113 research outputs found

    Video and social rehabilitation of persons with mental illness helps to structure everyday life:a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Living with a mental disorder has a significant impact on everyday life. In 2018, one out of every six adults, equivalent to 17.3% of the adult population of the European Union, had symptoms of mental disorders. This paper focus on social rehabilitation of patients with mental illness who have been discharged from hospital and who use video communication technologies in their rehabilitation in collaboration with their social worker. The aim of this study has been to explore the experiences of persons with mental illnesses who participated in a long-term video-based tele-social rehabilitation program, the Video Assist. METHODS: The overall research strategy is the case study method. Data collection techniques are based on triangulation. Document analysis has been performed. Participant observation in homes of persons with mental using video with social workers (168 hours). Semi structured qualitative interviews with persons with mental illness (n=13) has been conducted lasting between 30 and 60 minutes. Data were analyzed using NVivo 10.0. RESULTS: Experiences of persons with mental illness participating in the tele-social rehabilitation program are in themes: user friendly video technology, video created a new means of communication between citizen and social worker, feeling of surveillance by having the technology in the home, development of new coping strategies in everyday life and need for psychosocial support and training via the video technology. CONCLUSIONS: Persons with mental illness who are in a recovery process find that participating in a tele-social-rehabilitation program gives them a sense of mobility, security, surveillance but the ability to develop new coping strategies in their everyday lives. Future research is needed on long-term effects of tele-social rehabilitation for persons with mental illness

    The workload of fishermen: a cross sectional survey among Danish commercial fishermen

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    Background: Fishery has always been perceived as a physically demanding industry of a manual character. In recent years the physical work environment has developed positively and consequently the current situation in not fully described in the existing literature. This study aims to describe the work environment of Danish fishermen with regard to their physical workload and ergonomic factors. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was performed on a random sample of active Danish commercial fishermen (response rate: 28%) by means of a questionnaire on demographic and self-reported occupational and health data. Questions covering the physical workload were related to seven different work situations and a score summing up the workload was developed for the analysis of the relative impact on different groups of fishermen. Results: Almost all fishermen (96.2%) were familiar to proper lifting techniques but only 55.4% used them in their daily work. Standing work was the most applied work position (81.8%), while repetitive hand and finger movements and twisting and bending in the back were other frequent work situations. Deckhands had higher workload scores than skippers, while crew on Danish seiners had higher workload scores than fishermen in other vessel types. Conclusions: Despite improved work environment in the Danish fishing industry, fishermen still experience high levels of workload and suboptimal ergonomic conditions, which are known to cause pain and impair musculoskeletal health. To address the specific areas of fishing with the highest workload, future investments in assistive devices to ease the demanding work and reduce the workload, should particularly address deckhands and less mechanized vessels.

    TAVSHEDENS DILEMMA: Om sex, fortielse og aids i Burkina Faso

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    Michel Foucault har i sine analyser af forholdet mellem viden og magt beskrevet, hvordan seksualitet siden victoriatiden har været genstand for en diskursiv eksplosion. Med den globale aids-epidemi har verden oplevet endnu en højlydt italesættelse af seksualitet i det offentlige rum, ofte tilskyndet af de internationale organisationer, der finansierer oplysningsprogrammerne. Erkendelse, bekendelse og åbenhed har været grundelementer i mange hiv/aids-kampagner. Mange hivpositive i Burkina Faso foretrækker imidlertid at hemmeligholde deres diagnose, fordi de er bekymrede for familiens og de nære omgivelsers reaktion. Trods adgang til den livsforlængende medicin, der betyder, at aids ikke længere nødvendigvis er en dødelig sygdom, er det i Burkina Faso fortsat en stigmatiseret sygdom, der er forbundet med skam og frygt for døden. I denne artikel beskriver vi de dilemmaer, som fattige hiv-smittede i Ouagadougou oplever, når de skal balancere mellem tale og tavshed i forhold til aids. Baggrunden for artiklen er en række kvalitative interviews med brugere af et ngo-drevet støttecenter for hiv-smittede samt observationer og interviews med medarbejdere på centret. Frygten for social afvisning er stor, og vores informanter anvender tavshed som strategi i forsøget på at udviske den særlige status som hiv-smittet. Derved bliver forsøget på at undgå afsløring af diagnosen til en aktiv handling, der skal sikre, at den smittede fastholder sin plads i familien. Søgeord: Burkina Faso, hiv/aids, stigmatisering, kommunikation, ARV-medicin, bekendelsesstrategier &nbsp

    Unraveling the significance of epithelial-associated bacteria in gastrointestinal diseases: Importance of choosing an optimal DNA extraction method

