107 research outputs found

    Unusual Noncommunicating Isolated Enteric Duplication Cyst in Adults

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    Duplication cysts are rare gastrointestinal congenital abnormalities and can occur anywhere within the gastrointestinal tract. Duplication cysts are firmly attached to or share the wall of the alimentary tract and have a common blood supply with the adjacent segment of the bowel. Completely isolated duplication cysts are an extremely rare variety of gastrointestinal duplications with their own exclusive blood supply, and they do not communicate with the intestine. These cysts are usually diagnosed during early childhood, and very rarely detected in adults, mostly incidentally, due to a lack of symptoms. A 28-year-old male was admitted to our hospital with a chief complaint of lower abdominal pain and distention and a palpable mass for 1 month. Based upon computed tomography and sonographic findings, a small bowel duplication cyst was tentatively diagnosed. The cyst had no connection to the gastrointestinal tract. Herein we report the case of a noncommunicating isolated ileal duplication cyst in an adult. Resection of the cyst was performed safely without requiring bowel resection


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    Background: Folate is important for the synthesis of serotonin the neurotransmitter which plays a main role in OCD. We, therefore, explored the efficacy of folic acid as add on treatment to fluoxetine in a double blind study among patients with OCD. Subjects and methods: A double blind, 12-week study comparing the efficacy of folic acid as add on treatment and placebo in patients with OCD was conducted on thirty six (36) patients. Patients were randomly assigned to folic acid (5 mg/day) or placebo group in addition to fluoxetine (40 mg/day). After the baseline assessment, on week 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 assessments were performed by using YBOCS, HAM-D, HAM-A and CGI-S. Serum folate, erythrocyte folate, serum homocysteine and B12 levels were measured both baseline and the end of study. Results: A mixed model repeated measures ANCOVA on Y-BOCS scores were used to determine the difference between folic acid and placebo groups. No significant differences were found in the ratios of gender or in the mean age, serum folic acid level, erythrocyte folate level, serum homocysteine level and serum B12 level between the treatment groups at the baseline. Consecutively scores collected over six measurements on YBOCS, HAM-D, HAM-A and CGI showed non-significant differences between folic acid and placebo groups. Conclusion: None of the biological markers of one carbon metabolism were associated with the change in YBOCS scores. It may be assumed that there is no beneficial effect of folic acid addition to fluoxetine in the treatment of OCD

    Anne Tutumlarının 5-6 Yaş Çocuklarının Sosyal Becerilerini ve Okula Uyumlarının Yordayıcı Etkisi

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    Araştırmanın amacı, anne tutumlarının çocuklarının sosyal becerileri ve okula uyumlarıüzerindeki yordayıcıetkisini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada ilişkisel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklem grubunu Denizli ilinin merkez ilçesinde ilköğretim okullarının anasınıflarına devam eden 85 çocuk ve annesi oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama araçlarıolarak Anne-Babalık Stilleri ve BoyutlarıÖlçeği Anne formu , Sosyal Beceri Formu ve 5-6 YaşÇocuklarıİçin Okul Uyumu Öğretmen Değerlendirme Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, annelerin otoriter, yetkeci ve izin verici tutumlarıile 5-6 yaşındaki çocuklarının sosyal beceri ve okula uyum düzeyleri arasında anlamlıdüzeyde ilişki belirlenmiştir. Otoriter ve izin verici tutumlar, sosyal beceri ve okula uyum değişkenleri ile olumsuz yönde anlamlıilişki içindeyken; yetkeci tutum ise sosyal beceri ve okula uyum düzeyleri ile olumlu yönde anlamlıilişki içindedir

    Comparison of Ego Resiliency of Preschool Children According to the Variable of Divorce

