197 research outputs found

    Batı Anadolu’da genişleme alanı tipi jeotermal ortamın varlığına dair yapısal veriler: Afyon-Akşehir grabeni’nden örnek bir çalışma

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    Afyon-Akşehir Graben (AAG) which consists of the southeastern part of Akşehir-Simav Fault System (ASFS) is one of the active depression areas in Western Anatolia. The western sector of the NW-SEtrending AAG is controlled by many active normal fault segments, namely Erkmen, Gecek, and Gazlıgöl Faults. Two main geothermal fields namely, Ömer-Gecek and Gazlıgöl contain reservoirs of fluid with temperatures up to 130° C, are located on the junction points of Gecek-Erkmen faults and GazlıgölYarımca faults, respectively. The area contains three unconformity bounded geological units; Mesozoic rocks of the Afyon Metamorphic Zone (reservoir unit), Miocene volcano-sedimentary succession (cover unit), including several sedimentary and volcanic units and Quaternary modern basin-fills of alluvial, fluvial and travertine deposits. This study involves use of geological mapping and structural geology methods to identify play type of geothermal fields mentioned above. Paleostress inversion analysis based on basin-bounding active faults and active extensional cracks along the travertine depositsshows that the AAG has been deformed under the control of multidirectional extension, with E-W and NE-SW to NW-SE orientations since Plio-Quaternary time. These types of extension are directly related with the linkage of cross faults that oriented at high-angle to the strike of NW-SE-trending major breakaway fault of AAG. Field-based studies also reveals that geothermal fields in AAG develops on the interactions of these active faults on the extensional domain type geothermal play without active volcanism coming to the surface.Akşehir-Simav Fay Sistemi’nin güneydoğu bölümünü temsil eden Afyon-Akşehir Grabeni (AAG), Batı Anadolu’daki aktif çöküntü alanlarından birisidir. KB-GD uzanımı AAG’nin batı bölümü Erkmen, Gecek, Gazlıgöl gibi diri normal faylar ile kontrol edilmektedir. 130° C’ye varan rezervuar su sıcaklıkları ile bu bölgedeki en önemli jeotermal sahalar olan Ömer-Gecek ve Gazlıgöl Jeotermal sahaları sırasıyla Gecek ve Erkmen Fayları ile Gazlıgöl ve Yarımca faylarının kesişim alanlarında yer almaktadır. Bölgede yüzlek veren jeolojik birimler, birbirlerinden uyumsuzlukla ayrılan Afyon Metamorfik Zonu’na ait Mesozoyik kayaçlar (rezervuar birim), Miyosen yaşlı volkano-sedimanter ve volkanik birimler (örtü birimi) ile Kuvaterner yaşlı alüvyal-flüvyal ve travertenlerden oluşan modern havza dolgularından oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma, yukarıda bahsedilen jeotermal sahaların ortam tipini, jeolojik haritalama ve yapısal jeoloji gibi saha çalışmalarını içeren metodlar kullanılarak tanımlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Havzayı sınırlayan fay düzlemleri üzerinde yapılan paleostres analizleri ve faylar üzerinde ölçülen güncel açılma çatlakları, AAG’nin Pliyo-Kuvaterner’den beri, D-B ve KD-GB’dan KB-GD yönüne kadar değişiklik gösteren çok yönlü genişlemeli tektonizma etkisinde şekillendiğine işaret etmektedir. Genişleme tipi, AAG’nin KB-GD uzanımlı ana graben fayı ile bu faya yüksek açılı uzanan çapraz fayların bağlantıları ile ilişkilidir. Arazi bazlı çalışmalar, AAG içerisindeki jeotermal sahaların yüzeye gelmiş aktif volkanizma olmaksızın diri fayların kesişim noktalarında gelişen genişleme alanı tipi jeotermal ortamlara işaret ettiğini göstermektedir

