578 research outputs found

    KONSTRUKSI TANDA-TANDA NASIONALISME DALAM VIDEO KLIP MUSIK (Analisis Semiotika Charles Sander Peirce Dalam Video Klip Wonderland Indonesia By : Alffy Rev Ft. Novia Bachmid Chapter 1)

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    This research aims to gain an understanding of the message content in Wonderland Indonesia Chapter 1. Wonderland Indonesia is a creation by Indonesian youth, and its purpose is to serve as a gift for the 76th anniversary of the nation's independence. It trended as number 1 on YouTube in the music category, and received many positive comments stating that watching the Wonderland Indonesia video can evoke a sense of nationalism. The purpose of creating the Wonderland Indonesia music video is to reintroduce Indonesian culture and encourage young people to once again memorize regional songs, presented with an EDM (Electronic Dance Music) music arrangement. This research employs a qualitative, descriptive approach, with the analytical tool being Charles Sender Peirce's theory. The findings of this study reveal that Indonesia, as an archipelagic nation, possesses stunning natural beauty and a heritage that has endured through the ages, making it a culturally rich and multicultural country. The research also highlights Indonesia's history of striving for independence and its classical era, such as the Majapahit era. It conveys a message to the younger generation to always serve their nation

    Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of Online Learning Interactions Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesian Senior High Schools

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    The research investigates Indonesian high school teachers' and students' perceptions of learning interactions when the classroom settings were moved online at the beginning of 2020. Conducting this research is essential to unpack the development of online learning after more than a year of pandemic hits in the world. To unload the issue, this research employed a mixed-method design. A survey questionnaire was shared with the teachers around Indonesia, and from this effort, 136 teachers and 107 students agreed to participate in this research. Then, two teachers and two students were chosen to explain in detail their online learning experience. Based on the results, teachers tend to positively perceive online learning, while students moderately perceive the learning. Five interaction aspects influence perceptions: social interaction, instructional interaction, technology interaction, teachers' and students' engagement. The findings suggest that teachers should be more active in enhancing their pedagogical practice and social approach in online classrooms

    Are Personality Traits Related to how Healthy Adults Adjust Their Decision-Making Strategies Under Varying Levels of Reward and Loss Controllability?

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    Abstract Research suggests a dual-system theory of motivation on decision-making in humans, consisting of the Pavlovian and the Instrumental systems. These systems influence how we respond to environmental threats and rewards either in an automatic or in a more deliberate manner, and their interaction can either optimize or hinder decision-making. Importantly, humans seem to rely more heavily on their Pavlovian valuation when controllability over environmental events is compromised, even if this leads to maladaptive choices. In this study we investigate if certain personality traits are related to how we adjust our decision-making strategies under varying levels of outcome controllability. To our knowledge, no research has addressed this domain. We randomized healthy adults (N = 50) into 2 groups and used a 5-block reinforcement learning task where we manipulated outcome controllability in two blocks, by presenting random feedback irrespective of responses, accompanied by a low reward (30%) and high loss rate (70%). Manipulated participants reported lower levels of perceived control and success, but our manipulation did not interfere robustly with response accuracy or decision-making strategies (i.e., the magnitude of Pavlovian bias) in non-manipulated blocks. Importantly, when merging the dataset with another one, we found a positive relationship between the magnitude of Pavlovian bias and the tendency to pursuit desired goals and develop hopelessness in everyday life. Also, we found a negative relationship between Pavlovian bias and the tendency to approach rewarding stimuli. Overall, our study revealed that certain personality traits can determine how we govern our choices under varying levels of controllability. Keywords: Decision-making, Pavlovian bias, instrumental system, controllability, personality.


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    Praktik pengalaman lapangan (PPL) pada dasarnya untuk memberikan pengalaman mengajar. Memperluas wawasan, melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi yang diperlukan dalam bidangnya, meningkatkan ketrampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah.Kegiatan PPL meliputi tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Dalam tahap persiapan PPL diuraikan mengenai hasil observasi dan seperangkat persiapan mengajar yang diperoleh berdasarkan pengamatan proses pembelajaran di kelas serta kondisi peserta didik. Persiapan mengajar itu sendiri mencakup pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran, yaitu Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) berdasarkan KTSP serta persiapan media yang digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Salah satu tempat yang menjadi lokasi PPL UNY 2016 adalah SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta yang beralamat di Jalan Kemetiran Kidul, Pringgokusuman, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 Juli sampai 15 September 2016. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dimulai dari observasi hingga pelaksanaan PPL yang terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan mengajar, pelaksanaan mengajar, dan evaluasi hasil mengajar. Kegiatan inti PPL berupa praktik mengajar di kelas. Praktik mengajar mencakup kegiatan pendahuluan berupa apersepsi, penyampaian materi dan penutup. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan praktik mengajar lebih mengarah pada masalah penguasaan kelas, khususnya dalam memfokuskan perhatian siswa terhadap pelajaran yang tengah diberikan. Hasil yang didapat dari melaksanakan kegiatan PPL adalah pengalaman nyata dalam mengajar, pengalaman menghadapi peserta didik yang mempunyai karakter yang berbeda-beda, belajar untuk mrmbuat persiapan bahan ajar yang akan diajarkan, belajar untuk mengatasi hambatan yang muncul saat kegiatan pelajaran berlangsung dan bergaul dengan Bapak/ Ibu Guru yang ada sebagai pembimbing dalam mengajar di SMK N 1 Yogyakarta. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dapat berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat teramati dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dimana sebagian besar siswa menyimak dan mengikuti pelajaran dengan tertib