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    Resiliency is described as a successful adjustment outcome, process or capacity despite an environment including challenges and threats Özcan, 2005 . Resiliency is a personal quality and power. It is the successful adjustment and recovery against stressful situations Henderson and Milstein, 1996; Norman, 2000 . Some children and youngsters are able to “survive” and continue their interaction with the environment successfully despite various negative events. Such kind of people generally are able to be resilient against stressful events, come through very fast and even become more powerful as a result of problems and negative environmental conditions Öğülmüş, 2001 . Purpose of this study is to reveal whether ego resiliency of children attending preschool education institutions differs according to divorced and not divorced family. The study was conducted in survey method. Two groups of children from the province of Konya were included in the sample group of the study. The first group involved 70 children from the age group of 5-6 years, with divorced parents. Children live with their mothers. Mothers in this group are supported by the Dost Eli Association both psychologically and economically. The other group of the study involved 92 children from the age group of 5-6 years, whose parents are not divorced. All of the children attend preschools. “Children’s Ego Resiliency Scale” was used to determine their ego resiliency for data collection. Eisenberg and colleagues adapted Block’s Q-Sort method in 1996 to develop the Children’s Ego Resiliency Scale, which is a measuring instrument that identifies the resiliency level of children. The 12-item scale is used to assess the resiliency level of preschool-primary school children. Adaptation of the scale into Turkish was conducted by Önder and Gülay Ogelman in 2011. Ego resiliency data of children were obtained from mothers during the study. Collection of data lasted about 3 months. The state of divorce does not have a significant effect on the ego resiliency levels of girls and boys in the sample handled. According to the findings obtained, although children with divorced families have lower mean score than children of undivorced families with respect to resilience, no statistically significant difference was found. The reason for this situation may be thought that divorced mothers included in study group were provided both psychological and economical support by Friend Hand Association, which is a nongovernmental organisation. There are some limitations in this study, as well. In line with these limitations, following points should be considered in future studies on this subject: This study is limited with sampling groups consisting of 70 children with divorced parents and 92 children with undivorced parents. Such numbers may be increased in future studies. In this study, ego resiliency levels of children were determined according to the views of mothers. In other studies, data should be collected by means of different information sources such as peer views, sociometry and observation. Long-term effects of divorce on children should be determined by using relational survey method and conducting longitudinal studies. This study is limited with the variable of divorce. In future studies, effect of different variables divorce process, how much time is spent with parents after divorce and how, etc. regarding divorce should be examined. As well as social development, effect of divorce on other development fields should be investigated. It is required to conduct studies that investigate the effects on quality of the relationship of mother-child and father-child and the development of the child during and after the divorce. According to the result of the study, it is recommended that family education programs could be prepared aimed at divorced family children and also psychological counselors can support the children in preschool age about the effects of divorce on child. In addition, to minimise divorce effects on children they can benefit from play therapy. In kindergartens, teachers should guide parents in divorce process, deal with children of such families personally, and observe them regularly and continuously. In addition, they should follow carefully general development of children of divorced families especially their social skills, peer relations, and school adjustment, and should immediately intervene in problems

    A comparison of the 2 thermal ablation procedures for the management of benign thyroid nodules

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    Introduction: In recent years, ultrasound (US)-guided thermal ablation techniques have come to the fore as minimally invasive alternatives to surgery. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of radiofrequency ablation or microwave ablation procedures in patients with benign thyroid nodules. Material and methods: This retrospective and single-centre study consisted of 55 patients and 62 benign thyroid nodules that were treated either with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or microwave ablation (MWA) in our hospital between January 2020 and March 2022. All the patients were at high risk for surgery or with symptomatic TNs and who refused surgery. The TNs diagnosed as benign from the fine-needle aspiration biopsy were evaluated in terms of volume reduction, symptom, and cosmetic scores. In addition, these 2 treatment modalities were compared to each other. Results: Out of 55 patients, 44 (80%) were female and were aged between 24 and 97 years with a median age of 50 years. RFA was applied to 54.5% (n = 30) of the participants, and MWA was applied to 46.5% (n = 25). The volume reduction rate (VRR) after RFA and MWA at the first month was 63.4 ± 14.2 and 65.7 ± 13, respectively. No significant difference was detected between the 2 groups in terms of VRR (p = 0.51). In addition, the mean symptom and cosmetic scores decreased significantly in both procedures, and there was a significant difference due to the symptom score change in the RFA group compared to the MWA group. Of all the patients, one patient experienced haematoma in the RFA, and one patient had transient voice change in the MWA group. No life-threatening complications were noted. Conclusion: In the treatment of benign symptomatic thyroid nodules, both RFA and MWA are options worthy of consideration in terms of efficacy and safety

