997 research outputs found

    Effect of ozonated water on the microbiological physical and nutritional quality parameters of minimally processed lettuce during shelf-life

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    Since chlorine is not accepted for treatment of organic products, alternative sanitizing agents are needed to assure the safety and shelf-life of fresh-cut organic vegetables. Therefore, the effect of ozone on the microbiological, nutritional ands sensory quality of lettuce were studied during shelf-life at 4ºC in this project. Ozone gas was produced from extra dry oxygen by means of a corona discharge generator. After spinning, samples were packaged using 35 μm oriented PP bags and stored at 4ºC for 13 days. Sampling was done on days 0, 3, 8, 10, and 13. Analyses include aerobic plate count and psychrotrophic bacteria, vitamin C and sensory quality. One chlorine (100 ppm, 2 min) and one organic acid (0.25% citric acid plus 0.50% ascorbic acid, 2 min) disinfected sample were used as control samples during the shelf-life study, as chlorine is the generally used disinfecting agent in conventional processing and organic acids are one of the few alternatives that can be used for organic products. No significant difference was detected between the microbial quality of ozone, chlorine and organic acid disinfected lettuce samples. Although the vitamin C loss in 3 ppm ozone treated samples were significantly higher than the other samples, no significant difference was observed between chlorine washed and 1 ppm ozone treated samples. At the end of 10 days of storage, at a level of 5 %, no significant difference was observed between chlorine washed and the samples treated with 1 ppm ozone for 2 min

    Pilot scale application of ozonated water wash - effect on microbiological and sensory quality parameters of processed iceberg lettuce during self-life

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of ozonated water wash on the microbiological and sensory quality parameters of minimally processed iceberg lettuce in pilot scale in comparison to aqueous chlorine wash. Alternative solutions for chlorine are needed, since its use is prohibited in organic food processing. Iceberg lettuce samples were washed with three different ozone solutions and the water wash and the 100 ppm chlorine wash were used as control. Ozone generator based on corona discharge was used to produce ozone at level 7 ppm. The samples (150 g) packed in oriented polypropylene pouches were stored for 10 days at +5C and the microbiological and sensory quality was analysed on days 1, 6 and 10. There was no significant difference between chlorine wash samples and the samples washed 1 min in a machine with ozonated water concerning the microbiological quality. Compared with the chlorine with lower concentrations of ozone it is possible to control the microbial load. Concerning the sensory quality all samples endured all of the treatments well except the treatment with 7 ppm ozone for 5 min. As a conclusion the bubbling gaseous ozone in water can be as effective disinfection method as chlorine wash when the following processing parameters are taken into account: concentration of ozone during the whole process, exposure time, water temperature and the amount and type of the organic material

    Business process reengineering and it's effects on organizational performancee

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    Günümüzde yaşanan hızlı değişim ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak, şirketler rekabet edebilme gücünü arttırmak amacıyla yeni yönetim yaklaşımları arayışı içine girmişlerdir Teknolojik gelişmeler, müşteri beklentilerinde artış ve istikrarsız ekonomi, işletmeler için değişimi zorunlu kılmıştır. İşletmelerin çalışma şartları ve çevreleri sürekli değişmektedir. Bu değişi¬me ayak uydurabilmek, rekabet edebilmenin ve hatta yeni fırsatlar yakalayıp değerlendirebilmenin ön şartı olmuştur. Değişim mühendisliği (DM) temelde iş süreçlerinin yeniden tanımlanması ve tasarlanmasıdır. DM sürecin organize edilmesindeki yöntemleri, süreçte yer alan katılımcıların rollerini, süreç basamaklarının yapısını/düzenini değiştirir. Endüstriyel firmaların rekabet edebilirlikleri karşısında bir çok engel vardır. İşletmelerin sahip olduğu endüstriyel iş operasyonları uzun vadede yeterince etkili değildir. Yenileme yeteneği ve köklü değişiklikler yapmak gelecekteki rekabet edebilirliği korumak için gereklidir. Değişim mühendisliği iş akışlarını ve bir organizasyonun verimliliğini optimize etmek amacıyla süreçleri, sistemi, politikaları ve organizasyonel yapıları destekleyerek bunların hızlı ve radikal bir şekilde yeniden dizayn edilmelerini sağlayan endüstri mühendisliği ve yönetim bilimi alanındaki son yeniliklerden birisidir.The firms are nowadays in search of brand new management approachs in order to increase their competition pover related to rapid changes and technological developments. Technological developments, increasing customers expectations and unstable economy make the companies change. Organizational environment and work place conditions are changing. Adapting to recent conditions is the only way to compete. Business process reengineering (BPR) is mainly re-organizing the work processes. BPR changes the methods of process organizations, the roles of the practitioners, the structure and order of process levels.There are many challenges that industrial enterprises face to maintain their competitiveness. Running industrial operation effectively is not enough in the long run. Capabilities of innovation and utilizing innovativeness in new ways are required in future competition. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is one of the most recent innovations in industrial engineering and management science which represents the rapid and radical redesign of strategic, valueadded processes and the system, policies and organizational structures that support them to optimize the work flows and productivity of an organization

