25 research outputs found

    Microinfiltracao de ionomero de vidro de alta viscosidade e carbômero de vidro com e sem revestimento antes e depois de envelhecimento hidrotermal

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the microleakage patterns of GIC and GGC with and without their protective surface coatings on enamel and dentin margins before and after aging. Material and Methods: Two rectangular cavities (height: 2 mm; width: 3 mm; depth: 1.5 mm) were prepared on each tooth at the cemento-enamel junction were prepared on human permanent molars (N=56) and the teeth were randomly assigned to be restored with one of the following: a) high viscosity glass-ionomer cement (GIC) (EQUIA Fil, C Corp., Tokyo, Japan) (n=28), b) glass-carbomer cement (GCC) (Glass Carbomer Products, Leiden, The Netherlands) (n=28). Half of the teeth were further divided into two groups where one group received protective surface coating (SC) (G-Coat Plus, GC Corp) (n=14) and the other group did not (n=14). Half of the teeth were stored for 24 hours (n=7), and the other half was thermocycled (5000 cycles, 5-55°C) (n=7). For microleakage analysis, the teeth were immersed in 5% methylene blue dye for 24 hours, sectioned into two equal halves. Microleakage patterns were evaluated using stereomicroscope and scored on a scale of 0-3 (0: No dye penetration, 1: Dye penetration less than half of the axial wall, 2: Dye penetration more than half the axial wall, 3: Dye penetration spreading along the axial wall). Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis tests at the significance level of 0.05. Results: Compared to 24 h storage, after thermocycling, coating on GIC decreased microleakage significantly compared to GCC (p=0.046) but not for GCC. In the thermocycled groups, coated GIC showed significantly less leakage at the enamel margin but no significant difference was found with both GIC and GCC in the dentin margins. Conclusion: The application of surface coating significantly reduced the microleakage scores of GIC but not GCC, within the enamel margins only.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os padrões de microinfiltração de GIC e GGC com e sem seus revestimentos protetores superficiais nas margens de esmalte e dentina antes e após o envelhecimento. Material e Métodos: duas cavidades retangulares (altura: 2 mm; largura: 3 mm; profundidade: 1,5 mm) foram preparadas em cada dente na junção cemento-esmalte de molares permanentes humanos (N = 56), sendo aleatoriamente designados para serem restaurados com um dos seguintes: a) cimento de ionômero de vidro (GIC) de alta viscosidade (EQUIA Fil, C Corp., Tóquio, Japão) (n = 28), b) cimento de vidrocarbômero (GCC) Carbomer Products, Leiden, Holanda) (n = 28). Metade dos dentes foram divididos em dois grupos, onde um grupo recebeu revestimento protetor de superfície (SC) (G-Coat Plus, GC Corp) (n = 14) e o outro grupo não (n = 14). Metade dos dentes foram armazenados por 24 horas (n = 7), e a outra metade foi termociclada (5000 ciclos, 5-55 ° C) (n = 7). Para análise de microinfiltração, os dentes foram imersos em corante azul de metileno a 5% por 24 horas, seccionados em duas metades iguais. Os padrões de microinfiltração foram avaliados usando estereomicroscópio e pontuados numa escala de 0-3 (0: Sem penetração de corante; 1: penetração de corante inferior à metade da parede axial; 2: penetração de corante mais do que metade da parede axial; 3: penetração de corante ao longo da parede axial). Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis ao nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: em comparação com o armazenamento de 24 h, após a termociclagem, o revestimento de superfície no GIC diminuiu significativamente a microinfiltração em comparação com o GCC (p = 0,046), mas não para o GCC. Nos grupos termociclados, o GIC revestido apresentou significativamente menos infiltração na margem do esmalte, mas não houve diferença significativa para o GIC e o GCC nas margens dentinárias. Conclusão: A aplicação do revestimento de superfície reduziu significativamente os escores de microinfiltração do GIC, mas não do GCC, apenas nas margens do esmalte

    Evaluation of the Effect of Body Position on Intraocular Pressure Measured with Rebound Tonometer