    Explant Culture of Ovarian Tissue

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    INTRODUCTION: In this study, it was aimed to isolate, reproduce and characterize stromal cells migrating from tissues by creating ovarian tissue explant culture. It is also aimed to create a mixed cell culture (ovarian stromal stem cells and ovarian surface epithelium) with the tissues obtained from different parts of the ovary and to examine the interactions of the cells with each other. METHODS: Explant cultures were formed from ovarian tissues of 4 week old (prepubertal) two female Wistar Albino type rats. Then, the expression of CD29, CD54, CD90 (mesenchymal stem cell surface antigen) and CD45 (hematopoietic stem cell surface antigen) was investigated by performing flow cytometry analysis on proliferating ovarian stromal cells in the 2nd passage (P2). RESULTS: The proliferation abilities and morphological characteristics of the cells in the culture medium were examined by serial passaging. In flow cytometry analysis of isolated ovarian stromal cells, it was determined that they expressed CD54, CD90 and CD45 surface antigens, but did not express CD29 surface antigens. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the analysis, we determined that the ovarian stromal cells we isolated and produced in the culture medium expressed hematopoietic and some mesenchymal stem cell markers

    Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic

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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for- ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi- crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol- ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies. In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific areas of health biotechnology are discussed

    The impact of renewable energy on macroeconomic variables

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    Enerji, genel itibariyle "iş yapabilme yeteneği" şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Geçmişten günümüze en temel gereksinimlerden biri haline gelen enerji dünya için vazgeçilmez bir hale gelmiştir ve yemeğin pişmesinde, konutları ısıtma ve soğutma faaliyetlerinde, elektronik aletlerin kullanılmasında, ulaşımda, iletişim ve haberleşmede, endüstriyel faaliyetlerde olmak üzere birçok farklı alanlarda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Toplumların medenileşmesinde faydalanılan bir alan olan enerji kaynakları oldukça az miktarda olmasına rağmen bilim ve teknoloji olanaklarıyla başka maddelerin de enerjiye kaynaklık etmesi enerji kaynaklarını çeşitlendirmiştir. Enerji kaynakları çeşitlerinin birçok sınıflandırmaları olsa da kullanılışlarına göre enerji kaynakları ve dönüştürülebilirliklerine göre enerji kaynakları olmak üzere iki başlık altında oluşmaktadır. Kullanılışlarına göre enerji kaynakları kendi içinde yenilenemez ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Yenilenemez enerji kaynakları, tek kullanımlık şeklinde nitelendirilebilecek kadar uzun vadede kendini yenileyebilen fosil yakıtlardan oluşup kömür, petrol ve doğalgaz olmak üzere üçe ayrılır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ise doğada sınırsız halde bulunan ve devamlı bir şekilde oluşumu gerçekleşen enerji kaynağı olarak tanımlanabilir. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları hidrolik, güneş, rüzgar, jeotermal, biyokütle, dalga ve gel-git, hidrojen olmak üzere yedi alt gruba ayrılır. Dünyada enerji üretiminde daha çok fosil yakıtların kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. Aynı zamanda dünyadaki yenilenemez enerji kaynaklarının rezervlerine bakıldığında petrolün 40 yıl, doğalgazın 62 yıl ve kömürün ise 216 yıl yeteceğini araştırmalar bize söylemektedir. Yenilenemeyen enerji kaynaklarının doğada yenilenme süresi yüzyılları alması ve dünyada dağılımları eşit olmaması gibi sebeplerle ülkelerin çoğu enerji konusunda dışa bağımlıdır. Bunun önüne geçilebilmesi için yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları kullanılması ülkelere avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bir ülkede yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımının artması ekonomik açıdan yeni malların üretilmesine bu sayede üretim sürecinin artmasına ve ülkenin büyümesine katkı sunacaktır. Yeni tesislerin kurulması da yeni iş imkanlarının oluşumuna katkı sunarak işsizliğin azaltılması konusunda yardımcı olacaktır. Çevre faktörü konusunda da yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının tam bir doğa dostu olması hava kirliliğinin artmasına engel teşkil etmesi açısından diğer önemli bir avantajdır. Bu tezde amacımız yüksek gelirli ve orta gelirli olan belirli ülke gruplarında panel veri analizi yöntemini kullanarak yenilenebilir enerjinin makroekonomik değişkenler üzerindeki etkilerinin neler olduğunu araştırmaktır. Bu kapsamda makroekonomik değişkenler olarak büyüme, dış ticaret (ihracat, ithalat) ve işsizlik ele alınmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre yüksek gelirli ülkelerde yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımının işsizlik üzerindeki etkisi anlamsız çıkarken, ihracat ve ithalat üzerindeki etkisi pozitif, büyüme üzerinde ise negatif bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Orta gelirli ülkelerde ise yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımının büyüme üzerindeki etkisi anlamsız çıkarken, işsizlik üzerindeki etkisi pozitif, ihracat ve ithalat üzerindeki etkisi ise negatif olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Energy is generally defined as the ability to do work. Energy, which has become one of the most basic requirements from the past to the present, has become indispensable for the world and has started to be used in many different areas such as cooking food, heating and cooling activities in houses, using electronic devices, transportation, communication and industrial activities. Although the energy resources, which are an area benefited from in the civilization of societies, are quite scarce, the fact that other materials are also sources of energy with the possibilities of science and technology has diversified the energy resources. Although there are many classifications of energy sources, they are divided into two categories: energy sources according to their use and energy sources according to their convertibility. According to their use, energy sources are divided into two as non-renewable and renewable energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources consist of fossil fuels that can renew themselves in the long term that can be described as disposable and are divided into three as coal, oil and natural gas. Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, can be defined as an energy source that is unlimited in nature and that is constantly formed. Renewable energy sources are divided into seven subgroups: hydraulic, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, wave and tidal, hydrogen. It is known that fossil fuels are used mostly in energy production in the world. At the same time, when we look at the reserves of non-renewable energy resources in the world, researches tell us that oil will last for 40 years, natural gas for 62 years and coal for 216 years. Most of the countries are dependent on foreign energy for reasons such as the renewal period of non-renewable energy sources takes centuries in nature and their distribution is unequal in the world. In order to prevent this, the use of renewable energy sources provides advantages to countries. The increase in the use of renewable energy resources in a country will contribute to the production of new goods economically, thus increasing the production process and the growth of the country. The establishment of new facilities will also contribute to the creation of new job opportunities and will help reduce unemployment. In terms of environmental factor, the fact that renewable energy sources are completely nature-friendly is another important advantage in terms of preventing the increase of air pollution. In this thesis, our aim is to investigate the effects of renewable energy on macroeconomic variables by using panel data analysis method in certain high-income and middle-income country groups. In this context, growth, foreign trade (exports, imports) and unemployment are discussed as macroeconomic variables. According to the results of the analysis, while the effect of the use of renewable energy sources on unemployment in high-income countries is insignificant, it has been found to have a positive effect on exports and imports and a negative effect on growth. In middle-income countries, the effect of the use of renewable energy sources on growth is insignificant, while the effect on unemployment is positive and the effect on exports and imports is negative

    Smoking status of oncological patients

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    Smoking is a major risk factor and main cause of many cancer types and death related cancer. It is the foremost cause of cancer mortality in the United States accounting for 98% of all tobacco related deaths. Smoking is the main preventable cause of lung cancer, it also affects the treatment. We investigated smoking status of our oncological patients. 372 patients information obtained from their files retrospectively. The 64.5% of patients were male (n=240), 35.5 % were female (n=132) and mean age was 60.9. 144 patients were nonsmoker (38.7%),148 patients were (39.8%) smoker and 80 were ex-smoker (21.5%). Mean consumed tobacco amount was 40.37 packet/year. 37.5% of the group was lung cancer, 18.6% of the group was breast cancer, 9.7% of the group was head and neck tumors. Only 9 (6.4%) patients from all lung cancer patients were nonsmoker, 60% were active smoker and 33.6% (n=47) were ex-smoker. Only 12 patients (33.3%) with head and neck cancer were nonsmoker, 22.2% were ex-smoker, 44.4 % were active smoker. 38.1% of gastric cancer patients were nonsmoker (n=8), 42.9 % were smoker and 19% were ex-smoker. Colorectal tumor group had a lower smoking ratio; 55.2% were nonsmoker and 10.3 % were ex-smoker. The least tobacco using ratio was at breast cancer group, 83.8 % of the breast cancer patients were nonsmoker. According to world health organisation, one third of cancer releated death is about basic behaviours as; high body mass index, poor fruits and vegetables in nutrition, poor physical activity and using cigarette and alcohol. We can change all of these situations. Because of strong relation between many kinds of cancer (not only lung cancer as common consideration) and tobacco, firstly we must conceive awareness about this relationship

