68 research outputs found

    A South Asian identity constructed by the Indo-Pacific discourse: India

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    It has been estimated that by 2050, four of the top five economies in the world will all be in Asia, with India, Japan and Indonesia all taking a spot alongside China in surpassing the United States, and revealing a global shift toward the Asian axis. While the Asia-Pacific discourse that has emerged since the Cold War promotes a China-centered understanding of Asia, a South Asian country, India, is emerging as a second rising power on the Asian continent and is taking a central position in the region. The continuing discourse will play an active role in the construction of a South Asian identity and its acceptance in the international arena. The present study first focuses on critical geopolitics. Then, through an analysis of the formal and practical geopolitical discourse in India, as an accepted research approach in critical geopolitics, an attempt will be made to reveal the ongoing construction of a South Asian identity. This study addresses the countries in the region as a whole, examining the South Asian identity that is being constructed with India at the center, and including also India's formal and practical discourses. The study aims to reveal how India is trying to construct a South Asian identity through the Indo-Pacific discourse

    Yeni takrin-karbamat türevlerinin sentezi ve antikolinesteraz aktivitelerinin incelenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada 13 adet karbamat grubu içeren yeni takrin türevleri (6a-m) sentezlenmiş ve bu moleküllerin asetilkolinesteraz (AChE) ve bütirilkolinesteraz (BuChE) enzimleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sentezlenen takrin türevleri arasında, 2-((1,2,3,4-tetrahidroakridin-9-il)amino)etil(3-nitrofenil)-karbamat (6k) bileşiği 22.15 nM ve 16.96 nM'lık IC50 değerleri ile sırasıyla AChE ve BuChE enzimlerine karşı en iyi inhibitör özelliği göstermiştir. Ayrıca yapı-aktivite ilişkileri incelendiğinde, inhibisyon sonuçlarının fenil halkasına bağlı sübstitüentlerin elektronegatiflik, polarlanabilirlik ve bağlanma pozisyonlarıyla ilişkili oldukları belirlenmiştir. Sentezlenen son ürünlerin yapıları 1H NMR, 13C NMR, ve IR spektrometreleri ile doğrulanmıştır.In this study, 13 new tacrine derivatives (6a-k) containing carbamate groups were synthesized and their effects on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) enzymes were evaluated. Among the synthesized tacrine derivatives, ((1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridin-9-yl)amino)ethyl(3-nitro phenyl) carbamate (6k) showed the best inhibitor activity against AChE and BuChE with IC50 value of 22.15 nM and 16.96 nM, respectively. In addition, in regard to structure-activity relationship, it can be seen that the inhibitory activity depends on the electronegativity, polarizability and binding position of the substituent on phenyl ring. Structures of the synthesized final products were verified by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and IR spectrometers

    Augmented experiences in archeological sites: Presentation of Alexandria Troas Podium Temple to visitor experience

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    Set aside the issues concerning their excavation, documentation, and conservation, as far as their presentation to the public experience is concerned, Archaeological sites represent a special case of cultural heritage that come with distinctive set of conditions and demands, posing a problem situation deserving a special treatment. Problem is manifold: The presentation should be informative, entertaining, and educational, all accomplished through an active corporeal and mental participation where interactivity and immersion must be the key. The setting must provide a holistic, comprehensible experience by completing “missing parts and layers,” and contextualizing it, perhaps through a story, a theme, or a background. Any intervention must be non-invasive, reversible and updateable; alternatives and different layers must be presented, preferably, synchronously. Above all, final setting should be subordinate to the primacies of “conservation of cultural heritage,” while providing an intellectually and physically accessible and sustainable overall historical environment. This has been an age-old issue for the scholars, a genuine challenge due to the ill-defined nature of the problem situation itself. The present study departs from the proposition that, Augmented Reality(AR), by definition, has a potential to contribute to such a problem situation. AR is a combination of real and virtual worlds, where “virtual” could complement what was missing in the real and new objects and layers might be woven together, into one new reality where active bodily and mental participation and interaction is possible. Though it might seem implied in the definition, the proposition still needs a rigorous investigation since AR is a rapidly emerging but still quite a young field that has a long way to go; and since, research on AR’s specific adoption to presentation of archaeological sites, apart from few examples, is still an unbeaten path. The present multidisciplinary study aims to take a step towards such an investigation. Established upon a detailed investigation and analysis of examples, the present study involves development of an AR application of a selected case: “Alexandria Troas Podium Temple,” followed by a field study. In the present report, we share our experience and observations of the process and the implementation. In conclusion, we propose that AR is a serious candidate to be a considerable asset for the presentation of archaeological sites for the visitor experience, without compromising the universal norms of conservation of cultural heritage. We also argue that AR seems to have its own agenda, coming with unprecedented possibilities still to be appreciated and adopted, which in turn might help us to go beyond the conventional conceptions and modes of conservation of cultural heritage and presentation

    Interactions between urban dynamics and new spatial patterns: The case of Istanbul

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    Cities are increasingly concerned with fluidity and mobility, where social, cultural and economic activities can rapidly be transferred from any one locality to another. Yet, powerful effects of globalisation on economy, society, and urban environment create fragmentation as well as interesting transitions in each system. Whilst urban transformation in response to globalisation creates sharp changes in former urban textures and typologies, new spaces and identities have been produced with the formation of recent networks and encounters. This paper, therefore, examines the implications of urban and housing transformations in the city of Istanbul within the context of recent economic, cultural and political conditions. The authors aim to establish a critical discussion of the city’s texture, where separate and overlapping urban functions are easily captured through a site section

    Dissociative experiences in bipolar disorder II: Are they related to childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms?

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    Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of dissociative symptoms and whether they are related to childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in bipolar disorder type II (BD-II). Methods Thirty-three euthymic patients (HDR

    Dissociative experiences in bipolar disorder II: Are they related to childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms?

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    Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of dissociative symptoms and whether they are related to childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in bipolar disorder type II (BD-II). Methods Thirty-three euthymic patients (HDRS<8, YMRS<5) and 50 healthy subjects were evaluated by SCID-I and SCID-NP. We excluded all first and second-axis comorbidities. All patients and healthy subjects were examined with the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ-53), and Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder scale (Y-BOCS). Results In pairwise comparisons between the BD-II and control groups, the total CTQ, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, DES, and total Y-BOCS scores in the BD-II group were significantly higher than those in the control group (p < 0.05). There were five cases with DES scores over 30 (15.2%) and one case (2%) in the control group. DES was weakly correlated with total CTQ and Y-BOCS in patients diagnosed with BD-II (r = 0.278, p < 0.05 and r = 0.217, p < 0.05, respectively). While there was no correlation between total CTQ and Y-BOCS, the CTQ sexual abuse subscale was found to be related to Y-BOCS (r = 0.330, p < 0.05). Discussion These results suggest that there is a relation between childhood traumas and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, or that dissociative symptoms are more associated with anxiety than obsessive symptoms, which prevents the increase of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in BD-II

    Augmented Reality for the Presentation of Cultural Heritage: On-Site Application and Evaluation of a Model

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     This paper comes out of a scientific study concerning development of an AR model for the presentation the archaeological site of Alexandria Troas for the visitor experience, and on-site application of this model, through a case, namely the Podium (or Forum) Temple, to investigate the nature of that experience provided by AR and its implications as well. The study is established upon the proposition that “AR is tailored to fit to provide a compatible, accessible, and sustainable presentation of historical built environments and archeological sites to public experience, while respecting much of the problem(atics) coming along with norms and privileges of historical heritage preservation and conservation.” Departing from this ultimate proposition, it sets out a framework of questions to address. This paper provides a summary of the whole research, followed by the detailed description of the methodology and process concerning the developed model’s on-site application, and a succinct presentation of its findings, finally, an account of the research as a means of testing the research questions. Findings confirm much of the assumptions deriving from the initial proposition and showed the great potential of AR towards this end as expected. A number of issues and problems were surfaced as well, some of which are oriented from the technologies concerning the AR itself, while others are related to the limitations of the proposed model and its on-site execution. Furthermore, the research indicated a number of matters to address and possible ways to expand such research. All in all, we argue that the research yielded a number of valuable results and insights in addressing the departing problem situation, while it also posed new questions and research paths to follow for new research