    Clustering Students Based on Gamification User Types and Learning Styles

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    The aim of this study is clustering students according to their gamification user types and learning styles with the purpose of providing instructors with a new perspective of grouping students in case of clustering which cannot be done by hand when there are multiple scales in data. The data used consists of 251 students who were enrolled at a Turkish state university. When grouping students, K-means algorithm has been utilized as clustering algorithm. As for determining the gamification user types and learning styles of students, Gamification User Type Hexad Scale and Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scale have been used respectively. Silhouette coefficient is utilized as clustering quality measure. After fitting the algorithm in several ways, highest Silhouette coefficient obtained was 0.12 meaning that results are neutral but not satisfactory. All the statistical operations and data visualizations were made using Python programming language.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Про необхідність використання іноземного досвіду мікрострахування та гарантування кредитів малому підприємству в Україні

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    У статті йдеться про світовий досвід використання гарантійних установ для підтримки малого підприємництва. Проаналізовано основні параметри діяльності фондів гарантування кредитів та інститутів мікрострахування. Визначено можливості впровадження схем гарантування та мікрострахування підприємств малого бізнесу в Україні. Ключові слова: кредит, фінансування, підприємництво, малий бізнес, гарантія, фонд, банківська система, страхування, забезпечення, мікрострахування.В статье исследован мировой опыт использования гарантийных учреждений для поддержки малого предпринимательства. Проанализированы основные параметры деятельности фондов гарантирования кредитов и институтов микрострахования. Определены возможности внедрения схем гарантирования и микрострахование предприятий малого бизнеса в Украине. Ключевые слова: кредит, финансирование, предпринимательство, малый бизнес, гарантия, фонд, банковская система, страхование, обеспечение, микрострахование.In the article research of world experience of the use of guarantee establishments is conducted for support of small enterprise. The basic parameters of activity of funds of guaranteeing of credits are analysed and institutes of mikroinsurance. Possibilities of introduction of charts of guaranteeing are certain and mikroinsurance of enterprises of small business in Ukraine. Key words: credit, finance, entrepreneurship, small business, the guarantee fund, banking, insurance, security, micro-insurance

    Organik Rankine Çevrimi Prensibi ile Düşük Sıcaklıktaki Kaynaklardan Elektrik Üretim Uygulamaları

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    Düşük sıcaklıklardaki kaynaklardan elektrik üretmek için en etkili yollardan biri Organik Rankine Çevrimidir. Organik Rankine Çevrimi dünya genelinde birçok yerde kullanılmasına rağmen ülkemiz için yeni sayılabilecek bir araştırma konusudur. Yapılan bu çalışmada Organik Rankine Çevriminin çalışma prensibi anlatılmış ve literatürde sık rastlanan sistemler ile ilgili bilgi verilmiştir. Ayrıca sistemlerinin kullanım alanları hakkında kapsamlı bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, ülkemizde kullanılabilecek ORÇ sistemleri hakkında önerilerde bulunulmuştur

    Determination of periodic deformation from InSAR results using the FFT time series analysis method in Gediz Graben

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    Permanent Scatterers (PS) point velocities obtained by the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) method are generally determined using the linear regression model, which ignores periodic and seasonal effects. In this study, software was developed that can detect periodic effects by applying fast Fourier transformation (FFT) time series analysis to InSAR results. Using the FFT time series analysis, the periodic components of the surface movements at the PS points were determined, and then the annual velocity values free from periodic effects were obtained. The study area was chosen as the Gediz Graben, a tectonically active region where aseismic surface deformations have been observed in recent years. As a result, using the developed method, seasonal effects were successfully determined with the InSAR method at the PS points in the study area with a period of 384 days and an average amplitude of 19 mm. In addition, groundwater level changes of a water well in the region were modeled, and 0.93 correlation coefficient values were calculated between seasonal InSAR displacement values and water level changes. Thus, using the developed methodology, the relationship between the tectonic movement in the Gediz Graben in Turkey and the seasonal movements and the change in the groundwater level was determined

    Seismic history of western Anatolia during the last 16 kyr determined by cosmogenic 36Cl dating.

