97 research outputs found

    An appeal to the global health community for a tripartite innovation: an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List,’’ ‘‘Health in All Policies,’’ and ‘‘See-Through 21st Century Science and Ethics"

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    Diagnostics spanning a wide range of new biotechnologies, including proteomics, metabolomics, and nanotechnology, are emerging as companion tests to innovative medicines. In this Opinion, we present the rationale for promulgating an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List.’’ Additionally, we explain the ways in which adopting a vision for ‘‘Health in All Policies’’ could link essential diagnostics with robust and timely societal outcomes such as sustainable development, human rights, gender parity, and alleviation of poverty. We do so in three ways. First, we propose the need for a new, ‘‘see through’’ taxonomy for knowledge-based innovation as we transition from the material industries (e.g., textiles, plastic, cement, glass) dominant in the 20th century to the anticipated knowledge industry of the 21st century. If knowledge is the currency of the present century, then it is sensible to adopt an approach that thoroughly examines scientific knowledge, starting with the production aims, methods, quality, distribution, access, and the ends it purports to serve. Second, we explain that this knowledge trajectory focus on innovation is crucial and applicable across all sectors, including public, private, or public–private partnerships, as it underscores the fact that scientific knowledge is a co-product of technology, human values, and social systems. By making the value systems embedded in scientific design and knowledge co-production transparent, we all stand to benefit from sustainable and transparent science. Third, we appeal to the global health community to consider the necessary qualities of good governance for 21st century organizations that will embark on developing essential diagnostics. These have importance not only for science and knowledge based innovation, but also for the ways in which we can build open, healthy, and peaceful civil societies today and for future generations

    Akciğer Kanserinde Bronkoplastik Yöntemler

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    Bronş karsinomunda sleeve lobektomi ana bronş ile invazyona uğramış lob bronşu ve ilişkili akciğer dokusunun birlikte rezeksiyonu ve sağlıklı bronşiyal dokunun anastomozudur. Hastanın yaşının 70'in üzerinde olması, pulmoner fonksiyonların pnömonektomiyi tolere edememesi, eşlik eden komorbiditelerin olması, metastatik lenf nodlarının lob bronşunu infiltre etmesi, lob bronşunu proksimalinin invazyonu (ana bronş invazyonu dahil olmak üzere) olması endikasyonlarıdır. Sleeve pnömonektomide ise küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri olması, bronkoskopi ve toraks BT ile doğrulanmış distal trakeadan itibaren 2 cm'den daha az invazyon olması, standart pnömonektomi sonrası pozitif bronş cerrahi sınır olması, N0, N1 ve sadece subkarinal N2 hastalık olması endikasyonlardır. Sleeve lobektominin erken dönem komplikasyonları; sütür yetmezliği, atelektazi, pnömoni, akut respiratuar distres sendromu (ARDS)'dir. Geç dönem komplikasyonlar ise bronkoplevral fistül, bronkovasküler fistül, anastomoza bağlı striktür ve anastomoz hattında lokal tümör rekürrensidir. Sleeve pnömonektominin ise komplikasyonları; ARDS, anastomoz yetmezliği ve darlıklarıdır. Sonuç olarak; trakeal sleeve rezeksiyonlarda komplet rezeksiyon esas olup, prognoz lenf nodu tutulumuna bağlıdır.</p

    Treatment of Iatrogenic tracheal laceration with cervical mediastinotomy and tube drainage; a case report

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    Trakeobronşiyal hasar endotrakeal entübasyonun hayati bir komplikasyonudur. Akciğer kist hidatiği nedeniyle standart torakotomi ile kistotomi ve kapitonaj ameliyatı uygulanan 7 yaşındaki bir kız çocukta masif ciltaltı amfizem gelişmesi sonrasında teşhis edilen, entübasyon nedenli trakea yaralanması sunuldu. Tedavide servikal mediastinotomi ve tüp drenajı başarıyla kullanıldı. Konservatif ve cerrahi tedavi metodları tartışıldı.Tracheobronchial injury is a life threatening complication of endotracheal intubation. An intubation induced tracheal laceration diagnosed a&#64261;er massive subcutaneous emphysema, in a 7-year-old girl who underwent a cystotomy and capitonnage operation through a standard thoracotomy for pulmonary hydatid cyst is presented. She was treated with cervical mediastinotomy and tube drainage with an uneventful clinical outcome. Conservative and surgical treatment methods are discussed