43 research outputs found

    Analysis of the correlation between thyroid hormones and thyroid volume by gender: A volumetric computed tomography study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) hormones and thyroid gland volume with volumetric analysis performed by using computed tomography (CT) images. In this retrospective study, IV contrasted thoracic CT images taken for different indications between 2019 January and 2020 January were scanned from the archive system of the hospital. 67 (31F, 36M) individuals chosen randomly among patients whose CT results were reported as normal and who had taken thyroid hormone tests within the past week were included in the study. Images in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format were transferred to the personal work station program (Horos Medical Image Viewer). By using the Region of Interest (ROI) console in the current program, a three dimensional model was obtained by drawing the border of the thyroid gland in sections varying between 15 and 25. Volume values of this three-dimensional model and TSH, T3, T4 values of the individuals were compared. While no correlation was found between thyroid gland volume and T3 and T4 hormones, a negative significant correlation was found with TSH. In terms of gender, thyroid gland volume, T3, T4 values were found to be statistically significantly higher in women when compared with men (p?0.05). TSH value was found to be higher in women when compared with men (p=0.005). No statistically significant difference was found in T4 value (p=0.057). Radio-anatomical volumetric data of the thyroid gland presented in this study and its correlation with thyroid functions will be beneficial to clinicians working in the field in both internal and surgical medicine branches and will also guide future studies

    Evaluation of the effect of comorbid bronchiectasis on quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of comorbid bronchiectasis on quality-of-life in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Method: 103 patients were diagnosed with COPD were included in our study. Spirometric measurements were made. The following measurement tools were used to collect data: 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), Modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnea scale, COPD Assessment Test (CAT), St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), and Short Form 36 (SF-36) quality-of-life questionnaire. Furthermore, all the patients' high Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) images for the last three years were included in the study. Result: 93.2% of the patients were male, with a mean age of 64.79 +/- 9.35 years. It was found that SGRQ and SF-36 quality-of-life scores decreased by half in all the patients compared to normal ones. The volume/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) values in the first second of forced expiration were significantly lower in the group with bronchiectasis. A significant correlation was found to exist between the patients' mMRC dyspnea scale and CAT scores, 6MWT distances, and all subscales of SGRQ and SF-36. In addition, a significant correlation was also found to exist between FEV1 values and all subscales of SGRQ, and between subscales of SF-36. Conclusion: In our study, when we compared the quality-of-life scores of the patients with COPD and bronchiectasis with those with COPD alone, we found that the quality-of-life of both groups was impaired, but there was no significant difference between them

    A study on sex estimation by using machine learning algorithms with parameters obtained from computerized tomography images of the cranium

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    The aim of this study is to test whether sex prediction can be made by using machine learning algorithms (ML) with parameters taken from computerized tomography (CT) images of cranium and mandible skeleton which are known to be dimorphic. CT images of the cranium skeletons of 150 men and 150 women were included in the study. 25 parameters determined were tested with different ML algorithms. Accuracy (Acc), Specificity (Spe), Sensitivity (Sen), F1 score (F1), Matthews correlation coefficient (Mcc) values were included as performance criteria and Minitab 17 package program was used in descriptive statistical analyses. p <= 0.05 value was considered as statistically significant. In ML algorithms, the highest prediction was found with 0.90 Acc, 0.80 Mcc, 0.90 Spe, 0.90 Sen, 0.90 F1 values as a result of LR algorithms. As a result of confusion matrix, it was found that 27 of 30 males and 27 of 30 females were predicted correctly. Acc ratios of other MLs were found to be between 0.81 and 0.88. It has been concluded that the LR algorithm to be applied to the parameters obtained from CT images of the cranium skeleton will predict sex with high accuracy

    Combined metabolic activators improve metabolic functions in the animal models of neurodegenerative diseases

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    Background: Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), are associated with metabolic abnormalities. Integrative analysis of human clinical data and animal studies have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular and cellular pathways involved in the progression of NDDs. Previously, we have reported that the combined metabolic activators (CMA), which include the precursors of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and glutathione can be utilized to alleviate metabolic disorders by activating mitochondrial metabolism. Methods: We first analysed the brain transcriptomics data from AD patients and controls using a brain-specific genome-scale metabolic model (GEM). Then, we investigated the effect of CMA administration in animal models of AD and PD. We evaluated pathological and immunohistochemical findings of brain and liver tissues. Moreover, PD rats were tested for locomotor activity and apomorphine-induced rotation. Findings: Analysis of transcriptomics data with GEM revealed that mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the underlying molecular pathways of AD. In animal models of AD and PD, we showed significant damage in the high-fat diet groups' brain and liver tissues compared to the chow diet. The histological analyses revealed that hyperemia, degeneration and necrosis in neurons were improved by CMA administration in both AD and PD animal models. These findings were supported by immunohistochemical evidence of decreased immunoreactivity in neurons. In parallel to the improvement in the brain, we also observed dramatic metabolic improvement in the liver tissue. CMA administration also showed a beneficial effect on behavioural functions in PD rats. Interpretation: Overall, we showed that CMA administration significantly improved behavioural scores in parallel with the neurohistological outcomes in the AD and PD animal models and is a promising treatment for improving the metabolic parameters and brain functions in NDDs.PoLiMeR Innovative Training Network ; SNIC ; ScandiBio Therapeutics ; ScandiBio Therapeutics and Knut ; Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftels

