21 research outputs found

    Survival results according to Oncotype Dx recurrence score in patients with hormone receptor positive HER-2 negative early-stage breast cancer: first multicenter Oncotype Dx recurrence score survival data of Turkey

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    BackgroundThe Oncotype Dx recurrence score (ODx-RS) guides the adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making process for patients with early-stage hormone receptor-positive, HER-2 receptor-negative breast cancer. This study aimed to evaluate survival and its correlation with ODx-RS in pT1-2, N0-N1mic patients treated with adjuvant therapy based on tumor board decisions.Patients and methodsEstrogen-positive HER-2 negative early-stage breast cancer patients (pT1-2 N0, N1mic) with known ODx-RS, operated on between 2010 and 2014, were included in this study. The primary aim was to evaluate 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates according to ODX-RS.ResultsA total of 203 eligible patients were included in the study, with a median age of 48 (range 26-75) and median follow-up of 84 (range 23-138) months. ROC curve analysis for all patients revealed a recurrence cut-off age of 45 years, prompting evaluation by grouping patients as ≤45 years vs. >45 years. No significant difference in five-year DFS rates was observed between the endocrine-only (ET) and chemo-endocrine (CE) groups. However, among the ET group, DFS was higher in patients over 45 years compared to those aged ≤45 years. When stratifying by ODx-RS as 0-17 and ≥18, DFS was significantly higher in the former group within the ET group. However, such differences were not seen in the CE group. In the ET group, an ODx-RS ≥18 and menopausal status were identified as independent factors affecting survival, with only an ODx-RS ≥18 impacting DFS in patients aged ≤45 years. The ROC curve analysis for this subgroup found the ODx-RS cut-off to be 18.ConclusionThis first multicenter Oncotype Dx survival analysis in Turkey demonstrates the importance of Oncotype Dx recurrence score and age in determining treatment strategies for early-stage breast cancer patients. As a different aproach to the literature, our findings suggest that the addition of chemotherapy to endocrine therapy in young patients (≤45 years) with Oncotype Dx recurrence scores of ≥18 improves DFS

    Forensıc Accounting On The Audit Of Turkish Court Of Accounts And Forensıc Accounting Perception Of The Turkish Court Of Accounts Auditors

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    Kamu kaynağı kullanan idarelerin gelir, gider ve mallarını Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi adına denetleyen ve sorumluların hesap ve işlemlerini kesin hükme bağlayan Sayıştay'ın bu görevini gerçekleştirirken yaptığı denetimlerde sürecin bir gereği olarak hukuk ile muhasebe arasında kesişme noktası olan adli muhasebeden uzak olmadığı, bazı durumlarda kamu zararı veya suç teşkil eden bir fiil karşısında izlenen yolların adli muhasebe olarak tanımlanmasa da birebir bu kavramla örtüştüğü düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle Sayıştay denetiminin adli muhasebe mesleğine, adli muhasebe mesleğinin de Sayıştay denetimine katkı sağlayacağı değerlendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda ülkemizde henüz tam anlamıyla uygulama alanı bulmayan adli muhasebenin Sayıştay Bağımsız denetiminde daha etkin kullanılmasının amaçlanması aynı zamanda Sayıştay'ın kamu sektörü denetiminde sahip olduğu deneyiminde adli muhasebeye katkı sağlaması teorik ve uygulamaya dönük araştırmayla ortaya konulacaktır. Çalışmamızda öncelikle Sayıştay; icra ettiği görevler ve denetim alanı boyutuyla ele alınmış, Sayıştay denetimi kapsamında gerçekleştirilen ve adli muhasebe ile bağlantı noktası konumunda olan mali denetim ve uygunluk denetimleri kavramsal olarak açıklanmıştır. Aynı zamanda adli muhasebe kavramı literatürde yer alan tanımlarıyla ele alınarak, tarihsel gelişimi, dünyadaki ve ülkemizdeki durumu, diğer bilim dallarıyla ilişkileri kapsamında değerlendirilmiştir. Yine Sayıştay denetimi ile adli muhasebe arasında köprü konumunda olan diğer bir unsur olan kamu zararı kavramı ele alınarak, Adli Muhasebe-Sayıştay Denetimi ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Ayrıca Sayıştay denetçilerinin adli muhasebe/adli denetim ile ilgili bilgilerini, bakış açılarını, adli denetimin Sayıştay denetiminde sahip olduğu fonksiyonları öğrenme amaçlı anket çalışmasına yer verilerek, anketten elde edilen veriler değerlendirilmiş ve sonrasında genel değerlendirmelerin yer aldığı sonuç ve öneriler bölümü ile çalışmamız sonlandırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, Sayıştay denetiminin adli muhasebe kavramı ile ilişkisini ve Sayıştay denetçilerinin adli muhasebe algısını ölçmek için yapılan istatiksel analizler sonucunda, bu kavramlar arasında istatiksel olarak pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte adli muhasebeden daha fazla yararlanmak üzere denetim mevzuatında bir takım düzenlemelerin yapılması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The Court of Accounts, which inspects the revenues, expenditures and goods of administrations using public resources on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and which has the power to prescribe the accounts and transactions of the responsible persons, is not far from the judicial account which is the point of intersection between law and accounting as a continuous requirement in the conduct of this duty. It is thought that the ways that are followed in the face of a criminal act or public loss are not defined as forensic accounting but totally overlaps with this concept. For this reason, it is considered that the Court of Accounts audit will contribute to the judicial accounting profession and the judicial accounting profession will contribute to the Court of Accounts audit. In this context, the aim of more effective use of judicial accounting, which does not yet have a full scope of application in our country, under independent control of the Court of Accounts will also be put forward through theoretical and practical research in order to make contributions to forensic accounting in the experience of the Court of Accounts in public sector supervision. In our work, firstly the Court of Accounts were dealt with in regard to its functions and Powers. Furthermore financial and compliance audits conducted in the scope of the Court of Accounts audit and in connection with judicial accounting have been conceptually explained. At the same time, the concept of forensic accounting has been addressed with the definitions in the literature and its historical development has been assessed within the context of its relation with other branches of science, and its current situation both in the world and in our country. Another concept called the concept of public loss, which is a bridge between the Court of Accounts audit and judicial accounting has been explained and associated with the Criminal Accounting-Court Audit. In addition, the questionnaire survey was conducted to learn about the knowledge and opinions of the Court of Account auditors regarding the forensic accounting / judicial audit and the functions of the judicial audit under the supervision of the Court of Accounts. The data obtained from the questionnaire were evaluated and then our work ended with the chapter including conclusions and recommendations of the general evaluations.Statistical researches have been done to measure forensic accounting perception of the Turkish Court of Account auditors and The relationship of The Turkish Court of Account with forensic accounting. As a result, statistically signifant relationships between these concepts were found in the positive direction. However, it is concluded that in order to benefit more from forensic accounting a number of regulations should be made in the audit legislation

