101 research outputs found

    Nursing Students’ Communication Skills and Styles of Coping with Stress: A Public University Case

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    Aim: This study was conducted to identify nursing students’ communication skills and styles of coping with stress. Methods: A total of 922 nursing students participated in the study, which was designed as cross-sectional research. The data were collected using the Sociodemographic Characteristics Data Form, the Communication Skills Scale (CSS) and the Stress-Coping Styles Scale (SCSS) in 2017. Higher scores from the CSS and the SCSS indicated higher levels of communication skills and stress-coping methods. The data were analysed using SPSS for Windows (version 18.0). Results: The total score from the CSS was 124.09 ± 14.94 (min. 45, max. 225). The average of the total CSS scores of the nursing students was found to be low (124.09 ± 14.94). Out of the sub-scales of the SCSS, the highest score was for the Self-Confident sub-scale (19.87 ± 3.18) and the lowest score average was for the Seeking Social Support sub-scale (7.81 ± 2.25). Conclusion: The curricula should be developed in manner that ensures the effective development of nursing students’ communication skills which will help them solve their social and psychological problems

    A News Chain Evaluation Methodology along with a Lattice-based Approach for News Chain Construction

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    Chain construction is an important requirement for understanding news and establishing the context. A news chain can be defined as a coherent set of articles that explains an event or a story. There's a lack of well-established methods in this area. In this work, we propose a methodology to evaluate the "goodness" of a given news chain and implement a concept lattice-based news chain construction method by Hossain et al.. The methodology part is vital as it directly affects the growth of research in this area. Our proposed methodology consists of collected news chains from different studies and two "goodness" metrics, minedge and dispersion coefficient respectively. We assess the utility of the lattice-based news chain construction method by our proposed methodology

    Tarım Arazilerinde Harcanan Su Miktarını Yapay Zekù Teknikleri Kullanarak Belirlenmesi1

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    Ülkemizde ve dĂŒnyada en önemli problemlerden birisi de su problemidir. Su tĂŒketiminin en çok olduğu alanlar arasında tarım sektörĂŒ gelmektedir. Tarımda sulamada kullanılan önemli yöntemlerden birisi de damla sulama yöntemidir. Damlama sulama sisteminde bitkilerin kökĂŒne su vererek bĂŒyĂŒmesi sağlanarak daha az su tĂŒketilmesi sağlanmaktadır. Ayrıca önemli noktalardan birisi de her bitkinin su ihtiyacının farklı olmasıdır. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmada örnek bölgelerden ve açık eriƟimli internet sitelerinden toplanan Ä°l, ilçe, bitkinin tĂŒrĂŒ gibi veriler Ä±ĆŸÄ±ÄŸÄ±nda tespit edilen su harcama miktarına göre veri seti oluƟturulmuƟtur. Elde edilen veri seti ĂŒzerinde farklı yapay zekĂą algoritmaları kullanılarak harcanan su miktarı tahmin edilmeye çalÄ±ĆŸÄ±lmÄ±ĆŸtır. En doğru sonucu veren yapay zekĂą modeli için ara yĂŒz programı hazırlanarak kullanıcının ara yĂŒz programından girmiƟ olduğu değerlere göre en doğru su harcama miktarını veren ve sonucu ekranda görĂŒntĂŒleyen bir sistem oluƟturulmuƟtur

    Assessment of Centella Asiatica Extract Containing Dual-crosslinked Gel-MA/Pec Hydrogels as Wound Dressing

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    In the present work, 3D-printed wound dressings containing different amounts of Centella Asiatica extract were synthesized via dual-crosslinking method. Methacrylic anhydride modified gelatin (Gel-MA) and pectin (Pec) were chosen as the base material for dressings. A dual crosslinked network was formed with Gel-MA photo-crosslinking using Irgacure 2959 and Pectin (Pec) psychical-crosslinking using Ca++ ions. Meanwhile, the developed dual-crosslinked hydrogel dressings were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and mechanical, swelling, in vitro degradation as well as ex vivo bioadhesion tests. It has been observed that the preapred dressings provide good bioadhesion on the chicken skin. Moreover, MTT assay revealed cell viability of Gel-MA/Pec hydrogel dressings containing Centella Asiatica extract. The results presented the dressings as a promising biomaterial to be used for wound healing purposes, which should be further investigated in future

