5 research outputs found

    Tuz Gölü'nden izole edilmiş halobacterium salinarium suşunun biyokimyasal ve genetik karakterizasyonu.

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    In this study, a halophilic archaea Halobacterium salinarium TG13 which is isolated from Tuz Lake in Central Anatolia was characterized biochemically and genetically. Halobacterium salinarium DSM3754 and Halobacterium salinarium S9 strains were used as a reference strain through the experiments. In biochemical characterization; total protein profiles of strains was compared by using 1D SDS PAGE. Total protein profile of the isolated strain has shown differences. The SDS-PAGE profile of the purified purple membrane showed only single band by coomassie staining. Molecular weight and pI values of the protein isolated from Halobacterium salinarium TG13 and Halobacterium salinarium S9 were estimated by 2D SDS-PAGE as 22 kD and 5.4, respectively. Photoactivity of purple membrane of the strains was investigated. pH change of the purple membranes were observed upon illumination. This protein might be corresponded to bacteriorhodopsin. In genetical characterization; polymorphism of genomic DNA of strains was scanned with RAPD-PCR. Plasmid DNA profiles of strains was determined to make use of RFLP technique. RAPD-PCR and RFLP analyses have shown that Halobacterium salinarium TG13 is different strain from reference Halobacterium salinarium strains (H.s. S9 and H.s. DSM3754).M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Prismotherapy in opthalmology [Oftalmolojide prizmalarla tedavi uygulamaları]

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    Thanks to their optical peculiarities, prisms could be used to correct diplopia by realigning the visual axis. Though they can not generally achieve a cure, the prisms often correct the symptoms such as diplopia and abnormal head posture which can be very disturbing for patients. Recently, it has been shown that oblique peripheral prisms improved responses of people with homonymous hemianopia to blind spot hazards when driving. Prisms may also be used to expand visual field in the patients with tubular vision due to retinitis pigmentosa etc. In this paper, we reviewed the prismotherapy, its indications and contraindications. © 2015, Logos Medical Publishing. All rights reserved

    Turkish Contribution to Ophthalmic Literature From 1990 to 2013

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    Objectives: To investigate the frequency and distribution of ophthalmic articles with Turkish origin on Pubmed search engine and to compare these data with those of the world’s leading countries in that field. Materials and Methods: Using the words “ophthalmology” and “Turkey”, an online retrospective search was conducted on Pubmed for the period from 1990 to 2013. Additionally, same search was performed for each ophthalmic journal indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) (n=56) and not indexed in SCI-E (n=8), separately. The articles were divided into two groups (research articles and the other articles as case reports, letters, correspondence, editorials and reviews). Results: A total of 5044 articles in the area of ophthalmology were from Turkey in that period. The United States of America, Japan, and Germany had the maximum number of published articles (25%, 6.8%, and 4.9% of all, respectively). There were 3334 articles on ophthalmic journals. 2822 articles were published in SCI-E journals and of those, 2321 were research articles and 501 were other types of articles. Three SCI-E indexed ophthalmic journals which mostly published Turkish articles are the European Journal of Ophthalmology, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and the Ophthalmologica (361, 183, and 152, respectively). Conclusion: In this period, the rate of the published ophthalmic articles originated from Turkey was 1.5%. We observed that the number of Turkish ophthalmic articles has been increasing gradually. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2014; 44: 465-70