10 research outputs found

    Comparison of direct tensile strenght test results of rocks to test results of indirect tensile strength test by the Brazilian test : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu pisati će se o čvrstoći stijena, točnije vlačnoj čvrstoći. Obraditi će se teorijski i praktični dio u kojem će se izvršiti ispitivanje direktne i indirektne vlačne čvrstoće (brazilski test) na dva različita uređaja, te će se na kraju usporediti rezultati. Uzorak koji će se ispitivati je Portugalski vapnenac, čije će se karakteristike detaljnije opisati u tekstu. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je vidjeti koje su razlike ili sličnosti u rezultatima ispitivanja na ta dva uređaja, da li je ispitivanje brazilskim testom pouzdano, te da li se direktno ispitivanje može zamijeniti indirektnim, zbog jednostavnosti u izvođenju. Ispitivanja su provedena u geomehaničkom laboratoriju tehničkog fakulteta u Lisabonu (Instituto Superiore Tecnico), pod vodstvom profesorice Matilde Costa e Silva, te uz pomoć laboratorijskog tehničara.Abstract: This master thesis is devoted to rock strength, more precisely tensile rock strength testing. Thesis is consisted of the theoretical part and the practical part during which direct and indirect (Brazilian test) tensile rock strength testing was done on two different machines. Comparison of the test results is presented at the end of the report. Sample on which the testing was done is Portuguese limestone, characteristics of which are described in the report. Purpose of this master thesis is to present differences and similarities of direct and indirect testing methods, and to make conclusions about the reliability of the indirect method and replaceability of direct testing with indirect testing. Advantages what would be gained from this replacement are related to the simpler procedure of indirect testing. Testing was done in geomechanic laboratory in technical faculty Instituto Superiore Tecnico in Lisbon, mentored by professor Matilde Costa e Silva, and laboratory technician

    Comparison of direct tensile strenght test results of rocks to test results of indirect tensile strength test by the Brazilian test : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu pisati će se o čvrstoći stijena, točnije vlačnoj čvrstoći. Obraditi će se teorijski i praktični dio u kojem će se izvršiti ispitivanje direktne i indirektne vlačne čvrstoće (brazilski test) na dva različita uređaja, te će se na kraju usporediti rezultati. Uzorak koji će se ispitivati je Portugalski vapnenac, čije će se karakteristike detaljnije opisati u tekstu. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je vidjeti koje su razlike ili sličnosti u rezultatima ispitivanja na ta dva uređaja, da li je ispitivanje brazilskim testom pouzdano, te da li se direktno ispitivanje može zamijeniti indirektnim, zbog jednostavnosti u izvođenju. Ispitivanja su provedena u geomehaničkom laboratoriju tehničkog fakulteta u Lisabonu (Instituto Superiore Tecnico), pod vodstvom profesorice Matilde Costa e Silva, te uz pomoć laboratorijskog tehničara.Abstract: This master thesis is devoted to rock strength, more precisely tensile rock strength testing. Thesis is consisted of the theoretical part and the practical part during which direct and indirect (Brazilian test) tensile rock strength testing was done on two different machines. Comparison of the test results is presented at the end of the report. Sample on which the testing was done is Portuguese limestone, characteristics of which are described in the report. Purpose of this master thesis is to present differences and similarities of direct and indirect testing methods, and to make conclusions about the reliability of the indirect method and replaceability of direct testing with indirect testing. Advantages what would be gained from this replacement are related to the simpler procedure of indirect testing. Testing was done in geomechanic laboratory in technical faculty Instituto Superiore Tecnico in Lisbon, mentored by professor Matilde Costa e Silva, and laboratory technician

    An optimum selection of alloy for aluminium structures exposed to fire

