13 research outputs found

    Healthcare quality management in Great Britain and Czech Republic

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    Healthcare quality can be defined as the summary of the results achieved in prevention, diagnosis and treatment, based on findings of medical science and practice, or as the degree of excellence of the provided care in relation to a contemporary level of knowledge and technological development and in compliance with economic possibilities. Research and monitoring of the effectiveness of quality systems can be implemented in different ways: (1) measuring the quality system through the entire institution rating (self-assessment or accreditation), based on the assumption that appropriate care is the result of well-organized processes and systematic quality assurance and improvement; (2) measuring critical points in the process of care compliance of specialists with recommended practices or professional standards; (3) measuring outcomes in relation to the benefit of patients, such as clinical outcomes, client satisfaction and perceived quality of life in connection with the results of the provided care. The paper deals with monitoring the effectiveness of quality in health facilities based on customer satisfaction and compares patient satisfaction rating methodologies applied in the United Kingdom and in Czech Republic

    Quality cost flows in manufacturing companies

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    Companies have increasingly focused their attention on quality costs. Therefore, raising awareness of this group of expenses is essential. This paper aims to present a survey on the topic of costs of quality management in manufacturing companies in the Czech Republic. This paper opens with a literature review that focuses on the existing cost of quality models and then focuses on empirical research results. Manufacturing companies represent the framework of this research. The research with a total of 159 respondents provides information about the real market situation. The aim was to determine the significance of costs and cost-effectiveness. The study's findings revealed that 73% of organizations quantify their quality costs completely, 21% of companies quantify their costs only partly (external costs), and 6% of companies do not. 36% of surveyed companies (42 companies) that monitor quality costs use some of the recommended models, mainly the PAF model. The research was confirmed by hypothesis 1 that companies that use some type of evidence cost of quality have lower levels of these costs.Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU; [IGA/FaME/2021/014

    Postavení žen na trhu práce

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    Gender, společnost, pracovní trh

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    Stimulation of the development of intellectual abilities of preschool children

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    The thesis has theoretical and practical character. The theme of the thesis is the deliberating stimulation of the skills of children in nursery school. The theoretical part provides the background for the practical part. This part deals with the current concept of preschool education and highlights the importance of teachers, especially diagnostic skills. It summarizes the specifics of motor and cognitive development of preschool children. The importance lies on the description of the new Serbian NTC method. The aim of NTC method is due specific activities stimulated and harmonized the development of the child. The practical part has form of action-teacher's research. The aim is to introduce the NTC method in own teaching practice and reflects the contribution to the group of preschool children. Practical part also monitors the impact of the program on own approach of teaching. Own experience with the NTC are confronted with experiences of teacher who also uses this method

    Sociální pomoc a rodina

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    Compensation for damage caused by an employee to the employer

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    Cílem práce bylo popsat současnou právní úpravu náhrady škody způsobené zaměstnancem zaměstnavateli. Práce je rozdělena do kapitol, kdy první kapitola se věnuje obecným pracovněprávním souvislostem a posouzení zákoníku práce k občanskému zákoníku. Od druhé do páté kapitoly nalezneme jednotlivé povinnosti k náhradě škody seřazené podle zákoníku práce. Šestá kapitola se věnuje promlčení a poslední, sedmá kapitola porovnává běžnou právní úpravu podle zákoníku práce s právní úpravou příslušníků bezpečnostních sborů. Došla jsem k tomu, že současný právní stav je dostatečný, s tím že existuje velice bohatá, konstantní a přesvědčivá soudní judikatura, která se této problematice věnuje. Z tohoto důvodu se domnívám, že není prostor pro výklad institutů náhrady škody jiným způsobem, než jak je v současné době soudy rozhodováno. Domnívám se, že zásadní roli při odškodňování mají tedy soudy, už jen z toho důvodu, že jim náleží mimo jiné moderační právo.ObhájenoThe aim of the work was to describe the current legal regulation of compensation for damage caused by an employee to the employer. The work is divided into chapters, where the first chapter deals with the general labor law context and the assessment of the Labor Code to the Civil Code. From the second to the fifth chapter, we find individual obligations to compensate for damage, arranged according to the Labor Code. The sixth chapter deals with the statute of limitations and the last seventh chapter compares the current legislation under the Labor Code with the legislation of members of the security forces. For this reason, it is realized that there is no room for interpretation of the institute of damages in a different way than is currently decided by the courts. I therefore believe that the courts have a crucial role to play in compensation, simply because they have, inter alia, the moderation right

    Compensation for damage caused by an employee to the employer

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    Cílem práce bylo popsat současnou právní úpravu náhrady škody způsobené zaměstnancem zaměstnavateli. Práce je rozdělena do kapitol, kdy první kapitola se věnuje obecným pracovněprávním souvislostem a posouzení zákoníku práce k občanskému zákoníku. Od druhé do páté kapitoly nalezneme jednotlivé povinnosti k náhradě škody seřazené podle zákoníku práce. Šestá kapitola se věnuje promlčení a poslední, sedmá kapitola porovnává běžnou právní úpravu podle zákoníku práce s právní úpravou příslušníků bezpečnostních sborů. Došla jsem k tomu, že současný právní stav je dostatečný, s tím že existuje velice bohatá, konstantní a přesvědčivá soudní judikatura, která se této problematice věnuje. Z tohoto důvodu se domnívám, že není prostor pro výklad institutů náhrady škody jiným způsobem, než jak je v současné době soudy rozhodováno. Domnívám se, že zásadní roli při odškodňování mají tedy soudy, už jen z toho důvodu, že jim náleží mimo jiné moderační právo.ObhájenoThe aim of the work was to describe the current legal regulation of compensation for damage caused by an employee to the employer. The work is divided into chapters, where the first chapter deals with the general labor law context and the assessment of the Labor Code to the Civil Code. From the second to the fifth chapter, we find individual obligations to compensate for damage, arranged according to the Labor Code. The sixth chapter deals with the statute of limitations and the last seventh chapter compares the current legislation under the Labor Code with the legislation of members of the security forces. For this reason, it is realized that there is no room for interpretation of the institute of damages in a different way than is currently decided by the courts. I therefore believe that the courts have a crucial role to play in compensation, simply because they have, inter alia, the moderation right