    Kontroll av multipla autonoma ytfarkoster för djupmÀtning och utforskning av grunda vatten

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    Mapping is an enabler for further actions. With the map of an area available, it is possible to plan ahead. Maps of landmasses and heavily used deep waters have been produced and are in use but many shallow waters have been largely unmapped. This thesis proposes and examines two methods of control to produce depth maps of shallow waters using multiple autonomous surface vehicles. Assumptions about the environment are kept to a minimum and agents are expected to explore and map inside a given polygonal boundary. Gaussian process regression is used to guide the agents to areas with large uncertainty. A group of autonomous surface vehicles are used for experimental evaluation. Existing works in this area are compared with the method proposed in this thesis to evaluate map quality and time needed to create the map. Results show that one of the proposed methods is best suited for fast and raw map generation while the other strikes a good balance between accuracy and speed.Att ha tillgÄng till en karta över ett omrÄde Àr en förutsÀttning för mÄnga olika aktiviteter, och dÀrför har det skapats allt mer exakta kartor över de flesta landomrÄden. För hav och sjöar har man skapat mer ungefÀrliga djupkartor för att undvika grundstötningar för sjöfart. Grundare omrÄden har dÀremot ofta undvikits av stora djupmÀtningsfartyg, och Àr dÀrför i hög grad okarterade.I denna rapport föreslÄs och analyseras en metod för att kartera djupet i grunda omrÄden med hjÀlp av en grupp autonoma ytfarkoster. Givet en polygon inom vilken man vill ha botten karterad skall gruppen autonomt söka av omrÄdet med fÄ ytterligare antaganden. Gaussiska processer anvÀnds för att styra farkosterna mot omrÄden med stora mÀtosÀkerheter, och algoritmen utvÀrderas i riktiga experiment.Resultaten jÀmförs med befintliga metoders prestanda, med avseende pÄ kartkvalitet och tid för kartering. Resultaten visar att en av de föreslagna metoderna Àr snabb men mindre noggrann, medan den andra ger en bÀttre avvÀgning mellan kvalitet och uppdragstid