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    Western Anatolia is one of the most seismically active regions worldwide. To date, the paleoseismic history of many major faults, in terms of recurrence intervals of destructive earthquakes, their magnitude, displacement, and slip rates is poorly understood. Regional crustal extension has produced major horst-graben systems bounded by kilometer-scale normal faults locally in carbonates, along which vertical crustal displacements occurred. In this study, we explore the seismic history of western Anatolia using 36Cl exposure dating through study of well-preserved carbonate normal fault scarps. To accomplish this, 36Cl concentrations in 214 samples from fault plane transects on the Rahmiye and Ören fault scarps were measured and compared with existing 36Cl measurements of 370 samples on five fault scraps in western Anatolia. At least 20 seismic events have been reconstructed over the past 16 kyr. The age correlation of the seismic events implies four phases of high seismic activity in western Anatolia, at around 2, 4, 6, and 8 ka. Slips are modeled ranging between 0.6 to 4.2 m per seismic event, but are probably the result of clustered earthquakes of maximum magnitude 6.5 to 7.1. While the average slip rates have values of 0.3 to 1.9 mm/yr, incremental slip rates of the faults range greater than 0.1 to 2.2 mm/yr, showing more activity mostly through late Holocene. Our finding reveals high capability of cosmogenic 36Cl dating to explore seismic behavior of active faults beyond the existing earthquake records. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s00015-022-00408-x

    Determination of co-seismic deformation with GNSS measurements after (Mw=6.0, 08.08.2019) Bozkurt (Denizli) earthquake

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    08.08.2019 tarihinde, Denizli iline bağlı Bozkurt ilçesinde Mw:6.0 (AFAD) büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana gelmiştir. 8 km derinde meydana gelen depremin dış merkezi, yaklaşık 50 km uzunluğundaki KD-GB uzanımlı Acıgöl Grabeni üzerinde yer almaktadır. Depreme ait ana şok ve artçı sarsıntıların dağılımları, derinlik ve odak mekanizma çözümleri gibi sismolojik veriler ile bölgenin aktif tektonik yapısı ve diri fay karakteristikleri beraber değerlendirildiğinde, depreme kaynaklık eden fayın, grabenin güneydoğu kenarını sınırlayan DKD-BGB uzanımlı ve kuzeybatıya eğimli Gemiş Fayı olduğu gözlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, bölgede yer alan sürekli ve kampanya tipi noktalardan oluşan 21 noktalı GNSS ağında gerçekleştirilen geçmiş yıllardaki ölçülerle (deprem öncesi) bölgenin hız alanı belirlenmiş ve elde edilen hız alanı yardımıyla iki boyutlu gerinim analizi yapılmıştır. Gerinim analizinde en büyük gerinimin deprem merkez üssüne en yakın noktada olduğu ve gerinim ile deprem çözümlerinin uyum içinde olduğu görülmüştür. Geçmiş yıllardaki ölçüler (deprem öncesi) ve 2019 yılı (deprem sonrası) ölçüleri kullanılarak, ko-sismik deformasyonlar (yüzey yer değiştirmeleri) belirlenmiştir. Deprem sonrası bölgede meydana gelen deformasyonların kuzey bileşenleri için -7.3 ile 7.5 mm arasında değişim gösterirken, doğu bileşenleri için -4.6 ile 11.6 mm arasında değişim göstermektedir.An earthquake of Mw: 6.0 (AFAD) occurred on 08.08.2019 in Bozkurt district of Denizli province. The hypocenter of the which has depth of 8 km earthquake is located on the NE-SW trending and approximately 50 km long Acıgöl Graben. When the seismological data are evaluated, such as the distribution of the main shock and aftershocks belonging to the earthquake, depth and focal mechanism solutions and the region of active tectonic structure and faults, it is observed was caused of the earthquake by Gemiş fault which is ENE-WSW trending and northwest dipping is bounded southeast edge of Acıgöl graben. In this study, the velocity field of the region was determined by a GNSS network which is consisting of 21 sites and was performed GNSS measurements in the previous years (before the earthquake). With the help of the obtained velocities, it was performed two-dimensional strain analysis. When the strain analysis is examined, it was seen that the largest strain accumulation was at the closest sites to the earthquake epicenter and the strain field and earthquake solutions were in harmony. Using the GNSS measurements performed in the previous years (before the earthquake) and measurements in 2019, the coseismic deformations (surface displacements) were calculated. When the displacements occurred after the earthquake were examined, it was seen that vary between -7.3 and 7.5 mm for the north, it varies between -4.6 and 11.6 mm for the east

