243 research outputs found

    Yahya Kemal tezverendede:Üstat Yahya Kemalin yeni yazmış olduğu bir şiir karşısında bazı mülahazalar

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 182-Yahya Kemal Beyatlı. Not: Gazetenin "Devrim Üzerine Düşünmeler" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033


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    Varlık, Kelâm’ın temel konuları arasında yer almaktadır. İslam düşünce tarihine bakıldığında özellikle Cüveynî ile Gazzâlî’nin başlatmış olduğu müteahhirîn dönemden itibaren eserlerde önemli bir yer edindiği görülmektedir. Dönemlere göre Kelâm ilminin konuları değişiklik göstermektedir. Mütekaddimîn dönemde en önemli mesele Allah’ın birliğini ve sıfatlarını ortaya koyma ve savunma iken felsefenin İslâm dünyasında yayılmasıyla birlikte Kelâm ilminin ilgi alanında da bir genişleme meydana geldi. Müteahhirîn dönemle birlikte varlık konusu kelâm’ın temel konuları arasına girdi. Felsefe de varlığa mutlak var olması noktasından yaklaşmakta ancak tamamen meseleyi ele alırken aklı hareket noktası almaktadır. Kelâm ise akılla beraber nakle de bağlı kalmaktadır. Böylece kelâm ilmi konusunu genişletmekle beraber felsefe gibi diğer ilimlerden farklı olarak meseleye yaklaşım tarzının farklılığını da ortaya koymaktadır. Kelamcıların varlık konusunu ele alma noktasında göstermiş oldukları hassasiyetin şüphesiz ki bir nedeni vardır. Şöyle ki kelamın ana esası tevhittir. Nübüvvet ve meâd gibi esaslar ise tevhidin içerisindedir. Tevhidi ispat etmenin yolu ise Allah’ın varlığının delillendirilmesine dayanmaktadır. Bu durumda Allah ve varlık diye iki kavramla karşılaşmaktayız. Allah’ın varlığını ispat edebilmek için ise varlığın araştırılması ve ispat edilerek ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada müteahhirîn döneminin çok yönlü âlimlerinden birisi olan Şehristânî’nin varlık anlayışını ortaya koymaya çalışacağız. Bunu da varlığın tanımı, kısımları ve varlıkla ilgili olan kavramlardan hareketle genel olarak izah edeceği

    İbnü’l-Hümâm’a Göre İnsan Hürriyeti Meselesi

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    Whether man is free in making his actions, in other words the matter of fate, is one of the important problems that have occupied the Islamic Society since the first periods. Ibn Al-Humam, one of the important representatives of the maturidi Kalam School in Mutaakhirin period, dealt with this issue in his work, which he produced in the field of kalam and named al-Musâyere fi'l-akâidi'l-münciye fi'l-âhire. The author in this work, as the name suggests, has manifested the true principles of belief that will lead Muslims to salvation in the hereafter. The most important of these principles is a firm belief in Allah. A true and firm belief in Allah is based on knowing his names, attributes and actions. In particular, it will contribute to knowing the supreme creator in determining the position and role of the human being who is subjected to testing in the world in the face of Allah almighty with absolute knowledge, will and power. In this study, Ibn al-Humâm's views about whether or not human beings are free while performing their actions will be put forward on the basis of concepts such as will, power, achievement, incident, and destiny. Similarities and differences with the Maturidiyyah sect which he belongs to will be determined.İnsanın fiillerini meydana getirirken özgür olup olmadığı başka bir anlatımla kader meselesi İslam toplumunu ilk dönemlerden itibaren meşgul eden önemli problemlerden birisidir. Müteahhirîn dönem Mâtürîdî kelam okulunun önemli temsilcilerinden birisi olan İbnü’l-Hümâm da bu meseleyi kelâm alanında meydana getirdiği ve adını el-Müsâyere fi’l-akâidi’l-münciye fi’l-âhire koyduğu eserinde ele almıştır. Müellif bu eserinde adından da anlaşılacağı gibi Müslümanları âhirette kurtuluşa götürecek sahih inanç esaslarını ortaya koymuştur. Bu esasların başında sağlam bir Allah inancı gelmektedir. Sahih ve sağlam bir Allah inancı da O’nun isim, sıfat ve fiillerini bilmekten geçer. Özellikle mutlak ilim, irade ve kudret sahibi bir yüce varlık karşısında dünyada imtihana tabi tutulan insanın konumunu ve fiillerindeki rolünü tespit edebilmek de yüce yaratıcıyı bilmede katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada İbnü’l-Hümâm’ın insanın eylemlerini yerine getirirken özgür olup olmadığı hakkındaki görüşleri irade, kudret, fiil, kesb, kaza ve kader gibi kavramlardan yola çıkılarak ortaya konulacaktır. Mensubu olduğu Mâtürîdî mezhebiyle benzer ve farklılıkları tespit edilecektir

    A Rare Case: Improved Heart Failure with Anti-Complement Therapy in Complement-Dependent Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

