161 research outputs found

    Anılarda Azra Erhat

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 104-Azra Erhat. Not: Gazetenin "Arada Bir" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.Unutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Sakallı Celal

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 53-Sakallı Celal-Sakallı Rıfa

    Yaşar Kemal'e sesleniş

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 35-Yaşar Kemal Göğceli. Not: Gazetenin "Arada Bir" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır

    Analyzing Exchange Market Pressure Dynamics with Markov Regime Switching: The Case of Turkey

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    This study analyzes the dynamics of exchange market pressure in Turkey by employing the Markov regime switching model for the period from January 2006 to December 2019. Our findings show that there are two regimes in the foreign exchange market, characterized as low- and high-pressure periods. The domination of the high-pressure regime in the sample period indicates that depreciation pressure prevails in the Turkish foreign exchange market. During this regime, the pressure is aggravated by the rising inflation, credit growth, and VIX, and the falling of short-term external debt. Thus, in the presence of capital flows, the preferences of policy authorities regarding price stability and growth determine the course of the pressure. When these policy choices favor credit-driven growth, depreciation pressure in the foreign exchange market is exacerbated through the current account deficit

    A simple heart valve replacement technique which improves surgical time

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    Aim of the study: Different heart valve replacement techniques have been described in the literature. In the present study, a simple and very fast heart valve replacement technique is presented. Material and methods: In a two-year period, 87 patients with the diagnosis of mitral valve disease, aortic valve disease or combined valve disease underwent valve replacement performed by the same surgeon. In this technique, the valve was implanted with the valve clamped to the surgical dressing without the assistant holding it. Patients with coexisting surgical pathologies were excluded from the study. A control group was created among the patients who were operated on during the same time period by different surgeons with the assistant holding the prosthesis. Control group operations were done by conventional valve holding and suturing techniques. Results: Mean age of the patients was 61.6 ± 3.2 years. Mitral valve replacement (MVR) was done to 51 patients, aortic valve replacement (AVR) to 12 patients and both aortic and MVR to 24 patients. Aortic cross clamp duration was 30.7 ± 3.3 min for MVR, 34.8 ± 6.2 min for AVR and 69.1 ± 6.1 min for both valve replacements. Aortic clamping durations were significantly higher in the conventional implantation technique. Discussion: The described technique has many advantages such as short myocardial ischemia duration, better exposure of the surgical field and facilitation of assistance. © 2014 Termedia Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved

    Use of external valvular stenting on isolated saphenofemoral junction incompetence: report of 3 cases

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    Izole safenofemoral bileske yetmezligi özellikle genç olgularda sık olarak karsılasılan ve ilgili alt ekstremitelerde basta agrı ve ödem olmak üzere rahatsız edici semptomlara neden olabilen klinik bir antitedir. Bu bölgedeki terminal kapakçık üzerine implante edilen silikon ile kuvvetlendirilmis dacrondan olusan valvüler stentlerin uygulanması ile semptomlar azaltılabilir ve nüks önlenebilir. Yirmili yaslardaki semptomatik üç olguda venöz doppler ultrasonografi ile safenofemoral bileske seviyesinde anlamlı reflü tespit edilmis, venöz sınıflama sistemleri kullanılarak degerlendirilmis ve olguların safenofemoral bileskelerine eksternal valvüler stent implantasyonu yapılmıstır. Olguların tümünde erken postoperatif dönemde asikâr klinik iyilesme olusmus ve semptomlar kaybolmustur. Altıncı ay kontrolünde olgular asemptomatik olarak degerlendirilmis ve yapılan venöz doppler ultrasonografilerinde patolojiye rastlanmamıstır. Bu dönemde aynı venöz sınıflama sistemleri ile tekrar degerlendirilmis ve tüm olguların evre ve skorlarında gerileme tespit edilmistir. Sonuç olarak, safenofemoral bileske bölgesindeki izole kapak yetmezligi ve reflü mevcudiyetinde diger metotlara nazaran daha az invaziv olan eksternal valvüler stent implantasyonu ile etkili rekonstrüksiyon saglanabilmektedir.Isolated saphenofemoral junction incompetence is a clinical entity encountered most often in young cases and led to irritating symptoms mainly such as pain and swelling in related extremities. The symptoms can be reduced and the recurrence can be avoided by implanting valvular stents made of dacron reinforced silicon on the terminal valve in this region. Significant reflux in saphenofemoral junction was observed in three symptomatic cases in their twenties through venous doppler ultrasonography. They were staged by using venous classification systems, and external valvular stents were implanted to the saphenofemoral junctions of the cases. In all of the cases, an obvious clinical recovery was realized in the early postoperative period and the symptoms disappeared. During the control visit in 6 month, the cases were evaluated as asymptomatic, and there was no pathology in the venous doppler ultrasonography. Then, all of the cases were reevaluated by using same venous classification systems and downstaging was observed. As a result, external valvular stent implantation which is less invasive compared to other methods may provide an effective reconstruction in the existence of isolated valvular incompetence and reflux in saphenofemoral junctio

    Simple left atrial reduction in giant left atrium accompanying mitral stenosis

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    A patient with giant left atrium due to rheumatic mitral valve disease with spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in the giant left atrium is presented in this case report. The left atrial diameter reduction from dimensions of 118 × 104 mm to 80 × 77 mm was attained by excision of two-centimeter wide strips of left atrium on both sides by widely plicating the left atrial appendage from the inside with running polypropylene sutures. Spontaneous echocardiographic contrast disappeared in the postoperative echocardiographic control. The patient had uneventful recovery in the postoperative period and was discharged on the fifth day after the operation

    Obezite ve fiziksel tıp yöntemleri

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    Patolojik bir hastalık olan obezitenin gelişmiş ülkelerde sıklığı giderek artmaktadır. Obezite genelde enerji sağlayan gıdaların fazla alınışı ve kısmen az harcanmasıyla oluşan bir dengesizliğin sonucudur. Sedanter yaşam tarzı da obezite ve obeziteye bağlı kronik hastalıklarla ilişkilidir. Çocukluk çağı obezitesinin prognozu yetişkin obezitesidir. Bu nedenle, obezite tedavisine en kısa sürede başlanmalıdır. Her durumda obezite kompleks bir sorundur ve etkin tedavisi farklı yaklaşımları içerir. Tedavi süreci, diyabet ve hipertansiyonda olduğu gibi devamlıdır. Kilo kaybının sağlanmasında ve uygun kilonun sürdürülmesinde kişiye özgü diyet ve düzenli egzersizler en etkin yöntemlerdir. Diğer tedavi stratejileri arasında psikolojik destek, ısı uygulamaları, sauna tedavileri, elektrikli akım tedavileri (TENS), lazer, akupunktur ve farmakoterapi faydalı destek tedaviler olarak kabul edilmektedir