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    U radu su prikazane analitičke metode proračuna požarne otpornosti aluminijskih konstrukcija koje su usvojene u (HRN) EN 1999-1-2. Budući da aluminij kao materijal više gubi mehanička svojstva pri nižim temperaturama nego li čelik, ispravan odabir aluminijske legure u smislu minimalnog smanjenja mehaničkih svojstava je bitan za zadovoljavanje požarnih uvjeta. Radi objašnjenja utjecaja odabira aluminijske legure s obzirom na dobivanje optimalne požarne otpornosti, prikazana je parametarska analiza u kojoj je demonstriran utjecaj aluminijske legure na proračunsku požarnu otpornost nosivog aluminijskog stupa.Analytical methods for calculating fire resistance of aluminium structures, specified in (HRN) EN 1999-1-2, are presented in the paper. Since aluminium as a material loses its mechanical properties at lower temperatures compared to steel, the correct selection of aluminium alloy in terms of minimal reduction of mechanical properties is essential for satisfying fire-related requirements. For clarifying the influence of selecting aluminium alloy for obtaining an optimum fire resistance, a parametric analysis is presented to demonstrate the influence of aluminium alloy on the design fire resistance of a load-bearing aluminium column


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    vod: Dijabetička ketoacidoza (DKA) jedna je od najozbiljnijih akutnih komplikacija šećerne bolesti (ŠB). Pojedina istraživanja su pokazala da su infekcije precipitirajući čimbenik u polovice ispitanika. Nekoliko novijih istraživanja naglašava da je loše pridržavanje liječenja također česti uzrok DKA. Cilj: Identifi cirati najčešće precipitirajuće čimbenike za DKA u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispitanici i postupci: Ovo retrospektivno multicentrično istraživanje uključivalo je bolesnike sa ŠB-om tipa 1 ili tipa 2 s dijagnozom DKA između 1. siječnja 2014. i 31. prosinca 2018. i liječenih u 5 različitih središta za liječenje ŠB-a: Dubrovnik, Našice, Split, Zagreb i Osijek. U analizu je uključena samo prve epizoda DKA. Pacijenti koji boluju od steroidnog ŠB-a i ŠB-a zbog endokrinih poremećaja kao što su akromegalija i Cushingov sindrom bili su isključeni. Rezultati: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 160 bolesnika (55 % muškaraca), od kojih je 68% imalo ŠB tip 1. Srednja dob ispitanika bila je 42 godine (od 18 do 89). Najčešći uzrok DKA bila je infekcija (57 %), zatim slabo kontrolirani ŠB (37 %) i prva prezentacija ŠB-a (9 %), dok je u 7% bolesnika DKA bila uzrokovana ostalim uzrocima kao što su kvar inzulinske pumpe, moždani ili srčani udar. U skupini bolesnika s infekcijama najčešće su bile infekcije mokraćnog sustava (30 %), probavne infekcije (30 %) i infekcije respiratornog trakta (19 %), dok je 21 % bolesnika imalo druge izvore infekcije. U 36 ovih bolesnika uz infekciju je bio prisutan i prethodno loše kontroliran ŠB, a u 12 % DKA uzrokovana infekcijom bila je prvo očitovanje bolesti. U bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 2 infekcije su češće bile uzrok DKA nego u bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 1 (P < 0,05). U bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 1, slabo regulirana glikemija je češće uzrok DKA (31%) nego u bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 2 (18 %). Zaključak: Najčešći precipitirajući čimbenici za razvoj DKA su infekcije i loša regulacija ŠB-a. Potrebna je bolja edukacija bolesnika o važnosti redovite primjene inzulina i korekcije terapije tijekom akutne bolesti.Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious acute complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). In some studies, infections have been found to be a precipitating factor in more than half of the subjects. On the other hand, several recent studies emphasize that poor treatment adherence is also a common cause of DKA. Objective: To identify the most common precipitating factors for DKA in Croatia. Patients and Methods: This retrospective, multicenter study included DM type 1 or DM type 2 patients diagnosed with DKA between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2018, and treated in 5 different DM treatment centers, i.e., Dubrovnik, Našice, Split, Zagreb and Osijek. Only the fi rst episode of DKA was included in the analysis. Patients receiving steroids and DM due to endocrine disorders such as acromegaly and Cushing\u27s syndrome were excluded. Results: The study included 160 patients (55% of men), of whom 68% had DM type 1. The mean age of the respondents was 42 (18-89) years. The most common cause of DKA was infection (57%), followed by poorly controlled DM (37%) and