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    MakaleWOS:000925209300014xtrarenal involvement occurs in approximately 20% of patients with complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome. The involvement is usually of the nervous system, and cardiac involvement occurs in 3%-10% of patients. Cardiac manifestations vary, including myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, and acute decompensated heart failure. Among these patients, thrombotic microangiopathy-related cardiac dysfunction is mainly due to the continuous activation of the complement system, which leads to endothelial damage and thrombosis in the coronary microvessels. We wanted to highlight the importance of cardiac evaluation at the time of diagnosis or during follow-up in thrombotic micro-angiopathy patients by presenting a case of heart failure with low ejection fraction in a 24-year-old young patient in whom we detected complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome, a secondary mutation of complement factor H receptor. It is still an unknown issue because of the rarity of cardiac involvement in complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome patients. Primary myocardial involvement is increasingly recognized as a possible concomitant feature of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Failure to perform a detailed cardiac evaluation both at diagnosis and during follow-up in complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome patients can lead to fatal outcomes. Anti-complement therapy can also lead to good cardiac outcomes in these patients

    The Effect of Mammalian Sex Hormones on Polymorphism and Genomic Instability in the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Mammalian sex hormones are steroid-structured compounds that support the growth and development of plants at low concentrations. Since they affect the physiological processes in plants, it has been thought that mammalian sex hormones may cause modifications to plant genomes and epigenetics. This study aims to determine whether different mammalian sex hormones (17 β-estradiol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) in several concentrations (0, 10−4, 10−6, and 10−8 mM) affect genetic or epigenetic levels in bean plants, using in vitro tissue cultures from plumule explants. We investigated levels of DNA damage, changes in DNA methylation and DNA stability in common bean exposed to mammalian sex hormones (MSH) using inter-primer binding site (iPBS) and Coupled Restriction Enzyme Digestion-iPBS (CRED-iPBS) assays, respectively. The highest rate of polymorphism in iPBS profiles was observed when 10−4 mM of estrogen (52.2%) hormone was administered. This finding indicates that genetic stability is reduced. In the CRED-iPBS profile, which reveals the methylation level associated with the DNA cytosine nucleotide, 10−4 mM of estrogen hormone exhibited the highest hypermethylation value. Polymorphism was observed in all hormone administrations compared to the control (without hormone), and it was determined that genomic stability was decreased at high concentrations. Taken together, the results indicate that 17 β-estradiol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in bean plants affect genomic instability and cause epigenetic modifications, which is an important control mechanism in gene expression

    iPBS-Retrotransposon Markers in the Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Germplasm from Türkiye

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    Beans are legumes that play extremely important roles in human nutrition, serving as good sources of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In this study, we tried to elucidate the genetic diversity and population structure of 40 Turkish bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) local varieties and 5 commercial cultivars collected from 8 different locations in Erzurum-Ispir by using inter-primary binding site (iPBS) retrotransposon markers. For molecular characterization, the 26 most polymorphic iPBS primers were used; 52 bands per primer and 1350 bands in total were recorded. The mean polymorphism information content was 0.331. Various diversity indices, such as the mean effective allele number (0.706), mean Shannon’s information index (0.546), and gene diversity (0.361) revealed the presence of sufficient genetic diversity in the germplasm examined. Molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA) revealed that 67% of variation in bean germplasm was due to differences within populations. In addition, population structure analysis exposed all local and commercial bean varieties from five sub-populations. Expected heterozygosity values ranged between 0.1567 (the fourth sub-population) and 0.3210 (first sub-population), with an average value of 0.2103. In contrary, population differentiation measurement (Fst) was identified as 0.0062 for the first sub-population, 0.6372 for the fourth subpopulations. This is the first study to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of bean germplasm in Erzurum-Ispir region using the iPBS-retrotransposon marker system. Overall, the current results showed that iPBS markers could be used consistently to elucidate the genetic diversity of local and commercial bean varieties and potentially be included in future studies examining diversity in a larger collection of local and commercial bean varieties from different regions

    The Effect of Mammalian Sex Hormones on Polymorphism and Genomic Instability in the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Mammalian sex hormones are steroid-structured compounds that support the growth and development of plants at low concentrations. Since they affect the physiological processes in plants, it has been thought that mammalian sex hormones may cause modifications to plant genomes and epigenetics. This study aims to determine whether different mammalian sex hormones (17 β-estradiol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) in several concentrations (0, 10−4, 10−6, and 10−8 mM) affect genetic or epigenetic levels in bean plants, using in vitro tissue cultures from plumule explants. We investigated levels of DNA damage, changes in DNA methylation and DNA stability in common bean exposed to mammalian sex hormones (MSH) using inter-primer binding site (iPBS) and Coupled Restriction Enzyme Digestion-iPBS (CRED-iPBS) assays, respectively. The highest rate of polymorphism in iPBS profiles was observed when 10−4 mM of estrogen (52.2%) hormone was administered. This finding indicates that genetic stability is reduced. In the CRED-iPBS profile, which reveals the methylation level associated with the DNA cytosine nucleotide, 10−4 mM of estrogen hormone exhibited the highest hypermethylation value. Polymorphism was observed in all hormone administrations compared to the control (without hormone), and it was determined that genomic stability was decreased at high concentrations. Taken together, the results indicate that 17 β-estradiol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in bean plants affect genomic instability and cause epigenetic modifications, which is an important control mechanism in gene expression