    Combined metabolic activators improve cognitive functions in Alzheimer's disease patients: A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase-II trial

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    Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with metabolic abnormalities linked to critical elements of neurodegeneration. We recently administered combined metabolic activators (CMA) to the AD rat model and observed that CMA improves the AD-associated histological parameters in the animals. CMA promotes mitochondrial fatty acid uptake from the cytosol, facilitates fatty acid oxidation in the mitochondria, and alleviates oxidative stress. Methods: Here, we designed a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase-II clinical trial and studied the effect of CMA administration on the global metabolism of AD patients. One-dose CMA included 12.35 g L-serine (61.75%), 1 g nicotinamide riboside (5%), 2.55 g N-acetyl-L-cysteine (12.75%), and 3.73 g L-carnitine tartrate (18.65%). AD patients received one dose of CMA or placebo daily during the first 28 days and twice daily between day 28 and day 84. The primary endpoint was the difference in the cognitive function and daily living activity scores between the placebo and the treatment arms. The secondary aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerability of CMA. A comprehensive plasma metabolome and proteome analysis was also performed to evaluate the efficacy of the CMA in AD patients. Results: We showed a significant decrease of AD Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) score on day 84 vs day 0 (P = 0.00001, 29% improvement) in the CMA group. Moreover, there was a significant decline (P = 0.0073) in ADAS-Cog scores (improvement of cognitive functions) in the CMA compared to the placebo group in patients with higher ADAS-Cog scores. Improved cognitive functions in AD patients were supported by the relevant alterations in the hippocampal volumes and cortical thickness based on imaging analysis. Moreover, the plasma levels of proteins and metabolites associated with NAD + and glutathione metabolism were significantly improved after CMA treatment. Conclusion: Our results indicate that treatment of AD patients with CMA can lead to enhanced cognitive functions and improved clinical parameters associated with phenomics, metabolomics, proteomics and imaging analysis. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04044131 Registered 17 July 2019, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04044131


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    Bu araştırma lojistik &ccedil;alışanlarının kişilik &ouml;zelliklerini tespit etmek, işe karşı tutum ve &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılıkd&uuml;zeylerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın hedefi; lojistik sekt&ouml;r&uuml; &ccedil;alışanlarının kişilik&ouml;zelliklerini tespit etmek, işe karşı tutumlarını ve &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılık d&uuml;zeylerini incelemektir. Bu &ccedil;alışma lojistiksekt&ouml;r&uuml;nde farklı y&ouml;netim d&uuml;zeyinde &ccedil;alışan iş g&ouml;renleri (iş&ccedil;i, memur, şef) saptamaktadır. Araştırmada &ccedil;alışanlarınkişilik &ouml;zelliklerini iyileştirmek, &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılıklarını arttırmak ve işe karşı tutum davranışlarını geliştirmekhedeflenmiştir. Bu ama&ccedil;la hava, kara, deniz sekt&ouml;r&uuml;nde yer alan THY Teknik, Pegasus, DHL, Arkas vd. lojistikfirmalarında &ccedil;alışan toplam 400 lojistik &ccedil;alışanı &uuml;zerinde anket &ccedil;alışması yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılanlarkolayda &ouml;rneklem y&ouml;ntemine g&ouml;re se&ccedil;ilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılanlara d&ouml;rt b&ouml;l&uuml;ml&uuml; anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Anketin birinci b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml; ankete katılanların demografik bilgilerini i&ccedil;ermektedir. Diğer b&ouml;l&uuml;mlerde ise kişilik&ouml;zelliklerinin, &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılık ile işe karşı tutum davranışlarını &ouml;l&ccedil;en soru envanterinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada veri analizinde SPSS 2.1.0 sisteminden faydalanılmıştır. Bulguların analizinde fakt&ouml;ranalizi, genel a&ccedil;ıklayıcı frekans analizleri değişkenler arası ilişkileri g&ouml;zlemlemede korelasyon ve regresyonanalizleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca grup ortalamaları arasında farkları g&ouml;zlemlemek i&ccedil;in grup ortalamaları farklar testleriyapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kişilik &ouml;zellikleri ile &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılık ve işe karşı tutum arasında anlamlı ilişkilerolduğu ortaya &ccedil;ıkmıştır. Araştırmada kişilik &ouml;zelliklerinin, &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılık ve işe karşı tutuma g&ouml;re a&ccedil;ıklayıcıg&uuml;c&uuml; olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Buna g&ouml;re Lojistik &ccedil;alışanlarının olumlu kişilik &ouml;zelliklerini geliştirdikleritaktirde; kurumlarda &ccedil;alışan personelin &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel bağlılık d&uuml;zeyleri ve işe karşı tutum d&uuml;zeylerinde iyileştirmelerortaya &ccedil;ıkabilecektir. B&ouml;ylece &ccedil;alışanların kuruma bağlılık duygusu artırılarak olumlu işe karşı tutumlarınıngeliştirilebileceği s&ouml;ylenebilir