fi rst presentation of DM (9%), while in 7% of patients DKA was due to other causes such as insulin pump failure, stroke or myocardial infarction. In the group of patients with infections, urinary tract infections (30%), gastrointestinal infections (30%) and respiratory tract infections (19%) were most common, whereas 21% of patients had other sources of infection. In 36% of these patients, the infection was associated with previously poorly controlled diabetes, and in 12% of them, DKA caused by the infection was the fi rst manifestation of the disease. In patients with type 2DM, infections were more often the cause of DKA than in patients with type 1DM (p<0.05).Poorly controlled glycemia appeared to be a more frequent cause of DKA in patients with type 1 DM (31%) than in patients with type 2 DM (18%). Conclusion: The most common precipitating factors for the development of DKA were infections and poor diabetes management. Better education of patients about the importance of regular insulin administration and correction of therapy in acute illness could reduce the risk of DKA


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    vod: Dijabetička ketoacidoza (DKA) jedna je od najozbiljnijih akutnih komplikacija šećerne bolesti (ŠB). Pojedina istraživanja su pokazala da su infekcije precipitirajući čimbenik u polovice ispitanika. Nekoliko novijih istraživanja naglašava da je loše pridržavanje liječenja također česti uzrok DKA. Cilj: Identifi cirati najčešće precipitirajuće čimbenike za DKA u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispitanici i postupci: Ovo retrospektivno multicentrično istraživanje uključivalo je bolesnike sa ŠB-om tipa 1 ili tipa 2 s dijagnozom DKA između 1. siječnja 2014. i 31. prosinca 2018. i liječenih u 5 različitih središta za liječenje ŠB-a: Dubrovnik, Našice, Split, Zagreb i Osijek. U analizu je uključena samo prve epizoda DKA. Pacijenti koji boluju od steroidnog ŠB-a i ŠB-a zbog endokrinih poremećaja kao što su akromegalija i Cushingov sindrom bili su isključeni. Rezultati: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 160 bolesnika (55 % muškaraca), od kojih je 68% imalo ŠB tip 1. Srednja dob ispitanika bila je 42 godine (od 18 do 89). Najčešći uzrok DKA bila je infekcija (57 %), zatim slabo kontrolirani ŠB (37 %) i prva prezentacija ŠB-a (9 %), dok je u 7% bolesnika DKA bila uzrokovana ostalim uzrocima kao što su kvar inzulinske pumpe, moždani ili srčani udar. U skupini bolesnika s infekcijama najčešće su bile infekcije mokraćnog sustava (30 %), probavne infekcije (30 %) i infekcije respiratornog trakta (19 %), dok je 21 % bolesnika imalo druge izvore infekcije. U 36 ovih bolesnika uz infekciju je bio prisutan i prethodno loše kontroliran ŠB, a u 12 % DKA uzrokovana infekcijom bila je prvo očitovanje bolesti. U bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 2 infekcije su češće bile uzrok DKA nego u bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 1 (P < 0,05). U bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 1, slabo regulirana glikemija je češće uzrok DKA (31%) nego u bolesnika sa ŠB-om tipa 2 (18 %). Zaključak: Najčešći precipitirajući čimbenici za razvoj DKA su infekcije i loša regulacija ŠB-a. Potrebna je bolja edukacija bolesnika o važnosti redovite primjene inzulina i korekcije terapije tijekom akutne bolesti.Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious acute complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). In some studies, infections have been found to be a precipitating factor in more than half of the subjects. On the other hand, several recent studies emphasize that poor treatment adherence is also a common cause of DKA. Objective: To identify the most common precipitating factors for DKA in Croatia. Patients and Methods: This retrospective, multicenter study included DM type 1 or DM type 2 patients diagnosed with DKA between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2018, and treated in 5 different DM treatment centers, i.e., Dubrovnik, Našice, Split, Zagreb and Osijek. Only the fi rst episode of DKA was included in the analysis. Patients receiving steroids and DM due to endocrine disorders such as acromegaly and Cushing\u27s syndrome were excluded. Results: The study included 160 patients (55% of men), of whom 68% had DM type 1. The mean age of the respondents was 42 (18-89) years. The most common cause of DKA was infection (57%), followed by poorly controlled