87 research outputs found

    Re-visiting the head-on collision problem between two solitary waves in shallow water

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    Upon discovering the wrongness of the statement "although this term does not cause any secularity for this order it will cause secularity at higher order expansion, therefore, that term must vanish" by Su and Mirie [4], in the present work, we studied the head-on collision of two solitary waves propagating in shallow water by introducing a set of stretched coordinates in which the trajectory functions are of order of epsilon(2), where epsilon is the smallness parameter measuring non-linearity. Expanding the field variables and trajectory functions into power series in epsilon, we obtained a set of differential equations governing various terms in the perturbation expansion. By solving them under non-secularity condition we obtained the evolution equations and also the expressions for phase functions. By seeking a progressive wave solution to these evolution equations we have determined the speed correction terms and the phase shifts. As opposed to the result of Su and Mine [4] and similar works, our calculations show that the phase shifts depend on both amplitudes of the colliding waves.Publisher's VersionAuthor Post Prin

    Head-on collision of the solitary waves in fluid-filled elastic tubes

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    In the present work, by employing the field equations given in [15] and the extended PLK method derived in [9], we have studied the head-on collision of solitary waves in arteries. Introducing a set of stretched coordinates which include some unknown functions characterizing the higher order dispersive effects and the trajectory functions to be determined from the removal of possible secularities that might occur in the solution. Expanding these unknown functions and the field variables into power series of the smallness parameter epsilon and introducing the resulting expansions into the field equations we obtained the sets of partial differential equations. By solving these differential equations and imposing the requirements for the removal of possible secularities we obtained the speed correction terms and the trajectory functions. The results of our calculation show that both the evolution equations and the phase shifts resulting from the head-on collision of solitary waves are quite different from those of Xue [15], who employed the incorrect formulation of Su and Mirie [4]. As opposed to the result of previous works on the same subject, in the present work the phase shifts depend on the amplitudes of both colliding waves.Publisher's Versio

    On head-on collision between two solitary waves in shallow water: the use of the extended PLK method

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    In the present work, we examined the head-on collision of solitary waves in shallow water theory, through the use of extended Poincare–Lighthill–Kuo (PLK) method based on the combination of reductive perturbation method with strained coordinates. Motivated with the result obtained by Ozden and Demiray (Int J Nonlinear Mech 69:66–70, 2015), we introduced a set of stretched coordinates that include some unknown functions which are to be determined so as to remove secularities that might occur in the solution. By expanding these unknown functions and the field variables into power series in the smallness parameter ϵ, introducing them into the field equations and imposing the conditions to remove the secularities, we obtained some evolution equations. By seeking a progressive wave solution to these evolution equations, we determined the speed correction terms and the phase-shift functions. The result obtained here is exactly the same with found by Ozden and Demiray (Int J Nonlinear Mech 69:66–70, 2015), wherein the analysis employed by Su and Mirie (J Fluid Mech 98:509–525, 1980) is utilized.Publisher's VersionAuthor Post Prin

    Utilización del documento de consentimiento informado en la práctica odontológica pública del partido de La Plata (Argentina) - 2003

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    La odontología como ciencia biológica difiere del pensamiento jurídico en numerosos puntos. La biología es a menudo variante. Por lo tanto el razonamiento biológico lleva implícito una parte de reserva, de incertidumbre y de duda. Por el contrario el pensamiento jurídico tiene que responder a los textos que lo instituyen como los códigos y las leyes, que son de elaboración humana, por lo tanto discernibles y asimilables. Desde la época que el hombre realizaba investigaciones empíricas, hasta nuestros días, han concurrido ciencias y disciplinas de investigación que han generado el crecimiento de diferentes especialidades, aportando elementos que definen y caracterizan su campo de acción. La Odontología Legal, como cualquier rama de la ciencia, es un producto de la evolución del hombre. Por lo tanto varía con el tiempo, es distinta según los estados o los países. El Derecho moderno establece una colaboración entre la ciencia y la ley. En estos casos el grado de responsabilidad del odontólogo es alto, porque tiene la función de auxiliar con sus conocimientos, donde sus dichos pueden influir con fuerza sobre el fallo del magistrado. Es preciso, actualmente que el perito odontólogo, adquiera un cúmulo de conocimientos sobre el espíritu jurídico y los procedimientos a seguir en los distintos fueros.Facultad de Odontología (FOLP

    Türk Toplumuna Özgü Üst ve Alt Ekstremite Kemiklerinin Uzunlukları Antropometrik Araştırma

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; iskelet kemiklerinden kimlik belirlenmesinde yararlanılmak üzere Türk toplumuna özgü veri tabanı oluşturulmasına katkıda bulunmaktır. Çalışmada Adli Tıp Kurıımu’na gönderilmiş iskelet kemiklerinden yararlanıldı. Femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius ve ulna kemiklerinden uluslararası standartlara uygun ölçümler yapıldı. Üst ekstremite kemiklerinden yapılan tüm ölçümler ile alt ekstremite kemiklerine ait femur maksimum uzunluğu, bikondiler femur uzunluğu, femur distal epikon-dil genişliği, tibia uzunluğu, tibia proksimal epifiz genişliği, tibia gövdesi ön-arka genişliği, foramen nutricium hizasında tibia çevresi ve fibula uzunluğu açısından cinsiyetler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (Student’s t-test; p<0,05-p<0,001). Elde edilen veriler benzer bulgulan içeren yabancı kaynaklarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Adli antropoloji, Türk toplumu, femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna