114 research outputs found

    Bir Tekstil Sanayi Sevkiyat Bölümünde R’WOT Analizi Uygulaması

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    Kurumsal yapının bir takım kriterlere tabi tutularak incelenmesi teknikleri, modern iş yönetiminin \ud elinden düşmeyen araçlardır. Bu sayede o kurumun şu anki durumu, doğru işleyip işlemediği \ud kolaylıkla belirlenmiş olur. Bu tekniklerden biri olan "SWOT Analizi", firmanızın kurumsal işlerliği, \ud rekabet gücü, sektördeki konumu, piyasadaki dış tehditlerin varlığı vs. gibi iç ve dış \ud değerlendirmelerin yapılabildiği en etkili değerlendirme yöntemlerinden biridir. Ancak swot analizi \ud sonuçları sayısal kavramlarla ifade edilememektedir. Bu çalışmada Kayseri Organize Sanayi \ud Bölgesi’nde faaliyet gösteren bir tekstil üretim fabrikasına ait sevkiyat bölümünde R’wot Analizi \ud tekniği kullanılarak sevkiyat bölümüne ait mevcut durumun swot analizi sonuçları sayısal değerlerle \ud ortaya konulmuştur. Bu teknikte “Sıralama Tekniği” ve “Doğrusal Kombinasyon Tekniği” swot \ud çözümlemeleri ile bütünleştirilerek swot grupları ve her bir swot grubundaki swot faktörlerine ait \ud öncelikler sayısal değerlerle belirlenmiştir. Böylece en uygun stratejisinin seçilmesine yönelik sayısal \ud veriler elde edilmiştir

    Changes in wood properties of chestnut wood structural elements with natural aging

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    Knowing the effects of natural aging on wood properties is important both for the conservation of historical wooden material and for reuse of aged wood. The aim of this study was to investigate the wood properties of old wooden elements not impregnated with any protective chemicals and taken from different parts of Zeytinlik houses in Giresun, Turkey. Test samples were prepared from old wooden elements and freshly cut chestnut timber. The anatomical, chemical, physical and mechanical properties were determined according to standard procedure, and the results were compared with those of recent wood specimen. As a result of the anatomical identification, it was determined that the wooden elements used in traditional Zeytinlik houses belong to species of Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa), and after an average service life of 88, 113 and 120 years, there was no change in the anatomical structure of the old wooden elements. Fourier transform infrared band characterization of old wood specimens revealed that hemicelluloses degraded and lignin structure changed on the surface of almost all specimens. Especially, the wood density values of the facade elements were smaller than that of recent wood specimen. Except for the modulus of rupture of window sill and rafter, all mechanical properties were significantly greater compared with those of recent wood specimen. The results of this research showed that old wood not damaged by fungi and insects could be evaluated for reuse

    Nutritional Changes of Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Kernel Subjected to Aspergillus niger Solid-state Fermentation

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Aspergillus niger solid-state fermentation on main nutritional content of cherry (Prunus cerasus) kernel. Three Aspergillus niger strains (ATCC 52172, ATCC 200345, ATCC 9142) were used in this study. Cherry kernels were analyzed for crude protein (CP), total ash (TA), total fat (TF), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) before and after fermentation to see nutritional change. CP level of the sour cherry increased by 14.1% and reached up to 41.66% from 27.56%. Fungal fermentation changed also TA, TF, CF, NFE, NDF, ADF contents of cherry kernel. These results suggest that solid-state fermentation with Aspergillus niger can be used for utilization nutritional properties of cherry kernels to make having potential in animal nutrition

    Double Flip Technique for Graft Transfer in Autograft Pterygium Surgery

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    A 50-year-old man with recurrent pterygium and a 46-year-old woman with primary pterygium underwent surgery using a novel autograft transfer technique that facilitates autograft suturing and ensures correct graft orientation. After removing the pterygium, three edges of the autograft were cut. The autograft was flipped first over the uncut edge and secured to the superior margin of the recipient bed with two sutures. Afterward, the fourth side of the graft was cut and the second flip was done over the sutured edge. Thus, the autograft was in correct surface and side orientation and was sutured to the recipient bed. This simple technique provides both easy transfer and correct orientation of the graft in autograft pterygium surgery

    Turistlerin Destinasyon Kişiliği ve Kalite Algılarının Tekrar Gelme Eğilimleri Üzerindeki Etkileri: İspanya/Endülüs Bölgesi’nde Bir Araştırma

