522 research outputs found

    A note on cosmological Levi-Civita spacetimes in higher dimensions

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    We find a class of solutions to cosmological Einstein equations that generalizes the four dimensional cylindrically symmetric spacetimes to higher dimensions. The AdS soliton is a special member of this class with a unique singularity structure.Comment: 3 pages; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Circularly symmetric solutions of Minimal Massive Gravity at its merger point

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    I find all the static circularly symmetric solutions of Minimal Massive 3D Gravity at its merger point, construct stationary versions of these and discuss some of their geometric and physical properties. It turns out that apart from a static hairy black hole, there is also a static gravitational soliton, that has been overlooked in the literature.Comment: latex, 23 pages, 1 table, no figures; ver 2: corrected a marginal mistake that does not affect the main result

    Bakî, Nef'î ve Nedîm divanlarında ironi

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    İroni içinde birçok farklı anlam bulunduran, pek çok söz sanatıyla bir arada kullanılabilen, bu yüzden açıklaması zor bir kavramdır. İroninin genel bir tanımının bile yapılamaması, bu sanata ismine yaraşır bir gizem katmaktadır. İroni için bir şeyi söyleyip tam tersini kastetmek olarak çok genel bir tanım yapmak mümkündür. Türk Edebiyatında ironi sadece istihza yönüyle ele alınmıştır, fakat ironiye sadece bu yönüyle bakmak yeterli değildir. Bu çalışmada, Batı Edebiyatı ve Türk Edebiyatında ironi üzerine yapılmış önceki çalışmalardan derlenen bilgiler sunulduktan sonra, Klasik Dönem Türk Edebiyatında ironiyle birlikte ele alınabilecek söz sanatları incelenmiş, Baki, Nedim ve Nef'î'nin şiirlerinde ironi örnekleri ve açıklamalarıyla sunulmuştur

    Comment on the new AdS universe

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    We show that Bonnor's new Anti-de Sitter (AdS) universe and its D-dimensional generalization is the previously studied AdS soliton.Comment: 2 pages; version 2: major changes including the titl

    Core professionalism education in surgery: A systematic review

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    Background: Professionalism education is one of the major elements of surgical residency education. Aims: To evaluate the studies on core professionalism education programs in surgical professionalism education. Study Design: Systematic review. Methods: This systematic literature review was performed to analyze core professionalism programs for surgical residency education published in English with at least three of the following features: program developmental model/instructional design method, aims and competencies, methods of teaching, methods of assessment, and program evaluation model or method. A total of 27083 articles were retrieved using EBSCOHOST, PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, and manual search. Results: Eight articles met the selection criteria. The instructional design method was presented in only one article, which described the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation model. Six articles were based on the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education criterion, although there was significant variability in content. The most common teaching method was role modeling with scenario- and case-based learning. A wide range of assessment methods for evaluating professionalism education were reported. The Kirkpatrick model was reported in one article as a method for program evaluation. Conclusion: It is suggested that for a core surgical professionalism education program, developmental/instructional design model, aims and competencies, content, teaching methods, assessment methods, and program evaluation methods/models should be well defined, and the content should be comparable. © 2018 by Trakya University Faculty of Medicine / The Balkan Medical Journal published by Galenos Publishing House

    Stationary Lifshitz black holes ofR2-corrected gravity theory

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    In this short note, I present a generalization of a set of static D-dimensional (D >= 3) Lifshitz black holes, which are solutions of the gravitational model obtained by amending the cosmological Einstein theory with the addition of only the curvature-scalar-squared term and that are described by two parameters, to a more general class of exact, analytic solutions that involves an additional parameter which now renders them stationary. In the special D = 3 and the dynamical exponent z = 1 cases, the parameters can be adjusted so that the solution becomes identical to the celebrated BTZ black hole metric

    Basic design education: A course outline proposal

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    Sarıoğlu Erdoğdu, Gülsün Pelin (Dogus Author)Türkiye ve Dünyada birçok Mimarlık ve Planlama okulunun ilk senesinde zorunlu Temel Tasarım dersi verilmektedir. 2 ve 3 boyutlu soyut temsil yöntemlerinin öğretildiği bu derste genelde Bauhaus okulunun algı psikolojisinden uyarladığı Gestalt tasarım prensipleri uygulanır ancak bu bağlantı her zaman çok açık değildir. Dersin stüdyo ortamında verilmesi, kritik alma süreci ve jüri değerlendirmesi öğrencilere yabancı gelmektedir. Sezgisel öğretme metodları kullanıldığı için üniversite eğitiminin ilk döneminde öğrencilerin en zorlandığı derslerden biridir. Bu makalede öncelikle Temel Tasarım dersinin yapısı ve işleyisi anlatılmaktadır. Sonra, Bauhaus okulunun yansıması olarak yaygın biçimde devam eden Temel Tasarım dersindeki farklı yaklaşımlar incelenmiştir. Gestalt prensipleri ve ilgili Temel Tasarım terim ve kavramları tartışılmıştır. Etkili bir temel tasarım dersi icin bir ders planı örneği verilmiştir.At many architecture and planning schools, in the first year there is a compulsory course on basic design in which Fundamentals of abstract representation of reality in 2D and 3D are taught. In general, the basic design course introduces Gestalt theory and its principles of design. Although this is a basic introductory course, the content is usually not properly organized. Links to the theory are generally weak, and it is frequently offered intuitively, leaving students confused in most cases. This article first explores different approaches used in basic design education at a number of universities. Second, the learning process and studio environment are discussed. Finally, an attempt is made to provide a coherent framework for basic design course

    Gravitational charges of transverse asymptotically AdS spacetimes

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    Using Killing-Yano symmetries, we construct conserved charges of spacetimes that asymptotically approach to the flat or Anti-de Sitter spaces only in certain directions. In D dimensions, this allows one to define gravitational charges (such as mass and angular momenta densities) of p-dimensional branes/solitons or any other extended objects that curve the transverse space into an asymptotically flat or AdS one. Our construction answers the question of what kind of charges the antisymmetric Killing-Yano tensors lead to.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, REVTeX 4; version 2: important corrections made; version 3: one new paragraph and 2 references added, accepted for publication in PR