2,088 research outputs found

    Evolution of insect flight

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    Kukci su evolucijski stara, a po broju vrsta najveća skupina životinja s vrlo velikim utjecajem na ekosustave i čovjeka. Jedini su beskralješnjaci koji su razvili sposobnost leta što im je, uz neke druge specifične prilagodbe, omogućilo da postanu najuspješnija skupina životinja. Tvore većinu faune u svim staništima, osim otvorenih mora i polarnih krajeva. U ovom radu je dan kratak pregled evolucijske povijesti najvećih skupina letećih kukaca, uz naglasak na njihov let i evolucijske prilagodbe vezane uz njega.Insects are an evolutionary very old animal group with more species than any other. They have a major effect on ecosystems and respectively on humans. Also they are the only invertebrates that have developed the ability to fly, which besides other specific adaptations has allowed them to become the most successful animal group. They form the majority in fauna of all habitats, except in polar circles and open seas. This article presents short review of evolutionary history of the largest groups of flying insects, with emphasis on their ability to fly and adaptations related to it

    The RAPD method and its application in studies of genotoxicity and carcinogenesis

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    S ciljem detekcije oštećenja genoma uzrokovanog štetnim tvarima iz okoliša razvijene su mnoge metode koje omogućuju brzi pregled molekule DNA izloženih organizama. Među njima je i metoda RAPD (engl. random amplified polymorphic DNA), koja se često koristi jer je jednostavna, učinkovita i brza. Osim u istraživanjima genotoksičnosti, metoda RAPD se koristi i u proučavanju karcinogeneze i populacijsko-genetičkim istraživanjima. U ovom radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike metode RAPD i navedena su polja njezine primjene. Prikazani su nedostaci metode i načini na koje se može poboljšati, kao i usporedba te metode sa ostalim metodama koje se danas koriste. Nakon neophodne optimizacije, ova metoda je siguran i točan pokazatelj promjena u genomu, a u kombinaciji s drugim metodama daje jasan uvid u molekularno-genetička zbivanja.In order to detect genome damage caused by harmful substances from the environment, many methods which enable fast overview of the DNA molecules of exposed organisms have been developed. Among them is the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method, which is used frequently because it is simple, efficient and quick. Apart from genome-toxicity related research, RAPD is also used in the study of carcinogenesis and in the populationgenetic studies. The main characteristics of the RAPD method and the areas of its application were specified in this paper. The disadvantages of the method and the ways of its improvement were shown, along with the comparison of the method with other methods used nowadays. After the necessary optimization, this method could be safe and precise indicator of the genome changes , and combined with other methods it gives a clear insight into moleculargenetic events

    The impact of music on child"s development

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    Ovaj je rad usmjeren na utjecaj glazbe na djetetov kognitivni, motorički, socijalni i emocionalni razvoj. Brojna su istraživanja provedena s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja glazbe na opći razvoj djeteta. Istraživanja su pokazala kako glazbeno obrazovanje i slušanje glazbe imaju pozitivan učinak na djetetov razvoj. Tijekom školovanja, potrebno je uključiti glazbu kao posrednika u sve pravce nastavnog procesa kako bi imala ulogu ne samo u estetskom odgoju nego i u općem razvoju djeteta. U okviru rada provedeno je istraživanje koje se odvijalo u školskoj godini 2017./2018. u trima osnovnim školama (OŠ Višnjevac, OŠ Petrijevci, PŠ Sotin). Cilj je istraživanja otkriti koja su iskustva učitelja u korištenju glazbe u neglazbenim predmetima te kakav je stav učitelja o utjecaju glazbe na opći razvoj djeteta. Skupina od 32 učitelja je ispitana putem anketnog listića čijem se rješavanju pristupilo anonimno. Istraživanje je provedeno u svibnju 2018. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da učitelji imaju pozitivan stav prema korištenju glazbe u neglazbenim predmetima, da se najčešće koristi na satima likovne kulture. Uglavnom se koristi kao motivacija u uvodnom ili završnom dijelu sata te učitelji smatraju da glazba pozitivno utječe na opći razvoj djeteta.The topic of this thesis is focused on influence of music on child's cognitive, motoric, social and emotional development. The aim of many studies is to determine the general influence of music on child's development. Many studies have shown that music education and listening to music have positive influence on child's development. It is important to apply music as an intermediary in every part of the teaching process in order to have the role not only in aesthetic education but also in the general development. For the purpose of this thesis research took place in the year 2017. /2018. in three primary schools (Višnjevac, Petrijevci, Sotin). The aim of the research is to find out teacher's experiences of using music in nonmusical subjects and attitudes towards the influence of music on child's development. The group of 32 teachers participated in the research. They had to fill in the questionnaire anonymously. The research was conducted in May 2018. The results of the research have shown that teachers have a positive attitude towards using music in non-musical subjects, mostly used in arts classes. It is mainly used as a motivation in the introductory or final part of the class and teachers think that music has a positive impact on the general development of the child

