26 research outputs found

    Geophysical and UAV surveys on Konya Karahöyük (central Anatolia, Turkey)

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    Geophysical prospection and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were applied systematically to improve excavation strategies. Magnetic results were verified using GPR in the suitable areas

    The Description of the Beloved through Religious Metaphors in the Divans of 15th Century

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    The main theme of classic Turkish poetry is love. In this type of poetry we can find many kinds of poems, from concrete to spiritual, from material to meaning, from menial to sublime. The effect of religion and mysticism on all types of love in classic literature is great. It is inevitable that the feeling of love has lots of signs and connotations in a style of literature where love is studied intensively. Therefore, the treatment of the concept of beauty bears great importance for classical Ottoman poets. Undoubtedly it is the beloved that comes to mind first when beauty is concerned. The beloved is the most significant factor around whom love appears in classic literature. The most colorful dreams, meaningful words and concepts turn around the beloved. Moreover, the effect of Persian Literature is great on the formation of the features of the beloved in classic Turkish poems. Also, we cannot ignore the role of Turkish thought, Islam and mysticism in these poems. Through the end of 14th and 15th centuries the power of Islamic belief is very remarkable in Turkish poems. In this period, when describing the beloved a rich variety of religious images and metaphors are used. In the 16th and 17th centuries when the Ottoman Literature reached its peak, religious metaphors were used together with the beloved. However, when comparing first period texts with these texts many differences emerge. It is striking that uses of religious metaphors have decreased more since the 17th century than in the former centuries. In our research we try to show how religious words and concepts are used together with the beloved, especially with metaphors. Also, we investigate the areas in which these concepts are most often used and motivations for these pattern

    Eğitim Açısından Edebiyat ve Behiştî’nin “Heşt Behişt” Mesnevisi

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    Edebî metinlerin, estetik ve sanat işlevi yanında bir görevi de halkıeğitmektir. Her edebî metnin mutlaka muhatabına iletmek istediği bir mesaj vardır. Klasik Türk edebiyatıher ne kadar daha çok estetik ve sanat yönüyle öne çıkmışsa da bu edebiyat içinde, sosyal hayatla doğrudan ilişkili sayısız eser bulunmaktadır. Klasik Türk edebiyatına bu gözle baktığımızda, insan eğitiminde kullanılacak pek çok malzemenin var olduğu ve mahiyetinde birçok bilim dalıiçin incelenmeye değer sayısız malzeme barındırdığıgörülecektir. Şiir, özellikle tasavvufî metinlerde amaç olmaktan ziyade insanıeğitme maksadıyla kullanılan bir araç olarak karşımıza çıkar. Bu tür eserler incelendiğinde, kişisel ve toplumsal gelişim metotlarının da izah edildiği metinler olduğu görülecektir. Behiştî’nin tasavvufi bir metin olarak kaleme aldığı, okuyucuya baştan sona iyi insan olma konusunda öğütler verdiği Heşt Behiştadlımesnevisi klasik Türk edebiyatında eğitim bağlamında güzel bir örnektir. Behiştî, eserini bölümlere ayırırken insan eğitimde önemli gördüğü davranışlara göre bir tasnif yapmıştır. Bölümlerde verilmek istenen mesajlar İslâm tarihinden bazıhadiselerin tahkiye edilmesiyle aktarılmış; bu vesileyle anlam daha da güçlendirilmiştir. Şair, bölümlerin başında, anlatacağıhikâyeye girmeden önce, insan eğitiminde önemli gördüğü kavramlarıvurgulamak için kısa bir girişyapmayıuygun görmüştür. Bu makalede, Behiştî’nin Heşt Behiştadlımesnevisinin insan eğitimi açısından önemi üzerinde durulacaktır

    Micromorpho-anatomical fruit characteristics and pappus features of representative Cardueae (Asteraceae) taxa: Their systematic significance

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    The fruits surface sculpturing and anatomical characters of 21 taxa representing 12 genera of the tribe Cardueae Cass. were investigated in order to evaluate their feasibility as taxonomic markers to assess their systematic significance. Characteristics such as fruit size and shape, cell arrangement, the shape of the testa epidermis and structure of the exocarp cell, microsculpture, and the presence of carpopodium and phytomelanin were examined. In addition to crystal formations and secretory ducts, the type of mesocarp cells and testa epidermal structure were also evaluated. Cluster analysis and variance analysis were used to evaluate the diagnostic value of these features. Considerable variances were observed in surface sculpture, and pericarp and testa anatomical structures of cypselae. The surface sculptures exhibit seven microstructural patterns among the taxa. Carpopodium was detected as an asymmetrical structure in three species. Exocarp cells among wings/ ribs are extended in Arctium platylepis, Callicephalus nitens and Jurinea alpigena and longitudinally elongated changing to a mucilaginous structure in Picnomon acarna. The mesocarp is composed of sclerenchymatous, parenchymatous or both parenchymatous and sclerenchymatous cells. Based on the testa epidermal structure, four types of formation were determined - palisade-like cell, hexagonal cell, cuboidal cell and non-distinct cell. Endosperm was determined as one rectangular layer in all taxa, with the exception of Echinops orientalis, and massive embryo filled in the center of fruit. The fruit characters evaluated are distinct between the genera and are not only useful for assessing relationships, but also for delimiting species. Our results show that some Centaurea s.l. taxa are clearly separated, while others are combined with Cyanus depressus and Psephellus taxa as a single group and do not exhibit clear distinction. Picnomon acarna and Callicephalus nitens exhibit the closest relationship to Centaurea s.l. taxa among the Cardueae taxa