    Konglomeratrabatten - myte eller realitet? : forklaring av verdieffekter ved urelatert diversifisering gjennom bruk og sammenfatning av tidligere studier

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    Formålet med denne oppgaven er å forklare verdieffektene av urelatert diversifisering gjennom bruk og sammenfatning av tidligere studier. I første del beskriver og systematiserer vi selskapsfaktorer, som spesielt innvirker på verdien av et konglomerat, i ulike perspektiver. Andre del fokuserer på vanlige målemetoder for å estimere en eventuell konglomeratrabatt, og hva empirisk forskning sier om rabatten. Tverrsnittanalyser viser en signifikant konglomeratrabatt i størrelsesorden 3-19 %. Videre kritiseres svakheter ved målemetodene, som at benyttede data ofte er for unøyaktige og at fundamentale selskapsforhold ikke tas hensyn til. Rabatten er reell i mange tilfeller, men skyldes ofte andre forhold enn diversifiseringen i seg selv. I siste del av utredningen sammenfatter og analyserer vi tidligere gjennomgått teori. Den største, og mest sannsynlige, verdidriveren og verdiforringeren i et konglomerat identifiseres til henholdsvis ressursbasert diversifisering og agentproblemer. Vi finner også at selskapers optimale diversifiseringsnivå varierer stort, og bestemmes av karakteristikker ved selskapet og dets omgivelser

    Minat Berwirausaha Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Berwirausaha Dan Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Kewirausahaan Pada Siswa Kelas Xi Program Keahlian Karawitan Dan Seni Tari Smk Negeri 8 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1). Pengaruh motivasi berwirausaha terhadap minat berwirausaha pada siswa kelas XI program keahlian karawitan dan seni tari SMK Negeri 8 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2014/2015. 2). Pengaruh prestasi hasil belajar mata pelajaran kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha pada siswa kelas XI program keahlian karawitan dan seni tari SMK Negeri 8 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2014/2015. 3). Pengaruh motivasi berwirausaha dan prestasi hasil belajar mata pelajaran kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha pada siswa kelas XI program keahlian karawitan dan seni tari SMK Negeri 8 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif asosiatif yang kesimpulannya diperoleh berdasarkan pada hasil analisis statistik.Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi SMK NEGERI 8 SURAKARTA. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan dokumen dan angket yang telah diuji coba dengan uji normalitas, uji reliabilitas dan uji multikolinieritas. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda. Hasil dari analisis regresi diperoleh persamaan regresi; Y = 20,500+ 0,196X1 + 0,108X2, yang artinya minat berwirausaha dipengaruhi oleh motivasi berwirausaha dan prestasi belajar kewirausahaan, berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1). Motivasi berwirausaha berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha, hal ini berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda (uji t) diketahui thitung > ttabel, yaitu 3.447 > 1,984 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,001. 2). Prestasi belajar kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha, hal ini berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda (uji t) diketahui t hitung > ttabel , yaitu 3,007 > 1,984 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,003. 3). Motivasi berwirausaha dan prestasi belajar kewirausahaan secara bersama berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha, hal ini berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda (uji F) diketahui F hitung > Ftabel yaitu 14,858 > 3,07 dengan nilai signifikansi < 0,05 yaitu 0,000. Variabel motivasi berwirausaha memberikan sumbangan efektif 12,0 %. Variabel prestasi belajar kewirausahaan memberikan sumbangan efektif 9,7%. Sehinggan total sumbangan keduanya sebesar 21,7% sedangkan 78,3% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti oleh peneliti