    Multi-Agent Mission Planning and Execution for Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Our planet is mostly covered in water, most of it still unexplored.In order to understand our environment better, oceanographers have been mapping and monitoring these waters using ship-mounted sensors and wired vehicles with limited range compared to the vastness of the oceans.The limited range and dependence on manned support vehicles has kept missions expensive and infrequent.To solve this problem, the sensors need to become independent of support vehicles, they need to venture into completely unexplored, unmapped regions of the seas by themselves and safely return with the data.This is where autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) have started to make a difference.In this thesis we investigate how multiple small AUVs can be utilized to efficiently and accurately sense very large volumes of water. Water absorbs electromagnetic radiation, meaning satellite-based global positioning systems (we will use GPS to refer to any such system), wide-angle cameras and radio communications are infeasible.These constraints ultimately result in uncertain localization of  the vehicles.Furthermore, the vehicles are under constant disturbances from the water currents, fish and bio-fouling, which result in the dynamics of the vehicles being uncertain or even changing during the mission. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the large-scale sensing problem under localization uncertainties by examining the caging and coverage problems.In the coverage problem, each AUV is uncertain about its exact position while tasked with sensing a stationary area.We show that we can still guarantee complete coverage and formulate the efficiency characteristics of different approaches.Furthermore, we show that when the vehicles are equipped with sensors and low-bandwidth communication methods, we can increase the effective range of a team of AUVs considerably by utilizing loop-closures over shared pose-graphs. In the caging problem, the localization uncertainty is focused on the entity that is being caged, its location is unknown but bounded.We show that through a combination of algorithms, the caging problem can be solved and a solution can be guaranteed, while simultaneously producing a list of specifications for the mission. In the second part, we focus on the individuals of the team and what they need to do in order for the team of AUVs to succeed.First, we identify that when there is a team of cooperative vehicles working together, conflicting goals rise.Each vehicle needs to pick between satisfying its own constraints and the constraints that come from being in a team. We propose a solution to this problem through a combination of Control Barrier Function (CBF) and Behavior Trees (BT).Secondly, we examine the possibility that a vehicle might undergo physical changes, like a broken thruster, that result in the vehicle being unable to complete the entire mission.Even in such a scenario, if the broken vehicle can still move to contact a normal one, the rest of the team can compensate through re-planning and the overall mission can still be completed.To do so, the broken vehicle must compensate for the change until a rendezvous.We propose a data-driven pipeline that can detect and plan around such a physical change within some bounds.VÄr planet Àr till största delen tÀckt av sjöar och hav, och en stor del av dessa Àr fortfarande outforskade. För att bÀttre förstÄ vÄr omvÀrld har oceanografer undersökt sjöar och hav med sensorer som antingen varit fast monterade pÄ stora bemannade fartyg, eller pÄ undervattensfarkoster som styrtsvia kablar frÄn sÄdana fartyg. Detta beroende av fartyg har gjort uppdragen dyra och dÀrför Àven fÄ. För att lösa detta problem mÄste sensorplattformarna göras oberoende av kablar och bemannade fartyg, och ges förmÄga att pÄ egen hand bege sig in i outforskade omrÄden och sedan komma tillbaka igen med ny information. SÄdana sensorplattformar kallas AUV, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, och i denna avhandling undersöker vi hur en grupp AUV:erkan anvÀndas för att söka av stora vattenvolymer pÄ egen hand. UndervattensdomÀnen Àr förknippad med ett antal unika problem. Vatten absorberar elektromagnetisk strÄlning, vilket gör satellitnavigering (t.ex.GPS) och radiokommunikation oanvÀndbart i praktiken, vilket i sin tur leder till att det Àr svÄrt att bestÀmma sin egen position under vattnet. Vidare gör strömmar, vattendjur och s.k. biofouling (att t.ex. alger och smÄdjur vÀxer dÀr man inte vill ha dem) att en farkosts dynamik kan Àndras över tid i vattnet. I denna avhandlings första del studerar vi storskalig övervakning under positionsosÀkerheter i form av instÀngnings- (caging) och yttÀcknings-problem(coverage). I yttÀckningsproblemet skall UAV:n söka av en given yta, samtidigt som UAV:n Àr osÀker pÄ sin egen position. Vi visar att det trots detta Àr möjligt att garantera total tÀckning av ytan, och beskriver hur effektiva olika sökmönster Àr för denna uppgift. Vidare visar vi hur en grupp av UAV:er utrustade med sensorer och akustiska modem med lÄg bandbredd kan lösadenna uppgift mer effektivt Àn enskilda UAV:er, genom s.k. loop closures och delande av tillstÄndsgrafer. I instÀngningsproblemet gÀller positionsosÀkerheten istÀllet en inkrÀktare, t.ex. en fientlig ubÄt, vars position Àr kÀnd pÄ ett ungefÀr, men inte exakt. Vi visar att man kan bestÀmma positionen exakt genom en kombination av algoritmer som först stÀnger in inkrÀktaren och sedan gradvis krymper den volym den kan uppehÄlla sig i. Vi berÀknar ocksÄ vilka prestanda systemet mÄste uppfylla för att kunna garantera instÀngning. I avhandlingens andra del fokuserar vi pÄ de enskilda AUV:erna, och vad de mÄste göra för att hela gruppen skall lyckas med sitt uppdrag. Först noterar vi att nÀr en grupp samarbetar sÄ kommer det att uppstÄ mÄlkonflikter. Vid vissa tidpunkter kommer individer att tvingas vÀlja mellan egna mÄl, som t.ex. att inte fÄ slut pÄ batteri, och gruppens mÄl, som t.ex. att tÀcka av ett omrÄde. Vi föreslÄr en lösning till detta problem som bygger pÄ kombinationen av s.k. Control Barrier Functions (CBF) och BeteendetrÀd (BT). Sedan undersöker vi fallet dÄ en AUV pÄverkas av förÀndringar, sÄ som en skadad propeller, som gör att den inte kan fullgöra den ursprungliga uppgiften. I ett sÄdant scenario vill man att den skadade farkosten skall försöka ta sig till en punkt dÀr den kan kontakta resten av gruppen, sÄ att de kan kompensera bortfallet. Vi föreslÄr en data-driven metod för som kan upptÀcka och hantera vissa typer av sÄdana fel.QC 20230109</p