DM (37%) and fi rst presentation of DM (9%), while in 7% of patients DKA was due to other causes such as insulin pump failure, stroke or myocardial infarction. In the group of patients with infections, urinary tract infections (30%), gastrointestinal infections (30%) and respiratory tract infections (19%) were most common, whereas 21% of patients had other sources of infection. In 36% of these patients, the infection was associated with previously poorly controlled diabetes, and in 12% of them, DKA caused by the infection was the fi rst manifestation of the disease. In patients with type 2DM, infections were more often the cause of DKA than in patients with type 1DM (p<0.05).Poorly controlled glycemia appeared to be a more frequent cause of DKA in patients with type 1 DM (31%) than in patients with type 2 DM (18%). Conclusion: The most common precipitating factors for the development of DKA were infections and poor diabetes management. Better education of patients about the importance of regular insulin administration and correction of therapy in acute illness could reduce the risk of DKA


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    Cilj istraživanja: Prikazati klinička obilježja i laboratorijske parametre pri prijemu te moguće komplikacije bolesti u bolesnika koji su pod dijagnozom dijabetičke ketoacidoze zahtijevala intenzivno liječenje.Materijali i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni punoljetni ispitanici koji su zbog dijabetičke ketoacidoze liječeni na Intenzivnom odjelu Interne klinike KBC-a Split u razdoblju od 1.siječnja 2013. do 31. prosinca 2018. godine. Retrospektivno je analizirana medicinska dokumentacija. U radu se koriste metode grafičkog i tabelarnog prikazivanja kojima se prezentira struktura promatranih varijabli u odabranom šestogodišnjem razdoblju. Rezultati: U istraživanje su uključena 82 bolesnika,33 bolesnika su žene (40,24%), dok je muškaraca 49 (59,76%). Prosječna dob je bila 43 godine. Najčešći ishod liječenja je preživljenje, 81 put učestalije u odnosu na smrtni ishod, te je zastupljenost preživljavanja prevladavajuća (p<0,001). Srednja vrijednost duljine hospitalizacije je za muškarce 9,71 dan, dok je za žene 8,94 dana (IQR= 6-12). Bolesnici su struktuirani prema tipu šećerne bolesti. 76,83 % bolesnika (63/82) ima dijagnozu šećerne bolesti tip 1, dok tip 2 ima 23,17% (19/82). Većina bolesnika, čak 90,24% (74/82) pri prijemu je već bila s dugogodišnjom anamnezom šećerne bolesti. 9,76 % (8/82) je novo dijagnosticiranih bolesnika. 7 od njih (87,5%) ima šećernu bolest tip 1, dok 1 bolesnik (12,5%) ima dijagnosticiran tip 2 bolesti. Bolesnike smo razvrstali i prema težini dijabetičke ketoacidoze na laku, umjerenu i tešku. Prema stupnju DKA najčešći stupanj je umjereni,te je 2,76 puta učestalije zastupljen u odnosu na laki stupanj, te 2,61 put u odnosu na teški stupanj DKA. Zaključak:Udio bolesnika sa šećernom bolesti tip 1 je 76,83% , što znači da se DKA češće pojavljuje u tih bolesnika. Većina promatranih bolesnika kao simptom DKA-e imala je povraćanje, čak 70,73 %. Ostalih 29,27 % imalo je podjednako mučninu, poremećaj svijesti i bol u trbuhu. Kao najčešći uzrok DKA-e pokazane su infekcije, te su 6,75 puta učestalije zastupljene među promatranim bolesnicima u odnosu na novootkriveni DM koji je prisutan kod 4,88% promatranih bolesnika. Važno je i kontinuirano provođenje javnozdravstvenih programa s ciljem edukacije stanovništva kako bi rano prepoznali simptome i znakove šećerne bolesti i njenih akutnih, po život opasnih komplikacija.OBJECTIVES: To present clinical characteristics, laboratory parameters and possible complications of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) requiring intensive care treatment at the time of admission. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included adult subjects who were treated for DKA in the Intensive Care Unit of the Internal Medicine Clinic of the University Hospital Split during the period from January 1st 2013. until December 31st 2018. Medical records were retrospectively analyzed. In thesis, methods of graphical and tabular presentation that present the structure of the observed variables in the selected six-year period, are being used. RESULTS: The study included 82 patients, 33 patients were women (40.24%), while men were 49 (59.76%). The mean age was 43 years. The most common treatment outcome was survival, 81 times more common than death, and the prevalence of survival was predominant (p <0.001). The mean length of hospital stay was 9.71 days for men and 8.94 days for women (IQR = 6-12). Patients were structured according to the type of diabetes. 