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    Objectives:It is important to determine variables that influence intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of body position on IOP.Materials and Methods:The study included 52 right eyes of 52 patients who presented to the ophthalmology department of our hospital and had no ocular disease except refractive errors. IOP was measured with an Icare PRO tonometer while patients were in sitting, standing, and supine positions, with intervals of 10 minutes between the positions. Correlations between the results were evaluated using Spearman’s correlation analysis and Wilcoxon tests.Results:Thirty-six of the 52 patients were female, 16 were male. Mean age was 31.65±6.30 (23-47) years. Mean IOP values in the sitting, standing, and lying positions were 17.76±3.41 (12.70-25.60) mmHg, 17.10±3.27 (11.50-25.20) mmHg, and 18.46±4.67 (10.50-29.40) mmHg, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between measurements taken in the different positions (p=0.112, p=0.472, p=0.071). We observed that there was no relationship between age and body position (p>0.45, p>0.79, p>0.77) or between gender and position (p>0.59, p>0.69, p>0.54).Conclusion:Gender and age had no effect on IOP measured in different body positions. There were also no significant differences between IOP values measured in the different positions. Therefore, we believe the portable Icare PRO tonometer can be used for patients who are confined to bed and will provide IOP measurements that are concordant with values obtained while sitting

    Evaluation of factors and symptoms that may be related to celiac disease in school age children between the ages 6 and 17 in Turkey