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı turistlerin destinasyon kişiliği ve destinasyon kalite algısının tekrar gelme eğilimleri üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Veriler anket tekniği ile elde edilmiştir. Ankette destinasyon kişiliği ölçeği, destinasyon kalitesi ölçeği ve tekrar gelme eğilimi ölçeklerine ait ifadeler yer almıştır. Anket İspanya/Endülüs bölgesine gelen turistlere, İspanyolca, İngilizce ve Türkçe dillerinde uygulanmıştır. Toplamda 327 kullanılabilir ankete ulaşılmıştır. AMOS paket programı ile doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve yapısal eşitlik modellemesi yapılarak istatistiksel sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda destinasyon kişiliği boyutlarından samimi boyutunun, destinasyon kalitesi boyutlarından ise fiyat ve otantiklik boyutunun turistlerin tekrar gelme eğilimleri üzerinde pozitif yönde etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Fakat eğlenceli ve heyecanlı destinasyon kişiliği boyutları ve konaklama, temizlik, gastronomi destinasyon kalitesi boyutlarının tekrar gelme eğilimi üzerinde etkili olmadığı tespit edilmiştir


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    In this study, we consider Tzitzeica curves (Tz-curves) in Euclidean 3-space E^3. We characterize such curves according to their curvatures. We show that there is no Tz-curve with constant curvatures (W-curves). We consider Salkowski (TC-curve) and Anti-Salkowski curves

    The health literacy level and eating behaviours of the teachers working at the city center of Eskisehir Turkey

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the level of Health Literacy of teachers who work at the city center of Eskisehir and to evaluate the relation with eating behaviors and some of possible related variables.Methods: This cross-sectional research study was conducted between 1st of March and 28th of April 2017 with the primary, secondary and high school teachers. Study group consists of 825 teachers who agreed to participate to the study. The Questionnaire form includes the socio-demographic variables of teachers, potential factors associated with the health literacy, Turkish Health Literacy Scale 32 (THLS-32) and The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire.Results: The mean age was 41.91±8.80 years ranging from 22 to 65 years. The median score of the general index of the THLS-32 was found to be as 32.81 and 52.1% of our study population were found to be above the median score. The participants showed a negative correlation between the scores of ‘emotional eating’,‘uncontrolled eating’ scale and THLS-32, positive correlation between ‘cognitive restraint’ eating scale THLS-32.Conclusions: The health literacy level of teachers is important because of effecting both themselves and students. The teachers and the health care providers should collaborate on the topic more and they should be encouraged to participate in health related programmes

    Development of a chemogenetic approach to manipulate intracellular pH

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    Chemogenetic Operation of iNTRacellular prOton Levels(pH-Control)is a novel substrate-based enzymatic method that enables precise spatiotemporalcontrol of ultralocal acidification in cultured cell lines and primaryneurons. The genetically encoded biosensor SypHer3s showed that pH-Controleffectively acidifies cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear pH exclusivelyin the presence of beta-chloro-d-alanine in living cellsin a concentration-dependent manner. The pH-Control approach is promisingfor investigating the ultralocal pH imbalance associated with manydiseases.CE254SWXHI ; NN254SWPZX ; CP254SWT2

    The Role of EREG, PTPN1, and SERPINB7 Genes in the Pathogenesis of Psoriasis: May SERPINB7 Be Protective and a Marker of Severity for Psoriasis?

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    Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatological disease with complex pathogenesis in which many immune system cells, including keratinocytes, play a role. Many genes regulate the proliferation of keratinocytes and other immune cells that have essential roles in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.The expressions of EREG, PTPN1, and SERPINB7 genes were shown as upregulated in psoriatic skins in a few studies previously. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the expressions of these genes in psoriatic lesional skin and com-pared them with non-lesional adjacent skin of the same patients and normal skin of healthy controls. Results: Our results revealed that the expressions of EREG and PTPN1 genes were upregulated,whereas the SERPINB7 gene expression was down regulated in the psoriatic skin of the patients than normal skin of controls. Moreover, the expression level of the SERPINB7 gene was also negatively correlated with the severity of the disease among patients. Conclusions: According to our results, overexpression of EREG and PTPN1 genes, and decreased expression of SERPINB7 gene may lead to the development of psoriasis

    Active shrinkage protects neurons following axonal transection

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    Trauma, vascular events, or neurodegenerative processes can lead to axonal injury and eventual transection (axotomy). Neurons can survive axotomy, yet the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Excessive water entry into injured neurons poses a particular risk due to swelling and subsequent death. Using in vitro and in vivo neurotrauma model systems based on laser transection and surgical nerve cut, we demonstrated that axotomy triggers actomyosin contraction coupled with calpain activity. As a consequence, neurons shrink acutely to force water out through aquaporin channels preventing swelling and bursting. Inhibiting shrinkage increased the probability of neuronal cell death by about 3-fold. These studies reveal a previously unrecognized cytoprotective response mechanism to neurotrauma and offer a fresh perspective on pathophysiological processes in the nervous system.Yüzüncü Yıl Universit