15 research outputs found
The household effect on electoral participation:A contextual analysis of voter signatures from a French polling station (1982-2007)
We use electoral participation data coded from signature lists to show that patterns of voter turnout, be they related to average participation, versatility or precise moments of voting, are strongly related to what we call âelectorate householdsâ, i.e. groups of voters registered in the same polling station and living together. Each household tends to be homogeneous, at levels much higher than chance would explain, so that modelling individual participation without taking this household effect into account ignores much of what actually happens. The status in the household also plays an important role among individual factors of voter participation. Not only do people who live together often participate together, but the precise shape of their relationships influences their behaviour
Sverigedemokraternas nationsbygge - En normkritisk diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas centrala dokument
In this thesis, I aim to make visible and discuss the norms that can be found in some of the Sweden Democratsâ central documents pertaining to a definition of their nation-building. I have used critical discourse analysis to discuss these documents, that is Sweden Democratsâ party program, and a speech held by the leader of the party, Jimmie AÌkesson. In this material, I identified three themes: essential differences; family, equality and gender; and the Peopleâs home. The Peopleâs home is a subcategory to essential differences and family, equality and gender. I analysed these themes by using a norm critical perspective. The results of my study are, among others, that the norms in the central documents create a normative Swedish âweâ that excludes the âotherâ. The âotherâ is sometimes the âcultural otherâ and sometimes the âsexual otherâ. The Sweden democrats paints a picture of the âcultural otherâ as unable to adapt in to the Swedish normative âweâ
Sverigedemokraternas nationsbygge - En normkritisk diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas centrala dokument
In this thesis, I aim to make visible and discuss the norms that can be found in some of the Sweden Democratsâ central documents pertaining to a definition of their nation-building. I have used critical discourse analysis to discuss these documents, that is Sweden Democratsâ party program, and a speech held by the leader of the party, Jimmie AÌkesson. In this material, I identified three themes: essential differences; family, equality and gender; and the Peopleâs home. The Peopleâs home is a subcategory to essential differences and family, equality and gender. I analysed these themes by using a norm critical perspective. The results of my study are, among others, that the norms in the central documents create a normative Swedish âweâ that excludes the âotherâ. The âotherâ is sometimes the âcultural otherâ and sometimes the âsexual otherâ. The Sweden democrats paints a picture of the âcultural otherâ as unable to adapt in to the Swedish normative âweâ
Sverigedemokraternas nationsbygge - En normkritisk diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas centrala dokument
In this thesis, I aim to make visible and discuss the norms that can be found in some of the Sweden Democratsâ central documents pertaining to a definition of their nation-building. I have used critical discourse analysis to discuss these documents, that is Sweden Democratsâ party program, and a speech held by the leader of the party, Jimmie AÌkesson. In this material, I identified three themes: essential differences; family, equality and gender; and the Peopleâs home. The Peopleâs home is a subcategory to essential differences and family, equality and gender. I analysed these themes by using a norm critical perspective. The results of my study are, among others, that the norms in the central documents create a normative Swedish âweâ that excludes the âotherâ. The âotherâ is sometimes the âcultural otherâ and sometimes the âsexual otherâ. The Sweden democrats paints a picture of the âcultural otherâ as unable to adapt in to the Swedish normative âweâ
DÀr det dagliga brödet bereds: en intervjustudie om kontinuitet och förÀndring inom den svenska livsmedelsindustrin ur ett feministiskt-marxistiskt perspektiv
In this thesis, I investigate change and continuity within the food industry in Sweden, building on seven interviews with workers in different factories and locations in Sweden. Through a feminist-Marxist understanding of productive and reproductive work, and an analysis of how gender and class are produced and reproduced in organizations, this study examines production work and its impact on the workersâ lives. The thesis further explores how digitalization has come to change social relations at the work place, leading to an increased sense of alienation and preventing social organization at the workplace. The digitalization has also changed how gender is seen and constructed within the food industry. Through concepts such as producersâ pride and commodity fetishism, I make visible that it is human work that creates value in products, through labor processes in which the worker takes pride. This thesis also underlines the food industryâs function as both productive and reproductive, since it produces commodities that are central to the society and every humanâs continued reproduction