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    Mount Isa Mines ve Netzsch GmbH şirketleri Almanya’da boya endüstrisinde kullanılan yatay Netzsch karıştırmalı değirmenlerden Isamill’i geliştirmişlerdir. Isamill mineral endüstrisinde kullanılan yüksek hızlı karıştırmalı değirmendir. Yüksek kapasiteye sahip olması (100 t/s), çok ince ürün boyutu oluşturması (d80=7 µm), düşük maliyetli doğal öğütücü ortam kullanması ve yüksek enerji etkinliği sağlaması Isamill’in önemli avantajlarıdır. Yapılan çalışmalarda Isamill’in bilyalı değirmenlere göre % 75’ten daha fazla enerji tasarrufu sağladığı görülmektedir. Isamill genellikle baz metaller (bakır, kurşun, çinko ve nikel), endüstriyel uygulamalar ve altın prosesi için kullanılmakta olup, konsantrelerin yeniden öğütülmesinde, ince/çok ince öğütmede ve primer öğütmede uygun bir seçenek olmaktadır. Bu derlemede; yatay karıştırmalı bilyalı değirmenler hakkında (ISAMILL) güncel bilgiler ve teknolojiler sunulmaktadır.Mount Isa Mines and Netzsch GmbH companies have developed Isamill from Netzsch horizontal stirred mills which are used in the paint industry in Germany. Isamill is a high-speed stirred mill used in mineral industry. The significant advantages of the Isamill include: high capacity (100 t/h), creating a very fine product size (d80=7 &micro;m), the ability to use low-cost natural grinding media and high energy efficiency. According to the studies carried out, Isamill offers more than 75% energy saving compared to conventional ball mills. It is usually used for base metals (copper, lead, zinc and nickel), industrial applications and gold process and a suitable choice for, fine/ultra-fine grinding, re-grinding of concentrates and primary grinding. In this review, recent information and technologies about horizontal stirred ball mills is presente


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    Kalsit (CaCO3) dünyada ve ülkemizde beyaz rengi, düşük demir-silis içeriği ve kolay öğütülebilme gibi birçok özelliği nedeni ile dolgu minerali olarak mikronize boyutlara öğütüldükten sonra birçok sanayi dalında (plastik, kâğıt ve boya gibi) kullanımı giderek artan bir endüstriyel mineraldir. Bu mineralin kullanım alanlarında istenen en önemli özelliklerin başında beyazlık derecesi gelmektedir. Kalsit cevherinin gerek mikronize boyutlara öğütülmesi sonrası gerekse kaplanması sonrası renk parametrelerinde (L*, a* ,b*) değişimler kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Bu ürünlerde meydana gelen renk değişimlerinin ortaya konulması ve ürünün hammaddesi ile arasında oluşan renk farkının (?E) hesaplanması ürünlerin değerlendirilmesinde ele alınması gereken önemli bir husustur. Bu çalışmada; Niğde bölgesi kalsitleri için renk ölçümleri ve renk farkı (?E) hesaplamaları verilmiştir.Calcite (CaCO3) is used as a mineral filler in many industries such as plastics, paper and coating because of its white colour, low iron, silica content and easy grindability after it is ground in the micron sizes. The most important property requested by users is whiteness degree of calcite products. Colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) of calcite ore may change naturally after milling and coating process. The changes and colour difference (?E) must be calculated from raw material and product. In this study; colour measurements and colour difference (?E) calculations are given for calcite ore in Nigde region