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    Çölyak hastalığı, genetik yatkınlığı olan bireylerde tahılların içerdiği gluten tarafından tetiklenen otoimmun bir enteropatidir. Gastrointestinal ve gastrointestinal sistem dışı belirtiler ile seyredebilir. Son yıllarda çölyak hastalığının ortaya çıkış özellikleri, kliniği, sıklığı ve başvuru yaşı önemli ölçüde değişmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de 6-17 yaş grubu okul çağı çocuklarında hastalığın ortaya çıkışını etkileyebilecek faktörler ve hastalığı işaret edebilecek belirtiler araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla yaş ortalaması 11,6±2,9 yıl olan 6-17 yaş arasında toplam 20190 okul çağı çocuğu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalığın taranması amacıyla ilk aşamada serum total immunglobulin A ve doku transglutaminaz IgA çalışıldı. Total IgA eksikliği olanlarda doku transglutaminaz IgG bakıldı. Doku transglutaminaz IgA ve IgG pozitif bulunan olgular antiendomisyal antikor IgA ile tekrar test edildi. Antikor pozitifliği saptanan 489 olgudan 215’i (sadece tTG IgA pozitif: 110 hasta, tTG IgA ve EMA IgA birlikte pozitif: 104 hasta ve tTG IgG pozitif: 1 hasta) ince bağırsak biyopsisi yapılmasını kabul etti. Biyopsi ile çölyak hastalığı tanısı kanıtlanan 95 çocuk, çalışmanın çölyak hastalığı grubunu, antikor negatifliği olan 19701 çocuk da kontrol grubunu oluşturdu. Çölyak grubunda yaş ortalaması 11,7±2,8 yaş, kontrol grubunda 11,6±2,9 yaş olarak ve benzer bulundu. Çölyak grubunun %64,2’sini kız öğrenciler oluşturmakta olup, çölyak grubunda kızlar anlamlı oranda fazla saptandı (p=0,012). Gruplar arasında çölyak hastalığının ortaya çıkışını etkileyebilecek olası faktörlerden anne sütü alma süresi, ek gıdaya başlama zamanı ve ailede benzer hastalık açısından fark yoktu. Gastrointestinal sistem belirtilerinden ishal, kilo kaybı, karın şişliği, karın ağrısı, gaz ve kabızlık her iki grupta benzer sıklıkta bulundu. Okul başarısı, yorgunluk, huzursuzluk, mutsuzluk ve sinirlilik gibi gastrointestinal sistem dışı belirtiler açısında gruplar arasında fark saptanmadı. Demir eksikliğinin dolaylı bir göstergesi olabilecek pika yakınması, çölyak hastalarında kontrol grubuna göre daha sıktı (p=0,012). İştahsızlık belirtisi çölyak grubunda anlamlı oranda fazla görüldü (p=0,007). Gastrointestinal sistem dışı belirtilerden boy kısalığı, çölyak grubunda, kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı oranda yüksek saptandı (p=0,011). Çoklu değişkenli regresyon analizinde, çölyak hastalığı tanısı ile pika varlığı başta olmak üzere, kız cinsiyet, iştahsızlık ve boy kısalığı arasında pozitif ilişki saptandı. Düşük gelir ve eğitim düzeyine sahip olanların anketteki sorulara daha fazla ‘evet’ cevabı verdiği ve bunun da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görüldü. Ancak anne ve babanın öğrenim düzeyinin ilkokul ve altında olması ile gelir düzeyinin düşük olmasının çölyak hastalığı üzerinde anlamlı etkisinin olmadığı saptandı. Bu sonuçlarla Türkiye’de 6-17 yaş grubu çocuklarda çölyak hastalığının kızlarda daha sık ve klinik sunumunun daha çok gastrointestinal sistem dışı belirtilerle olduğu saptandı.Evaluation of factors and symptoms that may be related to celiac disease in school age children between the ages 6 and 17 in Turkey Celiac disease is an autoimmune enteropathy, triggered by gluten in individuals with genetic predisposition. The disease may presents with gastrointestinal or extraintestinal symptoms. In recent years, there is significant changes in the prevalence and clinical properties of the celiac disease. In this study, we investigated the effective factors for emerging the disease and symptoms suggesting to the celiac disease in school age children between the ages 6 and 17 in Turkey. For this purpose, 20190 school age children between the ages 6 and 17 and with an average age of 11.6 ± 2.9 are included in the study. To screen the disease, first, total serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase IgA were studied. Tissue transglutaminase IgG were measured in patients with total IgA deficiency. Cases with a positive tissue transglutaminase IgA and IgG were retested with IgA anti- antiendomisyal antibody. İntestinal biopsy was accepted by 215 out of 489 antibody positive subjects (only tTG IgA positive: 110 patients, both tTG IgA and EMA IgA positive: 104 patients, and tTG IgG positive: 1 patient). The celiac disease was comfirmed by histopathology in 95 children (celiac disease group ). In 19701 children celiac antibodies were found to be negative (control group). The average age of the groups were similar ( 11.7 ± 2.8 vs 11.6 ± 2.9 years). The ratio of girls (64.2%) was higher than controls in the celiac disease group (p=0.012). There were no differences between the groups regarding the possible factors related the disease: the duration of breastfeeding, the time to start solids, and family history of similar disease. Gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, gas and constipation were observed with similar frequencies in both groups. There were no differences between the groups for extraintestinal symptoms such as school success, tiredness, restlessness, unhappiness and irritability. Suffering from pica, which may be an indirect indicator of iron deficiency, was more common among celiac patients than the control group (p=0.012). Loss of appetite were observed significantly more in the celiac group (p=0.007). Short stature, among the extraintestinal symptoms, were significantly more common in the celiac group than the control group (p=0.011). In the multi-variable regression analysis, a positive correlation was determined between the diagnosis of celiac disease, and especially the presence of pica, female gender, loss of appetite and short stature. Those with low income and education levels answered "yes" more frequently to the questions in the survey, and this was statistically significant. However, parents with elementary school and lower education levels and with low incomes did not have a significant impact on the celiac disease. With these results, it was determined that celiac disease is more common in girls and presented with mostly extraintestinal symptoms among 6 to 17 year old children in Turkey

    ERUBABYFACED: Yeni Bir Bebek Yüz Tanıma Veri Seti ve Derin Öğrenme ile Tespit ve Tanınması