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    Understanding the significance of epithelial-associated bacteria in gastrointestinal diseases is essential for gaining insights into the complex host-microbiota interactions that influence disease development and progression. However, sequencing approaches face limitations due to the overwhelming presence of host DNA in the samples. PCR-based approaches like 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing enables taxonomic profiling and has been studied extensively in connection with a wide range of diseases and while still being a valuable method, microbiome research is moving towards metagenomic sequencing. This allows for the deciphering of both the bacterial community structure at a higher taxonomic resolution as well as insight into its functional potential. Here, we present a comparative study of three different DNA extraction methods for human colon biopsies: two commercially available kits (Qiagen Blood and tissue kit and Molzym ultra-deep microbiome prep) and one published optimized method (Saponin approach). The three methods were evaluated in terms of the ratio between host and bacterial DNA and their ability to retain the relative bacterial abundance at different taxonomic levels. Six colon biopsies (18 technical replicates) were sequenced with 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing resulting in distinct bacterial profiles dependent on the applied extraction method. The Saponin approach showed depletion of both host and bacterial DNA to an extent that the bacterial community structure was not retained when looking at 16S rRNA sequencing data. Furthermore, only the Molzym kit showed a satisfying sequencing depth suggesting that although Qiagens kit retained the community structure better than the Saponin approach, the vast amount of host DNA hampered the sequencing effort even after producing amplicons. When employing metagenomic sequencing to evaluate the bacterial:host DNA ratio, the Molzym kit showed up to a 10-fold enrichment of bacterial DNA compared to the Qiagen kit. Selecting an appropriate DNA extraction method is vital when studying epithelial-associated bacteria in gastrointestinal diseases and is essential for unravelling the intricate host-microbiota interactions underlying disease pathogenesis

    The impact of full-thickness rotator cuff tear on shoulder function and quality of life in patients who sustain a proximal humerus fracture—a prospective cohort study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)Background: Only few studies have investigated the impact of rotator cuff integrity on patients with proximal humerus fracture (PHF). We aimed to determine if the presence of a rotator cuff tear impairs shoulder function and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after nonsurgically treated PHF. Methods: Sixty-seven patients with PHF were recruited prospectively in a cohort. Presence of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear was determined by ultrasound examination. After 6 and 12 months, Constant-Murley Score; Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand; the Visual Analog Scale; EuroQol-5 Domain; and the 15D scores were compared between the patients with a rotator cuff tear and patients with an intact rotator cuff. Results: The prevalence of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear was 34%. After 12 months, the mean Constant-Murley Score was 65.7 (standard deviation 16.3) in the intact rotator cuff group vs. 53.9 (16.0) in the rotator cuff tear group (mean diff. 11.8, 95% confidence interval 2.5; 21.2) and was found to be a clinically relevant difference. A significantly lower HRQoL was found on the EuroQol-5 Domain score after 12 months in the rotator cuff tear group with a median score of 1 (interquartile range 0.23) in the intact rotator cuff group vs. 0.75 (interquartile range 0.34) in the rotator cuff tear group (P = .03). In the remaining outcome measures, no statistically significant between-group differences were detected. Conclusion: Rotator cuff tear in older adults with nonsurgically treated PHF may be considered a prognostic factor for poorer shoulder function and HRQoL. This knowledge can support the planning of treatment.Peer reviewe

    Are progressive shoulder exercises feasible in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or rotator cuff tear arthropathy?

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the feasibility of progressive shoulder exercises (PSE) for patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis (OA) or rotator cuff tear arthropathy (CTA). The aim of this study was to investigate whether 12 weeks of PSE is feasible in patients with glenohumeral OA or CTA eligible for shoulder arthroplasty. Moreover, to report changes in shoulder function and range of motion (ROM) following the exercise program. METHODS: Twenty patients were included. Eighteen patients (11 women, 15 with OA), mean age 70 years (range 57–80), performed 12 weeks of PSE with one weekly physiotherapist-supervised and two weekly home-based sessions. Feasibility was measured by dropout rate, adverse events, pain, and adherence to PSE. At baseline and end of intervention, patients completed the Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder (WOOS) score and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH). Data to assess feasibility were analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out and no adverse events were observed. Sixteen of the eighteen patients (89%) had a high adherence (≥ 70%) to the physiotherapist-supervised sessions. Acceptable pain levels were reported; in 76% of all exercise sessions with no numeric rating scale (NRS) score over five for any exercise. WOOS improved with a mean of 23 points (95% CI 13;33), and DASH improved with a mean of 13 points (95% CI 6;19). CONCLUSION: Adherence to PSE was high and dropout rates were low. PSE is feasible, safe and may relieve shoulder pain, improve function and ROM in patients with glenohumeral OA or CTA. The patient-experienced gains after PSE seem clinically relevant and should be compared to arthroplasty surgery in a RCT setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION: According to Danish law, this study did not need an approval by the Central Denmark Region Committee on Health Research Ethics. Approval from The Danish Data Protection Agency (journal number 1-16-02-15-20) was obtained

    Undervisningsdifferentiering i dansk og matematik i 5. klasse – med fokus på elever med særlige behov: Vol. 1

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    En af de mest markante udfordringer, som lærere møder i deres respektive klasser, er en øget mangfoldighed i elevgruppen, hvad angår måder at lære på. Det stiller lærerne over for store udfordringer i forhold til at differentiere undervisningen, hvad angår skolens og klasserummets fysiske rammer, sociale organiseringer, fagligt indhold, undervisningsmaterialernes art og sværhedsgrader, arbejdsformer, tempo etc. Lærerne kan således differentiere i forhold til, hvad eleven skal lære, dvs. indholdet, hvordan eleven skal lære, dvs. processen, eller resultatet, dvs. hvad eleven giver udtryk for at have lært.Projektet ’Undervisningsdifferentiering med fokus på elever med særlige behov’ er gennemført i håbet om at kunne inspirere lærere og lærerstuderende til at udvikle skolens praksis i en mere undervisningsdifferentieret retning. Derfor er der lagt vægt på en webbaseret formidling af resultater og erfaringer fra projektet, som skolens aktører og andre interesserede let kan få adgang til via en temahjemmeside på www.Inklusionsudvikling.d