tehnics improvement is the result of several-year recording theoretical models, numerous practical tests, and data collection relating to technical systems in plant protection and its environment in the narrowest sense. In this first edition, the authors cover the area they have dealt with for many years. The authors aimed to present complete and clear methods how to solve specific problems in the agricultural practice management, plant protection, and direct practice application – ‘‘Know- How\u27\u27, with as many as possible useful data. References used, along with local ones, are mostly American and from Western Europe. This textbook is intended for those who already use the agricultural technique in plant protection and those who are just acquiring the basics of technical systems proper application in daily practice, regardless the size of the agricultural farm. The authors covered in details and explained some bases of physics logic, analysis, and synthesis of specific laws while using pesticides due to extremely importance in understanding the problem area

    Utjecaj sklopa i načina sjetve na prinos zrna kukuruza

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati ostvarenog prinosa zrna kukuruza pri različitim sustavima sjetve u 2016. godini na pokušalištu Slovinska Kovačica (45°45ʹ44,85ʺ N i 17°0ʹ21,43ʺ E). Sjetva je obavljena u udvojene redove s razmakom od 22 cm (twin row tehnologija) i na standardni način s razmakom redova od 70 cm. Korištena su dva hibrida kukuruza P0023 (FAO 420) i P0412 (FAO 520) posijana u četiri različita sklopa. Analizom varijance utvrđeno je da su sustav sjetve i sklop statistički značajno utjecali na ostvareni prinos zrna (kg ha-1). U standardnoj sjetvi hibrid P0023 u prosječnom sklopu od 64 116 biljaka ha-1 ostvario je prinos zrna od 13 374 kg ha-1, a u sjetvi udvojenih redova zabilježen je prinos zrna veći za 5,12%. Najveći prinos istog hibrida u standardnoj sjetvi ostvaren je pri sklopu od 94 466 biljaka ha-1 (14 264 kg ha-1), dok je u udvojenim redovima ostvaren prinos od 15 004 kg ha-1 ili 5,19 % više. Povećanjem prosječnog sklopa na 103 741 i 104 931 biljaka ha-1 u oba sustava sjetve došlo je do pada prinosa zrna na 13 237 i 14 143 kg ha-1, pri čemu je ipak sjetva u udvojene redove i u ovim uvjetima rezultirala povećanjem prinosa od 6,84%. Hibrid P0412 u sklopu od 95 935 biljaka ha-1 u udvojenim redovima ostvario je prinos zrna od 14 994 kg ha-1 ili 5,82 % više dok je u sklopu od 105 143 biljaka ha-1 u sjetvi u udvojene redove zabilježen također viši prinos zrna za 4,56%. Najbolji rezultat u pokusu hibrida P0023 ostvaren je sjetvom u udvojene redove u sklopu 95 389 biljaka ha-1, a hibrida P0412 također sjetvom u udvojene redove u sklopu 76 133 biljaka ha-1. U sustavu sjetve u udvojene redove utvrđena je nešto niža vlaga zrna u vrijeme berbe kod oba hibrida.The paper presents the results of the achieved corn grain yield under different sowing systems in 2016. at the Slovinska Kovačica experimental field (45°45ʹ44.85ʺ N; 17°0ʹ21.43ʺ E). Sowing was done in double rows with a spacing of 22 cm (twin row technology) and in the standard way with a row spacing of 70 cm. Two maize hybrids, P0023 (FAO 420) and P0412 (FAO 520) sown in four different set of plants, were used. Analysis of variance showed that the sowing system and set of plants had a statistically significant effect on the achieved grain yield (kg ha-1). In standard sowing, the hybrid P0023 in an average of 64 116 plants ha-1 achieved a grain yield of 13 374 kg ha-1, and in the sowing in twin rows, the grain yield was increased by 5,12 %. The highest yield of the same hybrid in standard sowing was achieved with 94 466 ha-1 plants (14 264 kg ha-1), while in twin row the yield was 15 004 kg ha-1 or 5,19 % higher. Increasing the average set to 103 741 and 104 931 ha-1 plants in both sowing systems led to a decrease in grain yield to 13 237 and 14 143 kg ha-1, while sowing in double rows and in these conditions resulted in an increase in yield of 6,84 %. Hybrid P0412 with 95 935 plants ha-1 in twin row achieved a grain yield of 14 994 kg ha-1 or 5,82 % more, while with 105 143 ha-1 plants in twin rows higher yield was also recorded by 4,56 %. The best result in the experiment with hybrid P0023 was achieved by sowing in twin rows with 95 389 plants ha-1 and hybrid P0412 also by sowing in twin rows with 76 133 ha-1 plants. In the twin row sowing system, slightly lower grain moisture was found at harvest time in both hybrids