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    Yüz tanıma, bir kişinin yüz biyometrik verisini kullanarak kişinin tanınmasını sağlayan sistemdir. Yüz tespiti ve tanıma, günümüzde yapay zeka, görüntü işleme ve bilgisayarlı görü gibi alanlarda kullanılmaktadır. Yeni doğan bebeklerde ise yüz tanıma sistemi zorlu bir süreç gerektirmektedir.Araştırmacılar son yıllarda yüz tespit ve tanıma üzerine çokça araştırmalar yapmıştır. Evrişimli sinir ağları (CNN), yüz tanıma çalışmalarında en sık kullanılan yöntemler arasında yerini almıştır.Her ne kadar yüz tanıma üzerine kamuya açık çokça yetişkin yüzlerinden oluşan veri seti bulunsa da bebek yüzlerinden oluşan veri setine ulaşmak oldukça zordur. Bu yüzden bu çalışmada ilk olarak 11 bebeğe ait toplamda 139 imge içeren ERUBABYFACED adında yeni bir veri seti oluşturulmuştur.Bu çalışmada CNN yöntemi kullanarak bebeklerde yüz tespit ve tanıma çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. ERUBABYFACED veri seti deneysel çalışmalarda kullanılmıştır. Etiketlenen veriler, TensorFlow kütüphanesi tabanlı TensorFlow Lite modeli elde edilecek şekilde eğitilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda %95 başarı oranı elde edilmiştir.Face recognition is a system that enables a person to be identified using facial biometric data. Face detection and recognition are used in fields such as artificial intelligence, image processing and computer vision. In newborn babies, the face recognition system requires a challenging process.Researchers have done a lot of research on face detection and recognition in recent years. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have taken their place among the most frequently used methods in face recognition studies.Although there is a large publicly available dataset of adult faces on face recognition, it is very difficult to reach the dataset of baby faces. Therefore, in this study, firstly, a new dataset called ERUBABYFACED, which contains 139 images of 11 babies, was created.In this paper, face detection and recognition works were carried out in infants using the CNN method. The ERUBABYFACED dataset was used in experimental studies. The labeled data is trained to obtain a TensorFlow Lite model based on the TensorFlow library. As a result of experimental studies, a success rate of 95% was obtained.</p

    Microleakage of high viscosity glass-ionomer and glass-carbomer with and without coating before and after hydrothermal aging

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the microleakage patterns of GIC and GGC with and without their protective surface coatings on enamel and dentin margins before and after aging. Material and Methods: Two rectangular cavities (height: 2 mm; width: 3 mm; depth: 1.5 mm) were prepared on each tooth at the cemento-enamel junction were prepared on human permanent molars (N=56) and the teeth were randomly assigned to be restored with one of the following: a) high viscosity glass-ionomer cement (GIC) (EQUIA Fil, C Corp., Tokyo, Japan) (n=28), b) glass-carbomer cement (GCC) (Glass Carbomer Products, Leiden, The Netherlands) (n=28). Half of the teeth were further divided into two groups where one group received protective surface coating (SC) (G-Coat Plus, GC Corp) (n=14) and the other group did not (n=14). Half of the teeth were stored for 24 hours (n=7), and the other half was thermocycled (5000 cycles, 5-55°C) (n=7). For microleakage analysis, the teeth were immersed in 5% methylene blue dye for 24 hours, sectioned into two equal halves. Microleakage patterns were evaluated using stereomicroscope and scored on a scale of 0-3 (0: No dye penetration, 1: Dye penetration less than half of the axial wall, 2: Dye penetration more than half the axial wall, 3: Dye penetration spreading along the axial wall). Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis tests at the significance level of 0.05. Results: Compared to 24 h storage, after thermocycling, surface coating on GIC decreased microleakage significantly compared to GCC (p=0.046) but not for GCC. In the thermocycled groups, coated GIC showed significantly less leakage at the enamel margin but no significant difference was found with both GIC and GCC in the dentin margins. Conclusion: The application of surface coating significantly reduced the microleakage scores of GIC but not GCC, within the enamel margins only.KeywordsGlass-carbomer; Glass-ionomer; Microleakage