    Establi·shment of the surgi·cal di·ffi·culty scale obtai·ned informati·on from systemi·c, cli·ni·cal and radi·ologi·cal evaluati·ons of the impacted lower thi·rd

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    YÖK Tez ID: 607831Sürme yaşı tamamlandığı halde normal oklüzyonda yerini almamış kemik ve yumuşak doku içinde bütünüyle ya da kısmen kalmış olan dişler gömülü diş olarak tanımlanır. Üçüncü molar dişler kron-kök morfolojisi, dental arktaki pozisyonları bakımından gelişim sürecinde en çok çeşitlilik gösteren dişlerdir. Aynı zamanda dental arkta en çok gömülü kalan dişlerdir. Gömülü dişlerin cerrahi çekimleri sırasında oluşabilecek komplikasyonların en aza indirilebilmesi için operasyon öncesi gerekli radyolojik incelemelerin yapılması, eksiksiz bir anamnez alınması ve klinik muayenenin uygulanması şarttır. Gömülü diş pozisyonlarının belirlenmesinde farklı kriterlere göre sınıflandırma yöntemleri birlikte kullanılmaktadır. Operasyonu etkileyebilecek yaş, cerrahın eğitim ve deneyim durumu, var olan sistemik hastalıklar, kullanılan ilaçlar, gömülü yirmi yaş dişinin klasifikasyonu ve çekim endikasyonları günümüzde sıklıkla tartışılan konular arasındadır. Gömülü dişler; kemik retansiyonlu gömülü dişler, kemik ve yumuşak doku retansiyonlu gömülü dişler ve yumuşak doku retansiyonlu gömülü dişler olarak üç grup altında toplanabilirler. Yapılan çoğu gömülü yirmi yaş dişi sınıflaması radyolojik değişkenler ile sınırlı kalmıştır. Gömülü alt yirmi yaş dişlerinin cerrahi çekimleri öncesi daha detaylı incelenerek belirlenen zorluk miktarının operasyon süresine ve komplikasyon oluşumuna etkisi değerlendirilecektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı gömülü alt yirmi yaş dişlerinin sistemik, radyolojik ve klinik değerlendirmeler yardımıyla cerrahi zorluk skalasını oluşturabilmektir. Bu çalışma randomize prospektif tasarlanmış bir klinik çalışmadır. Çalışmamıza kliniğimize başvuran, çekim endikasyonu bulunan gömülü alt yirmi yaş dişine sahip yetişkin bireyler dâhil edilmiştir.The teeth that are completely or partially within the bone and soft tissue that have not been placed in the normal occlusion when the sliding age is complete are defined as the impacted tooth. The third molar teeth are the most varied teeth in the developmental process in terms of crown-root morphology, dental posterior positions. At the same time, dental arches are the most impacted teeth. In order to minimize the complications that may occur during the surgical procedures of the implanted teeth, it is necessary to perform the necessary radiological examinations before operation, to take a complete anamnesis and to apply the clinical examination. Classification methods according to different criteria are used together in determining the impacted tooth positions. Age, education and experience of surgeon, existing systemic diseases, medications used, impacted classification of the teeth and indications of grafting that may affect the operation are frequently discussed today. İmpacted teeth; bony retention buried teeth, bone and soft tissue retention buried teeth, soft tissue retention buried teeth. Most of the impacted lower twenty teeth classification was limited to radiological variables. The effect of the determined amount of difficulty on the operation time and complication formation will be evaluated by examining the impacted lower twenty teeth before the operation. In this study our aim is to create a difficulty scale for the impacted lower twenty teeth with the help of systemic, radiological and clinical evaluations. This study is a prospective randomized clinical trial. Adult individuals with an impacted lower third molar tooth with an indication of attraction referred to our clinic will be included