    Geneological Tree of the Words

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    Bugüne değin Türkiye Türkçesinin bir etimoloji sözlüğü yayımlanmamıştır. Bu konuda çeşitli yayınlar olmuşsa da bu yayınlar Türkçenin sözvarlığını kapsamayan, akademik çalışmaları göz ardı eden çalışmalardı. Türkiye Türkçesinin etimoloji sözlüğünü hazırlamak için yalnızca Eski Türkçe veya öteki Türk dillerini bilmek yetmez. Mutlaka Arapça, Farsça, Ermenice, Rumca, İtalyanca ve başka kültürel alışveriş içerisinde bulunulan diller hakkında da birikim gerektirir. S. Nişanyan, bu tür dilleri tanıyor olması dolayısıyla kısa ve yararlı bir “kılavuz” sözlük hazırwlamıştır. Ancak Eski Türkçe, Altayistik ve Türk dillerinin karşılaştırmalı sesbilgisi ile ilgili maddelerde eksiklikler vardır. Bu yazıda Nişanyan’ın sözlüğünün “b” harfinde yer alan maddeler değerlendirilmiştir

    Reform Efforts in Ottoman Madrasas in the Second Constitutional Era and Centralization

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    Meşrutiyet devri her açıdan olduğu gibi, eğitim reformları açısından da verimli bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde medreselerin ihtiyaca cevap veremez hale gelmesi üzerine, pek çok reform projeleri hazırlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda 1910’da Medaris-i İlmiye Nizamnamesi çıkarıldı. Bu nizamname ile medreselerde yeni bir dönem başladı. 1914’te Şeyhülislam Mustafa Hayri Efendi’nin çabalarıyla çıkarılan Islah-ı Medaris Nizamnamesi’ne göre İstanbul’daki bütün medreseler, Darü’l-hilaleti’l-aliye Medresesi adı altında yeniden düzenlendi. Böylece medreseler merkezden yönetilmeye başlandı. Bu yeniliklerle yetinilmeyerek, 1917’de Şeyhülislam Musa Kâzım Efendi tarafından medreseler hakkında başka düzenlemeler de yapıldı. Bu resmi çabaların dışında ulemanın pek çoğu, medreselerin nasıl düzeleceğine dair görüşler ileri sürdüler. Bu yenilikler medreselerde merkezileşme sürecini hızlanmıştır. Biz bu çalışmamızda bu bağlamdaki projeleri ve görüşleri inceleyerek II. Meşrutiyet döneminde medreselerin durumunu ve medreselere bakış açısını ortaya koymaya çalıştık

    Stanisław Stachowski, Lexique turc dans le Vocabulaire de P. F. Viguier (1970)

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    Elimizdeki çalışma P.F. Viguier’in Élémens de La Langue Turque (1790) adlı ünlü gramerinin vokabüler bölümüne dayanmaktadır: “Essai de Vocabulaire François-Turc” (Viguer’in gramerinde 352-456. sayfalar). Çalışma “giriş” ile “Türkçe-Fransızca Vokabüler” bölümünden oluşmaktadır. Girişte yazar ve yazarın eseri hakkında bilgi verilir. Eser, gramer, diyaloglar ve vokabülerden (Fransızca-Türkçe sözlük) oluşmaktadır. 12-15. sayfalarda Türkçe sözcüklerin yazımında kullanılan harfler örneklerle gösterilir. 15-17. sayfalarda ise vokabüler’in dönüştürülmesi, yani Fransızca- Türkçe sözlüğün Türkçe-Fransızca olarak yeniden düzenlenişi hakkında kısa bilgi ve kaynakça yer alır

