67 research outputs found

    The association of bladder myeloid sarcoma and unclassified myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disease

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    Myeloid sarcoma of the urinary bladder is a rare disorder. We report a 71-year-old man with hematuria who had a diffuse myeloid sarcoma of the bladder. He was also under follow-up for unclassified myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic disorder, diagnosed two months before. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography findings were normal. Diagnostic cystoscopy revealed patchy areas of mucosal swelling with hyperemia. Histopathological examination of biopsies demonstrated a neoplasm composed of blasts showing myeloperoxidase positivity by immunohistochemistry. To our knowledge, the current case is the first case of myeloid sarcoma in the urinary bladder without evidence of a mass lesion, with a concurrent diagnosis of unclassifiable myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disease


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    ABSTRACT A novel design of compliant slider crank mechanism is introduced and utilized as an impact force generator and contact force generator. This class of compliant slider mechanisms incorporates an elastic coupler which is an initially straight flexible beam and buckles when it hits the stopper. The elastic pin-pin coupler (a buckling beam) behaves as a rigid body prior to the impact pushing the rigid slider. At a certain crank angle the slider hits a stopper generating an impact force. Impact force can be changed by changing the angular velocity of the crank, therefore; achieving a desired velocity of the slider. Moreover, after the impact when the vibrations die out the maximum contact force can also be predetermined by designing the coupler dimensions (length, width, thickness and the amount of compression). Contact duration (crank angle) can also be changed and adjusted in this mechanism by changing the adjustable location of the impacted object

    Evaluation of the placenta with relative apparent diffusion coefficient and T2 signal intensity analysis

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to test the null hypothesis that relative apparent diffusion coefficient (rADC) and relative signal intensity values (rSIHASTE) do not change in the evaluation of placental maturation with advancing gestational age.MATERIALS AND METHODSFifty-six fetuses with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) data were enrolled in this retrospective study. Fetuses were analyzed in three different gestational age groups: group 1, 18–23 weeks; group 2, 24–28 weeks; and group 3, 29–38 weeks. The rADC (mean ADC/ADCglobe) and rSIHASTE values (mean SIHASTE/SIglobe) were obtained. Two radiologists experienced in fetal MRI who were blinded to the patient information reviewed MRI images independently. Kruskal-Wallis Test was used to compare the rADC and rSIHASTE with gestational age groups. The agreement between the two blinded readers was tested using Krippendorff’s alpha ratio.RESULTSBoth placental rADC values and placental rSIHASTE values were not significantly different between the gestational age groups (P = 0.688 and P = 0.280, respectively). rADC and rSIHASTE measurements were reproducible with a good agreement between the two readers (Krippendorff’s alpha ratio was 0.613 and 0.778, respectively).CONCLUSIONThe rADC and rSIHASTE values do not change with advancing gestational age

    Bağımsız düzenleyici kurumlar : Dünya deneyimi ve Türkiye örneği

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    The thesis explores the nature and characteristics of the independent regulatory agencies, which become a crucial component of the current administrative structures,as well as the possible sources and dynamics behind their emergence. The study begins with investigating in what way the methodological premises of the theories of public choice, new public management, and governance affected the formation, functioning and justification of these agencies and makes an inquiry into the connection between them and the neo-liberal policies implemented since the 1980s.It then focuses on the independent regulatory agencies in the Turkish case and examines the impact of the economic and political conditions in the neo-liberal period in the emergence of these agencies. The thesis seeks to explain the peculiarity of the emergence of IRAs in Turkey, as compared to their American and European counterparts, with special reference to the process of European Integration and to the pressures exerted by the international financial agencies within the context of economic crisis. As geared to the achievement of these objectives, a critical assessment of the debates on independent regulatory agencies in the literature has been made within the scope of the study.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Psychotropic Drugs and Ocular Side Effects

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    Nowadays, the number of patients using the types of drugs in question here has significantly increased. A study carried out in relation with the long-term use of psychotropic drugs shows that the consumption of this group of drugs has substantially increased in terms of variety and quantity. In this paper, we present our review of the literature pertaining to ocular complications of psychotropic drugs in long-term treatment profile of numerous patients. If the doctor and the patients are informed about the eye problems related to the use of psychotropic drugs, potential ocular complications can be easily prevented, supervised, and controlled and can even be reversed. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2014; 44: 144-50

    Acute isoniazide intoxication. Case report

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    Akut isoniazid (INH) intoksikasyonu, epileptik nöbetler, koma ve metabolik asiden, triadı ile karakterime bir klinik tablodur. Özellikle yeterli öykü alınamadığı durumlarda, bu tablo ensefalit, meningoensefalit veya ensefalopati ile karışabilmektedir. Bu makalede ateş yüksekliği, bilinç kaybı ve status epileptikus tablosu ile prezante olan ve bu klinik bulguların etiolojisinde daha sonra INH intoksikasyonu saptanan, 19 yaşındaki olgu dolayısıyla, INH intoksikasyonun klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları ve ayırıcı tanı olasılıkları literatür bilgileri ışığında tartışılmıştır.Acute isoniazid (INH) intoxication is a clinicical case that is characterized by epileptic seizures, coma and metabolic asidosis triad. Especially in the conditions where sufficient history cannot be obtained, this case may be confused with encephalitis, meningoencephalitis or encephalopathy. In this article, the clinical and laboratory findings and the differential diagnosis probabilities of INH intoxication are discussed under the light of literature information because of a 19-year-old case who is presented with high fever, loss of conciousness and status epilepticus, in the ethiology of which INH intoxication was later detected