    Quality of selected spices and herbs consumed in Turkey

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    The present study was undertaken to determine the microbiological (total aerobic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, sulphite reducing bacteria, moulds/yeasts, Salmonella spp, and Escherichia coli O157:H7), chemical (moisture and ash) and toxicological (aflatoxin B,) quality of 170 spice (40 black pepper, 40 red pepper) and herb (30 thyme, 30 cumin, 30 peppermint) samples collected from retail markets and producers. Sixty-two of 170 (36.4%) spice and herb samples were Of unacceptable quality based on recommended criteria of microbiological (55 of 170, 32.3%), chemical (16 of 170, 9.4%) and toxicological (18 of 170, 10.5%) quality by the Turkish Food Codex. The results indicate that spices and herbs present a potential hazard for public health and the essential precautions should be taken to ensure applying good hygiene practice during growing and harvesting

    Fetal substantia nigra grafts-effect on dopamine receptors in the rat corpus striatium

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    Effects of fetal substantia nigra grafts on the dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum in rats were investigated after the destruction of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways with intraventricular 6-hydroxydopamine injections. The expected dopamine receptor denervation supersensitivity was demonstrated by a 53.7% increase of [3H]spiroperidol binding in rats with sham grafts compared with normal control-group rats. In contrast, rats with grafts showed a significant reduction of supersensitivity, with a 25% decrease in binding to the graft-bearing caudate when compared with the sham-graft group. A nonsignificant 15% decrease in binding on the nongrafted side was also observed. The fetal substantia nigra grafts thus reduced the denervation supersensitivity toward a normal level

    Air Force Language School Skills 1-2-3-4

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    İzmir Hava Lisan Okulu'nda ileri düzey İngilizce sınıflarına yönelik İngilizce SKILLS 1-2-3-4 ders kitabı hazırlanmış, basılmış ve kurumda ders kitabı olarak okutulmuştur. Kitabın içeriğinde, ileri düzey okuma parçaları, dört dil becerisini içeren (reading, writing, listening, speaking) konu ve sorular bulunmaktadır. Kitabın hazırlanmasında üç eğitmen ( o yıllardaki rütbe sırasına göre)&nbsp; : Binbaşı Adnan Özkul, Yüzbaşı Tolga Yurtseven ve Sivil Öğretmen Ebru Özmen&nbsp; tarafından öğretmenlik tecrübelerimiz doğrultusunda amaca yönelik derleme bir kitap hazırlanmıştır.</p

    Microbiological and chemical quality of tahini halva

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    Purpose - This paper aims to determine the microbiological and chemical quality of halva samples obtained from retail markets and producers in the Marmara region

    Elevated Plasma Lipid Levels in Patients with Epidermoid Cysts

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    Objective: Epidermoid cysts are the most common type of skin cysts. We aimed to investigate whether there are any plasma lipid level differences in patients with epidermoid cysts. Material and Methods: Three-hundred forty-two patients (147 females and 195 males) were included. Patients’ data (including plasma lipid levels) were retrospectively evaluated, and the results were compared with the average plasma lipid levels of the Turkish population. Results: A significant increase was found in plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and triglyceride levels (p<0.05) in patients with epidermoid cysts. Conclusion: Because the presence of elevated LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be accepted as a significant risk factor for coronary heart disease, we claim that the risk of coronary heart disease is increased in patients with epidermoid cysts. Further, high plasma lipid levels may be a result of sebaceous cysts or may be an effective mechanism of sebaceous cyst formation. Larger series of patients should be analyzed to evaluate this relation

    Prevalence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes in different cheese types produced in Turkey

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    Purpose - The present paper seeks to determine the prevalence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria (L.) monocytogenes in several cheese varieties