7 research outputs found

    The EU concept of the 'strategic partnership': identifying the 'unifying' criteria for the differentiation of strategic partners

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    Strategic partnerships are an essential tool of the common foreign policy of the European Union (EU), which should help fulfil its strategic interest – to be an influential global actor, to share responsibility for global security, and together with partners to respond to the current global challenges. Considering that the EU has not yet defined the nature of the strategic partnership, the first objective of this paper is to identify the instrument from a general perspective and to distinguish it from the default category of cooperation. Linking strategic partnership with legal standards, however, allows for the setting of certain criteria of the concept of strategic partnerships for the EU with other key countries and to determine the variability of possible approaches to the specific concept. To define these criteria and the variety of strategic partnerships set by these criteria, is the second goal of the article. If an adequate alternative approach to the concept of the EU is assigned to each individual strategic partner, which is the third objective of this paper, the results indicate the significant diversity of strategic partners of the EU. Based on obtained results, it can be concluded that in order to clarify the concept of the EU’s strategic partnership, it is necessary to take steps that will lead to a gradual convergence of existing forms of strategic partnerships and their focus on strategic issues

    Application of the laser ablation ICP-MS in the analysis of gem opals

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    15 samples of gem opals were analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For this study were selected the most representative samples from Slovakia, Australia, Peru, Ethiopia, Mexico, USA and the Czech Republic. These samples were obtained from private collections. The study focuses on the geochemical relationships between various forms of opal originating from igneous and sedimentary environments based on the results from LA ICP-MS and ICP-MS. The major and trace element compositions are unique for each studied opal locality and important for understanding numerous aspects of opal formation. Major element analysis shows that opals are essentially pure SiO2 (77 - 92 wt. %). Al, Fe, Ca, K, Na and Mg are the main elemental impurities. The concentrations of the trace elements vary strongly depending on the opal locality. Differences were found, e.g., in the concentrations of REE and some refractory elements, which might be indicative for determining the provenance of opals. Many studies have been published explaining the origin of luminescence, microstructures and the thermal properties of opals. However, there are very few comprehensive studies comparing gem opals from the most important historical and..

    Reviews in dialogue

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    Slovensky knaz, madarsky historik: Listy a denniky Ludovita Haana, edited by Csaba Katona and Jozsef Demmel, Budapest, Kor/Ridor Knihy, 2016, 150 pp., ISBN: 9786155615511

    Možnosti použití laserové ablace ICP-MS při analýze opálů

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    15 vzorků opálů bylo analyzováno laserovou ablací s hmotnostním spektrometrem s indukčně vázaným plazmatem (LA ICP-MS) a hmotnostním spektrometrem s indukčně vázaným plazmatem (ICP-MS). Pro tuto práci byly vybrány nejreprezentativnější vzorky ze Slovenska, Austrálie, Peru, Etiopie, Mexika, USA a České republiky. Tyto vzorky byly získány ze soukromých sbírek. Studie se zaměřuje na geochemické vztahy mezi různými druhy opálů pocházejících z vulkanických a sedimentárních prostředí založených na výsledcích LA ICP-MS a ICP-MS. Hlavní a stopové prvky jsou příznačné pro každou studovanou lokalitu opálů a jsou důležité pro pochopení mnoha aspektů formace opálů. Analýza hlavních prvků ukázala, že opály jsou v zásadě SiO2 fáze (77 - 92 hm. %). Al, Fe, Ca, K, Na a Mg jsou hlavní prvkové příměsi opálů. Koncentrace stopových prvků kolísá v závislosti na lokalitě opálů. Byly nalezeny rozdíly např. v koncentracích REE a některých refraktorních prvků, které mohou indikovat provenienci opálů. Bylo publikováno množství studií, které vysvětlují původ luminiscence, mikrostruktur a termálních vlastností opálů. Přesto, existuje jen několik málo studií srovnávajících opály z historicky a mineralogicky nejdůležitějších ložisek. Data získaná z této práce mohou být nápomocná pro pochopení chemie opálových fluid a distribuce...15 samples of gem opals were analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For this study were selected the most representative samples from Slovakia, Australia, Peru, Ethiopia, Mexico, USA and the Czech Republic. These samples were obtained from private collections. The study focuses on the geochemical relationships between various forms of opal originating from igneous and sedimentary environments based on the results from LA ICP-MS and ICP-MS. The major and trace element compositions are unique for each studied opal locality and important for understanding numerous aspects of opal formation. Major element analysis shows that opals are essentially pure SiO2 (77 - 92 wt. %). Al, Fe, Ca, K, Na and Mg are the main elemental impurities. The concentrations of the trace elements vary strongly depending on the opal locality. Differences were found, e.g., in the concentrations of REE and some refractory elements, which might be indicative for determining the provenance of opals. Many studies have been published explaining the origin of luminescence, microstructures and the thermal properties of opals. However, there are very few comprehensive studies comparing gem opals from the most important historical and...Laboratories of Geological InstitutesLaboratoře geologických ústavůPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc