340 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Hotel Managers’ Perceptions Regarding the Use of Mobile Apps to Gain a Competitive Advantage

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    The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine the opinions of hotel managers regarding the use of mobile applications in the hotel industry and to analyse the influence of these applications on a hotel’s perceived competitive advantage. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyse the data collected from 106 hotel managers in Turkey. The results of the study indicate that the factors connection and assistance had a significant impact on hotel managers’ perceived competitive advantage. The findings of this study, one of the few that have examined managers’ attitudes toward the use of mobile apps in the hotel industry, provide valuable information that will help to guide technology vendors and software companies that develop mobile apps for hotel

    Problems and solutions encountered in psychological counseling and guidance services: A metasynthesis study : Psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik servisinde karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri: Bir metasentez çalışması

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    In this research, on guidance issues in the literature in Turkey, examining realized that qualitative article as a whole, the counselors, their problems bring problems rather than their guidance and is intended to reveal to synthesize suggestions to solve these problems. For this purpose, guidance service problems, school psychological counselor problems, guidance services were written to Web of Science, Ulakbim, Dergi Park, Google Academic databases and the article was scanned. Articles dealing with counseling services and solutions were included in the research. What are the articles in depth guided by guidance services; Inadequacy of physical provision and facilities, problems in the preparation and presentation of research, the problem of prejudice towards the school psychological counselor and services and problem themes related to guidance services policies. Later sub-problems related to these themes were created and solutions to these problems were classified from the articles included in the study. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Bu araştırmada, alan yazında rehberlik hizmetleri sorunları konusunda, Türkiye’ de gerçekleştirilmiş nitel makale çalışmalarını bir bütün halinde inceleyip, psikolojik danışmanların, rehberlik hizmetlerini yerine getirme açısından yaşadıkları sorunları ve bu sorunların çözümüne yönelik önerileri sentezleyerek ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Web of Science, Ulakbim, Dergi Park, Google Akademik veri tabanlarına rehberlik hizmetleri sorunlar, okul psikolojik danışman sorunlar, rehberlik hizmetleri yazılarak makale çalışmaları taranmıştır. Rehberlik hizmetlerinin sorunları ve çözüm yollarını ele alan makaleler araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Makalelerin derinlemesine incelenmesi sonucunda rehberlik hizmetlerinin yürütülmesinde; fiziki koşullar ve imkanların yetersizliği, çalışmaların hazırlanması ve sunumunda yaşanan sorunlar, okul psikolojik danışmanının görevleri ve hizmetlere yönelik önyargı sorunu, rehberlik hizmetleri politikalarına ilişkin sorun temaları oluşturulmuştur. Daha sonra bu temalara ait alt sorunlar oluşturularak, çalışmaya dahil edilen makalelerden bu sorunların çözüm yolları sınıflandırılmıştır

    Öğretmen Algılarına Göre İlkokullarda Görevli Okul Yöneticilerinin Problem Çözme Yeterliliklerinin İncelenmesi (İstanbul Anadolu Yakası Örneği)

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    Bu çalışmada, resmi ilkokullarda görev yapan öğretmenlerin, okul yöneticilerinin problem çözme yeterliliklerine ilişkin algıları çeşitli değişkenlere göre araştırılmıştır. Çalışma tarama modellerinden “karşılaştırma” türünde yapılan bir araştırma olup örneklemi, 2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında İstanbul İli Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı olarak Anadolu yakası Beykoz, Ümraniye ve Üsküdar İlçelerinde faaliyet gösteren 12 ilkokulda görev yapan 60’ı yönetici ve 235’i öğretmen olmak üzere toplam 295 eğitimciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler Heppner ve Petersen (1982) tarafından geliştirilen ve Şahin ve diğerleri tarafından Türkçeye uyarlanan 35 maddelik “Problem Çözme Envanteri” (PÇE) ve bir kişisel bilgiler formu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinde aritmetik ortalama (X), standart sapma (ss), bağımsız gruplar t-testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi (Anova), anlamlı farklar testi (Post-hoc Scheffe) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre; Öğretmenlerin, ilkokul yöneticilerinin problem çözme yeterliliklerine ilişkin algı düzeylerinin, görev, cinsiyet, yaş, medeni durum, branş, eğitim düzeyi, mesleki kıdem, okuldaki öğretmen sayısı, öğretmenliği tercih etme sırası, ve görevlerini yaparken aile ve iş çevresinden görülen destek düzeyi değişkenlerine göre anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaştığı ancak okuldaki öğrenci sayısı ve öğretmenlikten alınan doyum değişkenlerine göre farklılaşma olmadığı bulunmuştur. Erkek öğretmenler, 31 yaş ve üstü öğretmenler, evli öğretmenler, sınıf öğretmenleri, ön lisans veya fakülte mezunu öğretmenler, 16-20 ve 21 yıl ve üzeri mesleki kıdeme sahip öğretmenler, daha az öğretmenin görev yaptığı okullarda çalışan öğretmenler, öğretmenlik mesleğini ilk tercih olarak seçmiş öğretmenler ve aile ve iş çevresinden yüksek düzeyde destek gören öğretmenlerin okul yöneticilerinin problem çözme yeterliliklerini daha olumlu (daha yeterli) değerlendirdikleri bulunmuştur

    Constant Ratio Involute-Evolute Curve Couples

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    In this study; the previous studies about constant ratio curves in Euclidean space have been mentioned. The fundamental imformations about curves in Euclidean space, Frenet formulas for unit speed curves and properties of Involute – Evolute curve couples are stated. Constant ratio curves, T – constant and N – constant curves are introduced. Finally; new obtained results on constant ratio Involute – Evolute curve couples are given. © AfyonBu çalışmada; Öklid uzayında sabit oran eğrileri ile ilgili daha önce yapılan çalışmalardan bahsedilmiştir. Öklid uzayında eğrilere ilişkin temel bilgiler, birim hızlı eğriler için Frenet formülleri ve İnvolüt – Evolüt eğri çiftlerinin özellikleri ifade edilmiştir. Öklid uzayındaki sabit oranlı eğriler, T – sabit eğriler ve N – sabit eğriler tanıtılmıştır. Son olarak, sabit oranlı İnvolüt – Evolüt eğri çiftlerine dair elde edilen yeni sonuçlar verilmiştir

    Regional and temporal evaluation of seismicity in the Vlora-Elbasani-Dibra Transversal Fault Zone, Albania

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    Characteristics of seismic activity along the Vlora- Lushnja-Elbasani-Dibra (V-L-E-D) Transversal Fault Zone are analyzed between 1964 and 2015. There are a total of 2814 events in the time interval 1964 and 2015 with Md1.7. This study is focused on the correlation of seismotectonic b-value, precursory quiescence Z-value, and interrelationships between some other seismicity parameters. The distribution of the relatively low b-value coincides with the tectonic compression field which acts along the V-L-E-D Transversal Fault Zone. The distribution of the relatively low b-value coincides with the tectonic compression field which acts along the V-L-E-D Transversal Fault Zone. Anomalously low b-value areas coincide more or less with the spatial distribution of M≥5.0 earthquakes and their known rupture extents. Temporal changes in b-value may be related to the stress variations in these times before and after the main events. The lowest Z-values show that the variations in seismic activity rate are not significant, and the highest Z-values demonstrate a decrease in seismicity rate. In the Z-value maps for all parts of the V-L-E-D, three areas exhibit significant seismic quiescence: centered at 41.00°N-19.78°E (region A, around Lushnja), 40.99°N-20.03°E (region B, in the Cerriku), 40.81°N-19.86°E (region C, including Kucova). In addition to these three significant areas, there are some small quiescence areas in different parts of the V-L-E-D

    Oxide ionic conductivity properties of binary δ-(Bi2O3)1 - x (Yb2O3) x system

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    In this study, after doping ytterbium oxide (Yb2O3) to a-bismuth trioxide (a-Bi2O3) in the range of 9% n 20% in a series of different mole ratios, heat treatment was performed by applying a cascade temperature rise in the range of 700–790 C for 48 hours and new phases were obtained in the (Bi2O3)1 x(Yb2O3)x system. After 24 hours of heat treatment at 700 C and 750 C and 48 hours of heat treatment at 790 C, mixtures containing 9–20 mol% Yb2O3 formed a face-centered cubic phase. With the help of X-ray diffraction (XRD), the crystal systems and lattice parameters of the solid solutions were obtained and their characterization was carried out. The surfaces of the solid solutions were detected by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Thermal measurements were made by using a simultaneous DTA/TGA (differential thermal analysis/thermogravimetric analysis) system. The total conductivity (sT) in the d-Bi2O3 doped with Yb2O3 system was measured using the four-probe DC method

    Prediction of strain limits via the marciniak-kuczynski model and a novel semi-empirical forming limit diagram model for dual-phase DP600 advanced high strength steel

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    The prediction capability of a forming limiting diagram (FLD) depends on how the yield strength and anisotropy coefficients evolve during the plastic deformation of sheet metals. The FLD predictions are carried out via the Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) criterion with anisotropic yield functions for DP600 steel of various thicknesses. Then, a novel semi-empirical FLD criterion is proposed, and prediction capabilities of the criterion are tested with different yield criteria. The results show that the yield functions are very sensitive to anisotropic evolution. Thus, while the FLD curves from the M-K model and the proposed model are not the same for each thickness, the proposed model has better prediction than the M-K model. © 2020 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved

    Kounis syndrome associated with benzathine penicillin G use: A case report

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    AbstractKounis syndrome is a life-threatening medical condition that causes severe allergic reaction and acute coronary syndrome. Benzathine penicillin G is one of the most widely used antibiotics in clinical practice, but it can enhance both allergic and hypersensitivity complications. In this report, we describe the case of a 42-year-old man admitted to our hospital who presented with cryptic tonsillitis accompanied by angioneurotic edema, chest pain, and electrocardiographic variations. The patient was diagnosed with Kounis syndrome and treated with oral antihistamines and prednisolone. He was discharged following a complete recovery and regression of electrocardiographic abnormalities within 72 hours

    Visual Aesthetics and Mathematics in Cinema: Comparative Content and Cultural Analysis of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and The Conquest 1453

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    Films are meticulously crafted using visual aesthetic elements, where mathematics and geometry play pivotal roles. Camera angles, timing in editing, staging sequences, lens specifications, and lighting ratios, demonstrate the intricate relationship between cinema and mathematics. Specifically, the virtual projection of isosceles and equilateral triangles is utilized in object positioning before the camera. Additionally, forms such as circles, squares, and rectangles are frequently employed in stage design. Number combinations, sequential numbers, and patterns are also common techniques used to enhance visual aesthetics in films. Fundamental components such as oblique, horizontal, vertical, and parallel lines are instrumental in achieving visual appeal. In our research, we investigate the properties of these components as they are discussed in scientific publications and their relevance to aesthetics. In this context, a comparative and quantitative analysis is conducted on 2001’s “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and the Turkish film “The Conquest 1453” (known as Fetih 1453 in Turkey). It is observed that “The Conquest 1453” employs excessive mathematical and geometric data, which somewhat diminishes the thematic strength of the film. In contrast, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” demonstrates a more balanced use of these elements