76.83% of patients (63/82) have a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, while type 2 has 23.17% (19/82). Most patients, as many as 90.24% (74/82) were already with a long history of diabetes. 9.76% (8/82) are newly diagnosed patients. 7 of them (87.5%) have type 1 diabetes, while 1 patient (12.5%) has been diagnosed with type 2 disease. We also classified patients according to the severity of diabetic ketoacidosis into mild, moderate and severe. According to the degree of DKA, the most common degree is moderate, and is 2.76 times more common than mild, and 2.61 times more severe than DKA. CONCLUSION: The proportion of patients with type 1 diabetes is 76.83%, which means that DKA occurs more often in these patients. The majority of patients observed as a symptom of DKA had vomiting, as many as 70.73%. The other 29.27% had equally nausea, impaired consciousness, and abdominal pain. Infections have been shown to be the most common cause of DKA, and are 6.75 times more common among the observed patients compared to the newly detected DM, which is present in 4.88% of the observed patients. It is also important to continuously implement public health programs with the aim of educating the population in order to early recognize the symptoms and signs of diabetes and its acute, life-threatening complications


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    Cilj istraživanja: Prikazati klinička obilježja i laboratorijske parametre pri prijemu te moguće komplikacije bolesti u bolesnika koji su pod dijagnozom dijabetičke ketoacidoze zahtijevala intenzivno liječenje.Materijali i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni punoljetni ispitanici koji su zbog dijabetičke ketoacidoze liječeni na Intenzivnom odjelu Interne klinike KBC-a Split u razdoblju od 1.siječnja 2013. do 31. prosinca 2018. godine. Retrospektivno je analizirana medicinska dokumentacija. U radu se koriste metode grafičkog i tabelarnog prikazivanja kojima se prezentira struktura promatranih varijabli u odabranom šestogodišnjem razdoblju. Rezultati: U istraživanje su uključena 82 bolesnika,33 bolesnika su žene (40,24%), dok je muškaraca 49 (59,76%). Prosječna dob je bila 43 godine. Najčešći ishod liječenja je preživljenje, 81 put učestalije u odnosu na smrtni ishod, te je zastupljenost preživljavanja prevladavajuća (p<0,001). Srednja vrijednost duljine hospitalizacije je za muškarce 9,71 dan, dok je za žene 8,94 dana (IQR= 6-12). Bolesnici su struktuirani prema tipu šećerne bolesti. 76,83 % bolesnika (63/82) ima dijagnozu šećerne bolesti tip 1, dok tip 2 ima 23,17% (19/82). Većina bolesnika, čak 90,24% (74/82) pri prijemu je već bila s dugogodišnjom anamnezom šećerne bolesti. 9,76 % (8/82) je novo dijagnosticiranih bolesnika. 7 od njih (87,5%) ima šećernu bolest tip 1, dok 1 bolesnik (12,5%) ima dijagnosticiran tip 2 bolesti. Bolesnike smo razvrstali i prema težini dijabetičke ketoacidoze na laku, umjerenu i tešku. Prema stupnju DKA najčešći stupanj je umjereni,te je 2,76 puta učestalije zastupljen u odnosu na laki stupanj, te 2,61 put u odnosu na teški stupanj DKA. Zaključak:Udio bolesnika sa šećernom bolesti tip 1 je 76,83% , što znači da se DKA češće pojavljuje u tih bolesnika. Većina promatranih bolesnika kao simptom DKA-e imala je povraćanje, čak 70,73 %. Ostalih 29,27 % imalo je podjednako mučninu, poremećaj svijesti i bol u trbuhu. Kao najčešći uzrok DKA-e pokazane su infekcije, te su 6,75 puta učestalije zastupljene među promatranim bolesnicima u odnosu na novootkriveni DM koji je prisutan kod 4,88% promatranih bolesnika. Važno je i kontinuirano provođenje javnozdravstvenih programa s ciljem edukacije stanovništva kako bi rano prepoznali simptome i znakove šećerne bolesti i njenih akutnih, po život opasnih komplikacija.OBJECTIVES: To present clinical characteristics, laboratory parameters and possible complications of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) requiring intensive care treatment at the time of admission. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included adult subjects who were treated for DKA in the Intensive Care Unit of the Internal Medicine Clinic of the University Hospital Split during the period from January 1st 2013. until December 31st 2018. Medical records were retrospectively analyzed. In thesis, methods of graphical and tabular presentation that present the structure of the observed variables in the selected six-year period, are being used. RESULTS: The study included 82 patients, 33 patients were women (40.24%), while men were 49 (59.76%). The mean age was 43 years. The most common treatment outcome was survival, 81 times more common than death, and the prevalence of survival was predominant (p <0.001). The mean length of hospital stay was 9.71 days for men and 8.94 days for women (IQR = 6-12). Patients were structured according to the type of diabetes. 76.83% of patients (63/82) have a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, while type 2 has 23.17% (19/82). Most patients, as many as 90.24% (74/82) were already with a long history of diabetes. 9.76% (8/82) are newly diagnosed patients. 7 of them (87.5%) have type 1 diabetes, while 1 patient (12.5%) has been diagnosed with type 2 disease. We also classified patients according to the severity of diabetic ketoacidosis into mild, moderate and severe. According to the degree of DKA, the most common degree is moderate, and is 2.76 times more common than mild, and 2.61 times more severe than DKA. CONCLUSION: The proportion of patients with type 1 diabetes is 76.83%, which means that DKA occurs more often in these patients. The majority of patients observed as a symptom of DKA had vomiting, as many as 70.73%. The other 29.27% had equally nausea, impaired consciousness, and abdominal pain. Infections have been shown to be the most common cause of DKA, and are 6.75 times more common among the observed patients compared to the newly detected DM, which is present in 4.88% of the observed patients. It is also important to continuously implement public health programs with the aim of educating the population in order to early recognize the symptoms and signs of diabetes and its acute, life-threatening complications

    Comparison of direct tensile strenght test results of rocks to test results of indirect tensile strength test by the Brazilian test : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu pisati će se o čvrstoći stijena, točnije vlačnoj čvrstoći. Obraditi će se teorijski i praktični dio u kojem će se izvršiti ispitivanje direktne i indirektne vlačne čvrstoće (brazilski test) na dva različita uređaja, te će se na kraju usporediti rezultati. Uzorak koji će se ispitivati je Portugalski vapnenac, čije će se karakteristike detaljnije opisati u tekstu. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je vidjeti koje su razlike ili sličnosti u rezultatima ispitivanja na ta dva uređaja, da li je ispitivanje brazilskim testom pouzdano, te da li se direktno ispitivanje može zamijeniti indirektnim, zbog jednostavnosti u izvođenju. Ispitivanja su provedena u geomehaničkom laboratoriju tehničkog fakulteta u Lisabonu (Instituto Superiore Tecnico), pod vodstvom profesorice Matilde Costa e Silva, te uz pomoć laboratorijskog tehničara.Abstract: This master thesis is devoted to rock strength, more precisely tensile rock strength testing. Thesis is consisted of the theoretical part and the practical part during which direct and indirect (Brazilian test) tensile rock strength testing was done on two different machines. Comparison of the test results is presented at the end of the report. Sample on which the testing was done is Portuguese limestone, characteristics of which are described in the report. Purpose of this master thesis is to present differences and similarities of direct and indirect testing methods, and to make conclusions about the reliability of the indirect method and replaceability of direct testing with indirect testing. Advantages what would be gained from this replacement are related to the simpler procedure of indirect testing. Testing was done in geomechanic laboratory in technical faculty Instituto Superiore Tecnico in Lisbon, mentored by professor Matilde Costa e Silva, and laboratory technician