    Preservice teachers' understandings of division and ratios in forming proportional relationships

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    This study aimed at investigating how preservice teachers' understandings of division and reasoning about ratios support and constrain their formation of proportional relationships in terms of quantities. Six preservice teachers from a middle-grade preparation program in the USA were selected purposefully based on their mathematics performance in a previous course. An explanatory case study with multiple cases was used to make comparisons within and across cases. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted with each pair. The results revealed that preservice teachers who did not explicitly identify different meanings for division struggled to differentiate between the two perspectives on ratios. The results also showed that those teachers had difficulty forming proportional relationships while solving the proportion tasks. These results suggest that explicit identification of the meanings for both types of division is critical to keeping the two perspectives on ratios separate, which is a key aspect for a robust understanding of proportional relationships.WOS:000771562400002Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Emerging Sources Citation IndexArticle; Early AccessUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRMarch2022YÖK - 2021-22Mar

    Effects of cold stratification, sulphuric acid, submersion in hot and tap water pretreatments in the greenhouse and open field conditions on germination of bladder-Senna (Colutea armena Boiss. and Huet.) seeds

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    This study was carried out to determine which pre-treatments should be preferred to overcome dormancy problems of Colutea armena seeds which were collected from three different provenances. Pre-treatments applied to the seeds were submersion in concentrated (98%) sulphuric acid for 30 min, floating in hot water (100 degrees C) followed by continual cooling for 24 h in the same water, soaking in tap water (20 +/- 1 degrees C) for 24 h and cold stratification for 20, 40 and 60 days. The seeds were sown in polyethylene pots in the greenhouse and in seedbeds under open field conditions. The statistical approach was a randomized complete block design with three replications. Germinated seeds were observed periodically during 70 days to determine germination percentages and germination rates. The highest germination percentages (52.2, 56.7 and 60.5%) were obtained in seeds which were submersed in sulphuric acid for 30 min and sown in the greenhouse for all three provenances. The best germination rates for provenances of Koprubasi and Derinkoy were 14 and 16 days which were determined in seeds soaked in sulphuric acid for 30 min and sown in the greenhouse. On the other hand, the best germination rate (12 days) of provenance of Salkimli was determined in seeds which were floated in hot water (100 degrees C) followed by continual cooling for 24 h in the same water and sown under open field conditions

    Fusarium species isolated from wheat samples showing root and crown rot symptoms in Southeast Anatolia

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    Wheat is one of the most largely grown cereals in Turkey and it is very important for meet calorie requirements of humans and animals. However, due to numerous fungal diseases suffered, the wheat supply is threatened. Fusarium spp., known as the big portion of plant parasitic fungi, causes some quality and quantity problems on wheat production. This large genus has over one hundred sub-species, therefore, it is so difficult to diagnose in species level. Using certain molecular and microscopic approaches, this study aimed at determining the Fusarium spp., causing root and crown rot on wheat in Southeast Anatolia. Molecularly, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiment with some species-specific primers and sequencing of some part of ribosomal RNA region after amplification by PCR were used to differentiate the species. Additionally, colony and different spore characteristics of cultures were used to diagnose some Fusarium species microscopically. At the end of the study, 143 Fusarium isolates including 19 species were obtained from wheat producing areas in Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, and Adıyaman provinces. Although the most frequently isolated species was F. proliferatum at the rate of 17.4%, F. pseudograminearum and F. culmorum, which were the most important crown rot pathogens, were isolated at 13% of the total isolated Fusarium isolates

    On equivalent cone metric spaces

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    We explore the necessary and sufficient conditions for the two cone metrics to be topologically equivalent.Досліджено необхідні та достатні умови для топологічної еквівалентності двох конічних метрик