    Architecture- and Workload-Aware Graph (Re)Partitioning

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    Graph partitioning and repartitioning have been studied for several decades. Yet, they are receiving more attention due to the increasing popularity of large graphs from various domains, such as social networks, web networks, telecommunication networks, and scientific simulations. Traditional well-studied graph (re)partitioners often scale poorly against these continuously growing graphs. Recent works on streaming graph partitioning and lightweight graph repartitioning usually assume a homogeneous computing environment. However, modern parallel architectures may exhibit highly non-uniform network communication costs. Several solutions have been proposed to address this, but they all consider the network as the primary bottleneck of the system, even though transferring data across modern high-speed networks is now as fast as the local memory access. As such, minimization of the network data communication may not be a good choice. We found that putting too much data communication into partitions assigned to cores of the same machines may result in serious contention for the shared hardware resources (e.g., last level cache, memory controller, and front-side bus) on the memory subsystems in modern multicore clusters. The performance impact of the contention can even become the dominant factor in limiting the scalability of the workload, especially for multicore machines connected via high-speed networks. Another issue of existing graph (re)partitioners is that they are usually not aware of the runtime characteristics of the target workload. To enable efficient distributed graph computation, this thesis aims to (1) understand the performance impact of non-uniform network communication costs, the impact of contention on the memory subsystems, as well as the impact of workload runtime characteristics on distributed graph computation; and (2) design and implement new scalable graph (re)partitioners that take these factors into account

    Penyuluhan Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Membuang Sampah Pada Tempatnya

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    Pendahuluan: PHBS ialah segala perilaku kesehatan yang dilakukan atas kesadaran seorang individu hingga keluarga dan anggota keluarganya dapat membantu diri sendiri dalam bidang kesehatan, dan berperan aktif terhadap masyarakat dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat merupakan salah satu cara untuk menyalurkan pengalaman mengenai pola atau perilaku hidup sehat dalam masyarakat luas kelompok ataupun individu dengan cara memberikan informasi atau melakukan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, hal ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu informasi atau pengetahuan. Ada beberapa pengetahuan yang dapat dibagikan seperti materi edukasi, hal tersebut dapat menambah pengetahuan serta wawasan sehingga masyarakat dapat memahami tanggap serta lebih perduli terhadap  perilaku cara hidup yang bersih dan sehat. Tujuan: Responden dapat mengetahui dan memahami tentang membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Metode: Pelaksanaan metode yang digunakan dalam penyuluhan ini dilakukan dengan 2 tahap, yaitu pertama menjelaskan tentang membuang sampah pada tempatnya dan kedua setelah dilakukan penyuluhan membuang sampah pada tempatnya menggunakan leaflet, responden diberikan tanya jawab tentang membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Hasil: Responden memahami tentang membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Simpulan: Adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara penyuluhan Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat terhadap kebersihan siwa/siswi dalam membuang sampah pada tempatnya pada anak sekolah di SDN 1 Panjang Utara, Bandar Lampung. Kata kunci: Penyuluhan Penerapan PHBS; Membuang sampah pada tempatny

    Comparative profiling of the transcriptional response to iron restriction in six serotypes of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae with different virulence potential

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    Background Comparative analysis of gene expression among serotypes within a species can provide valuable information on important differences between related genomes. For the pig lung pathogen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, 15 serotypes with a considerable variation in virulence potential and immunogenicity have been identified. This serotypic diversity can only partly be explained by amount of capsule and differences in the RTX toxin genes in their genomes. Iron acquisition in vivo is an important bacterial function and in pathogenic bacteria, iron-limitation is often a signal for the induction of virulence genes. We used a pan-genomic microarray to study the transcriptional response to iron restriction in vitro in six serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae (1, 2, 3, 5b, 6, and 7), representing at least two levels of virulence. Results In total, 45 genes were significantly (p &lt;0.0001) up-regulated and 67 genes significantly down-regulated in response to iron limitation. Not previously observed in A. pleuropneumoniae was the up-regulation of a putative cirA-like siderophore in all six serotypes. Three genes, recently described in A. pleuropneumoniae as possibly coding for haemoglobin-haptoglobin binding proteins, displayed significant serotype related up-regulation to iron limitation. For all three genes, the expression appeared at its lowest in serotype 3, which is generally considered one of the least virulent serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae. The three genes share homology with the hmbR haemoglobin receptor of Neisseria meningitidis, a possible virulence factor which contributes to bacterial survival in rats. Conclusions By comparative analysis of gene expression among 6 different serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae we identified a common set of presumably essential core genes, involved in iron regulation. The results support and expand previous observations concerning the identification of new potential iron acquisition systems in A. pleuropneumoniae, showing that this bacterium has evolved several strategies for scavenging the limited iron resources of the host. The combined effect of iron-depletion and serotype proved to be modest, indicating that serotypes of both moderate and high virulence at least in vitro are reacting almost identical to iron restriction. One notable exception, however, is the haemoglobin-haptoglobin binding protein cluster which merits further investigation