    The role of optic nerve sheath diameter measurement on CT in differentiating transient ischemic attack and acute ischemic stroke

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    Objective: This study aimed to determine if optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement on computed tomography could differentiate transient ischemic attack (TIA) from acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Both TIA and AIS are the rings of the same disease chain. To exclude hemorrhagic stroke and stroke mimics in these patients, brain computed tomography (CT) remains the first step imaging modality.Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, ONSDs of patients with TIA and AIS within three hours from symptom onset to initial CT was measured. The right, left, mean, and delta ONSD measurements were compared between AIS and TIA groups. Then diagnostic accuracy metrics were calculated.Results: A total of 196 patients (128 in the AIS group and 68 in the TIA group) were included. Both mean and delta ONSD of AIS patients were higher than those of the TIA group. The area under the receiver operating curve of mean and delta ONSD for predicting AIS were 0.746 with a sensitivity of 82.8% and a specificity of 42.7% (cut-off: 5.00 mm), and 0.826 with a sensitivity of 67.2% and a specificity of 86.8% (cut-off: 0.50 mm), respectively.Conclusion: Increased mean or delta ONSD measured on initial CT could alert emergency physicians for an impending stroke

    Akut Karın Ağrısında Difüzyon Ağırlıklı MR Görüntüleme: Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Öncesi Difüzyon Ağırlıklı Görüntülemenin Tanısal Etkinliğini Araştıran 720 Olgulu Prospektif Çalışma

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    Çalışmamızda acil servise akut karın ağrısı şikayeti ile başvuran olguların değerlendirilmesinde difüzyon ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans görüntü- lemenin (DA-MRG) bilgisayarlı tomografiye (BT) katkılarının araştırılmasını amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Olgularımız Ağustos 2014 ve Kasım 2015 tarihleri arasında hastanemiz acil servisine başvuran 2365 hasta içeren gruptan seçilmiştir. Bunlardan 1680 olguya abdominal BT tetkiki yapıldı. Toplam 720 olguya (ortalama yaş, 50.17; yaş aralığı, 16-89; 379 kadın ve 341 erkek) BT öncesinde DA-MRG yapıldı. 960 olgu DA-MRG yapılmadığından çalışma dışında bırakıldı. Hamileler, 16 yaş atındaki çocuklar, üriner sistem taşı olguların çoğu ve barsak obstrüksiyonlu olgular da çalışmaya dahil edilmedi. Görüntülerin değerlendirme stratejisi şu şekilde yapıldı: 1-tek başına DA-MRG'nin değerlendirilmesi, 2-BT'nin tek başına değerlendirilmesi, 3-DA-MRG ve BT'nin beraber değerlendirilmesi. Her radyolog incelemeyi nihai tanıdan habersiz olarak yaptı. İncelemecilere klinik bulgular ve laboratuar verileri hakkında bilgiler verildi. Bulgular: Sonuç olarak akut abdominal ağrı tanısında kombine görüntüleme (DA-MRG ve BT) sensitivitesi ve doğruluğu tek başına BT'ye göre daha yüksek bulundu. Bu sonuç BT tetkiki kontrastsız yapıldığında daha da yüksek bulundu. Sonuç: DA-MRG akut karın ağrılarında özellikle kontrastsız olmak üzere BT'nin tanı doğruluğunu arttırabilecek invazif olmayan tekniktir.O bjective:We aimed to evaluate the contribution of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) to computed tomography (CT) in patients with acute abdominal pain admitted to the emergency department. Material and Method:Between August 2014 and November 2015, a total of 2365 patients with acute abdominal pain were admitted to the eme rgency department. 1680 of those underwent CT imaging. In 720 patients (mean age, 50.17; range, 16-89 years: 379 females, 341 males) DW-MRI was performed before CT scans. 960 patients who had no diffusion imaging were excluded from this study. Pregnant women, children under the age of 16 years old, most of urinary stones and all of bowel obstructions were also excluded from this study. The strategy of imaging review was as follows: 1-evaluation of DW-MRI alone, 2-evaluation of CT alone, and 3-evaluation of both modalities (DW-MRI and CT images). Images were evaluated by different radiologists with at least 5 years of experience in abdominal imaging interpretation, blind to the final diagnosis. Every reader was aware of the clinical symptoms and laboratory results of pat ients. Results: The sensitivity and accuracy of combined imaging (DW-MRI and CT) was higher than CT alone for the detection of cause in acute abdominal pain. This was dramatically higher in non-enhanced CT (NECT) rather than contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) scanning. Conclusion: DW-MRI is a noninvasive technique that may be used to improve the accuracy of CT in many cause of acute abdominal pain, especially in patients undergoing nonenhanced CT scans