    Irreversibility analysis of vapor compressed refrigeration system

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    Bu çalışmada, buhar sıkıştırmalı soğutma sisteminde kondenser ve evaporatörün Termodinamiğin II. Kanunu'na göre analizi yapılmıştır. Soğutma gücü 2 kW alınarak sistemin her bir elemanının (kondenser, evaporator, genleşme valfı, kompresör) tersinmezlik incelenmesi yapılarak tüm sistemin toplam tersinmezliği hesaplanmıştır. Kondenser ve evaporator olarak paralel aynı yönlü akımlı eşanjör seçilerek soğutucu akışkan R-22 için tersinmezlik eşitliği çıkarılmıştır. Toplam tersinmezliğin kondenser sıcaklığına, evaporator sıcaklığına ve kompresör verimine göre değişimi incelenmiştir.In this study, condenser and evaporator in a vapour compressed refrigeration system are analysed from the second law of thermodynamics point of view. The irreversibility of whole system which has refrigerating power 2 kW is calculated by determining irreversibility of each component (condenser, evaporator, expansion valve, compressor). Having chosen condenser and evaporator which are parallel same flow exchanger, the equations of irreversibility are carried out for refrigerant R-22. The variation of total irreversibility is determined according to condenser, evaporator and compressor efficiency

    Theoretical and experimental investigation of a hot box-type solar cooker performance

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    A box-type solar cooker with three reflectors hinged at the top of the cooker was used for the experimental data and a mathematical model. Energy-balance equations were applied to components of the cooker such as absorber plate, cooking vessel, cooking fluid, enclosure air inside the cooker, and glass cover. Then, Cramer's rule was used to solve the equations and build the models. The actual temperature distribution in Karabuk, Turkey recorded on a typical summer day was also calculated by computer simulation using the suggested model. The predicted temperatures agreed with measurements under transient conditions within about 3.2 °C for absorber plate, until the boiling point of water was reached, to +1.8 °C for enclosure air, and within ±2.5 °C for cooking fluid. Good agreement between experimental and theoretical results was observed. © IMechE 2007

    The relationship between political interest and out-group attitudes

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    This thesis investigates the effect of political interest on out-group attitudes as conditioned by media. Another topic this thesis examines is whether political interest can be taken as a proxy for political sophistication. The literature on the issue argues that more educated individuals from higher socio-economic backgrounds are more positive toward an out-group and biased media is detrimental to healthy inter-group relations. The analyses provide support for the main hypothesis that politically interested individuals are more positive towards immigrants and minority members. Political knowledge and political sophistication, taken as a combination of political interest, knowledge, and education, show similar effects. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the media environment mediates this relationship. When there is high media freedom, political sophistication has a positive effect, and when there is low media freedom this effect becomes negative. Furthermore, this thesis also aims to examine how individuals form their attitudes towards out-group members in restricted media environments and Turkey is an example of such a case due to commercialization, tabloidization, and press-party parallelism in its media environment. The empirical analyses suggest that political interest or knowledge alone does not affect Turkish citizens’ attitudes towards out-group members. However, when media consumption is taken as a moderator, the analyses show that individuals who are sophisticated and who consume high levels of media have more positive attitudes towards out-group members. Another finding of this thesis is that retrospective economic evaluations and satisfaction with democracy are also important determinants of out-group attitudes