147 research outputs found

    Restoration of ponds in Moravia

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na historii rybníkářství a jeho vývoj na Moravě od prvních zmínek o osidlování tohoto území až po současný stav. V první části práce se zabývám historií rybníkářství obecněji a v případě dostupných zdrojů i konkrétní situací na Moravě. Druhá část již řeší novodobé rybníkářství na Moravě v 19. a 20. století. Následující část je věnována současnému stavu rybníkářství a možnostem obnovy zaniklých rybníků. V poslední části je řešen ideový návrh obnovy konkrétní lokality a navrženo řešení v rozsahu teoretické studie.This bachelor´s thesis is focused on the history of pond building from the begining of first settlement on the territory to the current state. In the first part is the work focused on the history of pond building generally and with available resources on the specific situation in Moravia. The second part addresses the modern pond building and fish farming in 19th and 20th century. The next section is devoted to the current state of building of the ponds and possibilities of renewal of lost ponds. In the last section is solved posibility of recovery specific area in the range of theoretical studies.

    IT Operations Analytics: Root Cause Analysis via Complex Event Processing

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    IT operation analytics (ITOA) is used for discovering complex patterns in data from IT systems. The analytics process still includes a significant portion of human interaction which makes the analysis costly and error-prone. Human operators need to formulate queries over the collected data to identify the complex patterns. Since the queries describe complex relations, the queries are usually multilevel, perplexing, and complicated to create. For the querying the complex relations, complex event processing methods are successfully used in other domains. In this paper, we demonstrate an application of the complex event processing principles in the ITOA domain. We adjust T-Rex complex event processing engine and improve TESLA event processing language to suit for ITOA tasks. Our demonstration includes two real-world use-cases. We show the utilization of the complex event processing for root cause analysis and demonstrate the natural formulation of complex queries that results in the reduction of the volume of the required human interaction

    Embedded Malware - An Analysis of the Chuck Norris Botnet

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    This paper presents a thorough analysis of working mechanisms and threats of the Chuck Norris botnet that targets network connected embedded devices running Linux OS.Článek se zabývá podrobnou analýzou mechanismů a hrozeb botnetu Chuck Norris, který se zaměřuje na zařízení spotřební elektroniky využívající OS Linux


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    The study reconstruction of the Těšík pond in the cadastral Horní Bory

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem rekonstrukce rybníku Těšík na úrovni a v rozsahu studie. Úvodní část práce definuje terminologii a rozdělení malých vodních nádrží. Následující praktická část práce se již věnuje zájmové lokalitě a jejímu současnému stavu vedoucímu k nutné rekonstrukci. Na tuto část navazuje návrh vhodného technického řešení rekonstrukce podložené hydrotechnickými výpočty a poslední výkresovou částí.This diploma thesis deals with the proposal of reconstuction of the pond Těšík at the level of study. The introductory part of the thesis defines the terminology and the partition of small water reservoirs. The next practical part is focused to the locality of interest and its current state leading to the necessary reconstruction. This part is followed by the design of a technical solution for reconstruction based on hydrotechnical calculations and the graphics part.

    Bruteforcing in the Shadows - Evading Automated Detection

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    Networks of today face multitude of attacks of various complexities, but research of suitable defences is often done on limited or unsuitable datasets or insufficient testbeds. Therefore many proposed detection mechanisms are usable only for relatively small subsets of attacks, which significantly disturbs traffic patterns such as flooding attacks or massive port scans. At Masaryk University, which has about 15,000 networked computers, we employ a wide range of detection tools based on NetFlow, such as port scan, botnet, and brute-force attack detectors. Their initial versions proved to be useful for detecting attacks that generate significant behavioral changes in traffic patterns. However we have found that there are several techniques to lessen the behavioral impact and in effect to hide an attack from the detection mechanisms. In our presentation we will discuss three such techniques. The first one restricts the number of attempts in a given time window under the detection threshold. The second and the third ones mimic legitimate traffic either by inserting irregular delays between individual attack attempts or by exploiting features of protocols to create the illusion of legitimate traffic. These methods are inexpensive to implement, but they can be very effective for evading detection. Therefore we would like to raise awareness about them and their importance for designing new detection methods

    The Glassy State as the Lawfully Disarranged State. Vibration Uncertainty and Chaos-Like Movements

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    AbstractThe effect of a non-linear oscillator's vibrations (either in solids or in liquids) is the primary source of the amorphous state of the matter. The number of nonlinear oscillators (N.Os.) is considered to be very small at Tg (approximately 2.5%), and rises with the increase in temperature, reaching approximately 100% at the critical temperature Tc. In the main transition zone (covering the area between Tg and the crossover temperature Tcr), there are high amplitudes of N.Os. restricted by the particle neighbors and also by the internal energy related to the shear modulus. The shear modulus disappears above the Tcr, where the matter exists either in the form of a liquid or in the form of a rubber-like state (which is not considered in this study). In the present study, the liquid is considered as a heterogeneous structure, formed on the one hand by domains, which are responsible for the linear viscoelastic behavior, and on the other hand with the stand alone N.Os., which act as the trembling motion sources of the optically observed aspect of Brownian motion. Under the Tcr and Tg temperatures, the secondary β and tertiary γ processes are studied as well

    Flow-based Monitoring of Honeypots

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    Honeypots are known as an effective tools for discovering new attacks and for observing activity of the attackers. However, they are often seen as a research-oriented tools for security professionals that require constant supervision. We have created an incident detection system based on a combination of honeypots and flow-based monitoring that takes the best of both without additional complexity. In this paper we present deployment of both low-interaction and high-interaction honeypots and their monitoring based on network flows. We show how honeypots can be used as an automatic detection tool in the production network. We present a plug-in called honeyscan for widely-used NetFlow collector NfSen that was developed to monitor and evaluate network activity of the honeypot and to report security incidents. This plug-in processes traffic destined to honeypots, stores credentials from authentication attempts, and observes attacker's activity in the protected network. The plug-in has been deployed in the network of Masaryk University and has become one of the most contributory detection tools with tens of reported incidents per month. We support this claim by doing a comparison with other detection tool and by exploring applications of recorded data