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    Bu tezin amaçları arasında Karbazol ve türevlerinin monomerlerinin (karbazol (Cz), metilkarbazol (MCz), vinilkarbazol (VCz)) Grafen (GN) ile kompozitleri ((PCz/GN, PCz/nanokil/GN), (PMCz/GN), (PCz/Zn/GN), (PVCz/nanokil/GN)) sentezlenmesidir. Elde edilen nanokompozitlerin karakterizasyonları DV, FTIR-ATR, SEM-EDX, EES gibi yöntemlerle gerçekleştirildi. İkili elektrot kullanılarak süperkapasitör hazırlandı. rGO/nanokil/PCz nanokompoziti için DV metoduna göre Csp= 187.78 F/g elde edilirken, rGO/PCz nanokompoziti için EES sonuçlarına göre spesifik kapasitans Csp= 256.10 F/g elde edilmiştir. PMCz/rGO nanokompoziti için Csp= 31.09 F/g DV metodu ile 0.1 V/s tarama hızında elde edilmiştir. rGO/nanokil/PVK nanokompoziti için 10 mV/s tarama hızında Csp= 168.64 F/g elde edilmiştir. rGO/Zn/PCz nanokompoziti için yine 10 mV/s tarama hızında Csp= 33.88 F/g elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, galvanostatik yükleme/boşalma ölçümleri ve elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopi metodlarıyla herbir nanokompozitin elektrkimyasal performans sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır.The aim of this thesis is to synthesize carbazole based derivatives of monomers such as carbazole (Cz), methylcarbazole (MCz), vinylcarbazole (VCz), graphene (GN) and their nanocomposites (PCz/GN, PCz/nanoclay/GN, PMCz/GN, PCz/Zn/GN and PVK/nanoclay/GN were studied in thesis. The characterizations of obtained nanocomposites were taken by FTIR-ATR, SEM-EDX, and EIS. Two electrode systems were used for supercapacitor devices. As a result, according to CV method results of rGO/nanoclay/PCz, the highest Csp was obtained as Csp= 187.78 F/g and Csp= 256.10 F/g for EIS results. For PMCz/rGO nanocomposite, the Csp value was obtained as Csp= 31.09 F/g by CV method at 0.1 V/s. Moreover, for rGO/nanoclay/PVK nanocomposite, the highest Csp was obtained as Csp= 168.64 F/g at 10 mV/s. In addition, the highest Csp was obtained as Csp= 33.88 F/g at 10 mV/s. In addition, galvanostatic charge/discharge measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic methods were compared as electrochemical performances of each nanocomposite material

    Çok uluslu şirketlerin yaptığı sosyal yardımların gelişmekte olan ülkelere etkisi

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    1980’li yıllardan itibaren küreselleşmenin etkinliklerini zirvelerde gerçekleştirdiği görülmektedir. Bu süreçle paralel olarak uluslararası etkileşimlerde büyük artışlar yaşanarak, çok uluslu şirketlerin aktörleştiği ve diğer aktörler ile (sivil toplum örgütü, devlet ve uluslararası örgütler) bağımlılık ve güç ilişkisi kurduğu bir sistem var olmaktadır. Serbest piyasanın tüm dünyada yaygınlaşması ulus devletin etkinlikleri azaltarak yönetim tekelini kırmış ve çok uluslu şirketlerin hakimiyetinin genişlediği bir yapı oluşturmuştur. Finans piyasalarının dönüşüme dahil olması ile sermayenin uluslararası dolaşımı artmıştır. Bu durum çok uluslu şirketlerin yabancı yatırımları, küresel piyasada faaliyetleri sürdürebilmenin en önemli aracı olarak görmelerine neden olmuştur. Özellikle sermaye birikiminin yetersiz kaldığı gelişmekte olan ülkelerin kalkınması adına önemli olan doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar alternatif dış finansman kaynağı olarak görülerek, sorun çözümünde en değerli yol olmaktadır. Doğrudan yabancı yatırımların etkilerinin ülkeden ülkeye veya şirketten şirkete değiştiği görülmektedir. Her koşulda doğrudan yabancı yatırım gelişmekte olan ülke için önemli bir kaynak artışı sağlamaktadır. Gelişmekte olan ülkeler beklenilen etkin sanayinin kurulamaması üzerine çok uluslu şirketlerin bu ilişkide köprü görevini üstlenmesini olumlu bularak şirket faaliyetlerini teşvik etmektedirler. Yaşanılan bu ilişkide gelişmekte olan ülkelerin yapılarında büyük değişimler yaşanmakta ve ülke üzerinde baskı oluşturmaktadır. Bu durumda çok uluslu şirketler siyasal yapılar haline bürünerek devlet ile sermaye arasındaki ilişkilerin azalmasına neden olmuştur. Piyasada aktörlerin ulus devletin etkilerini negatif şekilde hissetmesi aktörlerin sivil toplum örgütleriyle işbirliklerini arttırmıştır. Bu işbirliğinin oluşmasının nedeni, devletin sosyal uygulamalarını azaltması ve şirketlerin sadece ekonomik faydayı değil sosyal faydayı da benimseme mecburiyetidir. Bu süreç bağlı kapitalizm kavramını oluşturmuş çok uluslu şirketler ile sivil toplum örgütlerinin birbirine bağımlı olduğu, birbirini etkilediği ve sistem içerisinde güç oluşturduğu ilişki bütünü var olmuştur. Kurulan işbirliği piyasa içi ve piyasa dışı pek çok avantajı taraflara sunmaktadır. Bu ilişkinin giderek güçlenmesi sosyal yardımların melez kurum (sivil toplum örgütü ile çok uluslu şirket bileşimi) üzerinden yapılmasına neden olmaktadır. Bağlı kapitalizmin daha çok gelişmekte olan ülkelerde var olma nedeni, sivil toplum anlayışının gelişmediği, demokrasinin içselleştirilemediği ve politik süreçlerden bağımsız olarak düşünülemeyen kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk anlayışının var olması bağlı kapitalizmi bu ülkelerde etkin kılmaktadır. Ayrıca devletin çok uluslu şirketin aktörlüğüne müdahale etme isteğinin çıkış noktası olarak görülen bu işbirliği, bağlı kapitalizmin bu ülkelerdeki etkisini arttırmıştır. Ülkelerdeki yönetim başarısızlıkları ve yönetim boşlukları sivil toplum örgütlerine ihtiyacı arttırarak bu bölgede işlerlik kazanmasına neden olmuştur. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde krizlerin olumsuz etkilerinin daha fazla olması sivil toplum örgütlerinin işbirliğini tercih etmesinin nedenini oluşturmaktadır. Çok uluslu şirket ile sivil toplum örgütü işbirliği taraflar açısından karşılıklı değer yaratma süreci olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu değer yaratma sürecinde tarafların iki kurumdan ziyade tek bir kurum gibi hareket edildiği görülmektedir. Karşılıklı çıkarlar doğrultusunda etkinliklerini sürdüren melez kurum var olmaktadır. Bağlı kapitalizm kavramı, sivil toplum kuruluşu ve çok uluslu şirketlerin kapitalist sistem içerisinde ayakta kalabilmeleri adına karşılıklı çıkarlarının gözetildiği, güçlerin birleştirildiği sistemi ifade etmekte ve tüm dünyayı etkilemektedir. -------------------- The impacts of globalization were observed on its peak point since 1980s. In parallel to this process, major increases were experienced in international interactions, and a system, in which multinational corporations became actors and established dependency and power relations with other actors (i.e. non-governmental organization, governmental and international organizations), came into existence. The spread of free market throughout the whole world has destroyed the monopoly in terms of management by reducing the effects of nation-state, and it generated a construct, in which the dominance of multinational corporations expanded. The circulation of the stock in international platforms has increased with the involvement of the finance market to this transformation. As a consequence of that, multinational corporations consider foreign investments as the most crucial tool to sustain transactions in the global market. First-hand foreign investments, which are important for the developing countries where the capital stock is insufficient, are seen as an alternative external financing source and become the most valuable way to the solution of the problem. It is seen that the effects of direct investments vary across different countries and corporations. In all circumstances, first-hand foreign investments provide the developing countries with a significant increase in sources. Due to not establishing an effective industry in developing countries, the bridging role undertaken by multinational corporations in this relationship is found positive and their operations are promoted. Major structural changes are experienced in the developing countries in this relationship and this condition generates a pressure on these countries. In this case, multinational corporations disguise in political structures and cause a decrease in the relationship between the government and the capital. Feeling the impacts of nation states in a negative way by actors in the market facilitates the corporation between the actors and non-governmental organizations. The reasons behind this corporation are the decrease in social execution by the government and the requirement of adopting not only an economical gain but also a social benefit. This process leads to the emergence of the term “dependent capitalism” and there exists an entirety of relation, in which multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations are dependent to each other, are affecting each other, and are generating power within the system. The cooperation provides advantages to each side in terms of external and internal market. The gradual consolidation of this relationship leads to providing the social assistance through a hybrid institution (which is the combination of a non-governmental organization and a multinational corporation). The reason why dependent capitalism mostly exists in developing countries is the institutional social responsibility perception which cannot be thought independent of political processes and in which sense of civil society does not improve, and the democracy is not internalized. Besides, this corporation, which is regarded as the starting point of the desire of interference of government to the multinational corporations, increases the effects of dependent capitalism in these countries. The administration failures and vacancies in these countries lead to the need for non-governmental organizations and to the functionality of these organizations in these regions. The dominant negative effects of crisis in the developing countries lead to the preference of non-governmental organizations for a cooperation. The cooperation between a multinational corporation and a non-governmental organization is defined as a process of creating reciprocal value in terms of each side. It is seen that these sides act as a single institution in this value-creation process rather than two different institutions. They are regarded as hybrid institutions which maintain their operations in accordance with their mutual benefits. The term “dependent capitalism” refers to a system, in which the non-governmental organizations and the multinational corporations look after their mutual benefits to maintain their existence and in which theyunify their strengths, influences the whole world