    Impact of sowing system in the five-year period on maize grain yield

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati utjecaja standardne sjetve i sjetve u udvojene redove tj. twin row tehnologije na prinos zrna kukuruza u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanja su provedena od 2016. do 2020. godine na dva pokušališta: Jakšić (45°21\u2756,12"N i 17°47\u270,08"E) i pokušalište Lužani (45°09\u2707,8"N i 17°42\u2741,6"E). U istraživanju je provedena sjetva hibrida KWS 2370 (FAO 290) i KWS Smaragd (FAO 350) na razmak redova 70 cm, te u udvojene redove s razmakom 22 cm. Tijekom provođenja pokusa sjetvom u udvojene redove ostvaren je značajno veći prinos zrna (kg ha-1), ali s nešto većom vlagom zrna u vrijeme berbe. Najviši prinos zrna na pokušalištu Jakšić u standardnoj sjetvi zabilježen je 2016. godine od 12 180 kg ha-1 kod hibrida KWS 2370 iz FAO grupe 290 dok je u sjetvi u sustavu udvojenih redova ostvaren prosječni prinos zrna veći za 10,76 % u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Najniži zabilježeni prinosi zrna (kg ha-1) na istom pokušalištu ostvaren je u 2017. vegetacijskoj godini. Iste godine u tehnologiji udvojenih redova ostvaren je prinos zrna za 15,51 % veći u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Također u vegetacijskoj 2017. godini i na pokušalištu Lužani zabilježeni su najniži prosječni prinosi zrna u berbi pri čemu je sjetva u udvojene redove ostvarila povećanje prinosa od 12,03 % u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Kod sjetve hibrida KWS Smaragd najniži prinos zrna zabilježen je u 2016. godini s 10 450 kg ha-1, dok je prinos u udvojenim redovima iznosio 11 693 kg ha-1, pri čemu je zabilježena i najveća razlika između sustava sjetve od 11,89 % na pokušalištu Lužani. Sjetva u udvojene redove na oba pokušališta rezultirala je statistički značajnim razlikama za glavna svojstva istraživanja u svih pet vegetacijskih godina. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su i za svojstvo mase zrna po klipu kao i sadržaja vlage u zrnu. Nešto niža vrijednost vlage u zrnu u svih pet godina istraživanja zabilježena je u standardnoj sjetvi. Razlike ostvarenih sklopova na pokušalištima u vrijeme petogodišnjeg istraživanja nisu bile statistički značajne.The paper presents the results of the influence of standard and sowing in double rows, ie twin row technology on corn grain yield in the Republic of Croatia. The research was conducted from 2016. to 2020. at two experimental field Jakšić (45°21\u2756,12"N and 17°47\u270,08"E) and experimental field Lužani (45°09\u2707,8"N and 17°42\u2741,6 "E). The research was carried out by sowing hybrids KWS 2370 (FAO 290) and KWS Smaragd (FAO 350) in the standard way with a row spacing of 70 cm, and in double rows with a spacing of 22 cm. During the experiment by sowing in twin rows, a significantly higher grain yield of kg ha-1 was achieved, but with slightly higher grain moisture at harvest time. The highest yield at the experimental field Jakšić in standard sowing was recorded in 2016 of 12 180 kg ha-1 in hybrid KWS 2370 from FAO group 290 while in twin row sowing the average grain yield was higher by 10.76 % compared to standard sowing. The lowest recorded grain yield kg ha-1 at the same experimental field was achieved in the 2017 vegetation year. In the same year, in the twin row sowing, the grain yield was 15.51 % higher than in standard sowing. Also, in the vegetation year 2017 at the Lužani experimental field, the lowest average grain yield in the harvest was recorded, while sowing in twin rows achieved a yield increase of 12.03 % compared to standard sowing. When sowing KWS Smaragd hybrid, the lowest grain yield was recorded in 2016 with 10 450 kg ha-1, while the yield in twin rows was 11 693 kg ha-1 with the largest difference between the sowing systems of 11,89 % in the experimental field Lužani. Sowing in twin rows at both experimental sites resulted in statistically significant differences for the main study properties in all five vegetation years. Statistically significant differences were observed for the property of grain mass per cob as well as for the moisture content in the grain. A slightly lower value of grain moisture in all five years of research was recorded in standard sowing. The differences in the realized set of plants at the experimental field sites at the time of the five-year study were not statistically significant


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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je pobliže opisati pojam i korake upravljanja projektima na primjeru izrade projektnog prijedloga "Izgradnja infrastrukture u GZ Pridraga". Upravljanje projektima je složen proces koji se sastoji od više faza i koristi sve raspoložive resurse kako bi se određeni projekt i njegov krajnji cilj ostvarili. Može se reći da upravljanje projektima uključuje sve faze od ideje do realizacije projekta i pri tome se istovremeno isprepliću složene uloge i zadaci. Kroz ovaj rad će se na praktičnom primjeru izrade projektnog prijedloga za infrastrukturni projekat, u svrhu ostvarivanja bespovratnih sredstava, prikazati specifičnosti karakteristične za tu vrstu projekata, a to su: kompleksnost, višesektorski pristup, egzaktnost, krutost (nefleksibilnost), fizička opipljivost (materijalnost) i dodana vrijednost.The aim of this final paper is to describe the concept and the steps of project management on the case study of drafting of the project proposal "Building infrastructure in GZ Pridraga". Project management is a complex process that consists of multiple stages and uses all resources available to achieve a specific project and its ultimate goal. We can say that project management involves all stages from an idea to project realization and at the same time intertwines complex roles and tasks. Throughout this paper, on the practical example of making a project proposal for infrastructure project, for the purpose of obtaining grants, the specific features characteristic for this type of project are: complexity, multi-sectoral approach, exactness, rigidity, physical tangibility (materiality) and added value