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    Cilj istraživanja: Prikazati klinička obilježja i laboratorijske parametre pri prijemu te moguće komplikacije bolesti u bolesnika koji su pod dijagnozom dijabetičke ketoacidoze zahtijevala intenzivno liječenje.Materijali i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni punoljetni ispitanici koji su zbog dijabetičke ketoacidoze liječeni na Intenzivnom odjelu Interne klinike KBC-a Split u razdoblju od 1.siječnja 2013. do 31. prosinca 2018. godine. Retrospektivno je analizirana medicinska dokumentacija. U radu se koriste metode grafičkog i tabelarnog prikazivanja kojima se prezentira struktura promatranih varijabli u odabranom šestogodišnjem razdoblju. Rezultati: U istraživanje su uključena 82 bolesnika,33 bolesnika su žene (40,24%), dok je muškaraca 49 (59,76%). Prosječna dob je bila 43 godine. Najčešći ishod liječenja je preživljenje, 81 put učestalije u odnosu na smrtni ishod, te je zastupljenost preživljavanja prevladavajuća (p<0,001). Srednja vrijednost duljine hospitalizacije je za muškarce 9,71 dan, dok je za žene 8,94 dana (IQR= 6-12). Bolesnici su struktuirani prema tipu šećerne bolesti. 76,83 % bolesnika (63/82) ima dijagnozu šećerne bolesti tip 1, dok tip 2 ima 23,17% (19/82). Većina bolesnika, čak 90,24% (74/82) pri prijemu je već bila s dugogodišnjom anamnezom šećerne bolesti. 9,76 % (8/82) je novo dijagnosticiranih bolesnika. 7 od njih (87,5%) ima šećernu bolest tip 1, dok 1 bolesnik (12,5%) ima dijagnosticiran tip 2 bolesti. Bolesnike smo razvrstali i prema težini dijabetičke ketoacidoze na laku, umjerenu i tešku. Prema stupnju DKA najčešći stupanj je umjereni,te je 2,76 puta učestalije zastupljen u odnosu na laki stupanj, te 2,61 put u odnosu na teški stupanj DKA. Zaključak:Udio bolesnika sa šećernom bolesti tip 1 je 76,83% , što znači da se DKA češće pojavljuje u tih bolesnika. Većina promatranih bolesnika kao simptom DKA-e imala je povraćanje, čak 70,73 %. Ostalih 29,27 % imalo je podjednako mučninu, poremećaj svijesti i bol u trbuhu. Kao najčešći uzrok DKA-e pokazane su infekcije, te su 6,75 puta učestalije zastupljene među promatranim bolesnicima u odnosu na novootkriveni DM koji je prisutan kod 4,88% promatranih bolesnika. Važno je i kontinuirano provođenje javnozdravstvenih programa s ciljem edukacije stanovništva kako bi rano prepoznali simptome i znakove šećerne bolesti i njenih akutnih, po život opasnih komplikacija.OBJECTIVES: To present clinical characteristics, laboratory parameters and possible complications of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) requiring intensive care treatment at the time of admission. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included adult subjects who were treated for DKA in the Intensive Care Unit of the Internal Medicine Clinic of the University Hospital Split during the period from January 1st 2013. until December 31st 2018. Medical records were retrospectively analyzed. In thesis, methods of graphical and tabular presentation that present the structure of the observed variables in the selected six-year period, are being used. RESULTS: The study included 82 patients, 33 patients were women (40.24%), while men were 49 (59.76%). The mean age was 43 years. The most common treatment outcome was survival, 81 times more common than death, and the prevalence of survival was predominant (p <0.001). The mean length of hospital stay was 9.71 days for men and 8.94 days for women (IQR = 6-12). Patients were structured according to the type of diabetes. 76.83% of patients (63/82) have a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, while type 2 has 23.17% (19/82). Most patients, as many as 90.24% (74/82) were already with a long history of diabetes. 9.76% (8/82) are newly diagnosed patients. 7 of them (87.5%) have type 1 diabetes, while 1 patient (12.5%) has been diagnosed with type 2 disease. We also classified patients according to the severity of diabetic ketoacidosis into mild, moderate and severe. According to the degree of DKA, the most common degree is moderate, and is 2.76 times more common than mild, and 2.61 times more severe than DKA. CONCLUSION: The proportion of patients with type 1 diabetes is 76.83%, which means that DKA occurs more often in these patients. The majority of patients observed as a symptom of DKA had vomiting, as many as 70.73%. The other 29.27% had equally nausea, impaired consciousness, and abdominal pain. Infections have been shown to be the most common cause of DKA, and are 6.75 times more common among the observed patients compared to the newly detected DM, which is present in 4.88% of the observed patients. It is also important to continuously implement public health programs with the aim of educating the population in order to early recognize the symptoms and signs of diabetes and its acute, life-threatening complications