    Clinical findings and immunophenotypic profile of plasma cell leukemia: a retrospective study in a comprehensive cancer center in Turkey

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    Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is a rare (1-2 %) aggressive plasma cell dyscrasia (PCD) with a poor prognosis and characterized by the presence of more than 20% circulating plasma cells (PCs). Multicolor Flowcytometry is used for differentiating PCs in PCL. In this study, we aimed to compare the clinical, laboratory findings and immunophenotypic profiles of patients with PCL. A total of 512 patients were investigated for PCD in our hospital between 2011-2019. The immunophenotypic profile (including, CD27, CD28, CD38, CD138, CD45, CD117, CD19, CD20, CD56, CD33, CD81, and ckappa /clambda,) were evaluated retrospectively. The clinical findings, pathology reports, immunofixation electrophoresis and MFC results of three patients with PCL were reevaluated using 6 color multiparametric flow cytometry (MFC). Only three patients were diagnosed as PCL. PCs population defined by the co-expression of CD38 and CD138 was observed as 50%, 53%, 60%, respectively. Expression of each CD56, CD117, CD20, CD45 was seen in individual cases. CD19 was negative in all cases. Cytoplasmic kappa light chain expression was detected only in one case. Two of the cases were primary and the other was secondary PCL. Bortezomib-based treatment was initiated. Overall survival of primary PCL cases were 24 months and 6 months, whereas secondary PCL was four months. Co-expression of CD38 and CD138 in identifying PCs with MFC may be considered the best combination and leads to early diagnosis within hours and appropriate treatment in patients with PCL. [Med-Science 2021; 10(2.000): 455-61


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    Dünyada ve ülkemizde son yıllarda fenol bileşikleri ve antioksidan içerikleri nedeniyle üzümsü meyvelerin üretim ve tüketiminde büyük oranda artışlar meydana gelmiştir. Meyveler içerisinde özellikle üzümsü meyveler doğal antioksidanlarca zengin olup yüksek antioksidan kapasiteye sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada bazı üzümsü meyvelerin toplam antioksidan aktivitesi ve toplam fenolik madde içeriği araştırılmıştır. "Chester Thornless" böğürtlen çeşidinde toplam fenol içeriği 338.82 mgGAE/100 g ext, "Bluecrop" mavi yemiş çeşidinde 79.32 mgGAE/100g ext, "K60"nolu dut tipinde 482.62 mgGAE/100gext, "K68" no'lu dut tipinde 572.92 mgGAE/100gext, "K45" no'lu dut tipinde 498.49 mgGAE/100gext, "P1" nolu dut tipinde 680.34 mgGAE/100gext, "A5" no'lu dut tipinde 120 mgGAE/100gext ve "S7" no'lu dut tipinde 229.5 mgGAE/100gext olarak belirlenmiştir. Antioksidan aktivite içerikleri incelendiğinde "Chester Thornless" böğürtlen çeşidinde toplam antioksidan içeriği %60.73, "Bluecrop" maviyemiş çeşidinde %38.25, farklı dut tiplerinde ise (K60) %44.73, (K68) %51.86, (K45) %57.05, (P1) 50.38, (A5) %32.84, (S7) %73.28 olarak belirlenmiştirIn recent years, production and consumption of berry fruits has been increasing in the world and also in our country due to their antioxidant content. Fruits especially berries are known as natural antioxidants because of having high antioxidant capacity. In this study, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of some berry fruits were compared. Total phenols was detected in “Chester Thornless” as 338.82 mgGAE/100gext, in “Blue Crop” blueberry variety as 79.32 mgGAE/100gext, in mulberries, 482.62 mgGAE/100gext for “K60”, 572.92 mgGAE/100gext for “K68”, 498.49 mgGAE/100gext, for “K45”, 680.34 mgGAE/100gext for “P1”, 120 mgGAE/100gext for “A5” and 229.5 mgGAE/100gext for “S7”. Antioksidan activities of berry fruits were detected in “Chester Thornless” blackberry variety as %60.73, in “Blue Crop” blueberry variety as %38.25 and in various 1 Prof. Dr. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, ADANA 2 Zir. Yük. Müh., Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, ADANA 3 Zir. Müh., Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, ADANA 244 N. F. TÜREMİŞ, E. KAFKAS, M. ZARIFIKHOSROSHAHI, H. ÖZCAN, A. BURGUT, B. OLUT, Ö. TÜREMİŞ / BAHÇE 46 (Özel Sayı 1): 243–248 (2017) mulberry types detected as (K60) %44.73, (K68) %51.86, (K45) %57.05, (P1) 50.38, (A5) %32.84, (S7) %73.28