    Musa Eroğlu biyografisi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2017.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Ünsal, Mehmet Süha

    Photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of 3-pyridinemethanol to 3-pyridinemethanal and vitamin B3 by TiO2 nanotubes

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    In this paper, the first photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) 3-pyridinemethanol oxidation to 3-pyridinemethanal and vitamin B3 was investigated. To meet this aim, efficient nanotube structured TiO2 on a Ti plate as a photoanode was prepared by an anodic oxidation method in ethylene glycol and characterized by XRD, SEM, and photocurrent techniques. The effect of nanotube morphology, applied potential, Na2SO4 concentration, stirring speed of solution, and pH on the reaction activity and product selectivities were investigated. The TiO2 phase of all of the anodes was mainly the anatase one. The PEC activity, the intensity of the XRD peak and the photocurrent increased by increasing the nanotube length. The activity decreased by decreasing both the Na2SO4 concentration and the applied potential, whereas 3-pyridinemethanal selectivity increased. By increasing the stirring speed of the solution, both the activity and the 3-pyridinemethanal selectivity increased. A lower or no activity was observed for photocatalytic (PC) and electrocatalytic runs, respectively, which were carried out for the sake of comparison. No PC activity was obtained in the presence of N2, but PEC reactions in the presence of N2 were faster than those in the presence of O2. The produced 3-pyridinemethanal in both N2 and O2 atmosphere was reduced at the cathode in the PEC reaction, but its oxidation appeared to be much more favourable. The PC reactions could not be carried out under acidic conditions, whilst the PEC ones could be performed in the pH range of 2–12. Moreover, the results indicate that the PEC method allows higher conversions and selectivities to vitamin B3 to be obtained at pH 7 with respect to those reported in the literature

    Topographic and morphometric anatomy of the proximal part of the dorsal scapular nerve.

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    The dorsal scapular nerve (DSN) entrapment neuropathy has recently been recognized as a common cause of circumscapular pain and cases of winged scapula. Course of the nerve is important because the middle scalene muscle is frequently accessed for surgical treatments. Studies in the literature have not focused on the morphometric relationship of the DSN with the scalene muscles and its relationship with the long thoracic nerve (LTN). The neck regions of 13 adult cadavers were dissected bilaterally. The relationship of DSN with scalene muscles and LTN was evaluated. Cervical spinal nerves involved in the formation of the DSN were identified. Three types of DSN were observed based on the cervical spinal nerves from which it originates, five types of DSN from its relationship with the scalene muscles, and two types of DSN from its relationship with the LTN. The distance from where the nerve pierces the scalene muscle to the mastoid process was found to be greater in DSNs originating from C4 and C5 (93.85 ± 4.11 mm, p = 0.033). In DSNs not connected with LTN, the distance from where the nerve pierces the scalene muscle to the superior trunk/C5 (12.74 ± 7.73 mm, p = 0.008) and the length of the nerve within the scalene muscle (14.94 ± 5.5 mm, p = 0.029) were found to be statistically significantly greater. The topographic and morphometric anatomy of the proximal part of the DSN is important, especially for scalene muscles-focused surgical treatments and interscalene nerve blocks. We believe our results may guide clinical approaches and surgery

    46, XX SRY(+) male sexual differentiation disorder with metabolic syndrome: A case report Metabolik sendromlu 46 XX SRY(+) erkek seksuel differansiyasyon bozukluǧu: Olgu sunumu

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    In disorders of sexual differentiation, sexual development may not be in accordance with chromosomal structure. 46,XX male syndrome is one of these kind of situations of which most of the patients are in normal male phenotype at birth. These patients are diagnosed while investigating for gynecomastia during puberty or infertility at older ages. One of the comorbidities of testosterone deficiency is metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have demonstrated a strong relationship between hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome. A 42-year-old male patient was admitted to our outpatient clinic with the complaint of gynecomastia. Based on laboratory tests results, he was diagnosed with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism accompanied by metabolic syndrome. Chromosomal analysis showed 46,XX SRY (+) genotype