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    U sklopu poslovno – tehničke suradnje Zavoda za mehanizaciju Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku i poljoprivredne tvrtke Belje d.d., testirano je 5 prskalica na "PJ Brestovac – Karanac" ( 3 Hardi i 2 John Deere prskalice). Iz obavljenih testiranja može se utvrditi da su na testirane prskalice postavljene mlaznice koje odgovaraju ISO standardu te ostvaruju protoke prema EN 13790 standardu. Prema EN 13790 standardu kapacitet crpke može odstupati 10 % od nazivnog kapaciteta. Kod svih ispitivanih vučenih ratarskih prskalica crpke imaju odstupanja u dozvoljenih 10 %. Mjerenje kapaciteta crpki obavljeno je s elektronskim mjeračem tvrtke Krohne. Svi manometri kod ispitivanih prskalica rade u području optimalnog, tj. dopuštenog odstupanja od strane europskog standarda. Najvažniji predmet tesiranja prskalica je stavka koja se odnosi na površinsku raspodjele tekućine. Testiranje raspodjele tekućine je obavljeno pomoću uređaja Spray scanner koji donosi konačnu ocjenu kvalitete rada na temelju rezultata koeficijenta varijcije. Da bi prskalica ostvarila zadovoljavajuću raspodjelu tekućine koeficijent raspodjele tekućine mora iznositi manje od 20%. Nakon obavljenog testiranja zaključujemo da sve prskalice zadovoljavaju kriterije ispravnosti tehničkih sustava u zaštiti bilja te mogu poslužiti kao primjer provođenja dobre poljoprivredne prakse na površinama BELJA d.d.Within business - technical cooperation of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, and agricultural company Belje d.d. , it have been tested 5 sprinklers on "PJ Brestovac- Karanac" (3 Hardi and 2 John Deere). From the testing it can be determinated that nozzles have been placed on the tested sprinklers corresponding ISO standard and which generate flows according to EN 13790 standard. According to EN 13790 standard pump capacity may deviate 10% from the nominal capacity. In all tested towed agricultural sprinklers pumps have deviations 10%. Measuring capacity of pumps have been done with electronic meter from the company of Krohne. All manometers from the tested sprinklers works in an optimal area, which is set by the European standard. The most important item from the tested sprinklers has been related with the surface distribution of liquid. The testing was carried out using a Spray scanner which shows the final evaluation of the work quality based on the results of the variation coefficient. To make a good distribution of liquid, liquid coefficient must be less than 20%. Following completion of testing, we can coclude that all the sprinklers can meet the criteria of the correctness all tehnical systems in plant protection, and also can subserve like an implementation sample of the good agricultural practice on the surface of BELJE d.d


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    Sveučilišni udžbenik Unapređenje tehnike aplikacije pesticida plod je višegodišnjega teorijskoga modeliranja, praktičnoga ispitivanja i sakupljanja podataka koji se odnose na tehničke sustave u zaštiti bilja i njeno okruženje u užem smislu. U ovome prvome izdanju uglavnom su obuhvaćena područja kojima se autori bave više godina. Cilj autora je potpun i jasan prikaz metodologije rješavanja konkretnih problema u upravljanju poljoprivrednom tehnikom u zaštiti bilja, izravno primjenjivih u praksi - “Know-How”, sa što je god moguće više upotrebljivih podataka. Izvori su, uz domaće, uglavnom američki i zapadnoeuropski. Knjiga je namijenjena svima onima koji se već služe poljoprivrednom tehnikom u zaštiti bilja i onima koji tek svladavaju osnove pravilne primjene tehničkih sustava u svakodnevnoj praksi, bez obzira na veličinu poljoprivrednoga gospodarstva. Neke osnove fizičke logike, analize i sinteze pojedinih zakonitosti pri uporabi i pesticida i tehničkih sustava detaljno smo obradili i pojasnili, zbog velike važnosti razumijevanja problematike.The academic textbook Pesticide application tehnics improvement is the result of several-year recording theoretical models, numerous practical tests, and data collection relating to technical systems in plant protection and its environment in the narrowest sense. In this first edition, the authors cover the area they have dealt with for many years. The authors aimed to present complete and clear methods how to solve specific problems in the agricultural practice management, plant protection, and direct practice application – ‘‘Know- How\u27\u27, with as many as possible useful data. References used, along with local ones, are mostly American and from Western Europe. This textbook is intended for those who already use the agricultural technique in plant protection and those who are just acquiring the basics of technical systems proper application in daily practice, regardless the size of the agricultural farm. The authors covered in details and explained some bases of physics logic, analysis, and synthesis of specific laws while using pesticides due to extremely importance in understanding the problem area