    EFL instructors' profile in the Osijek Kindergarten

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    Engleski jezik je u današnje vrijeme uistinu globalni jezik i postao je jedna od osnovnih vještina u svim aspektima života: od zabave i slobodnog vremena do obrazovanja, pa čak i konkurentnosti u poslu. Budući da se svi jezici, kako materinski tako i strani, uče u kontekstu kultura i zajednica koje se njima služe, učenje stranih jezika podrazumijeva i upoznavanje raznih kultura iz čega proizlazi bolje poznavanje svijeta i veće poštovanje prema njemu. Uzevši u obzir sve navedeno, kao i činjenicu da usvajanje jezika počinje od najranije dobi, može se zaključiti da je kvalitetno poučavanje stranog jezika u predškolskoj dobi iznimno važno. Iz tog razloga je cilj ovog istraživanja utvrditi koji je stručni profil osoba koje u Dječjem vrtiću Osijek poučavaju djecu engleski jezik, postoje li eventualne razlike u njihovom pristupu te kakav je taj pristup u usporedbi s metodama i načelima poučavanja stranog jezika djece predškolske dobi koje preporučuje stručna literatura.. Anketirane su sve osobe koje u gradskom Dječjem vrtiću Osijek poučavaju djecu engleski jezik, bilo integrirano u sklopu redovnog programa ili povremeno kao vanjski suradnici, odnosno zaposlenici Pučkog otvorenog učilišta Osijek. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su vanjski suradnici skloniji korištenju udžbenika, rješavanju radnih listića i traženju od djece da ponavljaju izraze za njima, no ipak ne zanemaruju dječju potrebu za igrom i zabavom te ih često uključuju u aktivnosti. S druge strane, odgojitelji više koriste glazbene instrumente, češće čitaju djeci i više iskorištavaju materijale i situacije koje se spontano događaju tijekom dana kao poticaje za učenje engleskog jezika. U istraživanje nisu uključeni privatni vrtići s područja grada OsijekaToday, English is truly a global language as well as one of the basic skills in all aspects of life: from entertainment and leisure time to education and job competitiveness. Since all spoken languages, both native and foreign, are learned within the context of cultures and communities that use them, learning foreign languages directly implies getting to know different cultures and therefore contributes to a better understanding of the world and a greater respect towards it. Considering what is stated above, as well as the fact that learning languages begins at an early age, it can be concluded that high quality foreign language teaching at preschool age is of extreme importance. For that reason, it is the goal of this research to determine the profile of the instructors who teach English in the Osijek Kindergarten as well as whether there are differences between their approach and what is recommended by the current literature. Everyone who teaches English in the Osijek Kindergarten has been surveyed, whether they teach it in an integrated manner as a part of standard curriculum or occasionally as external associates employed by the Community Education Center in Osijek. The results show that external associates are more likely to use textbooks and worksheets, as well as to ask children to repeat expressions after them, although they do not neglect the children's need for play and fun which they often include into activities. Kindergarten teachers, on the other hand, are more likely to use musical instruments, read to children more often, and make more use of materials and situations that occur spontaneously throughout the day as incentives for learning English. This research does not include data about private kindergartens in the Osijek area


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    The article hightlights the features of French administration in the Dubrovnik province in the context of the establishment and organization of the Illyrian provinces (1810-1814). It discusses the consequences of the fall of the old aristocratic regime and a series of administrative and social reforms initiated by the French. The Dubrovnik society vigorously opposed the new government policy, partly based bourgeois values. Far-reaching reforms were hindered by the campaigns that prevailed throughout the shortterm French rule. Particular attention is being drawn to the events taking place in the course of the 1813/1814 uprising against the French, the circumstances which led to the Habsburg annexation of Dubrovnik after the fall of Napoleon