Tarmstomins pÄverkan pÄ patienters upplevda livskvalitet
Bakgrund Skada eller sjukdom i mag- och tarmkanalen kan leda till att det utsatta omrĂ„det av tarmen behöver avlastas, varav en stomi appliceras, antingen tillfĂ€lligt eller permanent. Stomin ersĂ€tter kroppens naturliga tarmfunktion vilket gör att patienten förhoppningsvis kan fortsĂ€tta leva ett obehindrat liv.  Syfte Syftet med litteraturstudien Ă€r att undersöka hur patienters upplevda livskvalitet pĂ„verkas av tarmstomier.  Metod I denna deskriptiva litteraturstudie anvĂ€ndes kvalitativa originalartiklar, tagna frĂ„n databaser som PubMed och CINAHL. Artiklarna granskades enligt âbedömning av studier med kvalitativ metodikâ och avgjorde artiklarnas risk för bias. Vid analys av resultatet anvĂ€ndes analysmodellen av Popenoe, dĂ€r teman skapades och lade grunden för resultatets struktur. Resultat Fem kategorier identifierades. Dessa beskriver hur individen upplevde sin livskvalitet. Kontroll över sitt liv innebar hur deltagarna behövde planera sitt liv efter stomin. Emotionellt vĂ€lbefinnande involverade oro, Ă„ngest och depression orsakat av lĂ€ckage, förĂ€ndrad kroppsbild och rĂ€dsla för exponering. Socialt vĂ€lbefinnande beskrevs som isolering pĂ„ grund av stomins frĂ€mmande roll och det materiella vĂ€lbefinnandet pĂ„verkades av förĂ€ndrade jobbsituationer. MĂ„nga av deltagarna i studierna upplevde att deras fysiska kapacitet försĂ€mrades efter deras stomioperation, vilket beskriver det fysiska vĂ€lbefinnandet.  Slutsats Stomi Ă€r en stor livsförĂ€ndring och kan pĂ„verka sin sjĂ€lvbild, relationer och fysiska förmĂ„gor. Hur livskvaliteten pĂ„verkas beror pĂ„ hur vĂ€l individen anpassar sig till sin stomi i relation till vĂ€lbefinnandet. Att ha en god vĂ„rdkontakt kan eventuellt frĂ€mja en god upplevelse av livskvalitet vilket innefattar möjligheten att kunna leva ett obehindrat liv.Background Injury or disease in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to the need for the exposed area of the intestine to be surgically removed, of which a stoma is applied, either temporarily or permanently. The stoma replaces the bodyÂŽs natural bowel function, which means that the patient hopefully can continue to live a normal life. The aim The purpose of this literature study is to examine the perceived quality of lives affected by intestinal ostomies. Method In this descriptive literature study, qualitative, original articles were taken from databases such as PubMed and CINAHL. When analyzing the results, the analysis of Popenoe was used, where themes were created which laid the foundation of the structure of the results. ResultsFive categories were identified. These described how the individualÂŽs experienced their quality of life. The control over their lives described how the participants needed to plan their everyday lives after their stoma. Emotional well-being involved anxiety caused by leakage, altered body image and fear of exposure of the stoma. Social well-being was explained as isolation because of the stomata's foreign role, and material well-being was affected by changed job situations. Many of the participants in the studies, experienced physical capacity deteriorating after their stoma surgery, which describes their physical well-being. Conclusion Having an ostomy is life-changing and can affect one's selfâimage, relationships and physical abilities. How the quality of life is affected depends on how well the individuals adapt to their stoma in relation to their well-being. Having a good care contact can possibly promote a good experience of the quality of life
Tarmstomins pÄverkan pÄ patienters upplevda livskvalitet
Bakgrund Skada eller sjukdom i mag- och tarmkanalen kan leda till att det utsatta omrĂ„det av tarmen behöver avlastas, varav en stomi appliceras, antingen tillfĂ€lligt eller permanent. Stomin ersĂ€tter kroppens naturliga tarmfunktion vilket gör att patienten förhoppningsvis kan fortsĂ€tta leva ett obehindrat liv.  Syfte Syftet med litteraturstudien Ă€r att undersöka hur patienters upplevda livskvalitet pĂ„verkas av tarmstomier.  Metod I denna deskriptiva litteraturstudie anvĂ€ndes kvalitativa originalartiklar, tagna frĂ„n databaser som PubMed och CINAHL. Artiklarna granskades enligt âbedömning av studier med kvalitativ metodikâ och avgjorde artiklarnas risk för bias. Vid analys av resultatet anvĂ€ndes analysmodellen av Popenoe, dĂ€r teman skapades och lade grunden för resultatets struktur. Resultat Fem kategorier identifierades. Dessa beskriver hur individen upplevde sin livskvalitet. Kontroll över sitt liv innebar hur deltagarna behövde planera sitt liv efter stomin. Emotionellt vĂ€lbefinnande involverade oro, Ă„ngest och depression orsakat av lĂ€ckage, förĂ€ndrad kroppsbild och rĂ€dsla för exponering. Socialt vĂ€lbefinnande beskrevs som isolering pĂ„ grund av stomins frĂ€mmande roll och det materiella vĂ€lbefinnandet pĂ„verkades av förĂ€ndrade jobbsituationer. MĂ„nga av deltagarna i studierna upplevde att deras fysiska kapacitet försĂ€mrades efter deras stomioperation, vilket beskriver det fysiska vĂ€lbefinnandet.  Slutsats Stomi Ă€r en stor livsförĂ€ndring och kan pĂ„verka sin sjĂ€lvbild, relationer och fysiska förmĂ„gor. Hur livskvaliteten pĂ„verkas beror pĂ„ hur vĂ€l individen anpassar sig till sin stomi i relation till vĂ€lbefinnandet. Att ha en god vĂ„rdkontakt kan eventuellt frĂ€mja en god upplevelse av livskvalitet vilket innefattar möjligheten att kunna leva ett obehindrat liv.Background Injury or disease in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to the need for the exposed area of the intestine to be surgically removed, of which a stoma is applied, either temporarily or permanently. The stoma replaces the bodyÂŽs natural bowel function, which means that the patient hopefully can continue to live a normal life. The aim The purpose of this literature study is to examine the perceived quality of lives affected by intestinal ostomies. Method In this descriptive literature study, qualitative, original articles were taken from databases such as PubMed and CINAHL. When analyzing the results, the analysis of Popenoe was used, where themes were created which laid the foundation of the structure of the results. ResultsFive categories were identified. These described how the individualÂŽs experienced their quality of life. The control over their lives described how the participants needed to plan their everyday lives after their stoma. Emotional well-being involved anxiety caused by leakage, altered body image and fear of exposure of the stoma. Social well-being was explained as isolation because of the stomata's foreign role, and material well-being was affected by changed job situations. Many of the participants in the studies, experienced physical capacity deteriorating after their stoma surgery, which describes their physical well-being. Conclusion Having an ostomy is life-changing and can affect one's selfâimage, relationships and physical abilities. How the quality of life is affected depends on how well the individuals adapt to their stoma in relation to their well-being. Having a good care contact can possibly promote a good experience of the quality of life
The fire safety design of cross-laminated timber (CLT or X-Lam) in Europe is governed by the Construction Products Regulation and its essential requirements, as for all other building products. These requirements are mandatory, to be used in all European countries. They include classification systems for reaction to fire of building products, fire resistance of building elements, and structural Eurocodes. The reaction-to-fire performance of CLT in accordance with the European classification system is specified. Higher classes can be reached by chemical treatments, but the durability of the reaction-to-fire performance needs to be fulfilled according to a new European system. The fire resistance design of CLT building elements is not included in Eurocode 5, the structural Eurocode for timber, but can be either tested according to European standards or calculated by using design methods being developed recently. This article provides information about both reaction to fire and fire resistance of CLT in Europe
Determination of organophosphorous flame retardants in fish tissues by matrix solid-phase dispersion and gas chromatography
Organophosphate esters (OPEs), utilized as flame retarding agents and/or plasticizers, are almost ubiquitous in environmental compartments, and biota and foods could be contaminated by bioaccumulation or during the treatment processes. A multiresidue method is proposed for the determination of 13 OPEs in fish tissues: analytes were simultaneously extracted and purified using the matrix solid phase dispersion technique and then determined by gas chromatography with nitrogenâphosphorus detection. The main parameters affecting extraction yield and selectivity, such as the type of dispersant material, clean-up co-sorbent, rinse and elution solvents, were evaluated to obtain lipid-free extracts and quantitative recoveries for OPEs. Under optimal conditions, 0.5 g of samples was dispersed with
2 g Florisil and 1 g anhydrous sodium sulphate and transferred to a solid phase extraction cartridge containing 1 g alumina. The lipids were removed using 5 mL n-hexane/dichloromethane (1:1) and analytes were recovered with 10 mL n-hexane/acetone (6:4) and directly analysed. The method developed provided recoveries
between 70 and 110% for different kinds of fish, and the day-to-day variability was between 1 and 9%. This procedure constitutes the first analytical method for the analysis of OPEs in a food matrix and it is applicable to analyse a large number of samples to evaluate the occurrence and sources of OPEs in biota and foods
Effekter av ledarutveckling för individ och organisation
Denna rapport Ă€r en delrapport inom ramen för ett longitudinellt forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt vid HELIX VINN Excellence Centre vid Linköpings universitet. Det övergripande projektets syfte Ă€r att beskriva och analysera förutsĂ€ttningar för en förbĂ€ttrad koordination bland toppchefer i en vĂ€xande och geografiskt expanderande organisation, samt hur koordinationen cheferna emellan kan förstĂ„s i termer av en kollektiv lĂ€rprocess. Som en del i detta större projekt har det Ă€ven ingĂ„tt att göra vissa fördjupningsstudier. Denna rapport Ă€r en sĂ„dan fördjupningsstudie dĂ€r fokus varit pĂ„ effekter av en ledarutvecklingssatsning som genomförts under ett antals Ă„rs tid i en del av organisationen. Det empiriska underlaget samlades in under vĂ„ren 2009. Rapporten har tagits fram i ett nĂ€ra samarbete mellan forskarna i projektet. Cecilia Höglund och Lisa Ăstman, studenter vid PA-programmet i Linköping, har Ă€ven samlat in och presenterat empirin inom ramen för sin kandidatuppsats âLedarutvecklingsprogram - anvĂ€ndbart eller ej?â. Vi vill speciellt tacka de personer pĂ„ fallföretaget som öppnat sina dörrar och tagit av sin tid för att möjliggöra vĂ„rt intervjuande